(alien-funcall (extern-alien "GetEnvironmentStrings"
(function system-area-pointer))))))
-;;; Convert as best we can from an SBCL representation of a Unix
-;;; environment to a CMU CL representation.
-;;; * (UNIX-ENVIRONMENT-CMUCL-FROM-SBCL '("Bletch=fub" "Noggin" "YES=No!"))
-;;; smashing case of "Bletch=fub" in conversion to CMU-CL-style
-;;; environment alist
-;;; no #\= in "Noggin", eliding it in CMU-CL-style environment alist
-;;; ((:BLETCH . "fub") (:YES . "No!"))
-(defun unix-environment-cmucl-from-sbcl (sbcl)
- (mapcan
- (lambda (string)
- (declare (string string))
- (let ((=-pos (position #\= string :test #'equal)))
- (if =-pos
- (list
- (let* ((key-as-string (subseq string 0 =-pos))
- (key-as-upcase-string (string-upcase key-as-string))
- (key (keywordicate key-as-upcase-string))
- (val (subseq string (1+ =-pos))))
- (unless (string= key-as-string key-as-upcase-string)
- (warn "smashing case of ~S in conversion to CMU-CL-style ~
- environment alist"
- string))
- (cons key val)))
- (warn "no #\\= in ~S, eliding it in CMU-CL-style environment alist"
- string))))
- sbcl))
;;; Convert from a CMU CL representation of a Unix environment to a
;;; SBCL representation.
(defun unix-environment-sbcl-from-cmucl (cmucl)
;;;; Import wait3(2) from Unix.
-(define-alien-routine ("waitpid" c-waitpid) sb-alien:int
- (pid sb-alien:int)
- (status sb-alien:int :out)
- (options sb-alien:int))
+(define-alien-routine ("waitpid" c-waitpid) int
+ (pid int)
+ (status int :out)
+ (options int))
(defun waitpid (pid &optional do-not-hang check-for-stopped)
;;; Find the current foreground process group id.
(defun find-current-foreground-process (proc)
- (with-alien ((result sb-alien:int))
+ (with-alien ((result int))
(wonp error)
(sb-unix:unix-ioctl (fd-stream-fd (process-pty proc))
- (alien-sap (sb-alien:addr result)))
+ (alien-sap (addr result)))
(unless wonp
(error "TIOCPGRP ioctl failed: ~S" (strerror error)))
;; A-T-S-L even for simple encodings like ASCII. Multibyte encodings
;; may need more than a single byte of zeros; assume 4 byte is enough
;; for everyone.
(defmacro round-null-terminated-bytes-to-words (n)
- (let ((bytes-per-word (/ sb-vm:n-machine-word-bits sb-vm:n-byte-bits)))
- `(logandc2 (the sb-vm:signed-word (+ (the fixnum ,n)
- 4 (1- ,bytes-per-word)))
- (1- ,bytes-per-word))))
+ `(logandc2 (the sb-vm:signed-word (+ (the fixnum ,n)
+ 4 (1- sb-vm:n-word-bytes)))
+ (1- sb-vm:n-word-bytes)))
(defun string-list-to-c-strvec (string-list)
(let* (;; We need an extra for the null, and an extra 'cause exect
;; clobbers argv[-1].
(setf (sap-ref-sap vec-sap vec-index-offset) (int-sap 0))
(values vec-sap (sap+ vec-sap sb-vm:n-word-bytes) total-bytes)))
-(defmacro with-c-strvec ((var str-list &key null) &body body)
- (once-only ((null null))
- (with-unique-names (sap size)
- `(multiple-value-bind (,sap ,var ,size)
- (if ,null
- (values nil (int-sap 0))
- (string-list-to-c-strvec ,str-list))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- ,@body)
- (unless ,null
- (deallocate-system-memory ,sap ,size)))))))
+(defmacro with-args ((var str-list) &body body)
+ (with-unique-names (sap size)
+ `(multiple-value-bind (,sap ,var ,size)
+ (string-list-to-c-strvec ,str-list)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ ,@body)
+ (deallocate-system-memory ,sap ,size)))))
(defmacro with-environment ((var str-list &key null) &body body)
(once-only ((null null))
(unless ,null
(deallocate-system-memory ,sap ,size)))))))
+(define-alien-routine spawn
+ int
+ (program c-string)
+ (argv (* c-string))
+ (stdin int)
+ (stdout int)
+ (stderr int)
+ (search int)
+ (envp (* c-string))
+ (pty-name c-string)
+ (wait int)
+ (dir c-string))
-(sb-alien:define-alien-routine spawn
- #-win32 sb-alien:int
- #+win32 sb-win32::handle
- (program sb-alien:c-string)
- (argv (* sb-alien:c-string))
- (stdin sb-alien:int)
- (stdout sb-alien:int)
- (stderr sb-alien:int)
- (search sb-alien:int)
- (envp (* sb-alien:c-string))
- (pty-name sb-alien:c-string)
- (wait sb-alien:int)
- (pwd sb-alien:c-string))
+(defun escape-arg (arg stream)
+ ;; Normally, #\\ doesn't have to be escaped
+ ;; But if #\" follows #\\, then they have to be escaped.
