(thread-pid sb!alien:unsigned-long))
+(defvar *session* nil)
(defun make-thread (function)
- (let ((real-function (coerce function 'function)))
- (%create-thread
- (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address
- (lambda ()
- ;; in time we'll move some of the binding presently done in C
- ;; here too
- (let ((sb!kernel::*restart-clusters* nil)
- (sb!impl::*descriptor-handlers* nil); serve-event
- (sb!impl::*available-buffers* nil)) ;for fd-stream
- ;; can't use handling-end-of-the-world, because that flushes
- ;; output streams, and we don't necessarily have any (or we
- ;; could be sharing them)
- (sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint :ignore)
- (sb!unix:unix-exit
- (catch 'sb!impl::%end-of-the-world
- (with-simple-restart
- (destroy-thread
- (format nil "~~@<Destroy this thread (~A)~~@:>"
- (current-thread-id)))
- (funcall real-function))
- 0))))))))
+ (let* ((real-function (coerce function 'function))
+ (tid
+ (%create-thread
+ (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address
+ (lambda ()
+ ;; in time we'll move some of the binding presently done in C
+ ;; here too
+ (let ((sb!kernel::*restart-clusters* nil)
+ (sb!impl::*descriptor-handlers* nil) ; serve-event
+ (sb!impl::*available-buffers* nil)) ;for fd-stream
+ ;; can't use handling-end-of-the-world, because that flushes
+ ;; output streams, and we don't necessarily have any (or we
+ ;; could be sharing them)
+ (sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint :ignore)
+ (sb!unix:unix-exit
+ (catch 'sb!impl::%end-of-the-world
+ (with-simple-restart
+ (destroy-thread
+ (format nil "~~@<Destroy this thread (~A)~~@:>"
+ (current-thread-id)))
+ (funcall real-function))
+ 0))))))))
+ (with-mutex ((session-lock *session*))
+ (pushnew tid (session-threads *session*)))
+ tid))
;;; Really, you don't want to use these: they'll get into trouble with
;;; garbage collection. Use a lock or a waitqueue instead
(fdefinition 'condition-notify) #'condition-notify/futex)
-;;;; multiple independent listeners
+;;;; job control, independent listeners
-(defvar *session-lock* nil)
+(defstruct session
+ (lock (make-mutex))
+ (threads nil)
+ (interactive-threads nil)
+ (interactive-threads-queue (make-waitqueue)))
-(defun make-listener-thread (tty-name)
- (assert (probe-file tty-name))
- ;; FIXME probably still need to do some tty stuff to get signals
- ;; delivered correctly.
- ;; FIXME
- (let* ((in (sb!unix:unix-open (namestring tty-name) sb!unix:o_rdwr #o666))
- (out (sb!unix:unix-dup in))
- (err (sb!unix:unix-dup in)))
- (labels ((thread-repl ()
- (sb!unix::unix-setsid)
- (let* ((*session-lock*
- (make-mutex :name (format nil "lock for ~A" tty-name)))
- (sb!impl::*stdin*
- (sb!sys:make-fd-stream in :input t :buffering :line))
- (sb!impl::*stdout*
- (sb!sys:make-fd-stream out :output t :buffering :line))
- (sb!impl::*stderr*
- (sb!sys:make-fd-stream err :output t :buffering :line))
- (sb!impl::*tty*
- (sb!sys:make-fd-stream err :input t :output t :buffering :line))
- (sb!impl::*descriptor-handlers* nil))
- (get-mutex *session-lock*)
- (sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint #'sb!unix::sigint-handler)
- (unwind-protect
- (sb!impl::toplevel-repl nil)
- (sb!int:flush-standard-output-streams)))))
- (make-thread #'thread-repl))))
-;;;; job control
-(defvar *interactive-threads-lock*
- (make-mutex :name "*interactive-threads* lock"))
-(defvar *interactive-threads* nil)
-(defvar *interactive-threads-queue*
- (make-waitqueue :name "All threads that need the terminal. First ID on this list is running, the others are waiting"))
+(defun new-session ()
+ (let ((tid (current-thread-id)))
+ (make-session :threads (list tid)
+ :interactive-threads (list tid))))
(defun init-job-control ()
- (with-mutex (*interactive-threads-lock*)
- (setf *interactive-threads* (list (current-thread-id)))
- (return-from init-job-control t)))
+ (setf *session* (new-session)))
+(defun call-with-new-session (fn)
+ (let ((tid (current-thread-id)))
+ (with-mutex ((session-lock *session*))
+ (setf (session-threads *session*)
