--- /dev/null
+;;; compiler.lisp ---
+;; Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 David Vazquez
+;; Copyright (C) 2012 Raimon Grau
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;;; Compiler
+;;; Translate the Lisp code to Javascript. It will compile the special
+;;; forms. Some primitive functions are compiled as special forms
+;;; too. The respective real functions are defined in the target (see
+;;; the beginning of this file) as well as some primitive functions.
+(defun code (&rest args)
+ (mapconcat (lambda (arg)
+ (cond
+ ((null arg) "")
+ ((integerp arg) (integer-to-string arg))
+ ((stringp arg) arg)
+ (t (error "Unknown argument."))))
+ args))
+;;; Wrap X with a Javascript code to convert the result from
+;;; Javascript generalized booleans to T or NIL.
+(defun js!bool (x)
+ (code "(" x "?" (ls-compile t) ": " (ls-compile nil) ")"))
+;;; Concatenate the arguments and wrap them with a self-calling
+;;; Javascript anonymous function. It is used to make some Javascript
+;;; statements valid expressions and provide a private scope as well.
+;;; It could be defined as function, but we could do some
+;;; preprocessing in the future.
+(defmacro js!selfcall (&body body)
+ `(code "(function(){" *newline* (indent ,@body) "})()"))
+;;; Like CODE, but prefix each line with four spaces. Two versions
+;;; of this function are available, because the Ecmalisp version is
+;;; very slow and bootstraping was annoying.
+(defun indent (&rest string)
+ (let ((input (apply #'code string)))
+ (let ((output "")
+ (index 0)
+ (size (length input)))
+ (when (plusp (length input)) (concatf output " "))
+ (while (< index size)
+ (let ((str
+ (if (and (char= (char input index) #\newline)
+ (< index (1- size))
+ (not (char= (char input (1+ index)) #\newline)))
+ (concat (string #\newline) " ")
+ (string (char input index)))))
+ (concatf output str))
+ (incf index))
+ output)))
+(defun indent (&rest string)
+ (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+ (with-input-from-string (input (apply #'code string))
+ (loop
+ for line = (read-line input nil)
+ while line
+ do (write-string " ")
+ do (write-line line)))))
+;;; A Form can return a multiple values object calling VALUES, like
+;;; values(arg1, arg2, ...). It will work in any context, as well as
+;;; returning an individual object. However, if the special variable
+;;; `*multiple-value-p*' is NIL, is granted that only the primary
+;;; value will be used, so we can optimize to avoid the VALUES
+;;; function call.
+(defvar *multiple-value-p* nil)
+;; A very simple defstruct built on lists. It supports just slot with
+;; an optional default initform, and it will create a constructor,
+;; predicate and accessors for you.
+(defmacro def!struct (name &rest slots)
+ (unless (symbolp name)
+ (error "It is not a full defstruct implementation."))
+ (let* ((name-string (symbol-name name))
+ (slot-descriptions
+ (mapcar (lambda (sd)
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp sd)
+ (list sd))
+ ((and (listp sd) (car sd) (cddr sd))
+ sd)
+ (t
+ (error "Bad slot accessor."))))
+ slots))
+ (predicate (intern (concat name-string "-P"))))
+ `(progn
+ ;; Constructor
+ (defun ,(intern (concat "MAKE-" name-string)) (&key ,@slot-descriptions)
+ (list ',name ,@(mapcar #'car slot-descriptions)))
+ ;; Predicate
+ (defun ,predicate (x)
+ (and (consp x) (eq (car x) ',name)))
+ ;; Copier
+ (defun ,(intern (concat "COPY-" name-string)) (x)
+ (copy-list x))
+ ;; Slot accessors
+ ,@(with-collect
+ (let ((index 1))
+ (dolist (slot slot-descriptions)
+ (let* ((name (car slot))
+ (accessor-name (intern (concat name-string "-" (string name)))))
+ (collect
+ `(defun ,accessor-name (x)
+ (unless (,predicate x)
+ (error ,(concat "The object is not a type " name-string)))
+ (nth ,index x)))
+ ;; TODO: Implement this with a higher level
+ ;; abstraction like defsetf or (defun (setf ..))
+ (collect
+ `(define-setf-expander ,accessor-name (x)
+ (let ((object (gensym))
+ (new-value (gensym)))
+ (values (list object)
+ (list x)
+ (list new-value)
+ `(progn
+ (rplaca (nthcdr ,',index ,object) ,new-value)
+ ,new-value)
+ `(,',accessor-name ,object)))))
+ (incf index)))))
+ ',name)))
+;;; Environment
+(def!struct binding
+ name
+ type
+ value
+ declarations)
+(def!struct lexenv
+ variable
+ function
+ block
+ gotag)
+(defun lookup-in-lexenv (name lexenv namespace)
+ (find name (ecase namespace
+ (variable (lexenv-variable lexenv))
+ (function (lexenv-function lexenv))
+ (block (lexenv-block lexenv))
+ (gotag (lexenv-gotag lexenv)))
+ :key #'binding-name))
+(defun push-to-lexenv (binding lexenv namespace)
+ (ecase namespace
+ (variable (push binding (lexenv-variable lexenv)))
+ (function (push binding (lexenv-function lexenv)))
+ (block (push binding (lexenv-block lexenv)))
+ (gotag (push binding (lexenv-gotag lexenv)))))
+(defun extend-lexenv (bindings lexenv namespace)
+ (let ((env (copy-lexenv lexenv)))
+ (dolist (binding (reverse bindings) env)
+ (push-to-lexenv binding env namespace))))
+(defvar *environment* (make-lexenv))
+(defvar *variable-counter* 0)
+(defun gvarname (symbol)
+ (code "v" (incf *variable-counter*)))
+(defun translate-variable (symbol)
+ (awhen (lookup-in-lexenv symbol *environment* 'variable)
+ (binding-value it)))
+(defun extend-local-env (args)
+ (let ((new (copy-lexenv *environment*)))
+ (dolist (symbol args new)
+ (let ((b (make-binding :name symbol :type 'variable :value (gvarname symbol))))
+ (push-to-lexenv b new 'variable)))))
+;;; Toplevel compilations
+(defvar *toplevel-compilations* nil)
+(defun toplevel-compilation (string)
+ (push string *toplevel-compilations*))
+(defun null-or-empty-p (x)
+ (zerop (length x)))
+(defun get-toplevel-compilations ()
+ (reverse (remove-if #'null-or-empty-p *toplevel-compilations*)))
+(defun %compile-defmacro (name lambda)
+ (toplevel-compilation (ls-compile `',name))
+ (let ((binding (make-binding :name name :type 'macro :value lambda)))
+ (push-to-lexenv binding *environment* 'function))
+ name)
+(defun global-binding (name type namespace)
+ (or (lookup-in-lexenv name *environment* namespace)
+ (let ((b (make-binding :name name :type type :value nil)))
+ (push-to-lexenv b *environment* namespace)
+ b)))
+(defun claimp (symbol namespace claim)
+ (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv symbol *environment* namespace)))
+ (and b (member claim (binding-declarations b)))))
+(defun !proclaim (decl)
+ (case (car decl)
+ (special
+ (dolist (name (cdr decl))
+ (let ((b (global-binding name 'variable 'variable)))
+ (push 'special (binding-declarations b)))))
+ (notinline
+ (dolist (name (cdr decl))
+ (let ((b (global-binding name 'function 'function)))
+ (push 'notinline (binding-declarations b)))))
+ (constant
+ (dolist (name (cdr decl))
+ (let ((b (global-binding name 'variable 'variable)))
+ (push 'constant (binding-declarations b)))))))
+(fset 'proclaim #'!proclaim)
+(defun %define-symbol-macro (name expansion)
+ (let ((b (make-binding :name name :type 'macro :value expansion)))
+ (push-to-lexenv b *environment* 'variable)
+ name))
+(defmacro define-symbol-macro (name expansion)
+ `(%define-symbol-macro ',name ',expansion))
+;;; Special forms
+(defvar *compilations* nil)
+(defmacro define-compilation (name args &body body)
+ ;; Creates a new primitive `name' with parameters args and
+ ;; @body. The body can access to the local environment through the
+ ;; variable *ENVIRONMENT*.
+ `(push (list ',name (lambda ,args (block ,name ,@body)))
+ *compilations*))
+(define-compilation if (condition true false)
+ (code "(" (ls-compile condition) " !== " (ls-compile nil)
+ " ? " (ls-compile true *multiple-value-p*)
+ " : " (ls-compile false *multiple-value-p*)
+ ")"))
+(defvar *ll-keywords* '(&optional &rest &key))
+(defun list-until-keyword (list)
+ (if (or (null list) (member (car list) *ll-keywords*))
+ nil
+ (cons (car list) (list-until-keyword (cdr list)))))
+(defun ll-section (keyword ll)
+ (list-until-keyword (cdr (member keyword ll))))
+(defun ll-required-arguments (ll)
+ (list-until-keyword ll))
+(defun ll-optional-arguments-canonical (ll)
+ (mapcar #'ensure-list (ll-section '&optional ll)))
+(defun ll-optional-arguments (ll)
+ (mapcar #'car (ll-optional-arguments-canonical ll)))
+(defun ll-rest-argument (ll)
+ (let ((rest (ll-section '&rest ll)))
+ (when (cdr rest)
+ (error "Bad lambda-list"))
+ (car rest)))
+(defun ll-keyword-arguments-canonical (ll)
+ (flet ((canonicalize (keyarg)
+ ;; Build a canonical keyword argument descriptor, filling
+ ;; the optional fields. The result is a list of the form
+ ;; ((keyword-name var) init-form).
+ (let ((arg (ensure-list keyarg)))
+ (cons (if (listp (car arg))
+ (car arg)
+ (list (intern (symbol-name (car arg)) "KEYWORD") (car arg)))
+ (cdr arg)))))
+ (mapcar #'canonicalize (ll-section '&key ll))))
+(defun ll-keyword-arguments (ll)
+ (mapcar (lambda (keyarg) (second (first keyarg)))
+ (ll-keyword-arguments-canonical ll)))
+(defun ll-svars (lambda-list)
+ (let ((args
+ (append
+ (ll-keyword-arguments-canonical lambda-list)
+ (ll-optional-arguments-canonical lambda-list))))
+ (remove nil (mapcar #'third args))))
+(defun lambda-docstring-wrapper (docstring &rest strs)
+ (if docstring
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var func = " (join strs) ";" *newline*
+ "func.docstring = '" docstring "';" *newline*
+ "return func;" *newline*)
+ (apply #'code strs)))
+(defun lambda-check-argument-count
+ (n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments rest-p)
+ ;; Note: Remember that we assume that the number of arguments of a
+ ;; call is at least 1 (the values argument).
+ (let ((min (1+ n-required-arguments))
+ (max (if rest-p 'n/a (+ 1 n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments))))
+ (block nil
+ ;; Special case: a positive exact number of arguments.
