code), or if the TAGBODY and GO forms are retained, but the
assigned value becomes 0.0 instead of (- (ROW-MAJOR-AREF A I)).
+ Paul Werkowski wrote on 2000-11-15
+ I am looking into this problem that showed up on the cmucl-help
+ list. It seems to me that the "implementation specific environment
+ hacking functions" found in pcl/walker.lisp are completely messed
+ up. The good thing is that they appear to be barely used within
+ PCL and the munged environment object is passed to cmucl only
+ in calls to macroexpand-1, which is probably why this case fails.
+ SBCL uses essentially the same code, so if the environment hacking
+ is screwed up, it affects us too.
+ Using the pretty-printer from the command prompt gives funny
+ results, apparently because the pretty-printer doesn't know
+ about user's command input, including the user's carriage return
+ that the user, and therefore the pretty-printer thinks that
+ the new output block should start indented 2 or more characters
+ rightward of the correct location.
+ As reported by Carl Witty on 1999-05-08,
+ compiling this file
+(in-package "CL-USER")
+(defun equal-terms (termx termy)
+ (labels
+ ((alpha-equal-bound-term-lists (listx listy)
+ (or (and (null listx) (null listy))
+ (and listx listy
+ (let ((bindings-x (bindings-of-bound-term (car listx)))
+ (bindings-y (bindings-of-bound-term (car listy))))
+ (if (and (null bindings-x) (null bindings-y))
+ (alpha-equal-terms (term-of-bound-term (car listx))
+ (term-of-bound-term (car listy)))
+ (and (= (length bindings-x) (length bindings-y))
+ (prog2
+ (enter-binding-pairs (bindings-of-bound-term (car listx))
+ (bindings-of-bound-term (car listy)))
+ (alpha-equal-terms (term-of-bound-term (car listx))
+ (term-of-bound-term (car listy)))
+ (exit-binding-pairs (bindings-of-bound-term (car listx))
+ (bindings-of-bound-term (car listy)))))))
+ (alpha-equal-bound-term-lists (cdr listx) (cdr listy)))))
+ (alpha-equal-terms (termx termy)
+ (if (and (variable-p termx)
+ (variable-p termy))
+ (equal-bindings (id-of-variable-term termx)
+ (id-of-variable-term termy))
+ (and (equal-operators-p (operator-of-term termx) (operator-of-term termy))
+ (alpha-equal-bound-term-lists (bound-terms-of-term termx)
+ (bound-terms-of-term termy))))))
+ (or (eq termx termy)
+ (and termx termy
+ (with-variable-invocation (alpha-equal-terms termx termy))))))
+ causes an assertion failure
+ The assertion (EQ (C::LAMBDA-TAIL-SET C::CALLER)
+ Bob Rogers reports (1999-07-28 on a smaller test
+ case with the same problem:
+(defun parse-fssp-alignment ()
+ ;; Given an FSSP alignment file named by the argument . . .
+ (labels ((get-fssp-char ()
+ (get-fssp-char))
+ (read-fssp-char ()
+ (get-fssp-char)))
+ ;; Stub body, enough to tickle the bug.
+ (list (read-fssp-char)
+ (read-fssp-char))))
+ ANSI specifies that the RESULT-TYPE argument of CONCATENATE must be
+ a subtype of SEQUENCE, but CONCATENATE doesn't check this properly:
+ (CONCATENATE 'SIMPLE-ARRAY #(1 2) '(3)) => #(1 2 3)
+ This also leads to funny behavior when derived type specifiers
+ are used, as originally reported by Milan Zamazal for CMU CL (on the
+ Debian bugs mailing list (?) 2000-02-27), then reported by Martin
+ Atzmueller for SBCL (2000-10-01 on
+ (CONCATENATE 'FOO #(1 2) '(3))
+ => #<ARRAY-TYPE SIMPLE-ARRAY> is a bad type specifier for
+ sequence functions.
+ The derived type specifier FOO should act the same way as the
+ built-in type SIMPLE-ARRAY here, but it doesn't. That problem
+ doesn't seem to exist for sequence types:
+ (CONCATENATE 'BAR #(1 2) '(3)) => #(1 2 3)
* The system now understands compound CONS types (e.g. (CONS FIXNUM T))
as required by ANSI. (thanks to Douglas Crosher's CMU CL patches, with
some porting work by Martin Atzmueller)
+* Martin Atzmueller reviewed the CMU CL mailing lists and came back
+ with a boatload of other patches for SBCL, which he ported to
+ SBCL. Now that those have been applied,
+ ** The system tries to make sure that its low-priority messages
+ are prefixed by semicolons, to help people who like to use
+ syntax highlighting in their ILISP buffer. (This patch
+ was originally due to Raymond Toy.)
+ ** The system now optimizes INTEGER-LENGTH better, thanks to more
+ patches originally written by Raymond Toy.
+ ** The compiler understands coercion between single-value and
+ multiple-VALUES type expressions better, getting rid of some very
+ weird behavior, thanks to patches originally by Robert MacLachlan
+ and Douglas Crosher.
+ ** The system understands ANSI-style non-KEYWORD &KEY arguments in
+ lambda lists, thanks to a patch originally by Pierre Mai.
+ ** The system no longer bogusly warns about "abbreviated type
+ declarations".
+ ** The compiler gets less confused by inlining and RETURN-FROM,
+ thanks to some patches originally by Tim Moore.
+ ** The system no longer hangs when dumping circular lists to fasl
+ files, thanks to a patch originally from Douglas Crosher.
+* Martin Atzmueller also fixed ROOM, so that it no longer fails with an
+ undefined function error.