(release widget)
(setf x (event-motion-x event)
y (event-motion-y event))
- (gtk-widget-queue-draw window)))
+ (widget-queue-draw window)))
(g-signal-connect window "expose-event"
(lambda (widget event)
(declare (ignore event))
;(print event)
(using* ((gdk-window (widget-window window))
(gc (gdk-gc-new gdk-window))
- (layout (gtk-widget-create-pango-layout window (format nil "X: ~F~%Y: ~F" x y))))
+ (layout (widget-create-pango-layout window (format nil "X: ~F~%Y: ~F" x y))))
(gdk-draw-layout gdk-window gc 0 0 layout)
(gdk-gc-set-rgb-fg-color gc (make-color :red 65535 :green 0 :blue 0))
(multiple-value-bind (x y) (drawable-get-size gdk-window)
(lambda (widget event)
(declare (ignore event))
(release widget)
- (gtk-widget-queue-draw window)))
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-queue-draw window)))
+ (widget-show window)
(push :pointer-motion-mask (gdk-window-events (widget-window window)))
(release window)))
(editable-select-region entry 5 10)))
(g-signal-connect button-insert "clicked" (lambda (button) (release button)
(editable-insert-text entry "hello" 2)))
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun table-packing ()
(table-attach table button-q 0 2 1 2)
(g-signal-connect window "destroy" (lambda (w) (release w) (gtk-main-quit)))
(g-signal-connect button-q "clicked" (lambda (b) (release b) (object-destroy window)))
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun test-pixbuf ()
(container-add eventbox vbox-1)
(box-pack-start vbox-1 (make-instance 'label :text "This is the eventbox"))
(box-pack-start vbox-1 (make-instance 'label :text "The green ball is the bg"))
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun test-image ()
(image (make-instance 'image :icon-name "applications-development" :icon-size 6)))
(container-add window image)
(g-signal-connect window "destroy" (lambda (w) (release w) (gtk-main-quit)))
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun test-progress-bar ()
(g-signal-connect button-set "clicked" (lambda (w) (release w)
(setf (progress-bar-fraction p-bar)
(coerce (read-from-string (entry-text entry)) 'real))))
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun test-status-bar ()
(box-pack-start h-box button-pop :expand nil)
(box-pack-start v-box label)
(box-pack-start v-box status-bar :expand nil)
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(setf (status-icon-screen icon) (gtk-window-screen window))
(button (make-instance 'scale-button :icons (list "media-seek-backward" "media-seek-forward" "media-playback-stop" "media-playback-start") :adjustment (make-instance 'adjustment :lower -40 :upper 50 :value 20))))
(g-signal-connect window "destroy" (lambda (w) (release w) (gtk-main-quit)))
(container-add window button)
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun test-text-view ()
(box-pack-start box button :expand nil)
(box-pack-start box bold-btn :expand nil)
(box-pack-start box scrolled)
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun demo-code-editor ()
(g-signal-connect window "destroy" (lambda (w) (release w) (gtk-main-quit)))
(container-add window scrolled)
(container-add scrolled view)
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(g-signal-connect buffer "insert-text" (lambda (buffer location text len)
(using* ((buffer buffer) (location location))
(format t "~A~%" (list buffer location text len)))))
(tree-view-append-column tv column)
(print (tree-view-column-tree-view column))
(print (tree-view-column-cell-renderers column)))
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun test-combo-box ()
(let ((renderer (make-instance 'cell-renderer-text :text "A number")))
(cell-layout-pack-start combo-box renderer :expand nil)
(cell-layout-add-attribute combo-box renderer "text" 1))
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun test-ui-manager ()
(action-group-add-action action-group action))
(awhen (ui-manager-widget ui-manager "/toolbar1")
(container-add window it))
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun test-color-button ()
(g-signal-connect window "destroy" (lambda (w) (release w) (gtk-main-quit)))
(g-signal-connect button "color-set" (lambda (b) (release b) (format t "Chose color ~A~%" (color-button-color button))))