+ (when (and (< 1 min) (eql min max))
+ (return (code "checkArgs(arguments, " min ");" *newline*)))
+ ;; General case:
+ (code
+ (when (< 1 min)
+ (code "checkArgsAtLeast(arguments, " min ");" *newline*))
+ (when (numberp max)
+ (code "checkArgsAtMost(arguments, " max ");" *newline*))))))
+(defun compile-lambda-optional (ll)
+ (let* ((optional-arguments (ll-optional-arguments-canonical ll))
+ (n-required-arguments (length (ll-required-arguments ll)))
+ (n-optional-arguments (length optional-arguments)))
+ (when optional-arguments
+ (code (mapconcat (lambda (arg)
+ (code "var " (translate-variable (first arg)) "; " *newline*
+ (when (third arg)
+ (code "var " (translate-variable (third arg))
+ " = " (ls-compile t)
+ "; " *newline*))))
+ optional-arguments)
+ "switch(arguments.length-1){" *newline*
+ (let ((cases nil)
+ (idx 0))
+ (progn
+ (while (< idx n-optional-arguments)
+ (let ((arg (nth idx optional-arguments)))
+ (push (code "case " (+ idx n-required-arguments) ":" *newline*
+ (indent (translate-variable (car arg))
+ "="
+ (ls-compile (cadr arg)) ";" *newline*)
+ (when (third arg)
+ (indent (translate-variable (third arg))
+ "="
+ (ls-compile nil)
+ ";" *newline*)))
+ cases)
+ (incf idx)))
+ (push (code "default: break;" *newline*) cases)
+ (join (reverse cases))))
+ "}" *newline*))))
+(defun compile-lambda-rest (ll)
+ (let ((n-required-arguments (length (ll-required-arguments ll)))
+ (n-optional-arguments (length (ll-optional-arguments ll)))
+ (rest-argument (ll-rest-argument ll)))
+ (when rest-argument
+ (let ((js!rest (translate-variable rest-argument)))
+ (code "var " js!rest "= " (ls-compile nil) ";" *newline*
+ "for (var i = arguments.length-1; i>="
+ (+ 1 n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments)
+ "; i--)" *newline*
+ (indent js!rest " = {car: arguments[i], cdr: ") js!rest "};"
+ *newline*)))))
+(defun compile-lambda-parse-keywords (ll)
+ (let ((n-required-arguments
+ (length (ll-required-arguments ll)))
+ (n-optional-arguments
+ (length (ll-optional-arguments ll)))
+ (keyword-arguments
+ (ll-keyword-arguments-canonical ll)))
+ (code
+ ;; Declare variables
+ (mapconcat (lambda (arg)
+ (let ((var (second (car arg))))
+ (code "var " (translate-variable var) "; " *newline*
+ (when (third arg)
+ (code "var " (translate-variable (third arg))
+ " = " (ls-compile nil)
+ ";" *newline*)))))
+ keyword-arguments)
+ ;; Parse keywords
+ (flet ((parse-keyword (keyarg)
+ ;; ((keyword-name var) init-form)
+ (code "for (i=" (+ 1 n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments)
+ "; i<arguments.length; i+=2){" *newline*
+ (indent
+ "if (arguments[i] === " (ls-compile (caar keyarg)) "){" *newline*
+ (indent (translate-variable (cadr (car keyarg)))
+ " = arguments[i+1];"
+ *newline*
+ (let ((svar (third keyarg)))
+ (when svar
+ (code (translate-variable svar) " = " (ls-compile t) ";" *newline*)))
+ "break;" *newline*)
+ "}" *newline*)
+ "}" *newline*
+ ;; Default value
+ "if (i == arguments.length){" *newline*
+ (indent (translate-variable (cadr (car keyarg))) " = " (ls-compile (cadr keyarg)) ";" *newline*)
+ "}" *newline*)))
+ (when keyword-arguments
+ (code "var i;" *newline*
+ (mapconcat #'parse-keyword keyword-arguments))))
+ ;; Check for unknown keywords
+ (when keyword-arguments
+ (code "for (i=" (+ 1 n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments)
+ "; i<arguments.length; i+=2){" *newline*
+ (indent "if ("
+ (join (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (concat "arguments[i] !== " (ls-compile (caar x))))
+ keyword-arguments)
+ " && ")
+ ")" *newline*
+ (indent
+ "throw 'Unknown keyword argument ' + arguments[i].name;" *newline*))
+ "}" *newline*)))))
+(defun compile-lambda (ll body)
+ (let ((required-arguments (ll-required-arguments ll))
+ (optional-arguments (ll-optional-arguments ll))
+ (keyword-arguments (ll-keyword-arguments ll))
+ (rest-argument (ll-rest-argument ll))
+ documentation)
+ ;; Get the documentation string for the lambda function
+ (when (and (stringp (car body))
+ (not (null (cdr body))))
+ (setq documentation (car body))
+ (setq body (cdr body)))
+ (let ((n-required-arguments (length required-arguments))
+ (n-optional-arguments (length optional-arguments))
+ (*environment* (extend-local-env
+ (append (ensure-list rest-argument)
+ required-arguments
+ optional-arguments
+ keyword-arguments
+ (ll-svars ll)))))
+ (lambda-docstring-wrapper
+ documentation
+ "(function ("
+ (join (cons "values"
+ (mapcar #'translate-variable
+ (append required-arguments optional-arguments)))
+ ",")
+ "){" *newline*
+ (indent
+ ;; Check number of arguments
+ (lambda-check-argument-count n-required-arguments
+ n-optional-arguments
+ (or rest-argument keyword-arguments))
+ (compile-lambda-optional ll)
+ (compile-lambda-rest ll)
+ (compile-lambda-parse-keywords ll)
+ (let ((*multiple-value-p* t))
+ (ls-compile-block body t)))
+ "})"))))
+(defun setq-pair (var val)
+ (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv var *environment* 'variable)))
+ (cond
+ ((and b
+ (eq (binding-type b) 'variable)
+ (not (member 'special (binding-declarations b)))
+ (not (member 'constant (binding-declarations b))))
+ (code (binding-value b) " = " (ls-compile val)))
+ ((and b (eq (binding-type b) 'macro))
+ (ls-compile `(setf ,var ,val)))
+ (t
+ (ls-compile `(set ',var ,val))))))
+(define-compilation setq (&rest pairs)
+ (let ((result ""))
+ (while t
+ (cond
+ ((null pairs) (return))
+ ((null (cdr pairs))
+ (error "Odd paris in SETQ"))
+ (t
+ (concatf result
+ (concat (setq-pair (car pairs) (cadr pairs))
+ (if (null (cddr pairs)) "" ", ")))
+ (setq pairs (cddr pairs)))))
+ (code "(" result ")")))
+;;; Literals
+(defun escape-string (string)
+ (let ((output "")
+ (index 0)
+ (size (length string)))
+ (while (< index size)
+ (let ((ch (char string index)))
+ (when (or (char= ch #\") (char= ch #\\))
+ (setq output (concat output "\\")))
+ (when (or (char= ch #\newline))
+ (setq output (concat output "\\"))
+ (setq ch #\n))
+ (setq output (concat output (string ch))))
+ (incf index))
+ output))
+(defvar *literal-symbols* nil)
+(defvar *literal-counter* 0)
+(defun genlit ()
+ (code "l" (incf *literal-counter*)))
+(defun literal (sexp &optional recursive)
+ (cond
+ ((integerp sexp) (integer-to-string sexp))
+ ((stringp sexp) (code "\"" (escape-string sexp) "\""))
+ ((symbolp sexp)
+ (or (cdr (assoc sexp *literal-symbols*))
+ (let ((v (genlit))
+ (s #+common-lisp
+ (let ((package (symbol-package sexp)))
+ (if (eq package (find-package "KEYWORD"))
+ (code "{name: \"" (escape-string (symbol-name sexp))
+ "\", 'package': '" (package-name package) "'}")
+ (code "{name: \"" (escape-string (symbol-name sexp)) "\"}")))
+ #+ecmalisp
+ (let ((package (symbol-package sexp)))
+ (if (null package)
+ (code "{name: \"" (escape-string (symbol-name sexp)) "\"}")
+ (ls-compile `(intern ,(symbol-name sexp) ,(package-name package)))))))
+ (push (cons sexp v) *literal-symbols*)
+ (toplevel-compilation (code "var " v " = " s))
+ v)))
+ ((consp sexp)
+ (let* ((head (butlast sexp))
+ (tail (last sexp))
+ (c (code "QIList("
+ (join-trailing (mapcar (lambda (x) (literal x t)) head) ",")
+ (literal (car tail) t)
+ ","
+ (literal (cdr tail) t)
+ ")")))
+ (if recursive
+ c
+ (let ((v (genlit)))
+ (toplevel-compilation (code "var " v " = " c))
+ v))))
+ ((arrayp sexp)
+ (let ((elements (vector-to-list sexp)))
+ (let ((c (concat "[" (join (mapcar #'literal elements) ", ") "]")))
+ (if recursive
+ c
+ (let ((v (genlit)))
+ (toplevel-compilation (code "var " v " = " c))
+ v)))))))
+(define-compilation quote (sexp)
+ (literal sexp))
+(define-compilation %while (pred &rest body)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "while(" (ls-compile pred) " !== " (ls-compile nil) "){" *newline*
+ (indent (ls-compile-block body))
+ "}"
+ "return " (ls-compile nil) ";" *newline*))
+(define-compilation function (x)
+ (cond
+ ((and (listp x) (eq (car x) 'lambda))
+ (compile-lambda (cadr x) (cddr x)))
+ ((symbolp x)
+ (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv x *environment* 'function)))
+ (if b
+ (binding-value b)
+ (ls-compile `(symbol-function ',x)))))))
+(defun make-function-binding (fname)
+ (make-binding :name fname :type 'function :value (gvarname fname)))
+(defun compile-function-definition (list)
+ (compile-lambda (car list) (cdr list)))
+(defun translate-function (name)
+ (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv name *environment* 'function)))
+ (and b (binding-value b))))
+(define-compilation flet (definitions &rest body)
+ (let* ((fnames (mapcar #'car definitions))
+ (fbody (mapcar #'cdr definitions))
+ (cfuncs (mapcar #'compile-function-definition fbody))
+ (*environment*
+ (extend-lexenv (mapcar #'make-function-binding fnames)
+ *environment*
+ 'function)))
+ (code "(function("
+ (join (mapcar #'translate-function fnames) ",")
+ "){" *newline*
+ (let ((body (ls-compile-block body t)))
+ (indent body))
+ "})(" (join cfuncs ",") ")")))
+(define-compilation labels (definitions &rest body)
+ (let* ((fnames (mapcar #'car definitions))
+ (*environment*
+ (extend-lexenv (mapcar #'make-function-binding fnames)
+ *environment*
+ 'function)))
+ (js!selfcall
+ (mapconcat (lambda (func)
+ (code "var " (translate-function (car func))
+ " = " (compile-lambda (cadr func) (cddr func))
+ ";" *newline*))
+ definitions)
+ (ls-compile-block body t))))
+(defvar *compiling-file* nil)
+(define-compilation eval-when-compile (&rest body)
+ (if *compiling-file*
+ (progn
+ (eval (cons 'progn body))
+ nil)
+ (ls-compile `(progn ,@body))))
+(defmacro define-transformation (name args form)
+ `(define-compilation ,name ,args
+ (ls-compile ,form)))
+(define-compilation progn (&rest body)
+ (if (null (cdr body))
+ (ls-compile (car body) *multiple-value-p*)
+ (js!selfcall (ls-compile-block body t))))
+(defun special-variable-p (x)
+ (and (claimp x 'variable 'special) t))
+;;; Wrap CODE to restore the symbol values of the dynamic
+;;; bindings. BINDINGS is a list of pairs of the form
+;;; (SYMBOL . PLACE), where PLACE is a Javascript variable
+;;; name to initialize the symbol value and where to stored
+;;; the old value.
+(defun let-binding-wrapper (bindings body)
+ (when (null bindings)
+ (return-from let-binding-wrapper body))
+ (code
+ "try {" *newline*
+ (indent "var tmp;" *newline*
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (b)
+ (let ((s (ls-compile `(quote ,(car b)))))
+ (code "tmp = " s ".value;" *newline*
+ s ".value = " (cdr b) ";" *newline*
+ (cdr b) " = tmp;" *newline*)))
+ bindings)
+ body *newline*)
+ "}" *newline*
+ "finally {" *newline*
+ (indent
+ (mapconcat (lambda (b)
+ (let ((s (ls-compile `(quote ,(car b)))))
+ (code s ".value" " = " (cdr b) ";" *newline*)))
+ bindings))
+ "}" *newline*))
+(define-compilation let (bindings &rest body)
+ (let* ((bindings (mapcar #'ensure-list bindings))
+ (variables (mapcar #'first bindings))
+ (cvalues (mapcar #'ls-compile (mapcar #'second bindings)))
+ (*environment* (extend-local-env (remove-if #'special-variable-p variables)))
+ (dynamic-bindings))
+ (code "(function("
+ (join (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (if (special-variable-p x)
+ (let ((v (gvarname x)))
+ (push (cons x v) dynamic-bindings)
+ v)
+ (translate-variable x)))
+ variables)
+ ",")
+ "){" *newline*
+ (let ((body (ls-compile-block body t)))
+ (indent (let-binding-wrapper dynamic-bindings body)))
+ "})(" (join cvalues ",") ")")))
+;;; Return the code to initialize BINDING, and push it extending the
+;;; current lexical environment if the variable is not special.
+(defun let*-initialize-value (binding)
+ (let ((var (first binding))
+ (value (second binding)))
+ (if (special-variable-p var)
+ (code (ls-compile `(setq ,var ,value)) ";" *newline*)
+ (let* ((v (gvarname var))
+ (b (make-binding :name var :type 'variable :value v)))
+ (prog1 (code "var " v " = " (ls-compile value) ";" *newline*)
+ (push-to-lexenv b *environment* 'variable))))))
+;;; Wrap BODY to restore the symbol values of SYMBOLS after body. It
+;;; DOES NOT generate code to initialize the value of the symbols,
+;;; unlike let-binding-wrapper.
+(defun let*-binding-wrapper (symbols body)
+ (when (null symbols)
+ (return-from let*-binding-wrapper body))
+ (let ((store (mapcar (lambda (s) (cons s (gvarname s)))
+ (remove-if-not #'special-variable-p symbols))))
+ (code
+ "try {" *newline*
+ (indent
+ (mapconcat (lambda (b)
+ (let ((s (ls-compile `(quote ,(car b)))))
+ (code "var " (cdr b) " = " s ".value;" *newline*)))
+ store)
+ body)
+ "}" *newline*
+ "finally {" *newline*
+ (indent
+ (mapconcat (lambda (b)
+ (let ((s (ls-compile `(quote ,(car b)))))
+ (code s ".value" " = " (cdr b) ";" *newline*)))
+ store))
+ "}" *newline*)))
+(define-compilation let* (bindings &rest body)
+ (let ((bindings (mapcar #'ensure-list bindings))
+ (*environment* (copy-lexenv *environment*)))
+ (js!selfcall
+ (let ((specials (remove-if-not #'special-variable-p (mapcar #'first bindings)))
+ (body (concat (mapconcat #'let*-initialize-value bindings)
+ (ls-compile-block body t))))
+ (let*-binding-wrapper specials body)))))
+(defvar *block-counter* 0)
+(define-compilation block (name &rest body)
+ (let* ((tr (incf *block-counter*))
+ (b (make-binding :name name :type 'block :value tr)))
+ (when *multiple-value-p*
+ (push 'multiple-value (binding-declarations b)))
+ (let* ((*environment* (extend-lexenv (list b) *environment* 'block))
+ (cbody (ls-compile-block body t)))
+ (if (member 'used (binding-declarations b))
+ (js!selfcall
+ "try {" *newline*
+ (indent cbody)
+ "}" *newline*
+ "catch (cf){" *newline*
+ " if (cf.type == 'block' && cf.id == " tr ")" *newline*
+ (if *multiple-value-p*
+ " return values.apply(this, forcemv(cf.values));"
+ " return cf.values;")
+ *newline*
+ " else" *newline*
+ " throw cf;" *newline*
+ "}" *newline*)
+ (js!selfcall cbody)))))
+(define-compilation return-from (name &optional value)
+ (let* ((b (lookup-in-lexenv name *environment* 'block))
+ (multiple-value-p (member 'multiple-value (binding-declarations b))))
+ (when (null b)
+ (error (concat "Unknown block `" (symbol-name name) "'.")))
+ (push 'used (binding-declarations b))
+ (js!selfcall
+ (when multiple-value-p (code "var values = mv;" *newline*))
+ "throw ({"
+ "type: 'block', "
+ "id: " (binding-value b) ", "
+ "values: " (ls-compile value multiple-value-p) ", "
+ "message: 'Return from unknown block " (symbol-name name) ".'"
+ "})")))
+(define-compilation catch (id &rest body)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var id = " (ls-compile id) ";" *newline*
+ "try {" *newline*
+ (indent (ls-compile-block body t)) *newline*
+ "}" *newline*
+ "catch (cf){" *newline*
+ " if (cf.type == 'catch' && cf.id == id)" *newline*
+ (if *multiple-value-p*
+ " return values.apply(this, forcemv(cf.values));"
+ " return pv.apply(this, forcemv(cf.values));")
+ *newline*
+ " else" *newline*
+ " throw cf;" *newline*
+ "}" *newline*))
+(define-compilation throw (id value)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var values = mv;" *newline*
+ "throw ({"
+ "type: 'catch', "
+ "id: " (ls-compile id) ", "
+ "values: " (ls-compile value t) ", "
+ "message: 'Throw uncatched.'"
+ "})"))
+(defvar *tagbody-counter* 0)
+(defvar *go-tag-counter* 0)
+(defun go-tag-p (x)
+ (or (integerp x) (symbolp x)))
+(defun declare-tagbody-tags (tbidx body)
+ (let ((bindings
+ (mapcar (lambda (label)
+ (let ((tagidx (integer-to-string (incf *go-tag-counter*))))
+ (make-binding :name label :type 'gotag :value (list tbidx tagidx))))
+ (remove-if-not #'go-tag-p body))))
+ (extend-lexenv bindings *environment* 'gotag)))
+(define-compilation tagbody (&rest body)
+ ;; Ignore the tagbody if it does not contain any go-tag. We do this
+ ;; because 1) it is easy and 2) many built-in forms expand to a
+ ;; implicit tagbody, so we save some space.
