--- /dev/null
+;;;; An interpreting EVAL
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
+;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
+;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
+;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
+;;;; files for more information.
+(in-package "SB!EVAL")
+;; (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 1) (safety 1)))
+;;; Values used for marking specials/macros/etc in environments.
+(defvar *special* (gensym "SPECIAL"))
+(defvar *macro* (gensym "MACRO"))
+(defvar *symbol-macro* (gensym "SYMBOL-MACRO"))
+(defvar *not-present* (gensym "NOT-PRESENT"))
+(define-condition interpreted-program-error (program-error simple-condition sb!impl::encapsulated-condition)
+ ()
+ (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+ (if (slot-boundp condition 'condition)
+ (progn
+ (format stream "Error evaluating a form:~% ~A"
+ (sb!impl::encapsulated-condition condition)))
+ (format stream "Error evaluating a form:~% ~?"
+ (simple-condition-format-control condition)
+ (simple-condition-format-arguments condition))))))
+;;; ANSI defines that program syntax errors should be of type
+;;; PROGRAM-ERROR. Therefore...
+(define-condition arg-count-program-error (sb!kernel::arg-count-error
+ program-error)
+ ())
+(defun arg-count-program-error (datum &rest arguments)
+ (declare (ignore datum))
+ (apply #'error 'arg-count-program-error arguments))
+;; OAOOM? (see destructuring-bind.lisp)
+(defmacro program-destructuring-bind (lambda-list arg-list &body body)
+ (let ((arg-list-name (gensym "ARG-LIST-")))
+ (multiple-value-bind (body local-decls)
+ (sb!kernel:parse-defmacro lambda-list arg-list-name body nil
+ 'program-destructuring-bind
+ :anonymousp t
+ :doc-string-allowed nil
+ :wrap-block nil
+ :error-fun 'arg-count-program-error)
+ `(let ((,arg-list-name ,arg-list))
+ ,@local-decls
+ ,body))))
+(defun ip-error (format-control &rest format-arguments)
+ (error 'interpreted-program-error
+ :format-control format-control
+ :format-arguments format-arguments))
+(defmacro nconc-2 (a b)
+ (let ((tmp (gensym))
+ (tmp2 (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,tmp ,a)
+ (,tmp2 ,b))
+ (if ,tmp
+ (progn (setf (cdr (last ,tmp)) ,tmp2) ,tmp)
+ ,tmp2))))
+;;; Construct a compiler LEXENV from the same data that's used for
+;;; creating an interpreter ENV. This is needed for example when
+;;; passing the environment to macroexpanders or when compiling an
+;;; interpreted function.
+(defun fabricate-new-native-environment (old-lexenv new-funs new-expanders
+ new-vars new-symbol-expansions
+ declarations)
+ (labels ((to-native-funs (binding)
+ ;; Non-macroexpander function entries are irrelevant for
+ ;; the LEXENV. If we're using the LEXENV for
+ ;; macro-expansion any references to local non-macro
+ ;; function bindings are undefined behaviour. If we're
+ ;; compiling an interpreted function, a lexical environment
+ ;; with non-macro functions will be too hairy to compile.
+ (if (eq (cdr binding) *macro*)
+ (cons (car binding)
+ (cons 'sb!sys:macro
+ (cdr (assoc (car binding) new-expanders))))
+ (cons (car binding)
+ :bogus)))
+ (to-native-vars (binding)
+ ;; And likewise for symbol macros.
+ (if (eq (cdr binding) *symbol-macro*)
+ (cons (car binding)
+ (cons 'sb!sys:macro
+ (cdr (assoc (car binding) new-symbol-expansions))))
+ (cons (car binding)
+ :bogus))))
+ (let ((lexenv (sb!c::internal-make-lexenv
+ (nconc-2 (mapcar #'to-native-funs new-funs)
+ (sb!c::lexenv-funs old-lexenv))
+ (nconc-2 (mapcar #'to-native-vars new-vars)
+ (sb!c::lexenv-vars old-lexenv))
+ nil nil nil nil nil
+ (sb!c::lexenv-handled-conditions old-lexenv)
+ (sb!c::lexenv-disabled-package-locks old-lexenv)
+ (sb!c::lexenv-policy old-lexenv))))
+ (dolist (declaration declarations)
+ (unless (consp declaration)
+ (ip-error "malformed declaration specifier ~S in ~S"
+ declaration (cons 'declare declarations)))
+ (case (car declaration)
+ ((optimize)
+ (dolist (element (cdr declaration))
+ (multiple-value-bind (quality value)
+ (if (not (consp element))
+ (values element 3)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (quality value)
+ element
+ (values quality value)))
+ (if (sb!c::policy-quality-name-p quality)
+ (push (cons quality value)
+ (sb!c::lexenv-%policy lexenv))
+ (warn "ignoring unknown optimization quality ~
+ ~S in ~S" quality
+ (cons 'declare declarations))))))
+ (sb!ext:muffle-conditions
+ (setf (sb!c::lexenv-handled-conditions lexenv)
+ (sb!c::process-muffle-conditions-decl
+ declaration
+ (sb!c::lexenv-handled-conditions lexenv))))
+ (sb!ext:unmuffle-conditions
+ (setf (sb!c::lexenv-handled-conditions lexenv)
+ (sb!c::process-unmuffle-conditions-decl
+ declaration
+ (sb!c::lexenv-handled-conditions lexenv))))
+ ((sb!ext:disable-package-locks sb!ext:enable-package-locks)
+ (setf (sb!c::lexenv-disabled-package-locks lexenv)
