(def-find-position-if-not find-if-not 0)
(def-find-position-if-not position-if-not 1))
-;;;; COUNT
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
-(sb!xc:defmacro vector-count (item sequence)
- `(do ((index start (1+ index))
- (count 0))
- ((= index (the fixnum end)) count)
- (declare (fixnum index count))
- (if test-not
- (unless (funcall test-not ,item
- (apply-key key (aref ,sequence index)))
- (setq count (1+ count)))
- (when (funcall test ,item (apply-key key (aref ,sequence index)))
- (setq count (1+ count))))))
-(sb!xc:defmacro list-count (item sequence)
- `(do ((sequence (nthcdr start ,sequence))
- (index start (1+ index))
- (count 0))
- ((or (= index (the fixnum end)) (null sequence)) count)
- (declare (fixnum index count))
- (if test-not
- (unless (funcall test-not ,item (apply-key key (pop sequence)))
- (setq count (1+ count)))
- (when (funcall test ,item (apply-key key (pop sequence)))
- (setq count (1+ count))))))
-(defun count (item sequence &key from-end (test #'eql) test-not (start 0)
- end key)
- #!+sb-doc
- "Return the number of elements in SEQUENCE satisfying a test with ITEM,
- which defaults to EQL."
- (declare (ignore from-end) (fixnum start))
- (let ((end (or end (length sequence))))
- (declare (type index end))
- (seq-dispatch sequence
- (list-count item sequence)
- (vector-count item sequence))))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
-(sb!xc:defmacro vector-count-if (predicate sequence)
- `(do ((index start (1+ index))
- (count 0))
- ((= index (the fixnum end)) count)
- (declare (fixnum index count))
- (if (funcall ,predicate (apply-key key (aref ,sequence index)))
- (setq count (1+ count)))))
-(sb!xc:defmacro list-count-if (predicate sequence)
- `(do ((sequence (nthcdr start ,sequence))
- (index start (1+ index))
- (count 0))
- ((or (= index (the fixnum end)) (null sequence)) count)
- (declare (fixnum index count))
- (if (funcall ,predicate (apply-key key (pop sequence)))
- (setq count (1+ count)))))
+(sb!xc:defmacro vector-count-if (notp from-end-p predicate sequence)
+ (let ((next-index (if from-end-p '(1- index) '(1+ index)))
+ (pred `(funcall ,predicate (apply-key key (aref ,sequence index)))))
+ `(let ((%start ,(if from-end-p '(1- end) 'start))
+ (%end ,(if from-end-p '(1- start) 'end)))
+ (do ((index %start ,next-index)
+ (count 0))
+ ((= index (the fixnum %end)) count)
+ (declare (fixnum index count))
+ (,(if notp 'unless 'when) ,pred
+ (setq count (1+ count)))))))
+(sb!xc:defmacro list-count-if (notp from-end-p predicate sequence)
+ (let ((pred `(funcall ,predicate (apply-key key (pop sequence)))))
+ `(let ((%start ,(if from-end-p '(- length end) 'start))
+ (%end ,(if from-end-p '(- length start) 'end))
+ (sequence ,(if from-end-p '(reverse sequence) 'sequence)))
+ (do ((sequence (nthcdr %start ,sequence))
+ (index %start (1+ index))
+ (count 0))
+ ((or (= index (the fixnum %end)) (null sequence)) count)
+ (declare (fixnum index count))
+ (,(if notp 'unless 'when) ,pred
+ (setq count (1+ count)))))))
(defun count-if (test sequence &key from-end (start 0) end key)
"Return the number of elements in SEQUENCE satisfying TEST(el)."
- (declare (ignore from-end) (fixnum start))
- (let ((end (or end (length sequence))))
+ (declare (fixnum start))
+ (let* ((length (length sequence))
+ (end (or end length)))
(declare (type index end))
(seq-dispatch sequence
- (list-count-if test sequence)
- (vector-count-if test sequence))))
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
-(sb!xc:defmacro vector-count-if-not (predicate sequence)
- `(do ((index start (1+ index))
- (count 0))
- ((= index (the fixnum end)) count)
- (declare (fixnum index count))
- (if (not (funcall ,predicate (apply-key key (aref ,sequence index))))
- (setq count (1+ count)))))
-(sb!xc:defmacro list-count-if-not (predicate sequence)
- `(do ((sequence (nthcdr start ,sequence))
- (index start (1+ index))
- (count 0))
- ((or (= index (the fixnum end)) (null sequence)) count)
- (declare (fixnum index count))
- (if (not (funcall ,predicate (apply-key key (pop sequence))))
- (setq count (1+ count)))))
+ (if from-end
+ (list-count-if nil t test sequence)
+ (list-count-if nil nil test sequence))
+ (if from-end
+ (vector-count-if nil t test sequence)
+ (vector-count-if nil nil test sequence)))))
(defun count-if-not (test sequence &key from-end (start 0) end key)
"Return the number of elements in SEQUENCE not satisfying TEST(el)."
