(defun class-can-precede-p (class1 class2)
(member class2 (class-can-precede-list class1) :test #'eq))
-;;; This is called from %UPDATE-SLOTS when layout doesn't seem to change.
-;;; SLOT-INFO structures from old slotds may have been cached in permutation
-;;; vectors, but new slotds have had new ones allocated to them.
+;;; This is called from %UPDATE-SLOTS to check if slot layouts are compatible.
-;;; This is non-problematic for standard slotds, because we know the structure
-;;; is compatible, but if a slot definition class changes, this can change the
-;;; way SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS should dispatch.
+;;; In addition to slot locations (implicit in the ordering of the slots), we
+;;; must check classes: SLOT-INFO structures from old slotds may have been
+;;; cached in permutation vectors, but new slotds have had new ones allocated
+;;; to them. This is non-problematic for standard slotds, because we know the
+;;; structure is compatible, but if a slot definition class changes, this can
+;;; change the way SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS should dispatch.
-;;; So, compare all slotd classes, and return T if all remain the same.
-(defun slotd-classes-eq (oslotds nslotds)
- (labels ((pop-nslotd (name)
- (aver nslotds)
- ;; Most of the time the first slot is right, but because the
- ;; order of instance and non-instance slots can change without
- ;; layout changing we cannot rely on that.
- (let ((n (pop nslotds)))
- (if (eq name (slot-definition-name n))
- n
- (prog1
- (pop-nslotd name)
- (push n nslotds))))))
- (loop while oslotds
- for o = (pop oslotds)
- for n = (pop-nslotd (slot-definition-name o))
- always (eq (class-of o) (class-of n)))))
+;;; Also, if the slot has a non-standard allocation, we need to check that it
+;;; doesn't change.
+(defun slot-layouts-compatible-p
+ (oslotds new-instance-slotds new-class-slotds new-custom-slotds)
+ (multiple-value-bind (old-instance-slotds old-class-slotds old-custom-slotds)
+ (classify-slotds oslotds)
+ (and
+ ;; Instance slots: name, type, and class.
+ (dolist (o old-instance-slotds (not new-instance-slotds))
+ (let ((n (pop new-instance-slotds)))
+ (unless (and n
+ (eq (slot-definition-name o) (slot-definition-name n))
+ (eq (slot-definition-type o) (slot-definition-type n))
+ (eq (class-of o) (class-of n)))
+ (return nil))))
+ ;; Class slots: name and class. (FIXME: class slots not typechecked?)
+ (dolist (o old-class-slotds (not new-class-slotds))
+ (let ((n (pop new-class-slotds)))
+ (unless (and n
+ (eq (slot-definition-name o) (slot-definition-name n))
+ (eq (class-of n) (class-of o)))
+ (return nil))))
+ ;; Custom slots: check name, type, allocation, and class. (FIXME: should we just punt?)
+ (dolist (o old-custom-slotds (not new-custom-slotds))
+ (let ((n (pop new-custom-slotds)))
+ (unless (and n
+ (eq (slot-definition-name o) (slot-definition-name n))
+ (eq (slot-definition-type o) (slot-definition-type n))
+ (eq (slot-definition-allocation o) (slot-definition-allocation n))
+ (eq (class-of o) (class-of n)))
+ (return nil)))))))
(defun %update-slots (class eslotds)
- (let ((instance-slots ())
- (class-slots ()))
- (dolist (eslotd eslotds)
- (let ((alloc (slot-definition-allocation eslotd)))
- (case alloc
- (:instance (push eslotd instance-slots))
- (:class (push eslotd class-slots)))))
- ;; If there is a change in the shape of the instances then the
- ;; old class is now obsolete.