+ (sb!c::process-package-lock-decl
+ declaration
+ (sb!c::lexenv-disabled-package-locks lexenv))))))
+ lexenv)))
+(defstruct (env
+ (:constructor %make-env
+ (parent vars funs expanders symbol-expansions
+ tags blocks declarations native-lexenv)))
+ parent
+ vars
+ funs
+ expanders
+ symbol-expansions
+ tags
+ blocks
+ declarations
+ native-lexenv)
+(defun make-env (&key parent vars funs expanders
+ symbol-expansions tags blocks declarations)
+ (%make-env parent
+ (append vars (env-vars parent))
+ (append funs (env-funs parent))
+ (append expanders (env-expanders parent))
+ (append symbol-expansions (env-symbol-expansions parent))
+ (nconc-2 tags (env-tags parent))
+ (nconc-2 blocks (env-blocks parent))
+ declarations
+ (fabricate-new-native-environment (env-native-lexenv parent)
+ funs expanders
+ vars symbol-expansions
+ declarations)))
+(defun make-null-environment ()
+ (%make-env nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+ (sb!c::internal-make-lexenv
+ nil nil
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
+ sb!c::*policy*)))
+;;; Augment ENV with a special or lexical variable binding
+(declaim (inline push-var))
+(defun push-var (name value env)
+ (push (cons name value) (env-vars env))
+ (push (cons name :bogus) (sb!c::lexenv-vars (env-native-lexenv env))))
+;;; Augment ENV with a local function binding
+(declaim (inline push-fun))
+(defun push-fun (name value env)
+ (when (fboundp name)
+ (let ((sb!c:*lexenv* (env-native-lexenv env)))
+ (program-assert-symbol-home-package-unlocked
+ :eval name "binding ~A as a local function")))
+ (push (cons name value) (env-funs env))
+ (push (cons name :bogus) (sb!c::lexenv-funs (env-native-lexenv env))))
+(sb!int:def!method print-object ((env env) stream)
+ (print-unreadable-object (env stream :type t :identity t)))
+(macrolet ((define-get-binding (name accessor &key (test '#'eq))
+ ;; A macro, sadly, because an inline function here is
+ ;; "too hairy"
+ `(defmacro ,name (symbol env)
+ `(assoc ,symbol (,',accessor ,env) :test ,',test))))
+ (define-get-binding get-binding env-vars)
+ (define-get-binding get-fbinding env-funs :test #'equal)
+ (define-get-binding get-expander-binding env-expanders)
+ (define-get-binding get-symbol-expansion-binding env-symbol-expansions)
+ (define-get-binding get-tag-binding env-tags :test #'eql)
+ (define-get-binding get-block-binding env-blocks))
+;;; Return a list of all symbols that are declared special in the
+;;; declarations listen in DECLS.
+(defun declared-specials (decls)
+ (let ((specials nil))
+ (dolist (decl decls)
+ (when (eql (car decl) 'special)
+ (dolist (var (cdr decl))
+ (push var specials))))
+ specials))
+;;; Given a list of variables that should be marked as special in an
+;;; environment, return the appropriate binding forms to be given
+;;; to MAKE-ENV.
+(defun special-bindings (specials env)
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (var)
+ (let ((sb!c:*lexenv* (env-native-lexenv env)))
+ (program-assert-symbol-home-package-unlocked
+ :eval var "declaring ~A special"))
+ (cons var *special*))
+ specials))
+;;; Return true if SYMBOL has been declared special either globally
+;;; or is in the DECLARED-SPECIALS list.
+(defun specialp (symbol declared-specials)
+ (let ((type (sb!int:info :variable :kind symbol)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq type :constant)
+ ;; Horrible place for this, but it works.
+ (ip-error "Can't bind constant symbol ~S" symbol))
+ ((eq type :special) t)
+ ((member symbol declared-specials :test #'eq)
+ t)
+ (t nil))))
+(defun binding-name (binding)
+ (if (consp binding) (first binding) binding))
+(defun binding-value (binding)
+ (if (consp binding) (second binding) nil))
+(defun supplied-p-parameter (spec)
+ (if (consp spec) (third spec) nil))
+(defun keyword-name (spec)
+ (if (consp spec)
+ (if (consp (first spec))
+ (second (first spec))
+ (first spec))
+ spec))
+(defun keyword-key (spec)
+ (if (consp spec)
+ (if (consp (first spec))
+ (first (first spec))
+ (intern (symbol-name (first spec)) "KEYWORD"))
+ (intern (symbol-name spec) "KEYWORD")))
+(defun keyword-default-value (spec)
+ (if (consp spec) (second spec) nil))
+;;; Given a list of ARGUMENTS and a LAMBDA-LIST, return two values:
+;;; * An alist[*] mapping the required parameters of the function to
+;;; the corresponding argument values
+;;; * An alist mapping the keyword, optional and rest parameters of
+;;; the function to the corresponding argument values (if supplied)
+;;; or to the parameter's default expression (if not). Supplied-p
+;;; parameters and aux variables are handled in a similar manner.
+;;; For example given the argument list of (1 2) and the lambda-list of
+;;; (A &OPTIONAL (B A) (C (1+ A))), we'd return the values
+;;; (A . '1) and ((B . '2) (C . (1+ A))).
+;;; Used only for implementing calls to interpreted functions.
