should give an error, but SBCL allows it.
- b: READ should probably return READER-ERROR, not the bare
- arithmetic error, when input a la "1/0" or "1e1000" causes
- an arithmetic error.
It has been reported (e.g. by Peter Van Eynde) that there are
(bar x)))
shouldn't compile without error (because of the extra DEFMACRO symbol).
- As of sbcl-0.pre7.86.flaky7.3, the cross-compiler, and probably
- the CL:COMPILE function (which is based on the same %COMPILE
- mechanism) get confused by
-(defun sxhash (x)
- (labels ((sxhash-number (x)
- (etypecase x
- (fixnum (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
- (integer (sb!bignum:sxhash-bignum x))
- (single-float (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
- (double-float (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
- #!+long-float (long-float (error "stub: no LONG-FLOAT"))
- (ratio (let ((result 127810327))
- (declare (type fixnum result))
- (mixf result (sxhash-number (numerator x)))
- (mixf result (sxhash-number (denominator x)))
- result))
- (complex (let ((result 535698211))
- (declare (type fixnum result))
- (mixf result (sxhash-number (realpart x)))
- (mixf result (sxhash-number (imagpart x)))
- result))))
- (sxhash-recurse (x &optional (depthoid +max-hash-depthoid+))
- (declare (type index depthoid))
- (typecase x
- (list
- (if (plusp depthoid)
- (mix (sxhash-recurse (car x) (1- depthoid))
- (sxhash-recurse (cdr x) (1- depthoid)))
- 261835505))
- (instance
- (if (typep x 'structure-object)
- (logxor 422371266
- (sxhash ; through DEFTRANSFORM
- (class-name (layout-class (%instance-layout x)))))
- 309518995))
- (symbol (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
- (number (sxhash-number x))
- (array
- (typecase x
- (simple-string (sxhash x)) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
- (string (%sxhash-substring x))
- (bit-vector (let ((result 410823708))
- (declare (type fixnum result))
- (dotimes (i (min depthoid (length x)))
- (mixf result (aref x i)))
- result))
- (t (logxor 191020317 (sxhash (array-rank x))))))
- (character
- (logxor 72185131
- (sxhash (char-code x)))) ; through DEFTRANSFORM
- (t 42))))
- (sxhash-recurse x)))
- complaining "function called with two arguments, but wants exactly
- one" about SXHASH-RECURSE. (This might not be strictly a new bug,
- since IIRC post-fork CMU CL has also had problems with &OPTIONAL
- arguments in FLET/LABELS: it might be an old Python bug which is
- only exercised by the new arrangement of the SBCL compiler.)
Ideally, uninterning a symbol would allow it, and its associated
FDEFINITION and PROCLAIM data, to be reclaimed by the GC. However,
macro is unhappy with the illegal syntax in the method body, and
is giving an unclear error message.
- (reported by Dan Barlow on sbcl-devel 2002-05-10)
- In sbcl-, doing
- (defstruct foo bar baz)
- (compile nil (lambda (x) (or x (foo-baz x))))
- gives an error
- debugger invoked on condition of type SB-INT:BUG:
- full call to SB-KERNEL:%INSTANCE-REF
- This is probably a bug in SBCL itself. [...]
- Since this is a reasonable user error, it shouldn't be reported as
- an SBCL bug.
sbcl's treatment of at least macro lambda lists is too permissive;
e.g., in sbcl-
APD further reports that this bug is not present in CMUCL.
-200: "TRANSLATE-LOGICAL-PATHNAME fails on physical pathname namestrings"
- Reported by Kevin Rosenburg on #lisp IRC 2002-09-16
- should simply return #P"/", but signals an error in sbcl-
- Fixed in sbcl- bug temporarily left here in BUGS to avoid
- its number being accidentally reallocated
+201: "Incautious type inference from compound CONS types"
+ (reported by APD sbcl-devel 2002-09-17)
+ (FORMAT NIL "~S IS ~S, Y = ~S"
+ (CAR X)
+ Y)))
+ (FOO ' (1 . 2)) => "NIL IS INTEGER, Y = 1"
(declare (type bignum-index len))
(let ((exp (+ exp bias)))
(when (> exp max)
- (error "Too large to be represented as a ~S:~% ~S"
- format x))
+ ;; Why a SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR? Well, this is mainly
+ ;; called by COERCE, which requires an error of
+ ;; TYPE-ERROR if the conversion can't happen
+ ;; (except in certain circumstances when we are
+ ;; coercing to a FUNCTION) -- CSR, 2002-09-18
+ (error 'simple-type-error
+ :format-control "Too large to be represented as a ~S:~% ~S"
+ :format-arguments (list format x)
+ :expected-type format
+ :datum x))
"unexpected end of file on ~S ~A"
(stream-error-stream condition)
(reader-eof-error-context condition)))))
+(define-condition reader-impossible-number-error (reader-error)
+ ((error :reader reader-impossible-number-error-error :initarg :error))