- (let* ((nlayout (mapcar (lambda (slotd)
- (cons (slot-definition-name slotd)
- (slot-definition-type slotd)))
- (sort instance-slots #'<
- :key #'slot-definition-location)))
- (nslots (length nlayout))
- (nwrapper-class-slots (compute-class-slots class-slots))
- (owrapper (when (class-finalized-p class)
- (class-wrapper class)))
- (olayout (when owrapper
- (wrapper-instance-slots-layout owrapper)))
- (owrapper-class-slots (and owrapper (wrapper-class-slots owrapper)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (instance-slots class-slots custom-slots)
+ (classify-slotds eslotds)
+ (let* ((nslots (length instance-slots))
+ (owrapper (when (class-finalized-p class) (class-wrapper class)))
- (cond ((null owrapper)
- (make-wrapper nslots class))
- ((and (equal nlayout olayout)
- (equal (mapcar #'car owrapper-class-slots)
- (mapcar #'car nwrapper-class-slots))
- (slotd-classes-eq (slot-value class 'slots) eslotds))
- owrapper)
- (t
- ;; This will initialize the new wrapper to have the
- ;; same state as the old wrapper. We will then have
- ;; to change that. This may seem like wasted work
- ;; (and it is), but the spec requires that we call
- (make-instances-obsolete class)
- (class-wrapper class)))))
+ (cond ((null owrapper)
+ (make-wrapper nslots class))
+ ((slot-layouts-compatible-p (wrapper-slots owrapper)
+ instance-slots class-slots custom-slots)
+ owrapper)
+ (t
+ ;; This will initialize the new wrapper to have the
+ ;; same state as the old wrapper. We will then have
+ ;; to change that. This may seem like wasted work
+ ;; (and it is), but the spec requires that we call
+ (make-instances-obsolete class)
+ (class-wrapper class)))))
(%update-lisp-class-layout class nwrapper)
(setf (slot-value class 'slots) eslotds
+ (wrapper-slots nwrapper) eslotds
(wrapper-slot-table nwrapper) (make-slot-table class eslotds)
- (wrapper-instance-slots-layout nwrapper) nlayout
- (wrapper-class-slots nwrapper) nwrapper-class-slots
(wrapper-length nwrapper) nslots
(slot-value class 'wrapper) nwrapper)
(do* ((slots (slot-value class 'slots) (cdr slots))
(unless (eq owrapper nwrapper)
(maybe-update-standard-slot-locations class)))))
-(defun compute-class-slots (eslotds)
- (let (collect)
- (dolist (eslotd eslotds (nreverse collect))
- (let ((cell (assoc (slot-definition-name eslotd)
- (class-slot-cells
- (slot-definition-allocation-class eslotd)))))
- (aver cell)
- (push cell collect)))))
(defun update-gf-dfun (class gf)
(let ((*new-class* class)
(arg-info (gf-arg-info gf)))
(eq (layout-invalid owrapper) t))
(let ((nwrapper (make-wrapper (layout-length owrapper)
- (setf (wrapper-instance-slots-layout nwrapper)
- (wrapper-instance-slots-layout owrapper))
- (setf (wrapper-class-slots nwrapper)
- (wrapper-class-slots owrapper))
+ (setf (wrapper-slots nwrapper)
+ (wrapper-slots owrapper))
(setf (wrapper-slot-table nwrapper)
(wrapper-slot-table owrapper))
(%update-lisp-class-layout class nwrapper)
(if (class-has-a-forward-referenced-superclass-p class)
(return-from make-instances-obsolete class)
(%update-cpl class (compute-class-precedence-list class))))
- (setf (wrapper-instance-slots-layout nwrapper)
- (wrapper-instance-slots-layout owrapper))
- (setf (wrapper-class-slots nwrapper)
- (wrapper-class-slots owrapper))
+ (setf (wrapper-slots nwrapper)
+ (wrapper-slots owrapper))
(setf (wrapper-slot-table nwrapper)
(wrapper-slot-table owrapper))
(%update-lisp-class-layout class nwrapper)
(error 'obsolete-structure :datum instance)))
(let* ((class (wrapper-class* nwrapper))
(copy (allocate-instance class)) ;??? allocate-instance ???