+(defun parse-arguments (arguments lambda-list)
+ (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest-p rest keyword-p
+ keyword allow-other-keys-p aux-p aux)
+ (sb!int:parse-lambda-list lambda-list)
+ (let* ((original-arguments arguments)
+ (arguments-present (length arguments))
+ (required-length (length required))
+ (optional-length (length optional))
+ (non-keyword-arguments (+ required-length optional-length))
+ (optionals-present (- (min non-keyword-arguments arguments-present)
+ required-length))
+ (keywords-present-p (> arguments-present non-keyword-arguments))
+ (let-like-bindings nil)
+ (let*-like-bindings nil))
+ (cond
+ ((< arguments-present required-length)
+ (ip-error "~@<Too few arguments in ~S to satisfy lambda list ~S.~:@>"
+ arguments lambda-list))
+ ((and (not (or rest-p keyword-p)) keywords-present-p)
+ (ip-error "~@<Too many arguments in ~S to satisfy lambda list ~S.~:@>"
+ arguments lambda-list))
+ ((and keyword-p keywords-present-p
+ (oddp (- arguments-present non-keyword-arguments)))
+ (ip-error "~@<Odd number of &KEY arguments in ~S for ~S.~:@>"
+ arguments lambda-list)))
+ (dotimes (i required-length)
+ (push (cons (pop required) (pop arguments)) let-like-bindings))
+ (do ((optionals-parsed 0 (1+ optionals-parsed)))
+ ((null optional))
+ (let ((this-optional (pop optional))
+ (supplied-p (< optionals-parsed optionals-present)))
+ (push (cons (binding-name this-optional)
+ (if supplied-p
+ (list 'quote (pop arguments))
+ (binding-value this-optional)))
+ let*-like-bindings)
+ (when (supplied-p-parameter this-optional)
+ (push (cons (supplied-p-parameter this-optional)
+ (list 'quote supplied-p))
+ let*-like-bindings))))
+ (let ((keyword-plist arguments))
+ (when rest-p
+ (push (cons rest (list 'quote keyword-plist)) let*-like-bindings))
+ (when keyword-p
+ (unless (or allow-other-keys-p
+ (getf keyword-plist :allow-other-keys))
+ (loop for (key value) on keyword-plist by #'cddr doing
+ (when (and (not (eq key :allow-other-keys))
+ (not (member key keyword :key #'keyword-key)))
+ (ip-error "~@<Unknown &KEY argument ~S in ~S for ~S.~:@>"
+ key original-arguments lambda-list))))
+ (dolist (keyword-spec keyword)
+ (let ((supplied (getf keyword-plist (keyword-key keyword-spec)
+ *not-present*)))
+ (push (cons (keyword-name keyword-spec)
+ (if (eq supplied *not-present*)
+ (keyword-default-value keyword-spec)
+ (list 'quote supplied)))
+ let*-like-bindings)
+ (when (supplied-p-parameter keyword-spec)
+ (push (cons (supplied-p-parameter keyword-spec)
+ (list 'quote (not (eq supplied *not-present*))))
+ let*-like-bindings))))))
+ (when aux-p
+ (do ()
+ ((null aux))
+ (let ((this-aux (pop aux)))
+ (push (cons (binding-name this-aux)
+ (binding-value this-aux))
+ let*-like-bindings))))
+ (values (nreverse let-like-bindings) (nreverse let*-like-bindings)))))
+;;; Evaluate LET*-like (sequential) bindings.
+;;; Given an alist of BINDINGS, evaluate the value form of the first
+;;; binding in ENV, bind the variable to the value in ENV, and then
+;;; evaluate the next binding form. Once all binding forms have been
+;;; handled, END-ACTION is funcalled.
+;;; SPECIALS is a list of variables that have a bound special declaration.
+;;; These variables (and those that have been declaimed as special) are
+;;; bound as special variables.
+(defun eval-next-let*-binding (bindings specials env end-action)
+ (flet ((maybe-eval (exp)
+ ;; Pick off the easy (QUOTE x) case which is very common
+ ;; due to function calls. (see PARSE-ARGUMENTS)
+ (if (and (consp exp) (eq (car exp) 'quote))
+ (second exp)
+ (%eval exp env))))
+ (if bindings
+ (let* ((binding-name (car (car bindings)))
+ (binding-value (cdr (car bindings))))
+ (if (specialp binding-name specials)
+ (progv
+ (list binding-name)
+ (list (maybe-eval binding-value))
+ ;; Mark the variable as special in this environment
+ (push-var binding-name *special* env)
+ (eval-next-let*-binding (cdr bindings)
+ specials env end-action))
+ (progn
+ (push-var binding-name (maybe-eval binding-value) env)
+ (eval-next-let*-binding (cdr bindings)
+ specials env end-action))))
+ (funcall end-action))))
+;;; Create a new environment based on OLD-ENV by adding the variable
+;;; bindings in BINDINGS to it, and call FUNCTION with the new environment
+;;; as the only parameter. DECLARATIONS are the declarations that were
+;;; in a source position where bound declarations for the bindings could
+;;; be introduced.
+;;; FREE-SPECIALS-P controls whether all special declarations should
+;;; end cause the variables to be marked as special in the environment
+;;; (when true), or only bound declarations (when false). Basically
+;;; it'll be T when handling a LET, and NIL when handling a call to an
+;;; interpreted function.
+(defun call-with-new-env (old-env bindings declarations
+ free-specials-p function)
+ (let* ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
+ (dynamic-vars nil)
+ (dynamic-values nil))
+ ;; To check for package-lock violations
+ (special-bindings specials old-env)
+ (flet ((generate-binding (binding)
+ (if (specialp (car binding) specials)
+ ;; If the variable being bound is globally special or
+ ;; there's a bound special declaration for it, record it
+ ;; in DYNAMIC-VARS / -VALUES separately:
+ ;; * To handle the case of FREE-SPECIALS-P == T more
+ ;; cleanly.
+ ;; * The dynamic variables will be bound with PROGV just
+ ;; before funcalling
+ (progn
+ (push (car binding) dynamic-vars)
+ (push (cdr binding) dynamic-values)
+ nil)
+ ;; Otherwise it's a lexical binding, and the value
+ ;; will be recorded in the environment.
+ (list binding))))
+ (let ((new-env (make-env
+ :parent old-env
+ :vars (mapcan #'generate-binding bindings)
+ :declarations declarations)))
+ (dolist (special (if free-specials-p specials dynamic-vars))
+ (push-var special *special* new-env))
+ (if dynamic-vars
+ (progv dynamic-vars dynamic-values
+ (funcall function new-env))
+ ;; When there are no specials, the PROGV would be a no-op,
+ ;; but it's better to elide it completely, since the
+ ;; funcall is then in tail position.