+ (:report
+ (lambda (condition stream)
+ (let ((error-stream (stream-error-stream condition)))
+ (format stream "READER-ERROR ~@[at ~W ~]on ~S:~%~?~%Original error: ~A"
+ (file-position error-stream) error-stream
+ (reader-error-format-control condition)
+ (reader-error-format-arguments condition)
+ (reader-impossible-number-error-error condition))))))
;;;; special SBCL extension conditions
RIGHTDIGIT ; saw "[sign] {digit}* dot {digit}+"
(ouch-read-buffer char)
(setq char (read-char stream nil nil))
- (unless char (return (make-float)))
+ (unless char (return (make-float stream)))
(case (char-class char attribute-table)
(#.+char-attr-constituent-digit+ (go RIGHTDIGIT))
(#.+char-attr-constituent-expt+ (go EXPONENT))
(unread-char char stream)
- (return (make-float)))
+ (return (make-float stream)))
(#.+char-attr-escape+ (go ESCAPE))
(#.+char-attr-multiple-escape+ (go MULT-ESCAPE))
(#.+char-attr-package-delimiter+ (go COLON))
EXPTDIGIT ; got to EXPONENT, saw "[sign] {digit}+"
(ouch-read-buffer char)
(setq char (read-char stream nil nil))
- (unless char (return (make-float)))
+ (unless char (return (make-float stream)))
(case (char-class char attribute-table)
(#.+char-attr-constituent-digit+ (go EXPTDIGIT))
(unread-char char stream)
- (return (make-float)))
+ (return (make-float stream)))
(#.+char-attr-escape+ (go ESCAPE))
(#.+char-attr-multiple-escape+ (go MULT-ESCAPE))
(#.+char-attr-package-delimiter+ (go COLON))
RATIODIGIT ; saw "[sign] {digit}+ slash {digit}+"
(ouch-read-buffer char)
(setq char (read-char stream nil nil))
- (unless char (return (make-ratio)))
+ (unless char (return (make-ratio stream)))
(case (char-class2 char attribute-table)
(#.+char-attr-constituent-digit+ (go RATIODIGIT))
(unread-char char stream)
- (return (make-ratio)))
+ (return (make-ratio stream)))
(#.+char-attr-escape+ (go ESCAPE))
(#.+char-attr-multiple-escape+ (go MULT-ESCAPE))
(#.+char-attr-package-delimiter+ (go COLON))
(the index (* num base))))))))
(setq number (+ num (* number base-power)))))))
-(defun make-float ()
+(defun make-float (stream)
;; Assume that the contents of *read-buffer* are a legal float, with nothing
;; else after it.
(cond ((eofp char)
;; If not, we've read the whole number.
(let ((num (make-float-aux number divisor
- *read-default-float-format*)))
+ *read-default-float-format*
+ stream)))
(return-from make-float (if negative-fraction (- num) num))))
((exponent-letterp char)
(setq float-char char)
(incf exponent correction)
(setf number (/ number (expt 10 correction)))
- (setq num (make-float-aux number divisor float-format))
+ (setq num (make-float-aux number divisor float-format stream))
(setq num (* num (expt 10 exponent)))
(return-from make-float (if negative-fraction
(- num)
;; should never happen
(t (bug "bad fallthrough in floating point reader")))))
-(defun make-float-aux (number divisor float-format)
- (coerce (/ number divisor) float-format))
+(defun make-float-aux (number divisor float-format stream)
+ (handler-case
+ (coerce (/ number divisor) float-format)
+ (type-error (c)
+ (error 'reader-impossible-number-error
+ :error c :stream stream
+ :format-control "failed to build float"))))
-(defun make-ratio ()
+(defun make-ratio (stream)
;; Assume *READ-BUFFER* contains a legal ratio. Build the number from
;; the string.
(dig ()))
((or (eofp ch) (not (setq dig (digit-char-p ch *read-base*)))))
(setq denominator (+ (* denominator *read-base*) dig)))
- (let ((num (/ numerator denominator)))
+ (let ((num (handler-case
+ (/ numerator denominator)
+ (arithmetic-error (c)
+ (error 'reader-impossible-number-error
+ :error c :stream stream
+ :format-control "failed to build ratio")))))
(if negative-number (- num) num))))
;;;; cruft for dispatch macros
(assert (null (ignore-errors (compiled-logxor #c(2 3)))))
(assert (= (compiled-logxor -6) -6))
+(assert (raises-error? (coerce (expt 10 1000) 'single-float) type-error))
(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104)
\ No newline at end of file
(in-package :cl-user)
+(load "assertoid.lisp")
;;; Bug 30, involving mistakes in binding the read table, made this
;;; code fail.
(defun read-vector (stream char)
(assert (equalp res #(#\x)))
(assert (= pos 5)))
+;;; Bug 51b. (try to throw READER-ERRORs when the reader encounters
+;;; dubious input)
+(assert (raises-error? (read-from-string "1e1000") reader-error))
+(assert (raises-error? (read-from-string "1/0") reader-error))
;;; success
(quit :unix-status 104)
;;; internal versions off the main CVS branch, it gets hairier, e.g.
;;; "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)