- (olayout (wrapper-instance-slots-layout owrapper))
- (nlayout (wrapper-instance-slots-layout nwrapper))
(oslots (get-slots instance))
(nslots (get-slots copy))
- (oclass-slots (wrapper-class-slots owrapper))
(added ())
(discarded ())
(plist ())
;; local --> local transfer value, check type
;; local --> shared discard value, discard slot
;; local --> -- discard slot
+ ;; local --> custom XXX
;; shared --> local transfer value, check type
;; shared --> shared -- (cf SHARED-INITIALIZE :AFTER STD-CLASS)
;; shared --> -- discard value
+ ;; shared --> custom XXX
;; -- --> local add slot
;; -- --> shared --
- (flet ((set-value (value npos &optional (otype t))
- (when safe
- (let ((ntype (cdr (nth npos nlayout))))
- (unless (equal ntype otype)
- (assert (typep value ntype) (value)
- "~@<Error updating obsolete instance. Current value in slot ~
- ~S of an instance of ~S is ~S, which does not match the new ~
- slot type ~S.~:@>"
- (car (nth npos nlayout)) class value ntype))))
- (setf (clos-slots-ref nslots npos) value)))
- ;; Go through all the old local slots.
- (let ((opos 0))
- (dolist (spec olayout)
- (destructuring-bind (name . otype) spec
- (let ((npos (position name nlayout :key #'car)))
- (if npos
- (set-value (clos-slots-ref oslots opos) npos otype)
- (progn
- (push name discarded)
- (unless (eq (clos-slots-ref oslots opos) +slot-unbound+)
- (setf (getf plist name) (clos-slots-ref oslots opos)))))))
- (incf opos)))
- ;; Go through all the old shared slots.
- (dolist (oclass-slot-and-val oclass-slots)
- (let ((name (car oclass-slot-and-val))
- (val (cdr oclass-slot-and-val)))
- (let ((npos (position name nlayout :key #'car)))
- (when npos
- (set-value val npos))))))
- ;; Go through all the new local slots to compute the added slots.
- (dolist (spec nlayout)
- (let ((name (car spec)))
- (unless (or (member name olayout :key #'car)
- (assq name oclass-slots))
- (push name added))))
+ ;; -- --> custom XXX
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-instance-slots new-class-slots new-custom-slots)
+ (classify-slotds (wrapper-slots nwrapper))
+ (declare (ignore new-class-slots))
+ (multiple-value-bind (old-instance-slots old-class-slots old-custom-slots)
+ (classify-slotds (wrapper-slots owrapper))
+ (let ((layout (mapcar (lambda (slotd)
+ ;; Get the names only once.
+ (cons (slot-definition-name slotd) slotd))
+ new-instance-slots)))
+ (flet ((set-value (value cell)
+ (let ((name (car cell))
+ (slotd (cdr cell)))
+ (when (and safe (neq value +slot-unbound+))
+ (let ((type (slot-definition-type slotd)))
+ (assert
+ (typep value type) (value)
+ "~@<Error updating obsolete instance. Current value in slot ~
+ ~S of an instance of ~S is ~S, which does not match the new ~
+ slot type ~S.~:@>"
+ name class value type)))
+ (setf (clos-slots-ref nslots (slot-definition-location slotd)) value
+ ;; Prune from the list now that it's been dealt with.
+ layout (remove cell layout)))))
+ ;; Go through all the old local slots.
+ (dolist (old old-instance-slots)
+ (let* ((name (slot-definition-name old))
+ (value (clos-slots-ref oslots (slot-definition-location old))))
+ (unless (eq value +slot-unbound+)
+ (let ((new (assq name layout)))
+ (cond (new
+ (set-value value new))
+ (t
+ (push name discarded)
+ (setf (getf plist name) value)))))))
+ ;; Go through all the old shared slots.
+ (dolist (old old-class-slots)
+ (let* ((cell (slot-definition-location old))
+ (name (car cell))
+ (new (assq name layout)))
+ (when new
+ (set-value (cdr cell) new))))
+ ;; Go through all custom slots to find added ones. CLHS
+ ;; doesn't specify what to do about them, and neither does
+ ;; AMOP. We do want them to get initialized, though, so we
+ ;; list them in ADDED for the benefit of SHARED-INITIALIZE.