+ (funcall function new-env))))))
+;;; Create a new environment based on OLD-ENV by binding the argument
+;;; list ARGUMENTS to LAMBDA-LIST, and call FUNCTION with the new
+;;; environment as argument. DECLARATIONS are the declarations that
+;;; were in a source position where bound declarations for the
+;;; bindings could be introduced.
+(defun call-with-new-env-full-parsing
+ (old-env lambda-list arguments declarations function)
+ (multiple-value-bind (let-like-bindings let*-like-binding)
+ (parse-arguments arguments lambda-list)
+ (let ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
+ var-specials free-specials)
+ ;; Separate the bound and free special declarations
+ (dolist (special specials)
+ (if (or (member special let-like-bindings :key #'car)
+ (member special let*-like-binding :key #'car))
+ (push special var-specials)
+ (push special free-specials)))
+ ;; First introduce the required parameters into the environment
+ (call-with-new-env
+ old-env let-like-bindings declarations nil
+ #'(lambda (env)
+ ;; Then deal with optionals / keywords / etc.
+ (eval-next-let*-binding
+ let*-like-binding var-specials env
+ #'(lambda ()
+ ;; And now that we have evaluated all the
+ ;; initialization forms for the bindings, add the free
+ ;; special declarations to the environment. To see why
+ ;; this is the right thing to do (instead of passing
+ ;; consider:
+ ;;
+ ;; (eval '(let ((*a* 1))
+ ;; (declare (special *a*))
+ ;; (let ((*a* 2))
+ ;; (funcall (lambda (&optional (b *a*))
+ ;; (declare (special *a*))
+ ;; (values b *a*))))))
+ ;;
+ ;; *A* should be special in the body of the lambda, but
+ ;; not when evaluating the default value of B.
+ (dolist (special free-specials)
+ (push-var special *special* env))
+ (funcall function env))))))))
+;;; Set the VALUE of the binding (either lexical or special) of the
+;;; variable named by SYMBOL in the environment ENV.
+(defun set-variable (symbol value env)
+ (let ((binding (get-binding symbol env)))
+ (if binding
+ (cond
+ ((eq (cdr binding) *special*)
+ (setf (symbol-value symbol) value))
+ ((eq (cdr binding) *symbol-macro*)
+ (error "Tried to set a symbol-macrolet!"))
+ (t (setf (cdr binding) value)))
+ (case (sb!int:info :variable :kind symbol)
+ (:macro (error "Tried to set a symbol-macrolet!"))
+ (:alien (let ((type (sb!int:info :variable :alien-info symbol)))
+ (setf (sb!alien::%heap-alien type) value)))
+ (t
+ (let ((type (sb!c::info :variable :type symbol)))
+ (when type
+ (let ((type-specifier (sb!kernel:type-specifier type)))
+ (unless (typep value type-specifier)
+ (error 'type-error
+ :datum value
+ :expected-type type-specifier))))
+ (setf (symbol-value symbol) value)))))))
+;;; Retrieve the value of the binding (either lexical or special) of
+;;; the variable named by SYMBOL in the environment ENV. For symbol
+;;; macros the expansion is returned instead.
+(defun get-variable (symbol env)
+ (let ((binding (get-binding symbol env)))
+ (if binding
+ (cond
+ ((eq (cdr binding) *special*)
+ (values (symbol-value symbol) :variable))
+ ((eq (cdr binding) *symbol-macro*)
+ (values (cdr (get-symbol-expansion-binding symbol env))
+ :expansion))
+ (t (values (cdr binding) :variable)))
+ (case (sb!int:info :variable :kind symbol)
+ (:macro (values (macroexpand-1 symbol) :expansion))
+ (:alien (let ((type (sb!int:info :variable :alien-info symbol)))
+ (values (sb!alien::%heap-alien type)
+ :variable)))
+ (t (values (symbol-value symbol) :variable))))))
+;;; Retrieve the function/macro binding of the symbol NAME in
+;;; environment ENV. The second return value will be :MACRO for macro
+;;; bindings, :FUNCTION for function bindings.
+(defun get-function (name env)
+ (let ((binding (get-fbinding name env)))
+ (if binding
+ (cond
+ ((eq (cdr binding) *macro*)
+ (values (cdr (get-expander-binding name env)) :macro))
+ (t (values (cdr binding) :function)))
+ (cond
+ ((and (symbolp name) (macro-function name))
+ (values (macro-function name) :macro))
+ (t (values (%coerce-name-to-fun name) :function))))))
+;;; Return true if EXP is a lambda form.
+(defun lambdap (exp)
+ (case (car exp) ((lambda
+ sb!int:named-lambda
+ sb!kernel:instance-lambda)
+ t)))
+;;; Split off the declarations (and the docstring, if
+;;; DOC-STRING-ALLOWED is true) from the actual forms of BODY.
+;;; Returns three values: the cons in BODY containing the first
+;;; non-header subform, the docstring, and a list of the declarations.
+;;; FIXME: The name of this function is somewhat misleading. It's not
+;;; used just for parsing the headers from lambda bodies, but for all
+;;; special forms that have attached declarations.
+(defun parse-lambda-headers (body &key doc-string-allowed)
+ (loop with documentation = nil
+ with declarations = nil
+ for form on body do
+ (cond
+ ((and doc-string-allowed (stringp (car form)))
+ (if (cdr form) ; CLHS 3.4.11
+ (if documentation
+ (ip-error "~@<Duplicate doc string ~S.~:@>" (car form))
+ (setf documentation (car form)))
+ (return (values form documentation declarations))))
+ ((and (consp (car form)) (eql (caar form) 'declare))
+ (setf declarations (append declarations (cdar form))))
+ (t (return (values form documentation declarations))))
+ finally (return (values nil documentation declarations))))
+;;; Create an interpreted function from the lambda-form EXP evaluated
+;;; in the environment ENV.