+ (unless (some #'go-tag-p body)
+ (return-from tagbody (ls-compile `(progn ,@body nil))))
+ ;; The translation assumes the first form in BODY is a label
+ (unless (go-tag-p (car body))
+ (push (gensym "START") body))
+ ;; Tagbody compilation
+ (let ((tbidx *tagbody-counter*))
+ (let ((*environment* (declare-tagbody-tags tbidx body))
+ initag)
+ (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv (first body) *environment* 'gotag)))
+ (setq initag (second (binding-value b))))
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var tagbody_" tbidx " = " initag ";" *newline*
+ "tbloop:" *newline*
+ "while (true) {" *newline*
+ (indent "try {" *newline*
+ (indent (let ((content ""))
+ (code "switch(tagbody_" tbidx "){" *newline*
+ "case " initag ":" *newline*
+ (dolist (form (cdr body) content)
+ (concatf content
+ (if (not (go-tag-p form))
+ (indent (ls-compile form) ";" *newline*)
+ (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv form *environment* 'gotag)))
+ (code "case " (second (binding-value b)) ":" *newline*)))))
+ "default:" *newline*
+ " break tbloop;" *newline*
+ "}" *newline*)))
+ "}" *newline*
+ "catch (jump) {" *newline*
+ " if (jump.type == 'tagbody' && jump.id == " tbidx ")" *newline*
+ " tagbody_" tbidx " = jump.label;" *newline*
+ " else" *newline*
+ " throw(jump);" *newline*
+ "}" *newline*)
+ "}" *newline*
+ "return " (ls-compile nil) ";" *newline*))))
+(define-compilation go (label)
+ (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv label *environment* 'gotag))
+ (n (cond
+ ((symbolp label) (symbol-name label))
+ ((integerp label) (integer-to-string label)))))
+ (when (null b)
+ (error (concat "Unknown tag `" n "'.")))
+ (js!selfcall
+ "throw ({"
+ "type: 'tagbody', "
+ "id: " (first (binding-value b)) ", "
+ "label: " (second (binding-value b)) ", "
+ "message: 'Attempt to GO to non-existing tag " n "'"
+ "})" *newline*)))
+(define-compilation unwind-protect (form &rest clean-up)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var ret = " (ls-compile nil) ";" *newline*
+ "try {" *newline*
+ (indent "ret = " (ls-compile form) ";" *newline*)
+ "} finally {" *newline*
+ (indent (ls-compile-block clean-up))
+ "}" *newline*
+ "return ret;" *newline*))
+(define-compilation multiple-value-call (func-form &rest forms)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var func = " (ls-compile func-form) ";" *newline*
+ "var args = [" (if *multiple-value-p* "values" "pv") "];" *newline*
+ "return "
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var values = mv;" *newline*
+ "var vs;" *newline*
+ (mapconcat (lambda (form)
+ (code "vs = " (ls-compile form t) ";" *newline*
+ "if (typeof vs === 'object' && 'multiple-value' in vs)" *newline*
+ (indent "args = args.concat(vs);" *newline*)
+ "else" *newline*
+ (indent "args.push(vs);" *newline*)))
+ forms)
+ "return func.apply(window, args);" *newline*) ";" *newline*))
+(define-compilation multiple-value-prog1 (first-form &rest forms)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var args = " (ls-compile first-form *multiple-value-p*) ";" *newline*
+ (ls-compile-block forms)
+ "return args;" *newline*))
+;;; Javascript FFI
+(define-compilation %js-vref (var) var)
+(define-compilation %js-vset (var val)
+ (code "(" var " = " (ls-compile val) ")"))
+(define-setf-expander %js-vref (var)
+ (let ((new-value (gensym)))
+ (unless (stringp var)
+ (error "a string was expected"))
+ (values nil
+ (list var)
+ (list new-value)
+ `(%js-vset ,var ,new-value)
+ `(%js-vref ,var))))
+;;; Backquote implementation.
+;;; Author: Guy L. Steele Jr. Date: 27 December 1985
+;;; Tested under Symbolics Common Lisp and Lucid Common Lisp.
+;;; This software is in the public domain.
+;;; The following are unique tokens used during processing.
+;;; They need not be symbols; they need not even be atoms.
+(defvar *comma* 'unquote)
+(defvar *comma-atsign* 'unquote-splicing)
+(defvar *bq-list* (make-symbol "BQ-LIST"))
+(defvar *bq-append* (make-symbol "BQ-APPEND"))
+(defvar *bq-list** (make-symbol "BQ-LIST*"))
+(defvar *bq-nconc* (make-symbol "BQ-NCONC"))
+(defvar *bq-clobberable* (make-symbol "BQ-CLOBBERABLE"))
+(defvar *bq-quote* (make-symbol "BQ-QUOTE"))
+(defvar *bq-quote-nil* (list *bq-quote* nil))
+;;; BACKQUOTE is an ordinary macro (not a read-macro) that processes
+;;; the expression foo, looking for occurrences of #:COMMA,
+;;; #:COMMA-ATSIGN, and #:COMMA-DOT. It constructs code in strict
+;;; accordance with the rules on pages 349-350 of the first edition
+;;; (pages 528-529 of this second edition). It then optionally
+;;; applies a code simplifier.
+;;; If the value of *BQ-SIMPLIFY* is non-NIL, then BACKQUOTE
+;;; processing applies the code simplifier. If the value is NIL,
+;;; then the code resulting from BACKQUOTE is exactly that
+;;; specified by the official rules.
+(defparameter *bq-simplify* t)
+(defmacro backquote (x)
+ (bq-completely-process x))
+;;; Backquote processing proceeds in three stages:
+;;; (1) BQ-PROCESS applies the rules to remove occurrences of
+;;; #:COMMA, #:COMMA-ATSIGN, and #:COMMA-DOT corresponding to
+;;; this level of BACKQUOTE. (It also causes embedded calls to
+;;; BACKQUOTE to be expanded so that nesting is properly handled.)
+;;; Code is produced that is expressed in terms of functions
+;;; #:BQ-LIST, #:BQ-APPEND, and #:BQ-CLOBBERABLE. This is done
+;;; so that the simplifier will simplify only list construction
+;;; functions actually generated by BACKQUOTE and will not involve
+;;; any user code in the simplification. #:BQ-LIST means LIST,
+;;; but indicates places where "%." was used and where NCONC may
+;;; therefore be introduced by the simplifier for efficiency.
+;;; (2) BQ-SIMPLIFY, if used, rewrites the code produced by
+;;; BQ-PROCESS to produce equivalent but faster code. The
+;;; additional functions #:BQ-LIST* and #:BQ-NCONC may be
+;;; introduced into the code.
+;;; (3) BQ-REMOVE-TOKENS goes through the code and replaces
+;;; #:BQ-LIST with LIST, #:BQ-APPEND with APPEND, and so on.
+;;; #:BQ-CLOBBERABLE is simply eliminated (a call to it being
+;;; replaced by its argument). #:BQ-LIST* is replaced by either
+;;; LIST* or CONS (the latter is used in the two-argument case,
+;;; purely to make the resulting code a tad more readable).
+(defun bq-completely-process (x)
+ (let ((raw-result (bq-process x)))
+ (bq-remove-tokens (if *bq-simplify*
+ (bq-simplify raw-result)
+ raw-result))))
+(defun bq-process (x)
+ (cond ((atom x)
+ (list *bq-quote* x))
+ ((eq (car x) 'backquote)
+ (bq-process (bq-completely-process (cadr x))))
+ ((eq (car x) *comma*) (cadr x))
+ ((eq (car x) *comma-atsign*)
+ ;; (error ",@~S after `" (cadr x))
+ (error "ill-formed"))
+ ;; ((eq (car x) *comma-dot*)
+ ;; ;; (error ",.~S after `" (cadr x))
+ ;; (error "ill-formed"))
+ (t (do ((p x (cdr p))
+ (q '() (cons (bracket (car p)) q)))
+ ((atom p)
+ (cons *bq-append*
+ (nreconc q (list (list *bq-quote* p)))))
+ (when (eq (car p) *comma*)
+ (unless (null (cddr p))
+ ;; (error "Malformed ,~S" p)
+ (error "Malformed"))
+ (return (cons *bq-append*
+ (nreconc q (list (cadr p))))))
+ (when (eq (car p) *comma-atsign*)
+ ;; (error "Dotted ,@~S" p)
+ (error "Dotted"))
+ ;; (when (eq (car p) *comma-dot*)
+ ;; ;; (error "Dotted ,.~S" p)
+ ;; (error "Dotted"))
+ ))))
+;;; This implements the bracket operator of the formal rules.
+(defun bracket (x)
+ (cond ((atom x)
+ (list *bq-list* (bq-process x)))
+ ((eq (car x) *comma*)
+ (list *bq-list* (cadr x)))
+ ((eq (car x) *comma-atsign*)
+ (cadr x))
+ ;; ((eq (car x) *comma-dot*)
+ ;; (list *bq-clobberable* (cadr x)))
+ (t (list *bq-list* (bq-process x)))))
+;;; This auxiliary function is like MAPCAR but has two extra
+;;; purposes: (1) it handles dotted lists; (2) it tries to make
+;;; the result share with the argument x as much as possible.
+(defun maptree (fn x)
+ (if (atom x)
+ (funcall fn x)
+ (let ((a (funcall fn (car x)))
+ (d (maptree fn (cdr x))))
+ (if (and (eql a (car x)) (eql d (cdr x)))
+ x
+ (cons a d)))))
+;;; This predicate is true of a form that when read looked
+;;; like %@foo or %.foo.
+(defun bq-splicing-frob (x)
+ (and (consp x)
+ (or (eq (car x) *comma-atsign*)
+ ;; (eq (car x) *comma-dot*)
+ )))
+;;; This predicate is true of a form that when read
+;;; looked like %@foo or %.foo or just plain %foo.
+(defun bq-frob (x)
+ (and (consp x)
+ (or (eq (car x) *comma*)
+ (eq (car x) *comma-atsign*)
+ ;; (eq (car x) *comma-dot*)
+ )))
+;;; The simplifier essentially looks for calls to #:BQ-APPEND and
+;;; tries to simplify them. The arguments to #:BQ-APPEND are
+;;; processed from right to left, building up a replacement form.
+;;; At each step a number of special cases are handled that,
+;;; loosely speaking, look like this:
+;;; (APPEND (LIST a b c) foo) => (LIST* a b c foo)
+;;; provided a, b, c are not splicing frobs
+;;; (APPEND (LIST* a b c) foo) => (LIST* a b (APPEND c foo))
+;;; provided a, b, c are not splicing frobs
+;;; (APPEND (QUOTE (x)) foo) => (LIST* (QUOTE x) foo)
+;;; (APPEND (CLOBBERABLE x) foo) => (NCONC x foo)
+(defun bq-simplify (x)
+ (if (atom x)
+ x
+ (let ((x (if (eq (car x) *bq-quote*)
+ x
+ (maptree #'bq-simplify x))))
+ (if (not (eq (car x) *bq-append*))
+ x
+ (bq-simplify-args x)))))
+(defun bq-simplify-args (x)
+ (do ((args (reverse (cdr x)) (cdr args))
+ (result
+ nil
+ (cond ((atom (car args))
+ (bq-attach-append *bq-append* (car args) result))
+ ((and (eq (caar args) *bq-list*)
+ (notany #'bq-splicing-frob (cdar args)))
+ (bq-attach-conses (cdar args) result))
+ ((and (eq (caar args) *bq-list**)
+ (notany #'bq-splicing-frob (cdar args)))
+ (bq-attach-conses
+ (reverse (cdr (reverse (cdar args))))
+ (bq-attach-append *bq-append*
+ (car (last (car args)))
+ result)))
+ ((and (eq (caar args) *bq-quote*)
+ (consp (cadar args))
+ (not (bq-frob (cadar args)))
+ (null (cddar args)))
+ (bq-attach-conses (list (list *bq-quote*
+ (caadar args)))
+ result))
+ ((eq (caar args) *bq-clobberable*)
+ (bq-attach-append *bq-nconc* (cadar args) result))
+ (t (bq-attach-append *bq-append*
+ (car args)
+ result)))))
+ ((null args) result)))
+(defun null-or-quoted (x)
+ (or (null x) (and (consp x) (eq (car x) *bq-quote*))))
+;;; When BQ-ATTACH-APPEND is called, the OP should be #:BQ-APPEND
+;;; or #:BQ-NCONC. This produces a form (op item result) but
+;;; some simplifications are done on the fly:
+;;; (op '(a b c) '(d e f g)) => '(a b c d e f g)
+;;; (op item 'nil) => item, provided item is not a splicable frob
+;;; (op item 'nil) => (op item), if item is a splicable frob
+;;; (op item (op a b c)) => (op item a b c)
+(defun bq-attach-append (op item result)
+ (cond ((and (null-or-quoted item) (null-or-quoted result))
+ (list *bq-quote* (append (cadr item) (cadr result))))
+ ((or (null result) (equal result *bq-quote-nil*))
+ (if (bq-splicing-frob item) (list op item) item))
+ ((and (consp result) (eq (car result) op))
+ (list* (car result) item (cdr result)))
+ (t (list op item result))))
+;;; The effect of BQ-ATTACH-CONSES is to produce a form as if by
+;;; `(LIST* ,@items ,result) but some simplifications are done
+;;; on the fly.
+;;; (LIST* 'a 'b 'c 'd) => '(a b c . d)
+;;; (LIST* a b c 'nil) => (LIST a b c)
+;;; (LIST* a b c (LIST* d e f g)) => (LIST* a b c d e f g)
+;;; (LIST* a b c (LIST d e f g)) => (LIST a b c d e f g)
+(defun bq-attach-conses (items result)
+ (cond ((and (every #'null-or-quoted items)
+ (null-or-quoted result))
+ (list *bq-quote*
+ (append (mapcar #'cadr items) (cadr result))))
+ ((or (null result) (equal result *bq-quote-nil*))
+ (cons *bq-list* items))
+ ((and (consp result)
+ (or (eq (car result) *bq-list*)
+ (eq (car result) *bq-list**)))
+ (cons (car result) (append items (cdr result))))
+ (t (cons *bq-list** (append items (list result))))))
+;;; Removes funny tokens and changes (#:BQ-LIST* a b) into
+;;; (CONS a b) instead of (LIST* a b), purely for readability.
+(defun bq-remove-tokens (x)
+ (cond ((eq x *bq-list*) 'list)
+ ((eq x *bq-append*) 'append)
+ ((eq x *bq-nconc*) 'nconc)
+ ((eq x *bq-list**) 'list*)
+ ((eq x *bq-quote*) 'quote)
+ ((atom x) x)
+ ((eq (car x) *bq-clobberable*)
+ (bq-remove-tokens (cadr x)))
+ ((and (eq (car x) *bq-list**)
+ (consp (cddr x))
+ (null (cdddr x)))
+ (cons 'cons (maptree #'bq-remove-tokens (cdr x))))
+ (t (maptree #'bq-remove-tokens x))))
+(define-transformation backquote (form)
+ (bq-completely-process form))
+;;; Primitives
+(defvar *builtins* nil)
+(defmacro define-raw-builtin (name args &body body)
+ ;; Creates a new primitive function `name' with parameters args and
+ ;; @body. The body can access to the local environment through the
+ ;; variable *ENVIRONMENT*.
+ `(push (list ',name (lambda ,args (block ,name ,@body)))
+ *builtins*))
+(defmacro define-builtin (name args &body body)
+ `(define-raw-builtin ,name ,args
+ (let ,(mapcar (lambda (arg) `(,arg (ls-compile ,arg))) args)
+ ,@body)))
+;;; DECLS is a list of (JSVARNAME TYPE LISPFORM) declarations.
