(!define-type-method (member :complex-subtypep-arg1) (type1 type2)
- (block punt-type-method
- (values (every-type-op ctypep type2 (member-type-members type1)
- :list-first t)
- t)))
+ (values (every-type-op ctypep
+ type2
+ (member-type-members type1)
+ :list-first t)
+ t))
;;; We punt if the odd type is enumerable and intersects with the
;;; MEMBER type. If not enumerable, then it is definitely not a
(!define-type-method (member :complex-intersection) (type1 type2)
- (block punt-type-method
- (collect ((members))
- (let ((mem2 (member-type-members type2)))
- (dolist (member mem2)
- (multiple-value-bind (val win) (ctypep member type1)
- (unless win
- (return-from punt-type-method (values type2 nil)))
- (when val (members member))))
- (values (cond ((subsetp mem2 (members)) type2)
- ((null (members)) *empty-type*)
- (t
- (make-member-type :members (members))))
- t)))))
+ (collect ((members))
+ (let ((mem2 (member-type-members type2)))
+ (dolist (member mem2)
+ (multiple-value-bind (val win) (ctypep member type1)
+ (unless win
+ (return-from punt-type-method (values type2 nil)))
+ (when val (members member))))
+ (values (cond ((subsetp mem2 (members)) type2)
+ ((null (members)) *empty-type*)
+ (t
+ (make-member-type :members (members))))
+ t))))
;;; We don't need a :COMPLEX-UNION, since the only interesting case is a union
;;; type, and the member/union interaction is handled by the union type
;;;; (to the opaque HAIRY-TYPE) on sufficiently complicated types
;;;; involving AND.
-;;; Make a union type from the specifier types; or punt (to opaque
-;;; HAIRY-TYPE) if the class looks as though it might get too hairy.
-(defun make-intersection-type (types)
+;;; In general, make an INTERSECTION-TYPE object from the specifier
+;;; types. But in various special cases, dodge instead, representing
+;;; the intersection type in some other way.
+(defun make-intersection-type-or-something (types)
(declare (list types))
- ;; "If potentially too hairy.."
- ;;
- ;; (CMU CL punted for all AND-based types, and we'd like to avoid
- ;; any really unreasonable cases which might have motivated them to
- ;; do this, while still being reasonably effective on simple
- ;; intersection types like KEYWORD.)
- (if (any (lambda (type)
- (or (union-type-p type)
- (hairy-type-p type)))
- types)
- (make-hairy-type :specifier (mapcar #'type-specifier types))
- (%make-intersection-type (some #'type-enumerable types) types)))
+ (cond ((null types)
+ *universal-type*)
+ ((null (cdr types))
+ (first types))
+ (;; if potentially too hairy
+ (some (lambda (type)
+ (or (union-type-p type)
+ (hairy-type-p type)))
+ types)
+ ;; (CMU CL punted to HAIRY-TYPE like this for all AND-based
+ ;; types. We don't want to do that for simple intersection
+ ;; types like the definition of KEYWORD, hence the guard
+ ;; clause above. But we do want to punt for any really
+ ;; unreasonable cases which might have motivated them to punt
+ ;; in all cases, hence the punt-to-HAIRY-TYPE code below.)
+ (make-hairy-type :specifier `(and ,@(mapcar #'type-specifier types))))
+ (t
+ (%make-intersection-type (some #'type-enumerable types) types))))
(!define-type-class intersection)
;;; Two union types are equal if every type in one is equal to some
;;; type in the other.
(!define-type-method (union :simple-=) (type1 type2)
- (block punt-type-method
- (let ((types1 (union-type-types type1))
- (types2 (union-type-types type2)))
- (values (and (dolist (type1 types1 t)
- (unless (any-type-op type= type1 types2)
- (return nil)))
- (dolist (type2 types2 t)
- (unless (any-type-op type= type2 types1)
- (return nil))))
- t))))
+ (let ((types1 (union-type-types type1))
+ (types2 (union-type-types type2)))
+ (values (and (dolist (type1 types1 t)
+ (unless (any-type-op type= type1 types2)
+ (return nil)))
+ (dolist (type2 types2 t)
+ (unless (any-type-op type= type2 types1)
+ (return nil))))
+ t)))
;;; Similarly, a union type is a subtype of another if every element
;;; of TYPE1 is a subtype of some element of TYPE2.