+(defun eval-lambda (exp env)
+ (case (car exp)
+ ((lambda sb!kernel:instance-lambda)
+ (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
+ (parse-lambda-headers (cddr exp) :doc-string-allowed t)
+ (make-interpreted-function :lambda-list (second exp)
+ :env env :body body
+ :documentation documentation
+ :source-location (sb!c::make-definition-source-location)
+ :declarations declarations)))
+ ((sb!int:named-lambda)
+ (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
+ (parse-lambda-headers (cdddr exp) :doc-string-allowed t)
+ (make-interpreted-function :name (second exp)
+ :lambda-list (third exp)
+ :env env :body body
+ :documentation documentation
+ :source-location (sb!c::make-definition-source-location)
+ :declarations declarations)))))
+(defun eval-progn (body env)
+ (let ((previous-exp nil))
+ (dolist (exp body)
+ (if previous-exp
+ (%eval previous-exp env))
+ (setf previous-exp exp))
+ ;; Preserve tail call
+ (%eval previous-exp env)))
+(defun eval-if (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (test if-true &optional if-false) body
+ (if (%eval test env)
+ (%eval if-true env)
+ (%eval if-false env))))
+(defun eval-let (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (bindings &body body) body
+ ;; First evaluate the bindings in parallel
+ (let ((bindings (mapcar
+ #'(lambda (binding)
+ (cons (binding-name binding)
+ (%eval (binding-value binding) env)))
+ bindings)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
+ (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
+ (declare (ignore documentation))
+ ;; Then establish them into the environment, and evaluate the
+ ;; body.
+ (call-with-new-env env bindings declarations t
+ #'(lambda (env)
+ (eval-progn body env)))))))
+(defun eval-let* (body old-env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (bindings &body body) body
+ (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
+ (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
+ (declare (ignore documentation))
+ ;; First we separate the special declarations into bound and
+ ;; free declarations.
+ (let ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
+ var-specials free-specials)
+ (dolist (special specials)
+ (if (member special bindings :key #'binding-name)
+ (push special var-specials)
+ (push special free-specials)))
+ (let ((env (make-env :parent old-env
+ :declarations declarations)))
+ ;; Then we establish the bindings into the environment
+ ;; sequentially.
+ (eval-next-let*-binding
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (binding)
+ (cons (binding-name binding)
+ (binding-value binding)))
+ bindings)
+ var-specials env
+ #'(lambda ()
+ ;; Now that we're done evaluating the bindings, add the
+ ;; free special declarations. See also
+ (dolist (special free-specials)
+ (push-var special *special* env))
+ (eval-progn body env))))))))
+;; Return a named local function in the environment ENV, made from the
+;; definition form FUNCTION-DEF.
+(defun eval-local-function-def (function-def env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (name lambda-list &body local-body) function-def
+ (multiple-value-bind (local-body documentation declarations)
+ (parse-lambda-headers local-body :doc-string-allowed t)
+ (%eval `#'(sb!int:named-lambda ,name ,lambda-list
+ ,@(if documentation
+ (list documentation)
+ nil)
+ (declare ,@declarations)
+ (block ,(cond ((consp name) (second name))
+ (t name))
+ ,@local-body))
+ env))))
+(defun eval-flet (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind ((&rest local-functions) &body body) body
+ (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
+ (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
+ (declare (ignore documentation))
+ (let* ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
+ (new-env (make-env :parent env
+ :vars (special-bindings specials env)
+ :declarations declarations)))
+ (dolist (function-def local-functions)
+ (push-fun (car function-def)
+ ;; Evaluate the function definitions in ENV.
+ (eval-local-function-def function-def env)
+ ;; But add the bindings to the child environment.
+ new-env))
+ (eval-progn body new-env)))))
+(defun eval-labels (body old-env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind ((&rest local-functions) &body body) body
+ (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
+ (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
+ (declare (ignore documentation))
+ ;; Create a child environment, evaluate the function definitions
+ ;; in it, and add them into the same environment.
+ (let ((env (make-env :parent old-env
+ :declarations declarations)))
+ (dolist (function-def local-functions)
+ (push-fun (car function-def)
+ (eval-local-function-def function-def env)
+ env))
+ ;; And then add an environment for the body of the LABELS. A
+ ;; separate environment from the one where we added the
+ ;; functions to is needed, since any special variable
+ ;; declarations need to be in effect in the body, but not in
+ ;; the bodies of the local functions.
+ (let* ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
+ (new-env (make-env :parent env
+ :vars (special-bindings specials env))))
+ (eval-progn body new-env))))))
+;; Return a local macro-expander in the environment ENV, made from the
+;; definition form FUNCTION-DEF.
+(defun eval-local-macro-def (function-def env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (name lambda-list &body local-body) function-def
+ (multiple-value-bind (local-body documentation declarations)
+ (parse-lambda-headers local-body :doc-string-allowed t)
+ ;; HAS-ENVIRONMENT and HAS-WHOLE will be either NIL or the name
+ ;; of the variable. (Better names?)
+ (let (has-environment has-whole)
+ ;; Filter out &WHOLE and &ENVIRONMENT from the lambda-list, and
+ ;; do some syntax checking.
+ (when (eq (car lambda-list) '&whole)
+ (setf has-whole (second lambda-list))
+ (setf lambda-list (cddr lambda-list)))
+ (setf lambda-list
+ (loop with skip = 0
+ for element in lambda-list
+ if (cond
+ ((/= skip 0)
+ (decf skip)
+ (setf has-environment element)
+ nil)
+ ((eq element '&environment)
+ (if has-environment
+ (ip-error "Repeated &ENVIRONMENT.")
+ (setf skip 1))
+ nil)
+ ((eq element '&whole)
+ (ip-error "&WHOLE may only appear first ~
+ in MACROLET lambda-list."))