+ ;; Do that by counting the number of consequent backslashes, and
+ ;; upon encoutering #\" immediately after them, output the same
+ ;; number of backslashes, plus one for #\"
+ (write-char #\" stream)
+ (loop with slashes = 0
+ for i below (length arg)
+ for previous-char = #\a then char
+ for char = (char arg i)
+ do
+ (case char
+ (#\"
+ (loop repeat slashes
+ do (write-char #\\ stream))
+ (write-string "\\\"" stream))
+ (t
+ (write-char char stream)))
+ (case char
+ (#\\
+ (incf slashes))
+ (t
+ (setf slashes 0)))
+ finally
+ ;; The final #\" counts too, but doesn't need to be escaped itself
+ (loop repeat slashes
+ do (write-char #\\ stream)))
+ (write-char #\" stream))
+(defun prepare-args (args)
+ (cond #-win32
+ ((every #'simple-string-p args)
+ args)
+ #-win32
+ (t
+ (loop for arg in args
+ collect (coerce arg 'simple-string)))
+ #+win32
+ (t
+ (with-output-to-string (str)
+ (loop for (arg . rest) on args
+ do
+ (cond ((find-if (lambda (c) (find c '(#\Space #\Tab #\")))
+ arg)
+ (escape-arg arg str))
+ (t
+ (princ arg str)))
+ (when rest
+ (write-char #\Space str)))))))
;;; FIXME: There shouldn't be two semiredundant versions of the
;;; documentation. Since this is a public extension function, the
(env nil env-p)
- (when env-p
- (unix-environment-sbcl-from-cmucl env))
- environment-p)
+ (when env-p
+ (unix-environment-sbcl-from-cmucl env))
+ environment-p)
(wait t)
#-win32 pty
default external format for streams.
RUN-PROGRAM will return a PROCESS structure. See the CMU Common Lisp
-Users Manual for details about the PROCESS structure."#-win32"
+Users Manual for details about the PROCESS structure.
Notes about Unix environments (as in the :ENVIRONMENT and :ENV args):
- The SBCL implementation of RUN-PROGRAM, like Perl and many other
programs, but unlike the original CMU CL implementation, copies
- the Unix environment by default.
+ the Unix environment by default."#-win32"
- Running Unix programs from a setuid process, or in any other
situation where the Unix environment is under the control of someone
else, is a mother lode of security problems. If you are contemplating
NIL (the default) means the directory is unchanged.")
(when (and env-p environment-p)
(error "can't specify :ENV and :ENVIRONMENT simultaneously"))
- ;; Prepend the program to the argument list.
- (push (namestring program) args)
- (labels (;; It's friendly to allow the caller to pass any string
- ;; designator, but internally we'd like SIMPLE-STRINGs.
- ;;
- ;; Huh? We let users pass in symbols and characters for
- ;; the arguments, but call NAMESTRING on the program
- ;; name... -- RMK
- (simplify-args (args)
- (loop for arg in args
- as escaped-arg = (escape-arg arg)
- collect (coerce escaped-arg 'simple-string)))
- (escape-arg (arg)
- #-win32 arg
- ;; Apparently any spaces or double quotes in the arguments
- ;; need to be escaped on win32.
- #+win32 (if (position-if
- (lambda (c) (find c '(#\" #\Space))) arg)
- (write-to-string arg)
- arg)))
- (let (;; Clear various specials used by GET-DESCRIPTOR-FOR to
- ;; communicate cleanup info.
- *close-on-error*
- *close-in-parent*
- ;; Some other binding used only on non-Win32. FIXME:
- ;; nothing seems to set this.
