* bug fix: redefining a class definition which failed due to a
previous accessor / function clash now works (but see BUGS entry
#380 for more problems in this area). (thanks to Zach Beane)
+ * the long form of DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION disables method group
+ checking when given a single method group with pattern *. (thanks
+ to Wendall Marvel)
* on x86 compiler supports stack allocation of results of simple
calls of MAKE-ARRAY, bound to variables, declared DYNAMIC-EXTENT.
* fixed some bugs related to Unicode integration:
.method-combination. .applicable-methods.))
(block .long-method-combination-function. ,wrapped-body))))))
-;; parse-method-group-specifiers parse the method-group-specifiers
(define-condition long-method-combination-error
(reference-condition simple-error)
:references (list '(:ansi-cl :macro define-method-combination))))
+;;; NOTE:
+;;; The semantics of long form method combination in the presence of
+;;; multiple methods with the same specializers in the same method
+;;; group are unclear by the spec: a portion of the standard implies
+;;; that an error should be signalled, and another is more lenient.
+;;; It is reasonable to allow a single method group of * to bypass all
+;;; rules, as this is explicitly stated in the standard.
+(defun group-cond-clause (name tests specializer-cache star-only)
+ (let ((maybe-error-clause
+ (if star-only
+ `(setq ,specializer-cache .specializers.)
+ `(if (and (equal ,specializer-cache .specializers.)
+ (not (null .specializers.)))
+ (return-from .long-method-combination-function.
+ '(error 'long-method-combination-error
+ :format-control "More than one method of type ~S ~
+ with the same specializers."
+ :format-arguments (list ',name)))
+ (setq ,specializer-cache .specializers.)))))
+ `((or ,@tests)
+ ,maybe-error-clause
+ (push .method. ,name))))
(defun wrap-method-group-specifier-bindings
- (method-group-specifiers declarations real-body)
- (let (names
- specializer-caches
- cond-clauses
- required-checks
- order-cleanups)
+ (method-group-specifiers declarations real-body)
+ (let (names specializer-caches cond-clauses required-checks order-cleanups)
+ (let ((nspecifiers (length method-group-specifiers)))
(dolist (method-group-specifier method-group-specifiers)
- (multiple-value-bind (name tests description order required)
- (parse-method-group-specifier method-group-specifier)
- (declare (ignore description))
- (let ((specializer-cache (gensym)))
- (push name names)
- (push specializer-cache specializer-caches)
- (push `((or ,@tests)
- (if (and (equal ,specializer-cache .specializers.)
- (not (null .specializers.)))
- (return-from .long-method-combination-function.
- '(error 'long-method-combination-error
- :format-control "More than one method of type ~S ~
- with the same specializers."
- :format-arguments (list ',name)))
- (setq ,specializer-cache .specializers.))
- (push .method. ,name))
- cond-clauses)
- (when required
- (push `(when (null ,name)
- (return-from .long-method-combination-function.
- '(error 'long-method-combination-error
- :format-control "No ~S methods."
- :format-arguments (list ',name))))
- required-checks))
- (loop (unless (and (constantp order)
- (neq order (setq order (eval order))))
- (return t)))
- (push (cond ((eq order :most-specific-first)
- `(setq ,name (nreverse ,name)))
- ((eq order :most-specific-last) ())
- (t
- `(ecase ,order
- (:most-specific-first
- (setq ,name (nreverse ,name)))
- (:most-specific-last))))
- order-cleanups))))
- `(let (,@(nreverse names) ,@(nreverse specializer-caches))
- ,@declarations
- (dolist (.method. .applicable-methods.)
- (let ((.qualifiers. (method-qualifiers .method.))
- (.specializers. (method-specializers .method.)))
- (declare (ignorable .qualifiers. .specializers.))
- (cond ,@(nreverse cond-clauses))))
- ,@(nreverse required-checks)
- ,@(nreverse order-cleanups)
- ,@real-body)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (name tests description order required)
+ (parse-method-group-specifier method-group-specifier)
+ (declare (ignore description))
+ (let ((specializer-cache (gensym)))
+ (push name names)
+ (push specializer-cache specializer-caches)
+ (push (group-cond-clause name tests specializer-cache
+ (and (eq (cadr method-group-specifier) '*)
+ (= nspecifiers 1)))
+ cond-clauses)
+ (when required
+ (push `(when (null ,name)
+ (return-from .long-method-combination-function.
+ '(error 'long-method-combination-error
+ :format-control "No ~S methods."
+ :format-arguments (list ',name))))
+ required-checks))
+ (loop (unless (and (constantp order)
+ (neq order (setq order (eval order))))
+ (return t)))
+ (push (cond ((eq order :most-specific-first)
+ `(setq ,name (nreverse ,name)))
+ ((eq order :most-specific-last) ())
+ (t
+ `(ecase ,order
+ (:most-specific-first
+ (setq ,name (nreverse ,name)))
+ (:most-specific-last))))
+ order-cleanups))))
+ `(let (,@(nreverse names) ,@(nreverse specializer-caches))
+ ,@declarations
+ (dolist (.method. .applicable-methods.)
+ (let ((.qualifiers. (method-qualifiers .method.))
+ (.specializers. (method-specializers .method.)))
+ (declare (ignorable .qualifiers. .specializers.))