+ (t t))
+ collect element))
+ (let ((outer-whole (gensym "WHOLE"))
+ (environment (or has-environment (gensym "ENVIRONMENT")))
+ (macro-name (gensym "NAME")))
+ (%eval `#'(lambda (,outer-whole ,environment)
+ ,@(if documentation
+ (list documentation)
+ nil)
+ (declare ,@(unless has-environment
+ `((ignore ,environment))))
+ (program-destructuring-bind
+ (,@(if has-whole
+ (list '&whole has-whole)
+ nil)
+ ,macro-name ,@lambda-list)
+ ,outer-whole
+ (declare (ignore ,macro-name)
+ ,@declarations)
+ (block ,name ,@local-body)))
+ env))))))
+(defun eval-macrolet (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind ((&rest local-functions) &body body) body
+ (flet ((generate-fbinding (macro-def)
+ (cons (car macro-def) *macro*))
+ (generate-mbinding (macro-def)
+ (let ((name (car macro-def))
+ (sb!c:*lexenv* (env-native-lexenv env)))
+ (when (fboundp name)
+ (program-assert-symbol-home-package-unlocked
+ :eval name "binding ~A as a local macro"))
+ (cons name (eval-local-macro-def macro-def env)))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
+ (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
+ (declare (ignore documentation))
+ (let* ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
+ (new-env (make-env :parent env
+ :vars (special-bindings specials env)
+ :funs (mapcar #'generate-fbinding
+ local-functions)
+ :expanders (mapcar #'generate-mbinding
+ local-functions)
+ :declarations declarations)))
+ (eval-progn body new-env))))))
+(defun eval-symbol-macrolet (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind ((&rest bindings) &body body) body
+ (flet ((generate-binding (binding)
+ (cons (car binding) *symbol-macro*))
+ (generate-sm-binding (binding)
+ (let ((name (car binding))
+ (sb!c:*lexenv* (env-native-lexenv env)))
+ (when (or (boundp name)
+ (eq (sb!int:info :variable :kind name) :macro))
+ (program-assert-symbol-home-package-unlocked
+ :eval name "binding ~A as a local symbol-macro"))
+ (cons name (second binding)))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
+ (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
+ (declare (ignore documentation))
+ (let ((specials (declared-specials declarations)))
+ (dolist (binding bindings)
+ (when (specialp (binding-name binding) specials)
+ (ip-error "~@<Can't bind SYMBOL-MACROLET of special ~
+ variable ~S.~:@>"
+ (binding-name binding)))))
+ (let* ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
+ (new-env (make-env :parent env
+ :vars (nconc-2 (mapcar #'generate-binding
+ bindings)
+ (special-bindings specials env))
+ :symbol-expansions (mapcar
+ #'generate-sm-binding
+ bindings)
+ :declarations declarations)))
+ (eval-progn body new-env))))))
+(defun eval-progv (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (vars vals &body body) body
+ (progv (%eval vars env) (%eval vals env)
+ (eval-progn body env))))
+(defun eval-function (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (name) body
+ (cond
+ ;; LAMBDAP assumes that the argument is a cons, so we need the
+ ;; initial symbol case, instead of relying on the fall-through
+ ;; case that has the same function body.
+ ((symbolp name) (nth-value 0 (get-function name env)))
+ ((lambdap name) (eval-lambda name env))
+ (t (nth-value 0 (get-function name env))))))
+(defun eval-eval-when (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind ((&rest situation) &body body) body
+ ;; FIXME: check that SITUATION only contains valid situations
+ (if (or (member :execute situation)
+ (member 'eval situation))
+ (eval-progn body env))))
+(defun eval-quote (body env)
+ (declare (ignore env))
+ (program-destructuring-bind (object) body
+ object))
+(defun eval-setq (pairs env)
+ (when (oddp (length pairs))
+ (ip-error "~@<Odd number of args to SETQ: ~S~:@>" (cons 'setq pairs)))
+ (let ((last nil))
+ (loop for (var new-val) on pairs by #'cddr do
+ (handler-case
+ (multiple-value-bind (expansion type) (get-variable var env)
+ (ecase type
+ (:expansion
+ (setf last
+ (%eval (list 'setf expansion new-val) env)))
+ (:variable
+ (setf last (set-variable var (%eval new-val env)
+ env)))))
+ (unbound-variable (c)
+ (declare (ignore c))
+ (setf last (setf (symbol-value var)
+ (%eval new-val env))))))
+ last))
+(defun eval-multiple-value-call (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (function-form &body forms) body
+ (%apply (%eval function-form env)
+ (loop for form in forms
+ nconc (multiple-value-list (%eval form env))))))
+(defun eval-multiple-value-prog1 (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (first-form &body forms) body
+ (multiple-value-prog1 (%eval first-form env)
+ (eval-progn forms env))))
+(defun eval-catch (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (tag &body forms) body
+ (catch (%eval tag env)
+ (eval-progn forms env))))
+(defun eval-tagbody (body old-env)
+ (let ((env (make-env :parent old-env))
+ (tags nil)
+ (start body)
+ (target-tag nil))
+ (tagbody
+ (flet ((go-to-tag (tag)
+ (setf target-tag tag)
+ (go go-to-tag)))
+ ;; For each tag, store a trampoline function into the environment
+ ;; and the location in the body into the TAGS alist.
+ (do ((form body (cdr form)))
+ ((null form) nil)
+ (when (atom (car form))
+ ;; FIXME: detect duplicate tags
+ (push (cons (car form) (cdr form)) tags)
+ (push (cons (car form) #'go-to-tag) (env-tags env)))))
+ ;; And then evaluate the forms in the body, starting from the
+ ;; first one.
+ (go execute)
+ go-to-tag
+ ;; The trampoline has set the TARGET-TAG. Restart evaluation of
+ ;; the body from the location in body that matches the tag.