+(defmacro type-check (decls &body body)
+ `(js!selfcall
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (decl)
+ `(code "var " ,(first decl) " = " ,(third decl) ";" *newline*))
+ decls)
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (decl)
+ `(code "if (typeof " ,(first decl) " != '" ,(second decl) "')" *newline*
+ (indent "throw 'The value ' + "
+ ,(first decl)
+ " + ' is not a type "
+ ,(second decl)
+ ".';"
+ *newline*)))
+ decls)
+ (code "return " (progn ,@body) ";" *newline*)))
+;;; VARIABLE-ARITY compiles variable arity operations. ARGS stands for
+;;; a variable which holds a list of forms. It will compile them and
+;;; store the result in some Javascript variables. BODY is evaluated
+;;; with ARGS bound to the list of these variables to generate the
+;;; code which performs the transformation on these variables.
+(defun variable-arity-call (args function)
+ (unless (consp args)
+ (error "ARGS must be a non-empty list"))
+ (let ((counter 0)
+ (fargs '())
+ (prelude ""))
+ (dolist (x args)
+ (if (numberp x)
+ (push (integer-to-string x) fargs)
+ (let ((v (code "x" (incf counter))))
+ (push v fargs)
+ (concatf prelude
+ (code "var " v " = " (ls-compile x) ";" *newline*
+ "if (typeof " v " !== 'number') throw 'Not a number!';"
+ *newline*)))))
+ (js!selfcall prelude (funcall function (reverse fargs)))))
+(defmacro variable-arity (args &body body)
+ (unless (symbolp args)
+ (error "Bad usage of VARIABLE-ARITY, you must pass a symbol"))
+ `(variable-arity-call ,args
+ (lambda (,args)
+ (code "return " ,@body ";" *newline*))))
+(defun num-op-num (x op y)
+ (type-check (("x" "number" x) ("y" "number" y))
+ (code "x" op "y")))
+(define-raw-builtin + (&rest numbers)
+ (if (null numbers)
+ "0"
+ (variable-arity numbers
+ (join numbers "+"))))
+(define-raw-builtin - (x &rest others)
+ (let ((args (cons x others)))
+ (variable-arity args
+ (if (null others)
+ (concat "-" (car args))
+ (join args "-")))))
+(define-raw-builtin * (&rest numbers)
+ (if (null numbers)
+ "1"
+ (variable-arity numbers
+ (join numbers "*"))))
+(define-raw-builtin / (x &rest others)
+ (let ((args (cons x others)))
+ (variable-arity args
+ (if (null others)
+ (concat "1 /" (car args))
+ (join args "/")))))
+(define-builtin mod (x y) (num-op-num x "%" y))
+(defun comparison-conjuntion (vars op)
+ (cond
+ ((null (cdr vars))
+ "true")
+ ((null (cddr vars))
+ (concat (car vars) op (cadr vars)))
+ (t
+ (concat (car vars) op (cadr vars)
+ " && "
+ (comparison-conjuntion (cdr vars) op)))))
+(defmacro define-builtin-comparison (op sym)
+ `(define-raw-builtin ,op (x &rest args)
+ (let ((args (cons x args)))
+ (variable-arity args
+ (js!bool (comparison-conjuntion args ,sym))))))
+(define-builtin-comparison > ">")
+(define-builtin-comparison < "<")
+(define-builtin-comparison >= ">=")
+(define-builtin-comparison <= "<=")
+(define-builtin-comparison = "==")
+(define-builtin numberp (x)
+ (js!bool (code "(typeof (" x ") == \"number\")")))
+(define-builtin floor (x)
+ (type-check (("x" "number" x))
+ "Math.floor(x)"))
+(define-builtin cons (x y)
+ (code "({car: " x ", cdr: " y "})"))
+(define-builtin consp (x)
+ (js!bool
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
+ "return (typeof tmp == 'object' && 'car' in tmp);" *newline*)))
+(define-builtin car (x)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
+ "return tmp === " (ls-compile nil)
+ "? " (ls-compile nil)
+ ": tmp.car;" *newline*))
+(define-builtin cdr (x)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
+ "return tmp === " (ls-compile nil) "? "
+ (ls-compile nil)
+ ": tmp.cdr;" *newline*))
+(define-builtin rplaca (x new)
+ (type-check (("x" "object" x))
+ (code "(x.car = " new ", x)")))
+(define-builtin rplacd (x new)
+ (type-check (("x" "object" x))
+ (code "(x.cdr = " new ", x)")))
+(define-builtin symbolp (x)
+ (js!bool
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
+ "return (typeof tmp == 'object' && 'name' in tmp);" *newline*)))
+(define-builtin make-symbol (name)
+ (type-check (("name" "string" name))
+ "({name: name})"))
+(define-builtin symbol-name (x)
+ (code "(" x ").name"))
+(define-builtin set (symbol value)
+ (code "(" symbol ").value = " value))
+(define-builtin fset (symbol value)
+ (code "(" symbol ").fvalue = " value))
+(define-builtin boundp (x)
+ (js!bool (code "(" x ".value !== undefined)")))
+(define-builtin symbol-value (x)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var symbol = " x ";" *newline*
+ "var value = symbol.value;" *newline*
+ "if (value === undefined) throw \"Variable `\" + symbol.name + \"' is unbound.\";" *newline*
+ "return value;" *newline*))
+(define-builtin symbol-function (x)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var symbol = " x ";" *newline*
+ "var func = symbol.fvalue;" *newline*
+ "if (func === undefined) throw \"Function `\" + symbol.name + \"' is undefined.\";" *newline*
+ "return func;" *newline*))
+(define-builtin symbol-plist (x)
+ (code "((" x ").plist || " (ls-compile nil) ")"))
+(define-builtin lambda-code (x)
+ (code "(" x ").toString()"))
+(define-builtin eq (x y) (js!bool (code "(" x " === " y ")")))
+(define-builtin equal (x y) (js!bool (code "(" x " == " y ")")))
+(define-builtin char-to-string (x)
+ (type-check (("x" "number" x))
+ "String.fromCharCode(x)"))
+(define-builtin stringp (x)
+ (js!bool (code "(typeof(" x ") == \"string\")")))
+(define-builtin string-upcase (x)
+ (type-check (("x" "string" x))
+ "x.toUpperCase()"))
+(define-builtin string-length (x)
+ (type-check (("x" "string" x))
+ "x.length"))
+(define-raw-builtin slice (string a &optional b)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var str = " (ls-compile string) ";" *newline*
+ "var a = " (ls-compile a) ";" *newline*
+ "var b;" *newline*
+ (when b (code "b = " (ls-compile b) ";" *newline*))
+ "return str.slice(a,b);" *newline*))
+(define-builtin char (string index)
+ (type-check (("string" "string" string)
+ ("index" "number" index))
+ "string.charCodeAt(index)"))
+(define-builtin concat-two (string1 string2)
+ (type-check (("string1" "string" string1)
+ ("string2" "string" string2))
+ "string1.concat(string2)"))
+(define-raw-builtin funcall (func &rest args)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var f = " (ls-compile func) ";" *newline*
+ "return (typeof f === 'function'? f: f.fvalue)("
+ (join (cons (if *multiple-value-p* "values" "pv")
+ (mapcar #'ls-compile args))
+ ", ")
+ ")"))
+(define-raw-builtin apply (func &rest args)
+ (if (null args)
+ (code "(" (ls-compile func) ")()")
+ (let ((args (butlast args))
+ (last (car (last args))))
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var f = " (ls-compile func) ";" *newline*
+ "var args = [" (join (cons (if *multiple-value-p* "values" "pv")
+ (mapcar #'ls-compile args))
+ ", ")
+ "];" *newline*
+ "var tail = (" (ls-compile last) ");" *newline*
+ "while (tail != " (ls-compile nil) "){" *newline*
+ " args.push(tail.car);" *newline*
+ " tail = tail.cdr;" *newline*
+ "}" *newline*
+ "return (typeof f === 'function'? f : f.fvalue).apply(this, args);" *newline*))))
+(define-builtin js-eval (string)
+ (type-check (("string" "string" string))
+ (if *multiple-value-p*
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var v = eval.apply(window, [string]);" *newline*
+ "if (typeof v !== 'object' || !('multiple-value' in v)){" *newline*
+ (indent "v = [v];" *newline*
+ "v['multiple-value'] = true;" *newline*)
+ "}" *newline*
+ "return values.apply(this, v);" *newline*)
+ "eval.apply(window, [string])")))
+(define-builtin error (string)
+ (js!selfcall "throw " string ";" *newline*))
+(define-builtin new () "{}")
+(define-builtin objectp (x)
+ (js!bool (code "(typeof (" x ") === 'object')")))
+(define-builtin oget (object key)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var tmp = " "(" object ")[" key "];" *newline*
+ "return tmp == undefined? " (ls-compile nil) ": tmp ;" *newline*))
+(define-builtin oset (object key value)
+ (code "((" object ")[" key "] = " value ")"))
+(define-builtin in (key object)
+ (js!bool (code "((" key ") in (" object "))")))
+(define-builtin functionp (x)
+ (js!bool (code "(typeof " x " == 'function')")))
+(define-builtin write-string (x)
+ (type-check (("x" "string" x))
+ "lisp.write(x)"))
+(define-builtin make-array (n)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var r = [];" *newline*
+ "for (var i = 0; i < " n "; i++)" *newline*
+ (indent "r.push(" (ls-compile nil) ");" *newline*)
+ "return r;" *newline*))
+(define-builtin arrayp (x)
+ (js!bool
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var x = " x ";" *newline*
+ "return typeof x === 'object' && 'length' in x;")))
+(define-builtin aref (array n)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var x = " "(" array ")[" n "];" *newline*
+ "if (x === undefined) throw 'Out of range';" *newline*
+ "return x;" *newline*))
+(define-builtin aset (array n value)
+ (js!selfcall
+ "var x = " array ";" *newline*
+ "var i = " n ";" *newline*
+ "if (i < 0 || i >= x.length) throw 'Out of range';" *newline*
+ "return x[i] = " value ";" *newline*))
+(define-builtin get-unix-time ()
+ (code "(Math.round(new Date() / 1000))"))
+(define-builtin values-array (array)
+ (if *multiple-value-p*
+ (code "values.apply(this, " array ")")
+ (code "pv.apply(this, " array ")")))
+(define-raw-builtin values (&rest args)
+ (if *multiple-value-p*
+ (code "values(" (join (mapcar #'ls-compile args) ", ") ")")
+ (code "pv(" (join (mapcar #'ls-compile args) ", ") ")")))
+;; Receives the JS function as first argument as a literal string. The
+;; second argument is compiled and should evaluate to a vector of
+;; values to apply to the the function. The result returned.
+(define-builtin %js-call (fun args)
+ (code fun ".apply(this, " args ")"))
+(defun macro (x)
+ (and (symbolp x)
+ (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv x *environment* 'function)))
+ (if (and b (eq (binding-type b) 'macro))
+ b
+ nil))))
+(defvar *macroexpander-cache*
+ (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
+(defun ls-macroexpand-1 (form)
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp form)
+ (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv form *environment* 'variable)))
+ (if (and b (eq (binding-type b) 'macro))
+ (values (binding-value b) t)
+ (values form nil))))
+ ((consp form)
+ (let ((macro-binding (macro (car form))))
+ (if macro-binding
+ (let ((expander (binding-value macro-binding)))
+ (cond
+ #+common-lisp
+ ((gethash macro-binding *macroexpander-cache*)
+ (setq expander (gethash macro-binding *macroexpander-cache*)))
+ ((listp expander)
+ (let ((compiled (eval expander)))
+ ;; The list representation are useful while
+ ;; bootstrapping, as we can dump the definition of the
+ ;; macros easily, but they are slow because we have to
+ ;; evaluate them and compile them now and again. So, let
+ ;; us replace the list representation version of the
+ ;; function with the compiled one.
+ ;;
+ #+ecmalisp (setf (binding-value macro-binding) compiled)
+ #+common-lisp (setf (gethash macro-binding *macroexpander-cache*) compiled)
+ (setq expander compiled))))
+ (values (apply expander (cdr form)) t))
+ (values form nil))))
+ (t
+ (values form nil))))
+(defun compile-funcall (function args)
+ (let* ((values-funcs (if *multiple-value-p* "values" "pv"))
+ (arglist (concat "(" (join (cons values-funcs (mapcar #'ls-compile args)) ", ") ")")))
+ (cond
+ ((translate-function function)
+ (concat (translate-function function) arglist))
+ ((and (symbolp function)
+ #+ecmalisp (eq (symbol-package function) (find-package "COMMON-LISP"))
+ #+common-lisp t)
+ (code (ls-compile `',function) ".fvalue" arglist))
+ (t
+ (code (ls-compile `#',function) arglist)))))
+(defun ls-compile-block (sexps &optional return-last-p)
+ (if return-last-p
+ (code (ls-compile-block (butlast sexps))
+ "return " (ls-compile (car (last sexps)) *multiple-value-p*) ";")
+ (join-trailing
+ (remove-if #'null-or-empty-p (mapcar #'ls-compile sexps))
+ (concat ";" *newline*))))
+(defun ls-compile (sexp &optional multiple-value-p)
+ (multiple-value-bind (sexp expandedp) (ls-macroexpand-1 sexp)
+ (when expandedp
+ (return-from ls-compile (ls-compile sexp multiple-value-p)))
+ ;; The expression has been macroexpanded. Now compile it!
+ (let ((*multiple-value-p* multiple-value-p))
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp sexp)
+ (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv sexp *environment* 'variable)))
+ (cond
+ ((and b (not (member 'special (binding-declarations b))))
+ (binding-value b))
+ ((or (keywordp sexp)
+ (and b (member 'constant (binding-declarations b))))
+ (code (ls-compile `',sexp) ".value"))
+ (t
+ (ls-compile `(symbol-value ',sexp))))))
+ ((integerp sexp) (integer-to-string sexp))
+ ((stringp sexp) (code "\"" (escape-string sexp) "\""))
+ ((arrayp sexp) (literal sexp))
+ ((listp sexp)
+ (let ((name (car sexp))
+ (args (cdr sexp)))
+ (cond
+ ;; Special forms
+ ((assoc name *compilations*)
+ (let ((comp (second (assoc name *compilations*))))
+ (apply comp args)))
+ ;; Built-in functions
+ ((and (assoc name *builtins*)
+ (not (claimp name 'function 'notinline)))
+ (let ((comp (second (assoc name *builtins*))))
+ (apply comp args)))
+ (t
+ (compile-funcall name args)))))
+ (t
+ (error (concat "How should I compile " (prin1-to-string sexp) "?")))))))
