include error messages instead of error codes.
* enhancement: is usefully handled by rlwrap. Thanks to William
Cushing. (lp#1249183)
+ * enhancement: new function SB-EXT:ASSERT-VERSION->= accepts a version
+ specification (multiple integer arguments) and signals a continuable error
+ if the current SBCL version is lower (older) than the specification.
+ (lp#674372)
* bug fix: EQUALP now compares correctly structures with raw slots larger
than a single word.
* bug fix: contribs couldn't be built on Windows with MinGW.
@include fun-sb-ext-delete-directory.texinfo
@include fun-sb-ext-get-time-of-day.texinfo
@include macro-sb-ext-wait-for.texinfo
+@include fun-sb-ext-version-assert.texinfo
@node Stale Extensions
@comment node-name, next, previous, up
for ,new = (cdr ,old)
until (eq ,old (setf ,old ,cas-form))
finally (return (car ,old))))))
+(defun split-version-string (string)
+ (loop
+ with start = 0
+ and end = (length string)
+ while (and start (< start end))
+ for subversion = (multiple-value-bind (subversion next)
+ (parse-integer string :start start
+ :junk-allowed t)
+ (setf start
+ (and subversion
+ next
+ (< next end)
+ (eql #\. (aref string next))
+ (1+ next)))
+ subversion)
+ when subversion
+ collect subversion))
+(defun version>= (x y)
+ (unless (or x y)
+ (return-from version>= t))
+ (let ((head-x (or (first x) 0))
+ (head-y (or (first y) 0)))
+ (or (> head-x head-y)
+ (and (= head-x head-y)
+ (version>= (rest x) (rest y))))))
+(defun assert-version->= (&rest subversions)
+ #!+sb-doc
+ "Asserts that the current SBCL is of version equal to or greater than
+the version specified in the arguments. A continuable error is signaled
+The arguments specify a sequence of subversion numbers in big endian order.
+They are compared lexicographically with the runtime version, and versions
+are treated as though trailed by an unbounded number of 0s.
+For example, (assert-version->= 1 1 4) asserts that the current SBCL is
+version 1.1.4[.0.0...] or greater, and (assert-version->= 1) that it is
+version 1[.0.0...] or greater."
+ (let ((version (split-version-string (lisp-implementation-version))))
+ (unless (version>= version subversions)
+ (cerror "Disregard this version requirement."
+ "SBCL ~A is too old for this program (version ~{~A~^.~} ~
+ or later is required)."
+ (lisp-implementation-version)
+ subversions))))
(funcall fun1 1/7)
(funcall fun1 1/100000000000000000000000000)
(assert (< (- (get-universal-time) start-time) 2))))
+(with-test (:name :version-assert-ok)
+ (sb-ext:assert-version->= 1 1 13))
+(with-test (:name :version-assert-fails)
+ (assert (raises-error?
+ (sb-ext:assert-version->= most-positive-fixnum))))