(!define-type-method (union :simple-subtypep) (type1 type2)
- (block punt-type-method
- (let ((types2 (union-type-types type2)))
- (values (dolist (type1 (union-type-types type1) t)
- (unless (any-type-op csubtypep type1 types2)
- (return nil)))
- t))))
+ (let ((types2 (union-type-types type2)))
+ (values (dolist (type1 (union-type-types type1) t)
+ (unless (any-type-op csubtypep type1 types2)
+ (return nil)))
+ t)))
(!define-type-method (union :complex-subtypep-arg1) (type1 type2)
- (block punt-type-method
- (values (every-type-op csubtypep type2 (union-type-types type1)
- :list-first t)
- t)))
+ (values (every-type-op csubtypep
+ type2
+ (union-type-types type1)
+ :list-first t)
+ t))
(!define-type-method (union :complex-subtypep-arg2) (type1 type2)
- (block punt-type-method
- (values (any-type-op csubtypep type1 (union-type-types type2)) t)))
+ (values (any-type-op csubtypep type1 (union-type-types type2))
+ t))
(!define-type-method (union :complex-union) (type1 type2)
(let* ((class1 (type-class-info type1)))
(setq res (type-union res int))
(unless w (setq win nil))))))
-(!def-type-translator or (&rest types)
+(!def-type-translator or (&rest type-specifiers)
(reduce #'type-union
- (mapcar #'specifier-type types)
+ (mapcar #'specifier-type type-specifiers)
:initial-value *empty-type*))
-;;; We don't actually have intersection types, since the result of
-;;; reasonable type intersections is always describable as a union of
-;;; simple types. If something is too hairy to fit this mold, then we
-;;; make a hairy type.
-(!def-type-translator and (&whole spec &rest types)
- (let ((res *wild-type*))
- (dolist (type types res)
- (let ((ctype (specifier-type type)))
- (multiple-value-bind (int win) (type-intersection res ctype)
- (unless win
- (return (make-hairy-type :specifier spec)))
- (setq res int))))))
+;;; (Destructively) replace pairs of types which have simple
+;;; intersections with their simple intersection.
+(defun simplify-intersection-type-types (types)
+ (do* ((i-types types (cdr i-types))
+ (i-type (car i-types) (car i-types)))
+ ((null i-types))
+ (do* ((pre-j-types i-types (cdr pre-j-types))
+ (j-types (cdr pre-j-types) (cdr pre-j-types))
+ (j-type (car j-types) (car j-types)))
+ ((null j-types))
+ (multiple-value-bind (isect win) (type-intersection i-type j-type)
+ (when win
+ ;; Overwrite I-TYPES with the intersection, and delete
+ ;; J-TYPES from the list.
+ (setf (car i-types) isect
+ (cdr pre-j-types) (cdr j-types))))))
+ types)
+(!def-type-translator and (&rest type-specifiers)
+ ;; Note: Between the behavior of SIMPLIFY-INTERSECTION-TYPE (which
+ ;; will reduce to a 1-element list any list of types which CMU CL
+ ;; could've represented) and MAKE-INTERSECTION-TYPE-OR-SOMETHING
+ ;; (which knows to treat a 1-element intersection as the element
+ ;; itself) we should recover CMU CL's behavior for anything which it
+ ;; could handle usefully (i.e. could without punting to HAIRY-TYPE).
+ (make-intersection-type-or-something
+ (simplify-intersection-type-types
+ (mapcar #'specifier-type type-specifiers))))
;;;; CONS types