+(defvar *compile-print-toplevels* nil)
+(defun truncate-string (string &optional (width 60))
+ (let ((n (or (position #\newline string)
+ (min width (length string)))))
+ (subseq string 0 n)))
+(defun ls-compile-toplevel (sexp &optional multiple-value-p)
+ (let ((*toplevel-compilations* nil))
+ (cond
+ ((and (consp sexp) (eq (car sexp) 'progn))
+ (let ((subs (mapcar (lambda (s)
+ (ls-compile-toplevel s t))
+ (cdr sexp))))
+ (join (remove-if #'null-or-empty-p subs))))
+ (t
+ (when *compile-print-toplevels*
+ (let ((form-string (prin1-to-string sexp)))
+ (write-string "Compiling ")
+ (write-string (truncate-string form-string))
+ (write-line "...")))
+ (let ((code (ls-compile sexp multiple-value-p)))
+ (code (join-trailing (get-toplevel-compilations)
+ (code ";" *newline*))
+ (when code
+ (code code ";" *newline*))))))))
(load "compat")
(load "utils")
(load "print")
- (load "read"))
-;; At this point, no matter if Common Lisp or ecmalisp is compiling
-;; from here, this code will compile on both. We define some helper
-;; functions now for string manipulation and so on. They will be
-;; useful in the compiler, mostly.
-;;;; Compiler
-;;; Translate the Lisp code to Javascript. It will compile the special
-;;; forms. Some primitive functions are compiled as special forms
-;;; too. The respective real functions are defined in the target (see
-;;; the beginning of this file) as well as some primitive functions.
-(defun code (&rest args)
- (mapconcat (lambda (arg)
- (cond
- ((null arg) "")
- ((integerp arg) (integer-to-string arg))
- ((stringp arg) arg)
- (t (error "Unknown argument."))))
- args))
-;;; Wrap X with a Javascript code to convert the result from
-;;; Javascript generalized booleans to T or NIL.
-(defun js!bool (x)
- (code "(" x "?" (ls-compile t) ": " (ls-compile nil) ")"))
-;;; Concatenate the arguments and wrap them with a self-calling
-;;; Javascript anonymous function. It is used to make some Javascript
-;;; statements valid expressions and provide a private scope as well.
-;;; It could be defined as function, but we could do some
-;;; preprocessing in the future.
-(defmacro js!selfcall (&body body)
- `(code "(function(){" *newline* (indent ,@body) "})()"))
-;;; Like CODE, but prefix each line with four spaces. Two versions
-;;; of this function are available, because the Ecmalisp version is
-;;; very slow and bootstraping was annoying.
-(defun indent (&rest string)
- (let ((input (apply #'code string)))
- (let ((output "")
- (index 0)
- (size (length input)))
- (when (plusp (length input)) (concatf output " "))
- (while (< index size)
- (let ((str
- (if (and (char= (char input index) #\newline)
- (< index (1- size))
- (not (char= (char input (1+ index)) #\newline)))
- (concat (string #\newline) " ")
- (string (char input index)))))
- (concatf output str))
- (incf index))
- output)))
-(defun indent (&rest string)
- (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
- (with-input-from-string (input (apply #'code string))
- (loop
- for line = (read-line input nil)
- while line
- do (write-string " ")
- do (write-line line)))))
-;;; A Form can return a multiple values object calling VALUES, like
-;;; values(arg1, arg2, ...). It will work in any context, as well as
-;;; returning an individual object. However, if the special variable
-;;; `*multiple-value-p*' is NIL, is granted that only the primary
-;;; value will be used, so we can optimize to avoid the VALUES
-;;; function call.
-(defvar *multiple-value-p* nil)
-;; A very simple defstruct built on lists. It supports just slot with
-;; an optional default initform, and it will create a constructor,
-;; predicate and accessors for you.
-(defmacro def!struct (name &rest slots)
- (unless (symbolp name)
- (error "It is not a full defstruct implementation."))
- (let* ((name-string (symbol-name name))
- (slot-descriptions
- (mapcar (lambda (sd)
- (cond
- ((symbolp sd)
- (list sd))
- ((and (listp sd) (car sd) (cddr sd))
- sd)
- (t
- (error "Bad slot accessor."))))
- slots))
- (predicate (intern (concat name-string "-P"))))
- `(progn
- ;; Constructor
- (defun ,(intern (concat "MAKE-" name-string)) (&key ,@slot-descriptions)
- (list ',name ,@(mapcar #'car slot-descriptions)))
- ;; Predicate
- (defun ,predicate (x)
- (and (consp x) (eq (car x) ',name)))
- ;; Copier
- (defun ,(intern (concat "COPY-" name-string)) (x)
- (copy-list x))
- ;; Slot accessors
- ,@(with-collect
- (let ((index 1))
- (dolist (slot slot-descriptions)
- (let* ((name (car slot))
- (accessor-name (intern (concat name-string "-" (string name)))))
- (collect
- `(defun ,accessor-name (x)
- (unless (,predicate x)
- (error ,(concat "The object is not a type " name-string)))
- (nth ,index x)))
- ;; TODO: Implement this with a higher level
- ;; abstraction like defsetf or (defun (setf ..))
- (collect
- `(define-setf-expander ,accessor-name (x)
- (let ((object (gensym))
- (new-value (gensym)))
- (values (list object)
- (list x)
- (list new-value)
- `(progn
- (rplaca (nthcdr ,',index ,object) ,new-value)
- ,new-value)
- `(,',accessor-name ,object)))))
- (incf index)))))
- ',name)))
-;;; Environment
-(def!struct binding
- name
- type
- value
- declarations)
-(def!struct lexenv
- variable
- function
- block
- gotag)
-(defun lookup-in-lexenv (name lexenv namespace)
- (find name (ecase namespace
- (variable (lexenv-variable lexenv))
- (function (lexenv-function lexenv))
- (block (lexenv-block lexenv))
- (gotag (lexenv-gotag lexenv)))
- :key #'binding-name))
-(defun push-to-lexenv (binding lexenv namespace)
- (ecase namespace
- (variable (push binding (lexenv-variable lexenv)))
- (function (push binding (lexenv-function lexenv)))
- (block (push binding (lexenv-block lexenv)))
- (gotag (push binding (lexenv-gotag lexenv)))))
-(defun extend-lexenv (bindings lexenv namespace)
- (let ((env (copy-lexenv lexenv)))
- (dolist (binding (reverse bindings) env)
- (push-to-lexenv binding env namespace))))
-(defvar *environment* (make-lexenv))
-(defvar *variable-counter* 0)
-(defun gvarname (symbol)
- (code "v" (incf *variable-counter*)))
-(defun translate-variable (symbol)
- (awhen (lookup-in-lexenv symbol *environment* 'variable)
- (binding-value it)))
-(defun extend-local-env (args)
- (let ((new (copy-lexenv *environment*)))
- (dolist (symbol args new)
- (let ((b (make-binding :name symbol :type 'variable :value (gvarname symbol))))
- (push-to-lexenv b new 'variable)))))
-;;; Toplevel compilations
-(defvar *toplevel-compilations* nil)
-(defun toplevel-compilation (string)
- (push string *toplevel-compilations*))
-(defun null-or-empty-p (x)
- (zerop (length x)))
-(defun get-toplevel-compilations ()
- (reverse (remove-if #'null-or-empty-p *toplevel-compilations*)))
-(defun %compile-defmacro (name lambda)
- (toplevel-compilation (ls-compile `',name))
- (let ((binding (make-binding :name name :type 'macro :value lambda)))
- (push-to-lexenv binding *environment* 'function))
- name)
-(defun global-binding (name type namespace)
- (or (lookup-in-lexenv name *environment* namespace)
- (let ((b (make-binding :name name :type type :value nil)))
- (push-to-lexenv b *environment* namespace)
- b)))
-(defun claimp (symbol namespace claim)
- (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv symbol *environment* namespace)))
- (and b (member claim (binding-declarations b)))))
-(defun !proclaim (decl)
- (case (car decl)
- (special
- (dolist (name (cdr decl))
- (let ((b (global-binding name 'variable 'variable)))
- (push 'special (binding-declarations b)))))
- (notinline
- (dolist (name (cdr decl))
- (let ((b (global-binding name 'function 'function)))
- (push 'notinline (binding-declarations b)))))
- (constant
- (dolist (name (cdr decl))
- (let ((b (global-binding name 'variable 'variable)))
- (push 'constant (binding-declarations b)))))))
-(fset 'proclaim #'!proclaim)
-(defun %define-symbol-macro (name expansion)
- (let ((b (make-binding :name name :type 'macro :value expansion)))
- (push-to-lexenv b *environment* 'variable)
- name))
-(defmacro define-symbol-macro (name expansion)
- `(%define-symbol-macro ',name ',expansion))
-;;; Special forms
-(defvar *compilations* nil)
-(defmacro define-compilation (name args &body body)
- ;; Creates a new primitive `name' with parameters args and
- ;; @body. The body can access to the local environment through the
- ;; variable *ENVIRONMENT*.
- `(push (list ',name (lambda ,args (block ,name ,@body)))
- *compilations*))
-(define-compilation if (condition true false)
- (code "(" (ls-compile condition) " !== " (ls-compile nil)
- " ? " (ls-compile true *multiple-value-p*)
- " : " (ls-compile false *multiple-value-p*)
- ")"))
-(defvar *ll-keywords* '(&optional &rest &key))
-(defun list-until-keyword (list)
- (if (or (null list) (member (car list) *ll-keywords*))
- nil
- (cons (car list) (list-until-keyword (cdr list)))))
-(defun ll-section (keyword ll)
- (list-until-keyword (cdr (member keyword ll))))
-(defun ll-required-arguments (ll)
- (list-until-keyword ll))
-(defun ll-optional-arguments-canonical (ll)
- (mapcar #'ensure-list (ll-section '&optional ll)))
-(defun ll-optional-arguments (ll)
- (mapcar #'car (ll-optional-arguments-canonical ll)))
-(defun ll-rest-argument (ll)
- (let ((rest (ll-section '&rest ll)))
- (when (cdr rest)
- (error "Bad lambda-list"))
- (car rest)))
-(defun ll-keyword-arguments-canonical (ll)
- (flet ((canonicalize (keyarg)
- ;; Build a canonical keyword argument descriptor, filling
- ;; the optional fields. The result is a list of the form
- ;; ((keyword-name var) init-form).
- (let ((arg (ensure-list keyarg)))
- (cons (if (listp (car arg))
- (car arg)
- (list (intern (symbol-name (car arg)) "KEYWORD") (car arg)))
- (cdr arg)))))
- (mapcar #'canonicalize (ll-section '&key ll))))
-(defun ll-keyword-arguments (ll)
- (mapcar (lambda (keyarg) (second (first keyarg)))
- (ll-keyword-arguments-canonical ll)))
-(defun ll-svars (lambda-list)
- (let ((args
- (append
- (ll-keyword-arguments-canonical lambda-list)
- (ll-optional-arguments-canonical lambda-list))))
- (remove nil (mapcar #'third args))))
-(defun lambda-docstring-wrapper (docstring &rest strs)
- (if docstring
- (js!selfcall
- "var func = " (join strs) ";" *newline*
- "func.docstring = '" docstring "';" *newline*
- "return func;" *newline*)
- (apply #'code strs)))
-(defun lambda-check-argument-count
- (n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments rest-p)
- ;; Note: Remember that we assume that the number of arguments of a
- ;; call is at least 1 (the values argument).
- (let ((min (1+ n-required-arguments))
- (max (if rest-p 'n/a (+ 1 n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments))))
- (block nil
- ;; Special case: a positive exact number of arguments.
