(defgeneric accessor-modifier-for (element-type accessor-type))
-(defmacro identity-1 (thing &rest ignored)
- (declare (ignore ignored))
- thing)
-(defun (setf identity-1) (new-thing place &rest ignored)
- (declare (ignore ignored))
- (setf place new-thing))
(defmethod accessor-modifier-for (element-type (accessor-type (eql :getter)))
- 'identity-1)
-(defmethod accessor-modifier-for ((element-type (eql 'C-STRING))
- (accessor-type (eql :getter)))
- 'c-string->lisp-string)
+ nil)
(defmethod accessor-modifier-for (element-type (accessor-type (eql :setter)))
+(defmethod accessor-modifier-for ((element-type (eql 'C-STRING))
+ (accessor-type (eql :getter)))
+ 'c-string-reader[1])
(defmethod accessor-modifier-for ((element-type (eql 'C-STRING))
(accessor-type (eql :setter)))
- 'c-string->lisp-string)
+ 'c-string-writer)
-(defun c-string->lisp-string (string &optional limit)
+;; The "[1]" in the name c-string-reader[1] refers to the CLHS
+;; glossary entry definitions for "reader".
+(defun c-string-reader[1] (place &optional limit)
(declare (ignore limit))
- (cast string c-string))
-(defun (setf c-string->lisp-string) (new-string alien &optional limit)
- (declare (string new-string))
- (let* ((upper-bound (or limit (1+ (length new-string))))
- (last-elt (min (1- upper-bound) (length new-string)))
- (octets (sb-ext:string-to-octets new-string :end last-elt
- :null-terminate t))
- (alien-pointer (cast alien (* unsigned-char))))
- (declare (cl:type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) octets))
- (declare (cl:type sb-int:index last-elt))
- (loop for i from 0 to last-elt
- do (setf (deref alien-pointer i) (aref octets i)))
- (subseq new-string 0 last-elt)))
+ `(cast ,place c-string))
+(defun c-string-writer (string alien &optional limit)
+ (sb-int:with-unique-names
+ (stringvar upper-bound last-elt octets alien-ptr index)
+ `(let* ((,stringvar ,string)
+ (,upper-bound (or ,limit (1+ (length ,stringvar))))
+ (,last-elt (min (1- ,upper-bound) (length ,stringvar)))
+ (,octets (sb-ext:string-to-octets ,stringvar :end ,last-elt
+ :null-terminate t))
+ (,alien-ptr (cast ,alien (* unsigned-char))))
+ (declare (cl:type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) ,octets))
+ (declare (cl:type sb-int:index ,last-elt))
+ (dotimes (,index ,last-elt)
+ (setf (deref ,alien-ptr ,index) (aref ,octets ,index)))
+ (subseq ,stringvar 0 ,last-elt))))
(defgeneric accessors-for (struct-name element path))
(defmethod accessors-for (struct-name (root structured-type) path)
(defmethod accessors-for (struct-name (root value-slot) path)
- (let ((rpath (reverse path))
- (accessor-name (format nil "~A-~A"
- (symbol-name struct-name)
- (symbol-name (name root)))))
- (labels ((accessor (root rpath)
- (apply #'sane-slot 'struct (mapcar 'name (append (rest rpath) (list root))))))
- `((declaim (inline ,(intern accessor-name)
- (setf ,(intern accessor-name))))
- (defun ,(intern accessor-name) (struct)
- (declare (cl:type (alien (* ,struct-name)) struct)
- (optimize (speed 3)))
- (,(accessor-modifier-for (reintern (type root) (find-package :sb-grovel))
- :getter)
- ,(accessor root rpath) ,(size root)))
- (defun (setf ,(intern accessor-name)) (new-val struct)
- (declare (cl:type (alien (* ,struct-name)) struct)
- (cl:type ,(lisp-type-for (type root) (size root)) new-val)
- (optimize (speed 3)))
- ,(let* ((accessor-modifier (accessor-modifier-for (reintern (type root)
- (find-package :sb-grovel))
- :setter))
- (modified-accessor (if accessor-modifier
- `(,accessor-modifier ,(accessor root rpath) ,(size root))
- (accessor root rpath))))
- `(setf ,modified-accessor new-val)))
- (defconstant ,(intern (format nil "OFFSET-OF-~A" accessor-name))
- ,(offset root))))))
+ (let* ((rpath (reverse path))
+ (accessor-name (intern
+ (format nil "~A-~A"
+ (symbol-name struct-name)
+ (symbol-name (name root)))))
+ (offset-constant-name (intern
+ (format nil "OFFSET-OF-~A" accessor-name)))
+ (var (gensym "VAR-"))
