(push (make-binding name 'macro lambda t) *fenv*))
(defvar *compilations* nil)
(defun ls-compile-block (sexps env fenv)
(remove nil (mapcar (lambda (x)
(ls-compile x env fenv))
- (concat ";" *newline*)))
+ ";
(defmacro define-compilation (name args &rest body)
;; Creates a new primitive `name' with parameters args and
;; @body. The body can access to the local environment through the
`(push (list ',name (lambda (env fenv ,@args) ,@body))
(define-compilation if (condition true false)
(concat "("
(ls-compile condition env fenv)
;;; Literals
+(defun escape-string (string)
+ (let ((output "")
+ (index 0)
+ (size (length string)))
+ (while (< index size)
+ (let ((ch (char string index)))
+ (when (or (char= ch #\") (char= ch #\\))
+ (setq output (concat output "\\")))
+ (when (or (char= ch #\newline))
+ (setq output (concat output "\\"))
+ (setq ch #\n))
+ (setq output (concat output (string ch))))
+ (incf index))
+ output))
(defun literal->js (sexp)
((null sexp) "false")
((integerp sexp) (integer-to-string sexp))
- ((stringp sexp) (concat "\"" sexp "\""))
- ((symbolp sexp) (concat "{name: \"" (symbol-name sexp) "\"}"))
+ ((stringp sexp) (concat "\"" (escape-string sexp) "\""))
+ ((symbolp sexp) (ls-compile `(intern ,(escape-string (symbol-name sexp))) *env* *fenv*))
((consp sexp) (concat "{car: "
(literal->js (car sexp))
", cdr: "
(let ((counter 0))
(defun literal (form)
- (if (null form)
- (literal->js form)
- (let ((var (concat "l" (integer-to-string (incf counter)))))
- (push (concat "var " var " = " (literal->js form)) *toplevel-compilations*)
- var))))
+ (cond
+ ((null form)
+ (literal->js form))
+ (t
+ (let ((var (concat "l" (integer-to-string (incf counter)))))
+ (push (concat "var " var " = " (literal->js form)) *toplevel-compilations*)
+ var)))))
(define-compilation quote (sexp)
(literal sexp))
(define-compilation = (x y)
(concat "((" (ls-compile x env fenv) ") == (" (ls-compile y env fenv) "))"))
+(define-compilation numberp (x)
+ (concat "(typeof (" (ls-compile x env fenv) ") == \"number\")"))
(define-compilation mod (x y)
(concat "((" (ls-compile x env fenv) ") % (" (ls-compile y env fenv) "))"))
(define-compilation cons (x y)
(concat "{car: " (ls-compile x env fenv) ", cdr: " (ls-compile y env fenv) "}"))
+(define-compilation consp (x)
+ (concat "(function(){ var tmp = "
+ (ls-compile x env fenv)
+ "; return (typeof tmp == 'object' && 'car' in tmp);})()"))
(define-compilation car (x)
(concat "(" (ls-compile x env fenv) ").car"))
(define-compilation setcdr (x new)
(concat "((" (ls-compile x env fenv) ").cdr = " (ls-compile new env fenv) ")"))
+(define-compilation symbolp (x)
+ (concat "(function(){ var tmp = "
+ (ls-compile x env fenv)
+ "; return (typeof tmp == 'object' && 'name' in tmp); })()"))
(define-compilation make-symbol (name)
(concat "{name: " (ls-compile name env fenv) "}"))
(define-compilation string (x)
(concat "String.fromCharCode(" (ls-compile x env fenv) ")"))
+(define-compilation stringp (x)
+ (concat "(typeof(" (ls-compile x env fenv) ") == \"string\")"))
(define-compilation string-upcase (x)
(concat "(" (ls-compile x env fenv) ").toUpperCase()"))
", ")
+(define-compilation apply (func &rest args)
+ (if (null args)
+ (concat "(" (ls-compile func env fenv) ")()")
+ (let ((args (butlast args))
+ (last (car (last args))))
+ (concat "function(){" *newline*
+ "var f = " (ls-compile func env fenv) ";" *newline*
+ "var args = [" (join (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (ls-compile x env fenv))
+ args)
+ ", ")
+ "];" *newline*
+ "var tail = (" (ls-compile last env fenv) ");" *newline*
+ "while (tail != false){" *newline*
+ " args.push(tail[0]);" *newline*
+ " args = args.slice(1);" *newline*
+ "}" *newline*
+ "return f.apply(this, args);" *newline*
+ "}" *newline*))))
+(define-compilation js-eval (string)
+ (concat "eval(" (ls-compile string env fenv) ")"))
(define-compilation error (string)
(concat "(function (){ throw " (ls-compile string env fenv) ";" "return 0;})()"))
((symbolp sexp) (lookup-variable-translation sexp env))
((integerp sexp) (integer-to-string sexp))
- ((stringp sexp) (concat "\"" sexp "\""))
+ ((stringp sexp) (concat "\"" (escape-string sexp) "\""))
((listp sexp)
(if (assoc (car sexp) *compilations*)
(let ((comp (second (assoc (car sexp) *compilations*))))
(setq *toplevel-compilations* nil)
(let ((code (ls-compile sexp nil nil)))
- (concat (join (mapcar (lambda (x) (concat x ";" *newline*))
- *toplevel-compilations*)
- "")
- code)
+ (join (mapcar (lambda (x) (concat x ";" *newline*))
+ *toplevel-compilations*)
+ "")
+ code
(setq *toplevel-compilations* nil))))
+ (defun read-whole-file (filename)
+ (with-open-file (in filename)
+ (let ((seq (make-array (file-length in) :element-type 'character)))
+ (read-sequence seq in)
+ seq)))
+ (defun ls-compile-file (filename output)
+ (setq *env* nil *fenv* nil)
+ (setq *compilation-unit-checks* nil)
+ (with-open-file (out output :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+ (let* ((source (read-whole-file filename))
+ (in (make-string-stream source)))
+ (loop
+ for x = (ls-read in)
+ until (eq x *eof*)
+ for compilation = (ls-compile-toplevel x)
+ when (plusp (length compilation))
+ do (write-line (concat compilation "; ") out))
+ (dolist (check *compilation-unit-checks*)
+ (funcall check))
+ (setq *compilation-unit-checks* nil))))
+ (defun bootstrap ()
+ (ls-compile-file "lispstrack.lisp" "lispstrack.js")))
(defun eval (x)
(js-eval (ls-compile x nil nil)))
-(debug (eq (ls-read-from-string "+") '+))
+(debug (ls-compile 'x nil nil))