- (when (and (< 1 min) (eql min max))
- (return (code "checkArgs(arguments, " min ");" *newline*)))
- ;; General case:
- (code
- (when (< 1 min)
- (code "checkArgsAtLeast(arguments, " min ");" *newline*))
- (when (numberp max)
- (code "checkArgsAtMost(arguments, " max ");" *newline*))))))
-(defun compile-lambda-optional (ll)
- (let* ((optional-arguments (ll-optional-arguments-canonical ll))
- (n-required-arguments (length (ll-required-arguments ll)))
- (n-optional-arguments (length optional-arguments)))
- (when optional-arguments
- (code (mapconcat (lambda (arg)
- (code "var " (translate-variable (first arg)) "; " *newline*
- (when (third arg)
- (code "var " (translate-variable (third arg))
- " = " (ls-compile t)
- "; " *newline*))))
- optional-arguments)
- "switch(arguments.length-1){" *newline*
- (let ((cases nil)
- (idx 0))
- (progn
- (while (< idx n-optional-arguments)
- (let ((arg (nth idx optional-arguments)))
- (push (code "case " (+ idx n-required-arguments) ":" *newline*
- (indent (translate-variable (car arg))
- "="
- (ls-compile (cadr arg)) ";" *newline*)
- (when (third arg)
- (indent (translate-variable (third arg))
- "="
- (ls-compile nil)
- ";" *newline*)))
- cases)
- (incf idx)))
- (push (code "default: break;" *newline*) cases)
- (join (reverse cases))))
- "}" *newline*))))
-(defun compile-lambda-rest (ll)
- (let ((n-required-arguments (length (ll-required-arguments ll)))
- (n-optional-arguments (length (ll-optional-arguments ll)))
- (rest-argument (ll-rest-argument ll)))
- (when rest-argument
- (let ((js!rest (translate-variable rest-argument)))
- (code "var " js!rest "= " (ls-compile nil) ";" *newline*
- "for (var i = arguments.length-1; i>="
- (+ 1 n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments)
- "; i--)" *newline*
- (indent js!rest " = {car: arguments[i], cdr: ") js!rest "};"
- *newline*)))))
-(defun compile-lambda-parse-keywords (ll)
- (let ((n-required-arguments
- (length (ll-required-arguments ll)))
- (n-optional-arguments
- (length (ll-optional-arguments ll)))
- (keyword-arguments
- (ll-keyword-arguments-canonical ll)))
- (code
- ;; Declare variables
- (mapconcat (lambda (arg)
- (let ((var (second (car arg))))
- (code "var " (translate-variable var) "; " *newline*
- (when (third arg)
- (code "var " (translate-variable (third arg))
- " = " (ls-compile nil)
- ";" *newline*)))))
- keyword-arguments)
- ;; Parse keywords
- (flet ((parse-keyword (keyarg)
- ;; ((keyword-name var) init-form)
- (code "for (i=" (+ 1 n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments)
- "; i<arguments.length; i+=2){" *newline*
- (indent
- "if (arguments[i] === " (ls-compile (caar keyarg)) "){" *newline*
- (indent (translate-variable (cadr (car keyarg)))
- " = arguments[i+1];"
- *newline*
- (let ((svar (third keyarg)))
- (when svar
- (code (translate-variable svar) " = " (ls-compile t) ";" *newline*)))
- "break;" *newline*)
- "}" *newline*)
- "}" *newline*
- ;; Default value
- "if (i == arguments.length){" *newline*
- (indent (translate-variable (cadr (car keyarg))) " = " (ls-compile (cadr keyarg)) ";" *newline*)
- "}" *newline*)))
- (when keyword-arguments
- (code "var i;" *newline*
- (mapconcat #'parse-keyword keyword-arguments))))
- ;; Check for unknown keywords
- (when keyword-arguments
- (code "for (i=" (+ 1 n-required-arguments n-optional-arguments)
- "; i<arguments.length; i+=2){" *newline*
- (indent "if ("
- (join (mapcar (lambda (x)
- (concat "arguments[i] !== " (ls-compile (caar x))))
- keyword-arguments)
- " && ")
- ")" *newline*
- (indent
- "throw 'Unknown keyword argument ' + arguments[i].name;" *newline*))
- "}" *newline*)))))
-(defun compile-lambda (ll body)
- (let ((required-arguments (ll-required-arguments ll))
- (optional-arguments (ll-optional-arguments ll))
- (keyword-arguments (ll-keyword-arguments ll))
- (rest-argument (ll-rest-argument ll))
- documentation)
- ;; Get the documentation string for the lambda function
- (when (and (stringp (car body))
- (not (null (cdr body))))
- (setq documentation (car body))
- (setq body (cdr body)))
- (let ((n-required-arguments (length required-arguments))
- (n-optional-arguments (length optional-arguments))
- (*environment* (extend-local-env
- (append (ensure-list rest-argument)
- required-arguments
- optional-arguments
- keyword-arguments
- (ll-svars ll)))))
- (lambda-docstring-wrapper
- documentation
- "(function ("
- (join (cons "values"
- (mapcar #'translate-variable
- (append required-arguments optional-arguments)))
- ",")
- "){" *newline*
- (indent
- ;; Check number of arguments
- (lambda-check-argument-count n-required-arguments
- n-optional-arguments
- (or rest-argument keyword-arguments))
- (compile-lambda-optional ll)
- (compile-lambda-rest ll)
- (compile-lambda-parse-keywords ll)
- (let ((*multiple-value-p* t))
- (ls-compile-block body t)))
- "})"))))
-(defun setq-pair (var val)
- (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv var *environment* 'variable)))
- (cond
- ((and b
- (eq (binding-type b) 'variable)
- (not (member 'special (binding-declarations b)))
- (not (member 'constant (binding-declarations b))))
- (code (binding-value b) " = " (ls-compile val)))
- ((and b (eq (binding-type b) 'macro))
- (ls-compile `(setf ,var ,val)))
- (t
- (ls-compile `(set ',var ,val))))))
-(define-compilation setq (&rest pairs)
- (let ((result ""))
- (while t
- (cond
- ((null pairs) (return))
- ((null (cdr pairs))
- (error "Odd paris in SETQ"))
- (t
- (concatf result
- (concat (setq-pair (car pairs) (cadr pairs))
- (if (null (cddr pairs)) "" ", ")))
- (setq pairs (cddr pairs)))))
- (code "(" result ")")))
-;;; Literals
-(defun escape-string (string)
- (let ((output "")
- (index 0)
- (size (length string)))
- (while (< index size)
- (let ((ch (char string index)))
- (when (or (char= ch #\") (char= ch #\\))
- (setq output (concat output "\\")))
- (when (or (char= ch #\newline))
- (setq output (concat output "\\"))
- (setq ch #\n))
- (setq output (concat output (string ch))))
- (incf index))
- output))
-(defvar *literal-symbols* nil)
-(defvar *literal-counter* 0)
-(defun genlit ()
- (code "l" (incf *literal-counter*)))
-(defun literal (sexp &optional recursive)
- (cond
- ((integerp sexp) (integer-to-string sexp))
- ((stringp sexp) (code "\"" (escape-string sexp) "\""))
- ((symbolp sexp)
- (or (cdr (assoc sexp *literal-symbols*))
- (let ((v (genlit))
- (s #+common-lisp
- (let ((package (symbol-package sexp)))
- (if (eq package (find-package "KEYWORD"))
- (code "{name: \"" (escape-string (symbol-name sexp))
- "\", 'package': '" (package-name package) "'}")
- (code "{name: \"" (escape-string (symbol-name sexp)) "\"}")))
- #+ecmalisp
- (let ((package (symbol-package sexp)))
- (if (null package)
- (code "{name: \"" (escape-string (symbol-name sexp)) "\"}")
- (ls-compile `(intern ,(symbol-name sexp) ,(package-name package)))))))
- (push (cons sexp v) *literal-symbols*)
- (toplevel-compilation (code "var " v " = " s))
- v)))
- ((consp sexp)
- (let* ((head (butlast sexp))
- (tail (last sexp))
- (c (code "QIList("
- (join-trailing (mapcar (lambda (x) (literal x t)) head) ",")
- (literal (car tail) t)
- ","
- (literal (cdr tail) t)
- ")")))
- (if recursive
- c
- (let ((v (genlit)))
- (toplevel-compilation (code "var " v " = " c))
- v))))
- ((arrayp sexp)
- (let ((elements (vector-to-list sexp)))
- (let ((c (concat "[" (join (mapcar #'literal elements) ", ") "]")))
- (if recursive
- c
- (let ((v (genlit)))
- (toplevel-compilation (code "var " v " = " c))
- v)))))))
-(define-compilation quote (sexp)
- (literal sexp))
-(define-compilation %while (pred &rest body)
- (js!selfcall
- "while(" (ls-compile pred) " !== " (ls-compile nil) "){" *newline*
- (indent (ls-compile-block body))
- "}"
- "return " (ls-compile nil) ";" *newline*))
-(define-compilation function (x)
- (cond
- ((and (listp x) (eq (car x) 'lambda))
- (compile-lambda (cadr x) (cddr x)))
- ((symbolp x)
- (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv x *environment* 'function)))
- (if b
- (binding-value b)
- (ls-compile `(symbol-function ',x)))))))
-(defun make-function-binding (fname)
- (make-binding :name fname :type 'function :value (gvarname fname)))
-(defun compile-function-definition (list)
- (compile-lambda (car list) (cdr list)))
-(defun translate-function (name)
- (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv name *environment* 'function)))
- (and b (binding-value b))))
-(define-compilation flet (definitions &rest body)
- (let* ((fnames (mapcar #'car definitions))
- (fbody (mapcar #'cdr definitions))
- (cfuncs (mapcar #'compile-function-definition fbody))
- (*environment*
- (extend-lexenv (mapcar #'make-function-binding fnames)
- *environment*
- 'function)))
- (code "(function("
- (join (mapcar #'translate-function fnames) ",")
- "){" *newline*
- (let ((body (ls-compile-block body t)))
- (indent body))
- "})(" (join cfuncs ",") ")")))
-(define-compilation labels (definitions &rest body)
- (let* ((fnames (mapcar #'car definitions))
- (*environment*
- (extend-lexenv (mapcar #'make-function-binding fnames)
- *environment*
- 'function)))
- (js!selfcall
- (mapconcat (lambda (func)
- (code "var " (translate-function (car func))
- " = " (compile-lambda (cadr func) (cddr func))
- ";" *newline*))
- definitions)
- (ls-compile-block body t))))
-(defvar *compiling-file* nil)
-(define-compilation eval-when-compile (&rest body)
- (if *compiling-file*
- (progn
- (eval (cons 'progn body))
- nil)
- (ls-compile `(progn ,@body))))
-(defmacro define-transformation (name args form)
- `(define-compilation ,name ,args
- (ls-compile ,form)))
-(define-compilation progn (&rest body)
- (if (null (cdr body))
- (ls-compile (car body) *multiple-value-p*)
- (js!selfcall (ls-compile-block body t))))
-(defun special-variable-p (x)
- (and (claimp x 'variable 'special) t))
-;;; Wrap CODE to restore the symbol values of the dynamic
-;;; bindings. BINDINGS is a list of pairs of the form
-;;; (SYMBOL . PLACE), where PLACE is a Javascript variable
-;;; name to initialize the symbol value and where to stored
-;;; the old value.
-(defun let-binding-wrapper (bindings body)
- (when (null bindings)
- (return-from let-binding-wrapper body))
- (code
- "try {" *newline*
- (indent "var tmp;" *newline*
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (b)
- (let ((s (ls-compile `(quote ,(car b)))))
- (code "tmp = " s ".value;" *newline*
- s ".value = " (cdr b) ";" *newline*
- (cdr b) " = tmp;" *newline*)))
- bindings)
- body *newline*)
- "}" *newline*
- "finally {" *newline*
- (indent
- (mapconcat (lambda (b)
- (let ((s (ls-compile `(quote ,(car b)))))
- (code s ".value" " = " (cdr b) ";" *newline*)))
- bindings))
- "}" *newline*))
-(define-compilation let (bindings &rest body)
- (let* ((bindings (mapcar #'ensure-list bindings))
- (variables (mapcar #'first bindings))
- (cvalues (mapcar #'ls-compile (mapcar #'second bindings)))
- (*environment* (extend-local-env (remove-if #'special-variable-p variables)))
- (dynamic-bindings))
- (code "(function("
- (join (mapcar (lambda (x)
- (if (special-variable-p x)
- (let ((v (gvarname x)))
- (push (cons x v) dynamic-bindings)
- v)
- (translate-variable x)))
- variables)
- ",")
- "){" *newline*
- (let ((body (ls-compile-block body t)))
- (indent (let-binding-wrapper dynamic-bindings body)))
- "})(" (join cvalues ",") ")")))
-;;; Return the code to initialize BINDING, and push it extending the
-;;; current lexical environment if the variable is not special.
-(defun let*-initialize-value (binding)
- (let ((var (first binding))
- (value (second binding)))
- (if (special-variable-p var)
- (code (ls-compile `(setq ,var ,value)) ";" *newline*)
- (let* ((v (gvarname var))
- (b (make-binding :name var :type 'variable :value v)))
- (prog1 (code "var " v " = " (ls-compile value) ";" *newline*)
- (push-to-lexenv b *environment* 'variable))))))
-;;; Wrap BODY to restore the symbol values of SYMBOLS after body. It
-;;; DOES NOT generate code to initialize the value of the symbols,
-;;; unlike let-binding-wrapper.
-(defun let*-binding-wrapper (symbols body)
- (when (null symbols)
- (return-from let*-binding-wrapper body))
- (let ((store (mapcar (lambda (s) (cons s (gvarname s)))
- (remove-if-not #'special-variable-p symbols))))
- (code
- "try {" *newline*
- (indent
- (mapconcat (lambda (b)
- (let ((s (ls-compile `(quote ,(car b)))))
- (code "var " (cdr b) " = " s ".value;" *newline*)))
- store)
- body)
- "}" *newline*
- "finally {" *newline*
- (indent
- (mapconcat (lambda (b)
- (let ((s (ls-compile `(quote ,(car b)))))
- (code s ".value" " = " (cdr b) ";" *newline*)))
- store))
- "}" *newline*)))
-(define-compilation let* (bindings &rest body)
- (let ((bindings (mapcar #'ensure-list bindings))
- (*environment* (copy-lexenv *environment*)))
- (js!selfcall
- (let ((specials (remove-if-not #'special-variable-p (mapcar #'first bindings)))
- (body (concat (mapconcat #'let*-initialize-value bindings)
- (ls-compile-block body t))))
- (let*-binding-wrapper specials body)))))
-(defvar *block-counter* 0)
-(define-compilation block (name &rest body)
- (let* ((tr (incf *block-counter*))
- (b (make-binding :name name :type 'block :value tr)))
- (when *multiple-value-p*
- (push 'multiple-value (binding-declarations b)))
- (let* ((*environment* (extend-lexenv (list b) *environment* 'block))
- (cbody (ls-compile-block body t)))
- (if (member 'used (binding-declarations b))
- (js!selfcall
- "try {" *newline*
- (indent cbody)
- "}" *newline*
- "catch (cf){" *newline*
- " if (cf.type == 'block' && cf.id == " tr ")" *newline*
- (if *multiple-value-p*
- " return values.apply(this, forcemv(cf.values));"
- " return cf.values;")
- *newline*
- " else" *newline*
- " throw cf;" *newline*
- "}" *newline*)
- (js!selfcall cbody)))))
-(define-compilation return-from (name &optional value)
- (let* ((b (lookup-in-lexenv name *environment* 'block))
- (multiple-value-p (member 'multiple-value (binding-declarations b))))
- (when (null b)
- (error (concat "Unknown block `" (symbol-name name) "'.")))
- (push 'used (binding-declarations b))
- (js!selfcall
- (when multiple-value-p (code "var values = mv;" *newline*))
- "throw ({"
- "type: 'block', "
- "id: " (binding-value b) ", "
- "values: " (ls-compile value multiple-value-p) ", "
- "message: 'Return from unknown block " (symbol-name name) ".'"
- "})")))
-(define-compilation catch (id &rest body)
- (js!selfcall
- "var id = " (ls-compile id) ";" *newline*
- "try {" *newline*
- (indent (ls-compile-block body t)) *newline*
- "}" *newline*
- "catch (cf){" *newline*
- " if (cf.type == 'catch' && cf.id == id)" *newline*
- (if *multiple-value-p*
- " return values.apply(this, forcemv(cf.values));"
- " return pv.apply(this, forcemv(cf.values));")
- *newline*
- " else" *newline*
- " throw cf;" *newline*
- "}" *newline*))
-(define-compilation throw (id value)
- (js!selfcall
- "var values = mv;" *newline*
- "throw ({"
- "type: 'catch', "
- "id: " (ls-compile id) ", "
- "values: " (ls-compile value t) ", "
- "message: 'Throw uncatched.'"
- "})"))
-(defvar *tagbody-counter* 0)
-(defvar *go-tag-counter* 0)
-(defun go-tag-p (x)
- (or (integerp x) (symbolp x)))
-(defun declare-tagbody-tags (tbidx body)
- (let ((bindings
- (mapcar (lambda (label)
- (let ((tagidx (integer-to-string (incf *go-tag-counter*))))
- (make-binding :name label :type 'gotag :value (list tbidx tagidx))))
- (remove-if-not #'go-tag-p body))))
- (extend-lexenv bindings *environment* 'gotag)))
-(define-compilation tagbody (&rest body)
- ;; Ignore the tagbody if it does not contain any go-tag. We do this
- ;; because 1) it is easy and 2) many built-in forms expand to a
- ;; implicit tagbody, so we save some space.
- (unless (some #'go-tag-p body)
- (return-from tagbody (ls-compile `(progn ,@body nil))))
- ;; The translation assumes the first form in BODY is a label
- (unless (go-tag-p (car body))
- (push (gensym "START") body))
- ;; Tagbody compilation
- (let ((tbidx *tagbody-counter*))
- (let ((*environment* (declare-tagbody-tags tbidx body))
- initag)
- (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv (first body) *environment* 'gotag)))
- (setq initag (second (binding-value b))))
- (js!selfcall
- "var tagbody_" tbidx " = " initag ";" *newline*
- "tbloop:" *newline*
- "while (true) {" *newline*
- (indent "try {" *newline*
- (indent (let ((content ""))
- (code "switch(tagbody_" tbidx "){" *newline*
- "case " initag ":" *newline*
- (dolist (form (cdr body) content)
- (concatf content
- (if (not (go-tag-p form))
- (indent (ls-compile form) ";" *newline*)
- (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv form *environment* 'gotag)))
- (code "case " (second (binding-value b)) ":" *newline*)))))
- "default:" *newline*
- " break tbloop;" *newline*
- "}" *newline*)))
- "}" *newline*
- "catch (jump) {" *newline*
- " if (jump.type == 'tagbody' && jump.id == " tbidx ")" *newline*
- " tagbody_" tbidx " = jump.label;" *newline*
- " else" *newline*
- " throw(jump);" *newline*
- "}" *newline*)
- "}" *newline*
- "return " (ls-compile nil) ";" *newline*))))
-(define-compilation go (label)
- (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv label *environment* 'gotag))
- (n (cond
- ((symbolp label) (symbol-name label))
- ((integerp label) (integer-to-string label)))))
- (when (null b)
- (error (concat "Unknown tag `" n "'.")))