+ (place (apply #'sane-slot 'struct
+ (mapcar 'name (append (rest rpath) (list root)))))
+ (reader (let ((reader (accessor-modifier-for
+ (reintern (type root)
+ (find-package :sb-grovel))
+ :getter)))
+ (if reader
+ (funcall reader place (size root))
+ place)))
+ (writer (let ((writer (accessor-modifier-for
+ (reintern (type root)
+ (find-package :sb-grovel))
+ :setter)))
+ (if writer
+ (funcall writer var place (size root))
+ `(setf ,place ,var)))))
+ `((declaim (inline ,accessor-name (setf ,accessor-name)))
+ (defun ,accessor-name (struct)
+ (declare (cl:type (alien (* ,struct-name)) struct)
+ (optimize (speed 3)))
+ ,reader)
+ (defun (setf ,accessor-name) (,var struct)
+ (declare (cl:type (alien (* ,struct-name)) struct)
+ (cl:type ,(lisp-type-for (type root) (size root)) ,var)
+ (optimize (speed 3)))
+ ,writer)
+ (defconstant ,offset-constant-name
+ ,(offset root)))))
(size root)))
(size root)))))
(generate-struct-definition name root nil))
- `(progn
- (sb-alien:define-alien-type ,@(first struct-elements))
- ,@accessors
- (defmacro ,(intern (format nil "WITH-~A" name)) (var (&rest field-values) &body body)
- (labels ((field-name (x)
- (intern (concatenate 'string
- (symbol-name ',name) "-"
- (symbol-name x))
- ,(symbol-package name))))
- `(sb-alien:with-alien ((,var (* ,',name) ,'(,(intern (format nil "ALLOCATE-~A" name)))))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (pair)
- `(setf (,(field-name (first pair)) ,var) ,(second pair)))
- field-values))
- ,@body)
- (funcall ',',(intern (format nil "FREE-~A" name)) ,var)))))
- (defconstant ,(intern (format nil "SIZE-OF-~A" name)) ,size)
- (defun ,(intern (format nil "ALLOCATE-~A" name)) ()
- (let* ((o (sb-alien:make-alien ,name))
- (c-o (cast o (* (unsigned 8)))))
- ;; we have to initialize the object to all-0 before we can
- ;; expect to make sensible use of it - the object returned
- ;; by make-alien is initialized to all-D0 bytes.
- ;; FIXME: This should be fixed in sb-alien, where better
- ;; optimizations might be possible.
- (loop for i from 0 below ,size
- do (setf (deref c-o i) 0))
- o))
- (defun ,(intern (format nil "FREE-~A" name)) (o)
- (sb-alien:free-alien o)))))
+ (sb-int:with-unique-names (var field-values body field-name pair
+ object c-object index)
+ (let ((with (intern (format nil "WITH-~A" name)))
+ (allocate (intern (format nil "ALLOCATE-~A" name)))
+ (free (intern (format nil "FREE-~A" name)))
+ (size-of (intern (format nil "SIZE-OF-~A" name))))
+ `(progn
+ (sb-alien:define-alien-type ,@(first struct-elements))
+ ,@accessors
+ (defmacro ,with (,var (&rest ,field-values) &body ,body)
+ (labels ((,field-name (,var)
+ (intern
+ (format nil ,(format nil "~A-~~A" (symbol-name name))
+ (symbol-name ,var))
+ ,(symbol-package name))))
+ `(sb-alien:with-alien ((,,var (* ,',name) ,'(,allocate)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (setf ,@(mapcan
+ (lambda (,pair)
+ `((,(,field-name (first ,pair)) ,,var)
+ ,(second ,pair)))
+ ,field-values))
+ ,@,body)
+ (,',free ,,var)))))
+ (defconstant ,size-of ,size)
+ (defun ,allocate ()
+ (let* ((,object (sb-alien:make-alien ,name))
+ (,c-object (cast ,object (* (unsigned 8)))))
+ ;; we have to initialize the object to all-0 before we can
+ ;; expect to make sensible use of it - the object returned
+ ;; by make-alien is initialized to all-D0 bytes.
+ ;; FIXME: This should be fixed in sb-alien, where better
+ ;; optimizations might be possible.
+ (dotimes (,index ,size)
+ (setf (deref ,c-object ,index) 0))
+ ,object))
+ (defun ,free (,object)
+ (sb-alien:free-alien ,object)))))))
+;; FIXME: Nothing in SBCL uses this, but kept it around in case there
+;; are third-party sb-grovel clients. It should go away eventually,
+;; on the principle that sb-grovel should only have to be loaded in
+;; order to do an actual groveling run.
(defun foreign-nullp (c)
- "C is a pointer to 0?"
+ "Deprecated. Use SB-ALIEN:NULL-ALIEN instead."
(null-alien c))