(container-add window button)
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun test-color-selection ()
(g-signal-connect window "destroy" (lambda (w) (declare (ignore w)) (gtk-main-quit)))
(g-signal-connect selection "color-changed" (lambda (s) (declare (ignore s)) (unless (color-selection-adjusting-p selection) (format t "color: ~A~%" (color-selection-current-color selection)))))
(container-add window selection)
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun test-file-chooser ()
(container-add window v-box)
(box-pack-start v-box button)
(box-pack-start v-box b)
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun test-font-chooser ()
(g-signal-connect button "font-set" (lambda (b) (declare (ignore b)) (format t "Chose font ~A~%" (font-button-font-name button))))
(container-add window v-box)
(box-pack-start v-box button)
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun test-notebook ()
(for tab-hbox = (make-instance 'h-box))
(box-pack-start tab-hbox tab-label)
(box-pack-start tab-hbox tab-button)
- (gtk-widget-show-all tab-hbox)
+ (widget-show tab-hbox)
(notebook-add-page notebook page tab-hbox))
(container-add window expander)
(container-add expander notebook)
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun calendar-detail (calendar year month day)
(calendar-month calendar)
(calendar-day calendar))))
(container-add window calendar)
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
(defun test-box-child-property ()
(g-signal-connect button "toggled" (lambda (b) (declare (ignore b)) (setf (box-child-expand box button) (toggle-button-active button))))
(container-add window box)
(box-pack-start box button)
- (gtk-widget-show-all window)
+ (widget-show window)
\ No newline at end of file
(x :int)
(y :int)
(width :int)
- (height :int)
+ (height :int))
-(export 'widget-queue-draw-area))
+(export 'widget-queue-draw-area)
(defcfun (widget-reset-shapes "gtk_widget_reset_shapes") :void
(widget g-object))
; TOOD: gtk_widget_class_install_style_property_parser
-; TODO: gtk_widget_class_find_style_property
; TODO: gtk_widget_class_list_style_properties
; TODO: gtk_widget_region_intersect
; TODO: gtk_widget_send_expose
-; TODO: gtk_widget_style_get_property
+(defcfun gtk-widget-style-get-property :void
+ (widget g-object)
+ (property-name :string)
+ (value (:pointer g-value)))
+(defcfun gtk-widget-class-find-style-property (:pointer g-param-spec)
+ (class :pointer)
+ (property-name :string))
+(defcfun gtk-widget-class-list-style-properties (:pointer (:pointer g-param-spec))
+ (class :pointer)
+ (n-properties (:pointer :int)))
+(defun widget-class-get-style-properties (type)
+ (setf type (ensure-g-type type))
+ (let ((class (g-type-class-ref type)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (with-foreign-object (np :int)
+ (let ((specs (gtk-widget-class-list-style-properties class np)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (loop
+ repeat (mem-ref np :int)
+ for i from 0
+ for spec = (mem-aref specs :pointer i)
+ collect (parse-g-param-spec spec))
+ (g-free specs))))
+ (g-type-class-unref class))))
+(export 'widget-class-get-style-properties)
+(defun widget-child-property-type (widget property-name)
+ (let* ((type (g-type-from-object widget))
+ (class (g-type-class-ref type)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (let ((g-param-spec (gtk-widget-class-find-style-property class property-name)))
+ (unless g-param-spec (error "Widget ~A has no style-property named '~A'" widget property-name))
+ (foreign-slot-value g-param-spec 'gobject::g-param-spec 'gobject::value-type))
+ (g-type-class-unref class))))
+(defun widget-child-property-value (widget property-name &optional property-type)
+ (unless property-type (setf property-type (widget-child-property-type widget property-name)))
+ (setf property-type (ensure-g-type property-type))
+ (with-foreign-object (gvalue 'g-value)
+ (g-value-zero gvalue)
+ (g-value-init gvalue property-type)
+ (prog1 (gtk-widget-style-get-property widget property-name gvalue)
+ (g-value-unset gvalue))))
+(export 'widget-child-property-value)
(defcfun (widget-child-focus "gtk_widget_child_focus") :boolean
(widget g-object)