- (js!selfcall
- "throw ({"
- "type: 'tagbody', "
- "id: " (first (binding-value b)) ", "
- "label: " (second (binding-value b)) ", "
- "message: 'Attempt to GO to non-existing tag " n "'"
- "})" *newline*)))
-(define-compilation unwind-protect (form &rest clean-up)
- (js!selfcall
- "var ret = " (ls-compile nil) ";" *newline*
- "try {" *newline*
- (indent "ret = " (ls-compile form) ";" *newline*)
- "} finally {" *newline*
- (indent (ls-compile-block clean-up))
- "}" *newline*
- "return ret;" *newline*))
-(define-compilation multiple-value-call (func-form &rest forms)
- (js!selfcall
- "var func = " (ls-compile func-form) ";" *newline*
- "var args = [" (if *multiple-value-p* "values" "pv") "];" *newline*
- "return "
- (js!selfcall
- "var values = mv;" *newline*
- "var vs;" *newline*
- (mapconcat (lambda (form)
- (code "vs = " (ls-compile form t) ";" *newline*
- "if (typeof vs === 'object' && 'multiple-value' in vs)" *newline*
- (indent "args = args.concat(vs);" *newline*)
- "else" *newline*
- (indent "args.push(vs);" *newline*)))
- forms)
- "return func.apply(window, args);" *newline*) ";" *newline*))
-(define-compilation multiple-value-prog1 (first-form &rest forms)
- (js!selfcall
- "var args = " (ls-compile first-form *multiple-value-p*) ";" *newline*
- (ls-compile-block forms)
- "return args;" *newline*))
-;;; Javascript FFI
-(define-compilation %js-vref (var) var)
-(define-compilation %js-vset (var val)
- (code "(" var " = " (ls-compile val) ")"))
-(define-setf-expander %js-vref (var)
- (let ((new-value (gensym)))
- (unless (stringp var)
- (error "a string was expected"))
- (values nil
- (list var)
- (list new-value)
- `(%js-vset ,var ,new-value)
- `(%js-vref ,var))))
-;;; Backquote implementation.
-;;; Author: Guy L. Steele Jr. Date: 27 December 1985
-;;; Tested under Symbolics Common Lisp and Lucid Common Lisp.
-;;; This software is in the public domain.
-;;; The following are unique tokens used during processing.
-;;; They need not be symbols; they need not even be atoms.
-(defvar *comma* 'unquote)
-(defvar *comma-atsign* 'unquote-splicing)
-(defvar *bq-list* (make-symbol "BQ-LIST"))
-(defvar *bq-append* (make-symbol "BQ-APPEND"))
-(defvar *bq-list** (make-symbol "BQ-LIST*"))
-(defvar *bq-nconc* (make-symbol "BQ-NCONC"))
-(defvar *bq-clobberable* (make-symbol "BQ-CLOBBERABLE"))
-(defvar *bq-quote* (make-symbol "BQ-QUOTE"))
-(defvar *bq-quote-nil* (list *bq-quote* nil))
-;;; BACKQUOTE is an ordinary macro (not a read-macro) that processes
-;;; the expression foo, looking for occurrences of #:COMMA,
-;;; #:COMMA-ATSIGN, and #:COMMA-DOT. It constructs code in strict
-;;; accordance with the rules on pages 349-350 of the first edition
-;;; (pages 528-529 of this second edition). It then optionally
-;;; applies a code simplifier.
-;;; If the value of *BQ-SIMPLIFY* is non-NIL, then BACKQUOTE
-;;; processing applies the code simplifier. If the value is NIL,
-;;; then the code resulting from BACKQUOTE is exactly that
-;;; specified by the official rules.
-(defparameter *bq-simplify* t)
-(defmacro backquote (x)
- (bq-completely-process x))
-;;; Backquote processing proceeds in three stages:
-;;; (1) BQ-PROCESS applies the rules to remove occurrences of
-;;; #:COMMA, #:COMMA-ATSIGN, and #:COMMA-DOT corresponding to
-;;; this level of BACKQUOTE. (It also causes embedded calls to
-;;; BACKQUOTE to be expanded so that nesting is properly handled.)
-;;; Code is produced that is expressed in terms of functions
-;;; #:BQ-LIST, #:BQ-APPEND, and #:BQ-CLOBBERABLE. This is done
-;;; so that the simplifier will simplify only list construction
-;;; functions actually generated by BACKQUOTE and will not involve
-;;; any user code in the simplification. #:BQ-LIST means LIST,
-;;; but indicates places where "%." was used and where NCONC may
-;;; therefore be introduced by the simplifier for efficiency.
-;;; (2) BQ-SIMPLIFY, if used, rewrites the code produced by
-;;; BQ-PROCESS to produce equivalent but faster code. The
-;;; additional functions #:BQ-LIST* and #:BQ-NCONC may be
-;;; introduced into the code.
-;;; (3) BQ-REMOVE-TOKENS goes through the code and replaces
-;;; #:BQ-LIST with LIST, #:BQ-APPEND with APPEND, and so on.
-;;; #:BQ-CLOBBERABLE is simply eliminated (a call to it being
-;;; replaced by its argument). #:BQ-LIST* is replaced by either
-;;; LIST* or CONS (the latter is used in the two-argument case,
-;;; purely to make the resulting code a tad more readable).
-(defun bq-completely-process (x)
- (let ((raw-result (bq-process x)))
- (bq-remove-tokens (if *bq-simplify*
- (bq-simplify raw-result)
- raw-result))))
-(defun bq-process (x)
- (cond ((atom x)
- (list *bq-quote* x))
- ((eq (car x) 'backquote)
- (bq-process (bq-completely-process (cadr x))))
- ((eq (car x) *comma*) (cadr x))
- ((eq (car x) *comma-atsign*)
- ;; (error ",@~S after `" (cadr x))
- (error "ill-formed"))
- ;; ((eq (car x) *comma-dot*)
- ;; ;; (error ",.~S after `" (cadr x))
- ;; (error "ill-formed"))
- (t (do ((p x (cdr p))
- (q '() (cons (bracket (car p)) q)))
- ((atom p)
- (cons *bq-append*
- (nreconc q (list (list *bq-quote* p)))))
- (when (eq (car p) *comma*)
- (unless (null (cddr p))
- ;; (error "Malformed ,~S" p)
- (error "Malformed"))
- (return (cons *bq-append*
- (nreconc q (list (cadr p))))))
- (when (eq (car p) *comma-atsign*)
- ;; (error "Dotted ,@~S" p)
- (error "Dotted"))
- ;; (when (eq (car p) *comma-dot*)
- ;; ;; (error "Dotted ,.~S" p)
- ;; (error "Dotted"))
- ))))
-;;; This implements the bracket operator of the formal rules.
-(defun bracket (x)
- (cond ((atom x)
- (list *bq-list* (bq-process x)))
- ((eq (car x) *comma*)
- (list *bq-list* (cadr x)))
- ((eq (car x) *comma-atsign*)
- (cadr x))
- ;; ((eq (car x) *comma-dot*)
- ;; (list *bq-clobberable* (cadr x)))
- (t (list *bq-list* (bq-process x)))))
-;;; This auxiliary function is like MAPCAR but has two extra
-;;; purposes: (1) it handles dotted lists; (2) it tries to make
-;;; the result share with the argument x as much as possible.
-(defun maptree (fn x)
- (if (atom x)
- (funcall fn x)
- (let ((a (funcall fn (car x)))
- (d (maptree fn (cdr x))))
- (if (and (eql a (car x)) (eql d (cdr x)))
- x
- (cons a d)))))
-;;; This predicate is true of a form that when read looked
-;;; like %@foo or %.foo.
-(defun bq-splicing-frob (x)
- (and (consp x)
- (or (eq (car x) *comma-atsign*)
- ;; (eq (car x) *comma-dot*)
- )))
-;;; This predicate is true of a form that when read
-;;; looked like %@foo or %.foo or just plain %foo.
-(defun bq-frob (x)
- (and (consp x)
- (or (eq (car x) *comma*)
- (eq (car x) *comma-atsign*)
- ;; (eq (car x) *comma-dot*)
- )))
-;;; The simplifier essentially looks for calls to #:BQ-APPEND and
-;;; tries to simplify them. The arguments to #:BQ-APPEND are
-;;; processed from right to left, building up a replacement form.
-;;; At each step a number of special cases are handled that,
-;;; loosely speaking, look like this:
-;;; (APPEND (LIST a b c) foo) => (LIST* a b c foo)
-;;; provided a, b, c are not splicing frobs
-;;; (APPEND (LIST* a b c) foo) => (LIST* a b (APPEND c foo))
-;;; provided a, b, c are not splicing frobs
-;;; (APPEND (QUOTE (x)) foo) => (LIST* (QUOTE x) foo)
-;;; (APPEND (CLOBBERABLE x) foo) => (NCONC x foo)
-(defun bq-simplify (x)
- (if (atom x)
- x
- (let ((x (if (eq (car x) *bq-quote*)
- x
- (maptree #'bq-simplify x))))
- (if (not (eq (car x) *bq-append*))
- x
- (bq-simplify-args x)))))
-(defun bq-simplify-args (x)
- (do ((args (reverse (cdr x)) (cdr args))
- (result
- nil
- (cond ((atom (car args))
- (bq-attach-append *bq-append* (car args) result))
- ((and (eq (caar args) *bq-list*)
- (notany #'bq-splicing-frob (cdar args)))
- (bq-attach-conses (cdar args) result))
- ((and (eq (caar args) *bq-list**)
- (notany #'bq-splicing-frob (cdar args)))
- (bq-attach-conses
- (reverse (cdr (reverse (cdar args))))
- (bq-attach-append *bq-append*
- (car (last (car args)))
- result)))
- ((and (eq (caar args) *bq-quote*)
- (consp (cadar args))
- (not (bq-frob (cadar args)))
- (null (cddar args)))
- (bq-attach-conses (list (list *bq-quote*
- (caadar args)))
- result))
- ((eq (caar args) *bq-clobberable*)
- (bq-attach-append *bq-nconc* (cadar args) result))
- (t (bq-attach-append *bq-append*
- (car args)
- result)))))
- ((null args) result)))
-(defun null-or-quoted (x)
- (or (null x) (and (consp x) (eq (car x) *bq-quote*))))
-;;; When BQ-ATTACH-APPEND is called, the OP should be #:BQ-APPEND
-;;; or #:BQ-NCONC. This produces a form (op item result) but
-;;; some simplifications are done on the fly:
-;;; (op '(a b c) '(d e f g)) => '(a b c d e f g)
-;;; (op item 'nil) => item, provided item is not a splicable frob
-;;; (op item 'nil) => (op item), if item is a splicable frob
-;;; (op item (op a b c)) => (op item a b c)
-(defun bq-attach-append (op item result)
- (cond ((and (null-or-quoted item) (null-or-quoted result))
- (list *bq-quote* (append (cadr item) (cadr result))))
- ((or (null result) (equal result *bq-quote-nil*))
- (if (bq-splicing-frob item) (list op item) item))
- ((and (consp result) (eq (car result) op))
- (list* (car result) item (cdr result)))
- (t (list op item result))))
-;;; The effect of BQ-ATTACH-CONSES is to produce a form as if by
-;;; `(LIST* ,@items ,result) but some simplifications are done
-;;; on the fly.
-;;; (LIST* 'a 'b 'c 'd) => '(a b c . d)
-;;; (LIST* a b c 'nil) => (LIST a b c)
-;;; (LIST* a b c (LIST* d e f g)) => (LIST* a b c d e f g)
-;;; (LIST* a b c (LIST d e f g)) => (LIST a b c d e f g)
-(defun bq-attach-conses (items result)
- (cond ((and (every #'null-or-quoted items)
- (null-or-quoted result))
- (list *bq-quote*
- (append (mapcar #'cadr items) (cadr result))))
- ((or (null result) (equal result *bq-quote-nil*))
- (cons *bq-list* items))
- ((and (consp result)
- (or (eq (car result) *bq-list*)
- (eq (car result) *bq-list**)))
- (cons (car result) (append items (cdr result))))
- (t (cons *bq-list** (append items (list result))))))
-;;; Removes funny tokens and changes (#:BQ-LIST* a b) into
-;;; (CONS a b) instead of (LIST* a b), purely for readability.
-(defun bq-remove-tokens (x)
- (cond ((eq x *bq-list*) 'list)
- ((eq x *bq-append*) 'append)
- ((eq x *bq-nconc*) 'nconc)
- ((eq x *bq-list**) 'list*)
- ((eq x *bq-quote*) 'quote)
- ((atom x) x)
- ((eq (car x) *bq-clobberable*)
- (bq-remove-tokens (cadr x)))
- ((and (eq (car x) *bq-list**)
- (consp (cddr x))
- (null (cdddr x)))
- (cons 'cons (maptree #'bq-remove-tokens (cdr x))))
- (t (maptree #'bq-remove-tokens x))))
-(define-transformation backquote (form)
- (bq-completely-process form))
-;;; Primitives
-(defvar *builtins* nil)
-(defmacro define-raw-builtin (name args &body body)
- ;; Creates a new primitive function `name' with parameters args and
- ;; @body. The body can access to the local environment through the
- ;; variable *ENVIRONMENT*.
- `(push (list ',name (lambda ,args (block ,name ,@body)))
- *builtins*))
-(defmacro define-builtin (name args &body body)
- `(define-raw-builtin ,name ,args
- (let ,(mapcar (lambda (arg) `(,arg (ls-compile ,arg))) args)
- ,@body)))
-;;; DECLS is a list of (JSVARNAME TYPE LISPFORM) declarations.
-(defmacro type-check (decls &body body)
- `(js!selfcall
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (decl)
- `(code "var " ,(first decl) " = " ,(third decl) ";" *newline*))
- decls)
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (decl)
- `(code "if (typeof " ,(first decl) " != '" ,(second decl) "')" *newline*
- (indent "throw 'The value ' + "
- ,(first decl)
- " + ' is not a type "
- ,(second decl)
- ".';"
- *newline*)))
- decls)
- (code "return " (progn ,@body) ";" *newline*)))
-;;; VARIABLE-ARITY compiles variable arity operations. ARGS stands for
-;;; a variable which holds a list of forms. It will compile them and
-;;; store the result in some Javascript variables. BODY is evaluated
-;;; with ARGS bound to the list of these variables to generate the
-;;; code which performs the transformation on these variables.