- (declare (ignore from-end) (fixnum start))
- (let ((end (or end (length sequence))))
+ (declare (fixnum start))
+ (let* ((length (length sequence))
+ (end (or end length)))
(declare (type index end))
(seq-dispatch sequence
- (list-count-if-not test sequence)
- (vector-count-if-not test sequence))))
+ (if from-end
+ (list-count-if t t test sequence)
+ (list-count-if t nil test sequence))
+ (if from-end
+ (vector-count-if t t test sequence)
+ (vector-count-if t nil test sequence)))))
+(defun count (item sequence &key from-end (start 0) end key (test #'eql test-p) (test-not nil test-not-p))
+ #!+sb-doc
+ "Return the number of elements in SEQUENCE satisfying a test with ITEM,
+ which defaults to EQL."
+ (declare (fixnum start))
+ (when (and test-p test-not-p)
+ ;; ANSI Common Lisp has left the behavior in this situation unspecified.
+ ;; (CLHS 17.2.1)
+ (error ":TEST and :TEST-NOT are both present."))
+ (let* ((length (length sequence))
+ (end (or end length)))
+ (declare (type index end))
+ (let ((%test (if test-not-p
+ (lambda (x)
+ (not (funcall test-not item x)))
+ (lambda (x)
+ (funcall test item x)))))
+ (seq-dispatch sequence
+ (if from-end
+ (list-count-if nil t %test sequence)
+ (list-count-if nil nil %test sequence))
+ (if from-end
+ (vector-count-if nil t %test sequence)
+ (vector-count-if nil nil %test sequence))))))
"The specified subsequences of SEQUENCE1 and SEQUENCE2 are compared
element-wise. If they are of equal length and match in every element, the
- result is Nil. Otherwise, the result is a non-negative integer, the index
+ result is NIL. Otherwise, the result is a non-negative integer, the index
within SEQUENCE1 of the leftmost position at which they fail to match; or,
if one is shorter than and a matching prefix of the other, the index within
SEQUENCE1 beyond the last position tested is returned. If a non-NIL
(make-list (- 10 j)
:initial-element 'a))))))))
+;;; tests of COUNT
+(assert (= 1 (count 1 '(1 2 3))))
+(assert (= 2 (count 'z #(z 1 2 3 z))))
+(assert (= 0 (count 'y '(z 1 2 3 z))))
+;;; tests of COUNT-IF and COUNT-IF-NOT
+(macrolet (;; the guts of CCI, abstracted over whether we're testing
+ (%cci (expected count-if test sequence-as-list &rest keys)
+ `(let* ((list ',sequence-as-list)
+ (simple-vector (coerce list 'simple-vector))
+ (length (length list))
+ (vector (make-array (* 2 length) :fill-pointer length)))
+ (replace vector list :end1 length)
+ (dolist (seq (list list simple-vector vector))
+ (assert (= ,expected (,count-if ,test seq ,@keys))))))
+ ;; "Check COUNT-IF"
+ (cci (expected test sequence-as-list &rest keys)
+ `(progn
+ (format t "~&SEQUENCE-AS-LIST=~S~%" ',sequence-as-list)
+ (%cci ,expected
+ count-if
+ ,test
+ ,sequence-as-list
+ ,@keys)
+ (%cci ,expected
+ count-if-not
+ (complement ,test)
+ ,sequence-as-list
+ ,@keys))))
+ (cci 1 #'consp (1 (12) 1))
+ (cci 3 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6))
+ (cci 3 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6) :from-end t)
+ (cci 2 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6) :start 2)
+ (cci 0 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6) :start 2 :end 3)
+ (cci 1 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6) :start 1 :end 3)
+ (cci 1 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6) :start 1 :end 2)
+ (cci 0 #'consp (1 (2) 3 (4) (5) 6) :start 2 :end 2)
+ (cci 2 #'zerop (0 10 0 11 12))
+ (cci 1 #'zerop (0 10 0 11 12) :start 1)
+ (cci 2 #'minusp (0 10 0 11 12) :key #'1-)
+ (cci 1 #'minusp (0 10 0 11 12) :key #'1- :end 2))
+(multiple-value-bind (v e)
+ (ignore-errors (count-if #'zerop '(0 a 0 b c) :start 1))
+ (declare (ignore v))
+ (assert (eql (type-error-datum e) 'a)))
+(multiple-value-bind (v e)
+ (ignore-errors (count-if #'zerop #(0 a 0 b c) :start 1 :from-end 11))
+ (declare (ignore v))
+ (assert (eql (type-error-datum e) 'c)))