+ (dolist (new new-custom-slots)
+ (let* ((name (slot-definition-name new))
+ (old (find name old-custom-slots :key #'slot-definition-name)))
+ (unless old
+ (push name added))))
+ ;; Go through all the remaining new local slots to compute the added slots.
+ (dolist (cell layout)
+ (push (car cell) added))))))
(%swap-wrappers-and-slots instance copy)
(copy (allocate-instance new-class))
(new-wrapper (get-wrapper copy))
(old-wrapper (class-wrapper old-class))
- (old-layout (wrapper-instance-slots-layout old-wrapper))
- (new-layout (wrapper-instance-slots-layout new-wrapper))
(old-slots (get-slots instance))
(new-slots (get-slots copy))
- (old-class-slots (wrapper-class-slots old-wrapper))
(safe (safe-p new-class)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-instance-slots new-class-slots)
+ (classify-slotds (wrapper-slots new-wrapper))
+ (multiple-value-bind (old-instance-slots old-class-slots)
+ (classify-slotds (wrapper-slots old-wrapper))
- (flet ((set-value (value pos)
- (when safe
- (let ((spec (nth pos new-layout)))
- (assert (typep value (cdr spec)) (value)
- "~@<Error changing class. Current value in slot ~S ~
- of an instance of ~S is ~S, which does not match the new ~
- slot type ~S in class ~S.~:@>"
- (car spec) old-class value
- (cdr spec) new-class)))
- (setf (clos-slots-ref new-slots pos) value)))
- ;; "The values of local slots specified by both the class CTO and
- ;; CFROM are retained. If such a local slot was unbound, it
- ;; remains unbound."
- (let ((new-position 0))
- (dolist (new-slot new-layout)
- (let* ((name (car new-slot))
- (old-position (position name old-layout :key #'car)))
- (when old-position
- (set-value (clos-slots-ref old-slots old-position)
- new-position)))
- (incf new-position)))
- ;; "The values of slots specified as shared in the class CFROM and
- ;; as local in the class CTO are retained."
- (dolist (slot-and-val old-class-slots)
- (let ((position (position (car slot-and-val) new-layout :key #'car)))
- (when position
- (set-value (cdr slot-and-val) position)))))
+ (flet ((set-value (value slotd)
+ (when safe
+ (assert (typep value (slot-definition-type slotd)) (value)
+ "~@<Error changing class. Current value in slot ~S ~
+ of an instance of ~S is ~S, which does not match the new ~
+ slot type ~S in class ~S.~:@>"
+ (slot-definition-name slotd) old-class value
+ (slot-definition-type slotd) new-class))
+ (setf (clos-slots-ref new-slots (slot-definition-location slotd)) value)))
+ ;; "The values of local slots specified by both the class CTO and
+ ;; CFROM are retained. If such a local slot was unbound, it
+ ;; remains unbound."
+ (dolist (new new-instance-slots)
+ (let* ((name (slot-definition-name new))
+ (old (find name old-instance-slots :key #'slot-definition-name)))
+ (when old
+ (set-value (clos-slots-ref old-slots (slot-definition-location old))
+ new))))
+ ;; "The values of slots specified as shared in the class CFROM and
+ ;; as local in the class CTO are retained."
+ (dolist (old old-class-slots)
+ (let* ((slot-and-val (slot-definition-location old))
+ (new (find (car slot-and-val) new-instance-slots
+ :key #'slot-definition-name)))
+ (when new
+ (set-value (cdr slot-and-val) new)))))))
;; Make the copy point to the old instance's storage, and make the
;; old instance point to the new storage.