+ (setf start (cdr (assoc target-tag tags)))
+ execute
+ (dolist (form start)
+ (when (not (atom form))
+ (%eval form env))))))
+(defun eval-go (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (tag) body
+ (let ((target (get-tag-binding tag env)))
+ (if target
+ ;; Call the GO-TO-TAG trampoline
+ (funcall (cdr target) tag)
+ (ip-error "~@<Attempt to GO to nonexistent tag: ~S~:@>" tag)))))
+(defun eval-block (body old-env)
+ (flet ((return-from-eval-block (&rest values)
+ (return-from eval-block (values-list values))))
+ (program-destructuring-bind (name &body body) body
+ (unless (symbolp name)
+ (ip-error "~@<The block name ~S is not a symbol.~:@>" name))
+ (let ((env (make-env
+ :blocks (list (cons name #'return-from-eval-block))
+ :parent old-env)))
+ (eval-progn body env)))))
+(defun eval-return-from (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (name &optional result) body
+ (let ((target (get-block-binding name env)))
+ (if target
+ (multiple-value-call (cdr target) (%eval result env))
+ (ip-error "~@<Return for unknown block: ~S~:@>" name)))))
+(defun eval-the (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (value-type form) body
+ (declare (ignore value-type))
+ ;; FIXME: We should probably check the types here, even though
+ ;; the consequences of the values not being of the asserted types
+ ;; are formally undefined.
+ (%eval form env)))
+(defun eval-unwind-protect (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (protected-form &body cleanup-forms) body
+ (unwind-protect (%eval protected-form env)
+ (eval-progn cleanup-forms env))))
+(defun eval-throw (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (tag result-form) body
+ (throw (%eval tag env)
+ (%eval result-form env))))
+(defun eval-load-time-value (body env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (form &optional read-only-p) body
+ (declare (ignore read-only-p))
+ (%eval form env)))
+(defun eval-locally (body env)
+ (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
+ (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
+ (declare (ignore documentation))
+ (let* ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
+ (new-env (if (or specials declarations)
+ (make-env :parent env
+ :vars (special-bindings specials env)
+ :declarations declarations)
+ env)))
+ (eval-progn body new-env))))
+(defun eval-args (args env)
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (%eval arg env)) args))
+;;; The expansion of SB-SYS:WITH-PINNED-OBJECTS on GENCGC uses some
+;;; VOPs which can't be reasonably implemented in the interpreter. So
+;;; we special-case the macro.
+(defun eval-with-pinned-objects (args env)
+ (program-destructuring-bind (values &body body) args
+ (if (null values)
+ (eval-progn body env)
+ (sb!sys:with-pinned-objects ((car values))
+ (eval-with-pinned-objects (cons (cdr values) body) env)))))
+(define-condition macroexpand-hook-type-error (type-error)
+ ()
+ (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+ (format stream "The value of *MACROEXPAND-HOOK* is not a designator for a compiled function: ~A"
+ (type-error-datum condition)))))
+(defvar *eval-dispatch-functions* nil)
+;;; Dispatch to the appropriate EVAL-FOO function based on the contents of EXP.
+(declaim (inline %%eval))
+(defun %%eval (exp env)
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp exp)
+ ;; CLHS Symbols as Forms
+ (multiple-value-bind (value kind) (get-variable exp env)
+ (ecase kind
+ (:variable value)
+ (:expansion (%eval value env)))))
+ ;; CLHS Self-Evaluating Objects
+ ((atom exp) exp)
+ ;; CLHS Conses as Forms
+ ((consp exp)
+ (case (car exp)
+ ;; CLHS Special Forms
+ ((block) (eval-block (cdr exp) env))
+ ((catch) (eval-catch (cdr exp) env))
+ ((eval-when) (eval-eval-when (cdr exp) env))
+ ((flet) (eval-flet (cdr exp) env))
+ ((function) (eval-function (cdr exp) env))
+ ((go) (eval-go (cdr exp) env))
+ ((if) (eval-if (cdr exp) env))
+ ((labels) (eval-labels (cdr exp) env))
+ ((let) (eval-let (cdr exp) env))
+ ((let*) (eval-let* (cdr exp) env))
+ ((load-time-value) (eval-load-time-value (cdr exp) env))
+ ((locally) (eval-locally (cdr exp) env))
+ ((macrolet) (eval-macrolet (cdr exp) env))
+ ((multiple-value-call) (eval-multiple-value-call (cdr exp) env))
+ ((multiple-value-prog1) (eval-multiple-value-prog1 (cdr exp) env))
+ ((progn) (eval-progn (cdr exp) env))
+ ((progv) (eval-progv (cdr exp) env))
+ ((quote) (eval-quote (cdr exp) env))
+ ((return-from) (eval-return-from (cdr exp) env))
+ ((setq) (eval-setq (cdr exp) env))
+ ((symbol-macrolet) (eval-symbol-macrolet (cdr exp) env))
+ ((tagbody) (eval-tagbody (cdr exp) env))
+ ((the) (eval-the (cdr exp) env))
+ ((throw) (eval-throw (cdr exp) env))
+ ((unwind-protect) (eval-unwind-protect (cdr exp) env))
+ ;; SBCL-specific:
+ ((sb!ext:truly-the) (eval-the (cdr exp) env))
+ ;; Not a special form, but a macro whose expansion wouldn't be
+ ;; handled correctly by the evaluator.
+ ((sb!sys:with-pinned-objects) (eval-with-pinned-objects (cdr exp) env))
+ (t
+ (let ((dispatcher (getf *eval-dispatch-functions* (car exp))))
+ (cond
+ (dispatcher
+ (funcall dispatcher exp env))
+ ;; CLHS Lambda Forms
+ ((and (consp (car exp)) (eq (caar exp) 'lambda))
+ (interpreted-apply (eval-function (list (car exp)) env)
+ (eval-args (cdr exp) env)))
+ (t
+ (multiple-value-bind (function kind) (get-function (car exp) env)
+ (ecase kind
+ ;; CLHS Function Forms
+ (:function (%apply function (eval-args (cdr exp) env)))
+ ;; CLHS Macro Forms
+ (:macro
+ (let ((hook *macroexpand-hook*))
+ ;; Having an interpreted function as the
+ ;; macroexpander hook could cause an infinite
+ ;; loop.