- #-win32 *handlers-installed*
- ;; Establish PROC at this level so that we can return it.
- proc
- (simple-args (simplify-args args))
- (progname (native-namestring program))
- ;; Gag.
- (cookie (list 0)))
- (unwind-protect
- ;; Note: despite the WITH-* names, these macros don't
- ;; expand into UNWIND-PROTECT forms. They're just
- ;; syntactic sugar to make the rest of the routine slightly
- ;; easier to read.
- (macrolet ((with-no-with
- ((&optional no)
- (&whole form with-something parameters &body body))
- (declare (ignore with-something parameters))
- (typecase no
- (keyword `(progn ,@body))
- (null form)
- (t `(let ,no (declare (ignorable ,@no)) ,@body))))
- (with-fd-and-stream-for (((fd stream) which &rest args)
- &body body)
- `(multiple-value-bind (,fd ,stream)
- ,(ecase which
- ((:input :output)
- `(get-descriptor-for ,@args))
- (:error
- `(if (eq ,(first args) :output)
- ;; kludge: we expand into
- ;; hard-coded symbols here.
- (values stdout output-stream)
- (get-descriptor-for ,@args))))
- (unless ,fd
- (return-from run-program))
- ,@body))
- (with-open-pty (((pty-name pty-stream) (pty cookie))
- &body body)
- `(multiple-value-bind (,pty-name ,pty-stream)
- (open-pty ,pty ,cookie :external-format external-format)
- ,@body))
- (with-args-vec ((vec args) &body body)
- `(with-c-strvec (,vec ,args)
- ,@body))
- (with-environment-vec ((vec) &body body)
- `(with-environment
- (,vec environment
- :null (not (or environment environment-p)))
- ,@body)))
- (with-fd-and-stream-for ((stdin input-stream) :input
- input cookie
- :direction :input
- :if-does-not-exist if-input-does-not-exist
- :external-format external-format
- :wait wait)
- (with-fd-and-stream-for ((stdout output-stream) :output
- output cookie
+ (let* (;; Clear various specials used by GET-DESCRIPTOR-FOR to
+ ;; communicate cleanup info.
+ *close-on-error*
+ *close-in-parent*
+ ;; Some other binding used only on non-Win32. FIXME:
+ ;; nothing seems to set this.
+ #-win32 *handlers-installed*
+ ;; Establish PROC at this level so that we can return it.
+ proc
+ (progname (native-namestring program))
+ (args (prepare-args (cons progname args)))
+ (directory (and directory-p (native-namestring directory)))
+ ;; Gag.
+ (cookie (list 0)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ ;; Note: despite the WITH-* names, these macros don't
+ ;; expand into UNWIND-PROTECT forms. They're just
+ ;; syntactic sugar to make the rest of the routine slightly
+ ;; easier to read.
+ (macrolet ((with-fd-and-stream-for (((fd stream) which &rest args)
+ &body body)
+ `(multiple-value-bind (,fd ,stream)
+ ,(ecase which
+ ((:input :output)
+ `(get-descriptor-for ,@args))
+ (:error
+ `(if (eq ,(first args) :output)
+ ;; kludge: we expand into
+ ;; hard-coded symbols here.
+ (values stdout output-stream)
+ (get-descriptor-for ,@args))))
+ (unless ,fd
+ (return-from run-program))
+ ,@body))
+ (with-open-pty (((pty-name pty-stream) (pty cookie))
+ &body body)
+ (declare (ignorable pty-name pty-stream pty cookie))
+ #+win32
+ `(progn ,@body)
+ #-win32
+ `(multiple-value-bind (,pty-name ,pty-stream)
+ (open-pty ,pty ,cookie :external-format external-format)
+ ,@body)))
+ (with-fd-and-stream-for ((stdin input-stream) :input
+ input cookie
+ :direction :input
+ :if-does-not-exist if-input-does-not-exist
+ :external-format external-format
+ :wait wait)
+ (with-fd-and-stream-for ((stdout output-stream) :output
+ output cookie
+ :direction :output
+ :if-exists if-output-exists
+ :external-format external-format)
+ (with-fd-and-stream-for ((stderr error-stream) :error
+ error cookie
:direction :output
- :if-exists if-output-exists
+ :if-exists if-error-exists
:external-format external-format)
- (with-fd-and-stream-for ((stderr error-stream) :error
- error cookie
- :direction :output
- :if-exists if-error-exists
- :external-format external-format)
- (with-no-with (#+win32 (pty-name pty-stream))
- (with-open-pty ((pty-name pty-stream) (pty cookie))
- ;; Make sure we are not notified about the child
- ;; death before we have installed the PROCESS
- ;; structure in *ACTIVE-PROCESSES*.