(setf (cdr entry) new-value))
+ (defun dynamic-slot-names (instance)
+ (mapcar #'car (gethash instance table)))
(defun dynamic-slot-boundp (instance slot-name)
(let* ((alist (gethash instance table))
(entry (assoc slot-name alist)))
(unless (null entry)
(setf (gethash instance table) (delete entry alist))))
(defmethod allocate-instance ((class dynamic-slot-class) &key)
(assert (not (slot-boundp *three* 'slot1)))
(assert (eq (slot-value *three* 'slot2) t))
(assert (= (slot-value *three* 'slot3) 3))
+(defmethod slot-missing ((class dynamic-slot-class) instance slot-name operation &optional v)
+ (declare (ignore v))
+ (list :slot-missing slot-name))
+;;; Test redefinition adding a dynamic slot
+(defclass test-class-3 (test-class-1)
+ ((slot2 :initarg :slot2 :initform t :allocation :dynamic)
+ (slot3 :initarg :slot3)
+ (slot4 :initarg :slot4 :initform 42 :allocation :dynamic))
+ (:metaclass dynamic-slot-subclass))
+(assert (= 42 (slot-value *three* 'slot4)))
+;;; Test redefinition removing a dynamic slot
+(defclass test-class-3 (test-class-1)
+ ((slot2 :initarg :slot2 :initform t :allocation :dynamic)
+ (slot3 :initarg :slot3))
+ (:metaclass dynamic-slot-subclass))
+(assert (equal (list :slot-missing 'slot4) (slot-value *three* 'slot4)))
+;;; Test redefinition making a dynamic slot local
+;;; NOTE: seriously underspecified. We muddle somehow.
+(defclass test-class-3 (test-class-1)
+ ((slot2 :initarg :slot2 :initform 'ok :allocation :instance)
+ (slot3 :initarg :slot3))
+ (:metaclass dynamic-slot-subclass))
+(let* ((slots (class-slots (find-class 'test-class-3)))
+ (slot (find 'slot2 slots :key #'slot-definition-name)))
+ (assert (eq :instance (slot-definition-allocation slot)))
+ (assert (eq 'ok (slot-value *three* 'slot2))))
+;;; Test redefinition making a local slot dynamic again
+;;; NOTE: seriously underspecified. We muddle somehow.
+;;; This picks up the old value from the table, not the
+;;; new initform.
+(defclass test-class-3 (test-class-1)
+ ((slot2 :initarg :slot2 :initform 'ok? :allocation :dynamic)
+ (slot3 :initarg :slot3))
+ (:metaclass dynamic-slot-subclass))
+(let* ((slots (class-slots (find-class 'test-class-3)))
+ (slot (find 'slot2 slots :key #'slot-definition-name)))
+ (assert (eq :dynamic (slot-definition-allocation slot)))
+ (assert (eq t (slot-value *three* 'slot2))))
+;;; Test redefinition making a dynamic slot local, with
+;;; UPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-REDEFINED-CLASS unbinding the dynamic slot.
+;;; Then we make it dynamic again.
+;;; NOTE: seriously underspecified. We muddle somehow.
+(defmethod update-instance-for-redefined-class :after ((obj test-class-3) add drop plist
+ &rest inits)
+ (declare (ignore inits))
+ (let* ((class (class-of obj))
+ (slots (class-slots class)))
+ (dolist (name (dynamic-slot-names obj))
+ (let ((slotd (find name slots :key #'slot-definition-name)))
+ (unless (and slotd (eq :dynamic (slot-definition-allocation slotd)))
+ (dynamic-slot-makunbound obj name))))))
+(defclass test-class-3 (test-class-1)
+ ((slot2 :initarg :slot2 :initform 'ok :allocation :instance)
+ (slot3 :initarg :slot3))
+ (:metaclass dynamic-slot-subclass))
+(let* ((slots (class-slots (find-class 'test-class-3)))
+ (slot (find 'slot2 slots :key #'slot-definition-name)))
+ (assert (eq :instance (slot-definition-allocation slot)))
+ (assert (eq 'ok (slot-value *three* 'slot2))))
+(defclass test-class-3 (test-class-1)
+ ((slot2 :initarg :slot2 :initform 'ok! :allocation :dynamic)
+ (slot3 :initarg :slot3))
+ (:metaclass dynamic-slot-subclass))
+(let* ((slots (class-slots (find-class 'test-class-3)))
+ (slot (find 'slot2 slots :key #'slot-definition-name)))
+ (assert (eq :dynamic (slot-definition-allocation slot)))
+ (assert (eq 'ok! (slot-value *three* 'slot2))))