+ (unless (compiled-function-p
+ (etypecase hook
+ (function hook)
+ (symbol (symbol-function hook))))
+ (error 'macroexpand-hook-type-error
+ :datum hook
+ :expected-type 'compiled-function))
+ (%eval (funcall hook
+ function
+ exp
+ (env-native-lexenv env))
+ env)))))))))))))
+(defun %eval (exp env)
+ (incf *eval-calls*)
+ (if *eval-verbose*
+ ;; Dynamically binding *EVAL-LEVEL* will prevent tail call
+ ;; optimization. So only do it when its value will be used for
+ ;; printing debug output.
+ (let ((*eval-level* (1+ *eval-level*)))
+ (let ((*print-circle* t))
+ (format t "~&~vA~S~%" *eval-level* "" `(%eval ,exp)))
+ (%%eval exp env))
+ (%%eval exp env)))
+(defun %apply (fun args)
+ (etypecase fun
+ (interpreted-function (interpreted-apply fun args))
+ (function (apply fun args))
+ (symbol (apply fun args))))
+(defun interpreted-apply (fun args)
+ (let ((lambda-list (interpreted-function-lambda-list fun))
+ (env (interpreted-function-env fun))
+ (body (interpreted-function-body fun))
+ (declarations (interpreted-function-declarations fun)))
+ (call-with-new-env-full-parsing
+ env lambda-list args declarations
+ #'(lambda (env)
+ (eval-progn body env)))))
+;;; We need separate conditions for the different *-TOO-COMPLEX-ERRORs to
+;;; avoid spuriously triggering the handler in EVAL-IN-NATIVE-ENVIRONMENT
+;;; on code like:
+;;; (let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
+;;; (let ((fun (eval '(let ((a 1)) (lambda () a)))))
+;;; (eval `(compile nil ,fun))))
+;;; FIXME: should these be exported?
+(define-condition interpreter-environment-too-complex-error (simple-error)
+ ())
+(define-condition compiler-environment-too-complex-error (simple-error)
+ ())
+;;; Try to compile an interpreted function. If the environment
+;;; contains local functions or lexical variables we'll punt on
+;;; compiling it.
+(defun prepare-for-compile (function)
+ (let ((env (interpreted-function-env function)))
+ (when (or (env-tags env)
+ (env-blocks env)
+ (find-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eq x *macro*))
+ (env-funs env) :key #'cdr)
+ (find-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eq x *symbol-macro*))
+ (env-vars env)
+ :key #'cdr))
+ (error 'interpreter-environment-too-complex-error
+ :format-control
+ "~@<Lexical environment of ~S is too complex to compile.~:@>"
+ :format-arguments
+ (list function)))
+ (values
+ `(sb!int:named-lambda ,(interpreted-function-name function)
+ ,(interpreted-function-lambda-list function)
+ (declare ,@(interpreted-function-declarations function))
+ ,@(interpreted-function-body function))
+ (env-native-lexenv env))))
+;;; Convert a compiler LEXENV to an interpreter ENV. This is needed
+;;; for EVAL-IN-LEXENV.
+(defun make-env-from-native-environment (lexenv)
+ (let ((native-funs (sb!c::lexenv-funs lexenv))
+ (native-vars (sb!c::lexenv-vars lexenv)))
+ (flet ((is-macro (thing)
+ (and (consp thing) (eq (car thing) 'sb!sys:macro))))
+ (when (or (sb!c::lexenv-blocks lexenv)
+ (sb!c::lexenv-cleanup lexenv)
+ (sb!c::lexenv-lambda lexenv)
+ (sb!c::lexenv-tags lexenv)
+ (sb!c::lexenv-type-restrictions lexenv)
+ (find-if-not #'is-macro native-funs :key #'cdr)
+ (find-if-not #'is-macro native-vars :key #'cdr))
+ (error 'compiler-environment-too-complex-error
+ :format-control
+ "~@<Lexical environment is too complex to evaluate in: ~S~:@>"
+ :format-arguments
+ (list lexenv))))
+ (flet ((make-binding (native)
+ (cons (car native) *symbol-macro*))
+ (make-sm-binding (native)
+ (cons (car native) (cddr native)))
+ (make-fbinding (native)
+ (cons (car native) *macro*))
+ (make-mbinding (native)
+ (cons (car native) (cddr native))))
+ (%make-env nil
+ (mapcar #'make-binding native-vars)
+ (mapcar #'make-fbinding native-funs)
+ (mapcar #'make-mbinding native-funs)
+ (mapcar #'make-sm-binding native-vars)
+ nil
+ nil
+ nil
+ lexenv))))
+(defun eval-in-environment (form env)
+ (%eval form env))
+(defun eval-in-native-environment (form lexenv)
+ (handler-bind
+ ((sb!impl::eval-error
+ (lambda (condition)
+ (error 'interpreted-program-error
+ :condition (sb!int:encapsulated-condition condition)
+ :form form)))
+ (sb!c:compiler-error
+ (lambda (c)
+ (if (boundp 'sb!c::*compiler-error-bailout*)
+ ;; if we're in the compiler, delegate either to a higher
+ ;; authority or, if that's us, back down to the
+ ;; outermost compiler handler...
+ (progn
+ (signal c)
+ nil)
+ ;; ... if we're not in the compiler, better signal the
+ ;; error straight away.
+ (invoke-restart 'sb!c::signal-error)))))
+ (handler-case
+ (let ((env (make-env-from-native-environment lexenv)))
+ (%eval form env))
+ (compiler-environment-too-complex-error (condition)
+ (declare (ignore condition))
+ ;; FIXME: this could be a really annoying warning. It should
+ ;; have its own class.
+ (sb!int:style-warn
+ "~@<Native lexical environment too complex for SB-EVAL ~
+ to evaluate ~S, falling back to SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV. ~
+ Lexenv: ~S~:@>"
+ form lexenv)
+ (sb!int:simple-eval-in-lexenv form lexenv)))))