;;; Convert PATHNAME into a string that can be used with UNIX system
;;; calls, or return NIL if no match is found. Wild-cards are expanded.
+;;; FIXME this should signal file-error if the pathname is wild, whether
+;;; or not it turns out to have only one match. Fix post 0.7.2
(defun unix-namestring (pathname-spec &optional (for-input t))
- ;; The ordinary rules of converting Lispy paths to Unix paths break
- ;; down for the current working directory, which Lisp thinks of as
- ;; "" (more or less, and modulo ANSI's *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*,
- ;; which unfortunately SBCL, as of sbcl-, basically ignores)
- ;; and Unix thinks of as ".". Since we're at the interface between
- ;; Unix system calls and things like ENSURE-DIRECTORIES-EXIST which
- ;; think the Lisp way, we perform the conversion.
- ;;
- ;; (FIXME: The *right* way to deal with this special case is to
- ;; which it's not a relative pathname any more so the special case
- ;; is no longer an issue. But until *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*
- ;; works, we use this hack.)
- (if (empty-relative-pathname-spec-p pathname-spec)
- "."
- ;; Otherwise, the ordinary rules apply.
- (let* ((namestring (physicalize-pathname (pathname pathname-spec)))
- (matches nil)) ; an accumulator for actual matches
- (!enumerate-matches (match namestring nil :verify-existence for-input)
- (push match matches))
- (case (length matches)
- (0 nil)
- (1 (first matches))
- (t (error 'simple-file-error
- :format-control "~S is ambiguous:~{~% ~A~}"
- :format-arguments (list pathname-spec matches)))))))
+ (let* ((namestring (physicalize-pathname (merge-pathnames pathname-spec)))
+ (matches nil)) ; an accumulator for actual matches
+ (!enumerate-matches (match namestring nil :verify-existence for-input)
+ (push match matches))
+ (case (length matches)
+ (0 nil)
+ (1 (first matches))
+ (t (error 'simple-file-error
+ :format-control "~S is ambiguous:~{~% ~A~}"
+ :format-arguments (list pathname-spec matches))))))