+ (cond ,@(nreverse cond-clauses))))
+ ,@(nreverse required-checks)
+ ,@(nreverse order-cleanups)
+ ,@real-body))))
(defun parse-method-group-specifier (method-group-specifier)
;;(declare (values name tests description order required))
+;;; DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION should, according to the description in 7.7,
+;;; allow you to do everything in the body forms yourself if you specify
+;;; exactly one method group whose qualifier-pattern is *
+;;; The specific language is:
+;;; "The use of method group specifiers provides a convenient syntax to select
+;;; methods, to divide them among the possible roles, and to perform the
+;;; necessary error checking. It is possible to perform further filtering of
+;;; methods in the body forms by using normal list-processing operations and
+;;; the functions method-qualifiers and invalid-method-error. It is permissible
+;;; to use setq on the variables named in the method group specifiers and to
+;;; bind additional variables. It is also possible to bypass the method group
+;;; specifier mechanism and do everything in the body forms. This is
+;;; accomplished by writing a single method group with * as its only
+;;; qualifier-pattern; the variable is then bound to a list of all of the
+;;; applicable methods, in most-specific-first order."
+(define-method-combination wam-test-method-combination-a ()
+ ((all-methods *))
+ (do ((methods all-methods (rest methods))
+ (primary nil)
+ (around nil))
+ ((null methods)
+ (let ((primary (nreverse primary))
+ (around (nreverse around)))
+ (if primary
+ (let ((form (if (rest primary)
+ `(call-method ,(first primary) ,(rest primary))
+ `(call-method ,(first primary)))))
+ (if around
+ `(call-method ,(first around) (,@(rest around)
+ (make-method ,form)))
+ form))
+ `(make-method (error "No primary methods")))))
+ (let* ((method (first methods))
+ (qualifier (first (method-qualifiers method))))
+ (cond
+ ((equal :around qualifier)
+ (push method around))
+ ((null qualifier)
+ (push method primary))))))
+(defgeneric wam-test-mc-a (val)
+ (:method-combination wam-test-method-combination-a))
+(assert (raises-error? (wam-test-mc-a 13)))
+(defmethod wam-test-mc-a ((val number))
+ (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(assert (= (wam-test-mc-a 13) 13))
+(defmethod wam-test-mc-a :around ((val number))
+ (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(assert (= (wam-test-mc-a 13) 26))
+;;; When two methods are in the same method group and have the same
+;;; specializers, their sort order within the group may be ambiguous. Therefore,
+;;; we should throw an error when we have two methods in the same group with
+;;; the same specializers /as long as/ we have more than one method group
+;;; or our single method group qualifier-pattern is not *. This resolves the
+;;; apparent conflict with the above 'It is also possible to bypass' language.
+;;; The language specifying this behavior is:
+;;; "Note that two methods with identical specializers, but with different
+;;; qualifiers, are not ordered by the algorithm described in Step 2 of the
+;;; method selection and combination process described in Section 7.6.6
+;;; (Method Selection and Combination). Normally the two methods play different
+;;; roles in the effective method because they have different qualifiers, and
+;;; no matter how they are ordered in the result of Step 2, the effective
+;;; method is the same. If the two methods play the same role and their order
+;;; matters, an error is signaled. This happens as part of the qualifier
+;;; pattern matching in define-method-combination."
+;;; Note that the spec pretty much equates 'method group' and 'role'.
+;; First we ensure that it fails correctly when there is more than one
+;; method group
+(define-method-combination wam-test-method-combination-b ()
+ ((around (:around))
+ (primary * :required t))
+ (let ((form (if (rest primary)
+ `(call-method ,(first primary) ,(rest primary))
+ `(call-method ,(first primary)))))
+ (if around
+ `(call-method ,(first around) (,@(rest around)
+ (make-method ,form)))
+ form)))
+(defgeneric wam-test-mc-b (val)
+ (:method-combination wam-test-method-combination-b))
+(defmethod wam-test-mc-b ((val number))
+ (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(assert (= (wam-test-mc-b 13) 13))
+(defmethod wam-test-mc-b :around ((val number))
+ (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(assert (= (wam-test-mc-b 13) 26))
+(defmethod wam-test-mc-b :somethingelse ((val number))
+ (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(assert (raises-error? (wam-test-mc-b 13)))
+;;; now, ensure that it fails with a single group with a qualifier-pattern
+;;; that is not *
+(define-method-combination wam-test-method-combination-c ()
+ ((methods listp :required t))
+ (if (rest methods)
+ `(call-method ,(first methods) ,(rest methods))
+ `(call-method ,(first methods))))
+(defgeneric wam-test-mc-c (val)
+ (:method-combination wam-test-method-combination-c))
+(assert (raises-error? (wam-test-mc-c 13)))
+(defmethod wam-test-mc-c :foo ((val number))
+ (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(assert (= (wam-test-mc-c 13) 13))
+(defmethod wam-test-mc-c :bar ((val number))
+ (+ val (if (next-method-p) (call-next-method) 0)))
+(assert (raises-error? (wam-test-mc-c 13)))
;;; DEFMETHOD should signal an ERROR if an incompatible lambda list is
;;; given:
(defmethod incompatible-ll-test-1 (x) x)
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)