+ (delete tid (session-threads *session*))
+ (session-interactive-threads *session*)
+ (delete tid (session-interactive-threads *session*))))
+ (let ((*session* (new-session)))
+ (funcall fn))))
+(defmacro with-new-session (args &body forms)
+ (declare (ignore args)) ;for extensibility
+ (sb!int:with-unique-names (fb-name)
+ `(labels ((,fb-name () ,@forms))
+ (call-with-new-session (function ,fb-name)))))
+(defun terminate-session ()
+ "Kill all threads in session exept for this one. Does nothing if current
+thread is not the foreground thread"
+ (let* ((tid (current-thread-id))
+ (to-kill
+ (with-mutex ((session-lock *session*))
+ (and (eql tid (car (session-interactive-threads *session*)))
+ (session-threads *session*)))))
+ ;; do the kill after dropping the mutex; unwind forms in dying
+ ;; threads may want to do session things
+ (dolist (p to-kill)
+ (unless (eql p tid) (terminate-thread p)))))
;;; called from top of invoke-debugger
(defun debugger-wait-until-foreground-thread (stream)
"Returns T if thread had been running in background, NIL if it was
- (with-mutex (*interactive-threads-lock*)
- (not (member (current-thread-id) *interactive-threads*)))
+ (with-mutex ((session-lock *session*))
+ (not (member (current-thread-id)
+ (session-interactive-threads *session*))))
(defun thread-repl-prompt-fun (out-stream)
- (let ((stopped-threads (cdr *interactive-threads*)))
+ (let ((stopped-threads (cdr (session-interactive-threads *session*))))
(when stopped-threads
(format out-stream "~{~&Thread ~A suspended~}~%" stopped-threads))
(sb!impl::repl-prompt-fun out-stream)))
(defun get-foreground ()
- (with-mutex (*interactive-threads-lock*)
+ (with-mutex ((session-lock *session*))
(let ((tid (current-thread-id)))
- (when (eql (car *interactive-threads*) tid)
+ (when (eql (car (session-interactive-threads *session*)) tid)
(sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint #'sb!unix::sigint-handler)
(return-from get-foreground t))
(unless (member tid *interactive-threads*)
- (setf (cdr (last *interactive-threads*)) (list tid)))
+ (setf (cdr (last (session-interactive-threads *session*)))
+ (list tid)))
- *interactive-threads-queue* *interactive-threads-lock* )))))
+ (session-interactive-threads-queue *session*)
+ (session-lock *session*))))))
(defun release-foreground (&optional next)
"Background this thread. If NEXT is supplied, arrange for it to have the foreground next"
- (with-mutex (*interactive-threads-lock*)
+ (with-mutex ((session-lock *session*))
(let ((tid (current-thread-id)))
- (setf *interactive-threads* (delete tid *interactive-threads*))
+ (setf (session-interactive-threads *session*)
+ (delete tid *interactive-threads*))
(sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint :ignore)
- (when next (setf *interactive-threads*
- (list* next (delete next *interactive-threads*))))
- (condition-broadcast *interactive-threads-queue*))))
\ No newline at end of file
+ (when next
+ (setf (session-interactive-threads *session*)
+ (list* next
+ (delete next (session-interactive-threads *session*)))))
+ (condition-broadcast (session-interactive-threads-queue *session*)))))
+(defun make-listener-thread (tty-name)
+ (assert (probe-file tty-name))
+ (let* ((in (sb!unix:unix-open (namestring tty-name) sb!unix:o_rdwr #o666))
+ (out (sb!unix:unix-dup in))
+ (err (sb!unix:unix-dup in)))
+ (labels ((thread-repl ()
+ (sb!unix::unix-setsid)
+ (let* ((sb!impl::*stdin*
+ (sb!sys:make-fd-stream in :input t :buffering :line))
+ (sb!impl::*stdout*
+ (sb!sys:make-fd-stream out :output t :buffering :line))
+ (sb!impl::*stderr*
+ (sb!sys:make-fd-stream err :output t :buffering :line))
+ (sb!impl::*tty*
+ (sb!sys:make-fd-stream err :input t :output t :buffering :line))
+ (sb!impl::*descriptor-handlers* nil))
+ (with-new-session ()
+ (sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint #'sb!unix::sigint-handler)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (sb!impl::toplevel-repl nil)
+ (sb!int:flush-standard-output-streams))))))
+ (make-thread #'thread-repl))))