- (let (child)
- (with-active-processes-lock ()
- (with-no-with (#+win32 (args-vec))
- (with-args-vec (args-vec simple-args)
- (with-environment-vec (environment-vec)
- (let ((pwd-string
- (and directory-p (native-namestring directory))))
- (setq child
- #+win32
- (sb-win32::mswin-spawn
- progname
- (with-output-to-string (argv)
- (dolist (arg simple-args)
- (write-string arg argv)
- (write-char #\Space argv)))
+ (with-open-pty ((pty-name pty-stream) (pty cookie))
+ ;; Make sure we are not notified about the child
+ ;; death before we have installed the PROCESS
+ ;; structure in *ACTIVE-PROCESSES*.
+ (let (child)
+ (with-active-processes-lock ()
+ (with-environment (environment-vec environment
+ :null (not (or environment environment-p)))
+ (setq child
+ #+win32
+ (sb-win32::mswin-spawn
+ progname
+ args
+ stdin stdout stderr
+ search environment-vec wait directory)
+ #-win32
+ (with-args (args-vec args)
+ (without-gcing
+ (spawn progname args-vec
stdin stdout stderr
- search environment-vec wait pwd-string)
- #-win32
- (without-gcing
- (spawn progname args-vec
- stdin stdout stderr
- (if search 1 0)
- environment-vec pty-name
- (if wait 1 0)
- pwd-string))))
- (unless (minusp child)
- (setf proc
- (apply
- #'make-process
- :input input-stream
- :output output-stream
- :error error-stream
- :status-hook status-hook
- :cookie cookie
- #-win32 (list :pty pty-stream
- :%status :running
- :pid child)
- #+win32 (if wait
- (list :%status :exited
- :%exit-code child)
- (list :%status :running
- :pid child))))
- (push proc *active-processes*))))))
- ;; Report the error outside the lock.
- (case child
- (-1
- (error "Couldn't fork child process: ~A"
- (strerror)))
- (-2
- (error "Couldn't execute ~S: ~A"
- progname (strerror)))
- (-3
- (error "Couldn't change directory to ~S: ~A"
- directory (strerror)))))))))))
- (dolist (fd *close-in-parent*)
+ (if search 1 0)
+ environment-vec pty-name
+ (if wait 1 0) directory))))
+ (unless (minusp child)
+ (setf proc
+ (make-process
+ :input input-stream
+ :output output-stream
+ :error error-stream
+ :status-hook status-hook
+ :cookie cookie
+ #-win32 :pty #-win32 pty-stream
+ :%status #-win32 :running
+ #+win32 (if wait
+ :exited
+ :running)
+ :pid #-win32 child
+ #+win32 (if wait
+ nil
+ child)
+ #+win32 :%exit-code #+win32 (and wait child)))
+ (push proc *active-processes*))))
+ ;; Report the error outside the lock.
+ (case child
+ (-1
+ (error "Couldn't fork child process: ~A"
+ (strerror)))
+ (-2
+ (error "Couldn't execute ~S: ~A"
+ progname (strerror)))
+ (-3
+ (error "Couldn't change directory to ~S: ~A"
+ directory (strerror))))))))))
+ (dolist (fd *close-in-parent*)
+ (sb-unix:unix-close fd))
+ (unless proc
+ (dolist (fd *close-on-error*)
(sb-unix:unix-close fd))
- (unless proc
- (dolist (fd *close-on-error*)
- (sb-unix:unix-close fd))
- #-win32
- (dolist (handler *handlers-installed*)
- (remove-fd-handler handler)))
- (when (and wait proc)
- (unwind-protect
- (process-wait proc)
- (dolist (handler *handlers-installed*)
- (remove-fd-handler handler)))))
- proc)))
+ (dolist (handler *handlers-installed*)
+ (remove-fd-handler handler)))
+ #-win32
+ (when (and wait proc)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (process-wait proc)
+ (dolist (handler *handlers-installed*)
+ (remove-fd-handler handler)))))
+ proc))
;;; Install a handler for any input that shows up on the file
;;; descriptor. The handler reads the data and writes it to the