* repeated evaluation of the same DEFSTRUCT, a slot of which is
declared to have a functional type, does not cause an error
+ * fixed bug: sometimes MAKE-INSTANCE did not work with classes with
+ many :DEFAULT-INITARGS. (reported by Istvan Marko)
* fixed some bugs revealed by Paul Dietz' test suite:
** LAST and [N]BUTLAST should accept a bignum.
(let ((ps #(.d0. .d1. .d2. .d3. .d4. .d5.)))
(if (array-in-bounds-p ps i)
(aref ps i)
- (intern (format nil ".D~D." i) *the-pcl-package*)))))
+ (intern (format nil ".D~D." i) *pcl-package*)))))
;; Loop over supplied initargs and values and record which
;; instance and class slots they initialize.
(loop for (key value) on initargs by #'cddr
(list x (call-next-method) (call-next-method x))))
(assert (equal (cnm-assignment 1) '(3 1 3)))
+;;; Bug reported by Istvan Marko 2003-07-09
+(let ((class-name (gentemp)))
+ (loop for i from 1 to 9
+ for slot-name = (intern (format nil "X~D" i))
+ for initarg-name = (intern (format nil "X~D" i) :keyword)
+ collect `(,slot-name :initarg ,initarg-name) into slot-descs
+ append `(,initarg-name (list 0)) into default-initargs
+ finally (eval `(defclass ,class-name ()
+ (,@slot-descs)
+ (:default-initargs ,@default-initargs))))
+ (let ((f (compile nil `(lambda () (make-instance ',class-name)))))
+ (assert (typep (funcall f) class-name))))
;;;; success
(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104)
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)