-(defun variable-arity-call (args function)
- (unless (consp args)
- (error "ARGS must be a non-empty list"))
- (let ((counter 0)
- (fargs '())
- (prelude ""))
- (dolist (x args)
- (if (numberp x)
- (push (integer-to-string x) fargs)
- (let ((v (code "x" (incf counter))))
- (push v fargs)
- (concatf prelude
- (code "var " v " = " (ls-compile x) ";" *newline*
- "if (typeof " v " !== 'number') throw 'Not a number!';"
- *newline*)))))
- (js!selfcall prelude (funcall function (reverse fargs)))))
-(defmacro variable-arity (args &body body)
- (unless (symbolp args)
- (error "Bad usage of VARIABLE-ARITY, you must pass a symbol"))
- `(variable-arity-call ,args
- (lambda (,args)
- (code "return " ,@body ";" *newline*))))
-(defun num-op-num (x op y)
- (type-check (("x" "number" x) ("y" "number" y))
- (code "x" op "y")))
-(define-raw-builtin + (&rest numbers)
- (if (null numbers)
- "0"
- (variable-arity numbers
- (join numbers "+"))))
-(define-raw-builtin - (x &rest others)
- (let ((args (cons x others)))
- (variable-arity args
- (if (null others)
- (concat "-" (car args))
- (join args "-")))))
-(define-raw-builtin * (&rest numbers)
- (if (null numbers)
- "1"
- (variable-arity numbers
- (join numbers "*"))))
-(define-raw-builtin / (x &rest others)
- (let ((args (cons x others)))
- (variable-arity args
- (if (null others)
- (concat "1 /" (car args))
- (join args "/")))))
-(define-builtin mod (x y) (num-op-num x "%" y))
-(defun comparison-conjuntion (vars op)
- (cond
- ((null (cdr vars))
- "true")
- ((null (cddr vars))
- (concat (car vars) op (cadr vars)))
- (t
- (concat (car vars) op (cadr vars)
- " && "
- (comparison-conjuntion (cdr vars) op)))))
-(defmacro define-builtin-comparison (op sym)
- `(define-raw-builtin ,op (x &rest args)
- (let ((args (cons x args)))
- (variable-arity args
- (js!bool (comparison-conjuntion args ,sym))))))
-(define-builtin-comparison > ">")
-(define-builtin-comparison < "<")
-(define-builtin-comparison >= ">=")
-(define-builtin-comparison <= "<=")
-(define-builtin-comparison = "==")
-(define-builtin numberp (x)
- (js!bool (code "(typeof (" x ") == \"number\")")))
-(define-builtin floor (x)
- (type-check (("x" "number" x))
- "Math.floor(x)"))
-(define-builtin cons (x y)
- (code "({car: " x ", cdr: " y "})"))
-(define-builtin consp (x)
- (js!bool
- (js!selfcall
- "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
- "return (typeof tmp == 'object' && 'car' in tmp);" *newline*)))
-(define-builtin car (x)
- (js!selfcall
- "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
- "return tmp === " (ls-compile nil)
- "? " (ls-compile nil)
- ": tmp.car;" *newline*))
-(define-builtin cdr (x)
- (js!selfcall
- "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
- "return tmp === " (ls-compile nil) "? "
- (ls-compile nil)
- ": tmp.cdr;" *newline*))
-(define-builtin rplaca (x new)
- (type-check (("x" "object" x))
- (code "(x.car = " new ", x)")))
-(define-builtin rplacd (x new)
- (type-check (("x" "object" x))
- (code "(x.cdr = " new ", x)")))
-(define-builtin symbolp (x)
- (js!bool
- (js!selfcall
- "var tmp = " x ";" *newline*
- "return (typeof tmp == 'object' && 'name' in tmp);" *newline*)))
-(define-builtin make-symbol (name)
- (type-check (("name" "string" name))
- "({name: name})"))
-(define-builtin symbol-name (x)
- (code "(" x ").name"))
-(define-builtin set (symbol value)
- (code "(" symbol ").value = " value))
-(define-builtin fset (symbol value)
- (code "(" symbol ").fvalue = " value))
-(define-builtin boundp (x)
- (js!bool (code "(" x ".value !== undefined)")))
-(define-builtin symbol-value (x)
- (js!selfcall
- "var symbol = " x ";" *newline*
- "var value = symbol.value;" *newline*
- "if (value === undefined) throw \"Variable `\" + symbol.name + \"' is unbound.\";" *newline*
- "return value;" *newline*))
-(define-builtin symbol-function (x)
- (js!selfcall
- "var symbol = " x ";" *newline*
- "var func = symbol.fvalue;" *newline*
- "if (func === undefined) throw \"Function `\" + symbol.name + \"' is undefined.\";" *newline*
- "return func;" *newline*))
-(define-builtin symbol-plist (x)
- (code "((" x ").plist || " (ls-compile nil) ")"))
-(define-builtin lambda-code (x)
- (code "(" x ").toString()"))
-(define-builtin eq (x y) (js!bool (code "(" x " === " y ")")))
-(define-builtin equal (x y) (js!bool (code "(" x " == " y ")")))
-(define-builtin char-to-string (x)
- (type-check (("x" "number" x))
- "String.fromCharCode(x)"))
-(define-builtin stringp (x)
- (js!bool (code "(typeof(" x ") == \"string\")")))
-(define-builtin string-upcase (x)
- (type-check (("x" "string" x))
- "x.toUpperCase()"))
-(define-builtin string-length (x)
- (type-check (("x" "string" x))
- "x.length"))
-(define-raw-builtin slice (string a &optional b)
- (js!selfcall
- "var str = " (ls-compile string) ";" *newline*
- "var a = " (ls-compile a) ";" *newline*
- "var b;" *newline*
- (when b (code "b = " (ls-compile b) ";" *newline*))
- "return str.slice(a,b);" *newline*))
-(define-builtin char (string index)
- (type-check (("string" "string" string)
- ("index" "number" index))
- "string.charCodeAt(index)"))
-(define-builtin concat-two (string1 string2)
- (type-check (("string1" "string" string1)
- ("string2" "string" string2))
- "string1.concat(string2)"))
-(define-raw-builtin funcall (func &rest args)
- (js!selfcall
- "var f = " (ls-compile func) ";" *newline*
- "return (typeof f === 'function'? f: f.fvalue)("
- (join (cons (if *multiple-value-p* "values" "pv")
- (mapcar #'ls-compile args))
- ", ")
- ")"))
-(define-raw-builtin apply (func &rest args)
- (if (null args)
- (code "(" (ls-compile func) ")()")
- (let ((args (butlast args))
- (last (car (last args))))
- (js!selfcall
- "var f = " (ls-compile func) ";" *newline*
- "var args = [" (join (cons (if *multiple-value-p* "values" "pv")
- (mapcar #'ls-compile args))
- ", ")
- "];" *newline*
- "var tail = (" (ls-compile last) ");" *newline*
- "while (tail != " (ls-compile nil) "){" *newline*
- " args.push(tail.car);" *newline*
- " tail = tail.cdr;" *newline*
- "}" *newline*
- "return (typeof f === 'function'? f : f.fvalue).apply(this, args);" *newline*))))
-(define-builtin js-eval (string)
- (type-check (("string" "string" string))
- (if *multiple-value-p*
- (js!selfcall
- "var v = eval.apply(window, [string]);" *newline*
- "if (typeof v !== 'object' || !('multiple-value' in v)){" *newline*
- (indent "v = [v];" *newline*
- "v['multiple-value'] = true;" *newline*)
- "}" *newline*
- "return values.apply(this, v);" *newline*)
- "eval.apply(window, [string])")))
-(define-builtin error (string)
- (js!selfcall "throw " string ";" *newline*))
-(define-builtin new () "{}")
-(define-builtin objectp (x)
- (js!bool (code "(typeof (" x ") === 'object')")))
-(define-builtin oget (object key)
- (js!selfcall
- "var tmp = " "(" object ")[" key "];" *newline*
- "return tmp == undefined? " (ls-compile nil) ": tmp ;" *newline*))
-(define-builtin oset (object key value)
- (code "((" object ")[" key "] = " value ")"))
-(define-builtin in (key object)
- (js!bool (code "((" key ") in (" object "))")))
-(define-builtin functionp (x)
- (js!bool (code "(typeof " x " == 'function')")))
-(define-builtin write-string (x)
- (type-check (("x" "string" x))
- "lisp.write(x)"))
-(define-builtin make-array (n)
- (js!selfcall
- "var r = [];" *newline*
- "for (var i = 0; i < " n "; i++)" *newline*
- (indent "r.push(" (ls-compile nil) ");" *newline*)
- "return r;" *newline*))
-(define-builtin arrayp (x)
- (js!bool
- (js!selfcall
- "var x = " x ";" *newline*
- "return typeof x === 'object' && 'length' in x;")))
-(define-builtin aref (array n)
- (js!selfcall
- "var x = " "(" array ")[" n "];" *newline*
- "if (x === undefined) throw 'Out of range';" *newline*
- "return x;" *newline*))
-(define-builtin aset (array n value)
- (js!selfcall
- "var x = " array ";" *newline*
- "var i = " n ";" *newline*
- "if (i < 0 || i >= x.length) throw 'Out of range';" *newline*
- "return x[i] = " value ";" *newline*))
-(define-builtin get-unix-time ()
- (code "(Math.round(new Date() / 1000))"))
-(define-builtin values-array (array)
- (if *multiple-value-p*
- (code "values.apply(this, " array ")")
- (code "pv.apply(this, " array ")")))
-(define-raw-builtin values (&rest args)
- (if *multiple-value-p*
- (code "values(" (join (mapcar #'ls-compile args) ", ") ")")
- (code "pv(" (join (mapcar #'ls-compile args) ", ") ")")))
-;; Receives the JS function as first argument as a literal string. The
-;; second argument is compiled and should evaluate to a vector of
-;; values to apply to the the function. The result returned.
-(define-builtin %js-call (fun args)
- (code fun ".apply(this, " args ")"))
-(defun macro (x)
- (and (symbolp x)
- (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv x *environment* 'function)))
- (if (and b (eq (binding-type b) 'macro))
- b
- nil))))
-(defvar *macroexpander-cache*
- (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
-(defun ls-macroexpand-1 (form)
- (cond
- ((symbolp form)
- (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv form *environment* 'variable)))
- (if (and b (eq (binding-type b) 'macro))
- (values (binding-value b) t)
- (values form nil))))
- ((consp form)
- (let ((macro-binding (macro (car form))))
- (if macro-binding
- (let ((expander (binding-value macro-binding)))
- (cond
- #+common-lisp
- ((gethash macro-binding *macroexpander-cache*)
- (setq expander (gethash macro-binding *macroexpander-cache*)))
- ((listp expander)
- (let ((compiled (eval expander)))
- ;; The list representation are useful while
- ;; bootstrapping, as we can dump the definition of the
- ;; macros easily, but they are slow because we have to
- ;; evaluate them and compile them now and again. So, let
- ;; us replace the list representation version of the
- ;; function with the compiled one.
- ;;
- #+ecmalisp (setf (binding-value macro-binding) compiled)
- #+common-lisp (setf (gethash macro-binding *macroexpander-cache*) compiled)
- (setq expander compiled))))
- (values (apply expander (cdr form)) t))
- (values form nil))))
- (t
- (values form nil))))
-(defun compile-funcall (function args)
- (let* ((values-funcs (if *multiple-value-p* "values" "pv"))
- (arglist (concat "(" (join (cons values-funcs (mapcar #'ls-compile args)) ", ") ")")))
- (cond
- ((translate-function function)
- (concat (translate-function function) arglist))
- ((and (symbolp function)
- #+ecmalisp (eq (symbol-package function) (find-package "COMMON-LISP"))
- #+common-lisp t)
- (code (ls-compile `',function) ".fvalue" arglist))
- (t
- (code (ls-compile `#',function) arglist)))))
-(defun ls-compile-block (sexps &optional return-last-p)
- (if return-last-p
- (code (ls-compile-block (butlast sexps))
- "return " (ls-compile (car (last sexps)) *multiple-value-p*) ";")
- (join-trailing
- (remove-if #'null-or-empty-p (mapcar #'ls-compile sexps))
- (concat ";" *newline*))))
-(defun ls-compile (sexp &optional multiple-value-p)
- (multiple-value-bind (sexp expandedp) (ls-macroexpand-1 sexp)
- (when expandedp
- (return-from ls-compile (ls-compile sexp multiple-value-p)))
- ;; The expression has been macroexpanded. Now compile it!
- (let ((*multiple-value-p* multiple-value-p))
- (cond
- ((symbolp sexp)
- (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv sexp *environment* 'variable)))
- (cond
- ((and b (not (member 'special (binding-declarations b))))
- (binding-value b))
- ((or (keywordp sexp)
- (and b (member 'constant (binding-declarations b))))
- (code (ls-compile `',sexp) ".value"))
- (t
- (ls-compile `(symbol-value ',sexp))))))
- ((integerp sexp) (integer-to-string sexp))
- ((stringp sexp) (code "\"" (escape-string sexp) "\""))
- ((arrayp sexp) (literal sexp))
- ((listp sexp)
- (let ((name (car sexp))
- (args (cdr sexp)))
- (cond
- ;; Special forms
- ((assoc name *compilations*)
- (let ((comp (second (assoc name *compilations*))))
- (apply comp args)))
- ;; Built-in functions
- ((and (assoc name *builtins*)
- (not (claimp name 'function 'notinline)))
- (let ((comp (second (assoc name *builtins*))))
- (apply comp args)))
- (t
- (compile-funcall name args)))))
- (t
- (error (concat "How should I compile " (prin1-to-string sexp) "?")))))))
-(defvar *compile-print-toplevels* nil)
-(defun truncate-string (string &optional (width 60))
- (let ((n (or (position #\newline string)
- (min width (length string)))))
- (subseq string 0 n)))
-(defun ls-compile-toplevel (sexp &optional multiple-value-p)
- (let ((*toplevel-compilations* nil))
- (cond
- ((and (consp sexp) (eq (car sexp) 'progn))
- (let ((subs (mapcar (lambda (s)
- (ls-compile-toplevel s t))
- (cdr sexp))))
- (join (remove-if #'null-or-empty-p subs))))
- (t
- (when *compile-print-toplevels*
- (let ((form-string (prin1-to-string sexp)))
- (write-string "Compiling ")
- (write-string (truncate-string form-string))
- (write-line "...")))
- (let ((code (ls-compile sexp multiple-value-p)))
- (code (join-trailing (get-toplevel-compilations)
- (code ";" *newline*))
- (when code
- (code code ";" *newline*))))))))
+ (load "read")
+ (load "compiler"))
;;; Once we have the compiler, we define the runtime environment and
;;; interactive development (eval), which works calling the compiler
+ "compiler.lisp"
- (ls-compile-file file out :print t)))))
+ (ls-compile-file file out)))))