--- /dev/null
+;; -*- mode: common-lisp; package: net.uri -*-
+;; Support for URIs in Allegro.
+;; For general URI information see RFC2396.
+;; copyright (c) 1999-2001 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA - All rights reserved.
+;; copyright (c) 2003 Kevin Rosenberg (porting changes)
+;; The software, data and information contained herein are proprietary
+;; to, and comprise valuable trade secrets of, Franz, Inc. They are
+;; given in confidence by Franz, Inc. pursuant to a written license
+;; agreement, and may be stored and used only in accordance with the terms
+;; of such license.
+;; Restricted Rights Legend
+;; ------------------------
+;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
+;; contained herein by any agency, department or entity of the U.S.
+;; Government are subject to restrictions of Restricted Rights for
+;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in
+;; DOD FAR Supplement 52.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as applicable.
+;; Original version from ACL 6.1:
+;; uri.cl,v 2001/08/09 17:42:39 layer
+;; $Id: src.lisp,v 1.1 2003/07/18 20:34:23 kevin Exp $
+(defpackage #:puri
+ (:use #:cl)
+ (:export
+ #:uri ; the type and a function
+ #:uri-p
+ #:copy-uri
+ #:uri-scheme ; and slots
+ #:uri-host #:uri-port
+ #:uri-path
+ #:uri-query
+ #:uri-fragment
+ #:uri-plist
+ #:uri-authority ; pseudo-slot accessor
+ #:urn ; class
+ #:urn-nid ; pseudo-slot accessor
+ #:urn-nss ; pseudo-slot accessor
+ #:*strict-parse*
+ #:parse-uri
+ #:merge-uris
+ #:enough-uri
+ #:uri-parsed-path
+ #:render-uri
+ #:make-uri-space ; interning...
+ #:uri-space
+ #:uri=
+ #:intern-uri
+ #:unintern-uri
+ #:do-all-uris))
+(in-package :net.uri)
+(eval-when (compile) (declaim (optimize (speed 3))))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defvar if*-keyword-list '("then" "thenret" "else" "elseif")))
+(define-condition parse-error (error)
+ ()
+ )
+(defun .parse-error (fmt &rest args)
+ #+allegro (apply #'excl::.parse-error fmt args)
+ #-allegro (error
+ (make-condition 'parse-error :format-control fmt
+ :format-arguments args)))
+(defun internal-reader-error (stream fmt &rest args)
+ #+allegro
+ (apply #'excl::internal-reader-error stream fmt args)
+ #-allegro
+ (apply #'format stream
+ "#u takes a string or list argument: ~s" args))
+#-allegro (defvar *current-case-mode* :case-insensitive-upper)
+;; From Larry Hunter with modifications
+(defun position-char (char string start max)
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))
+ (fixnum start max) (simple-string string))
+ (do* ((i start (1+ i)))
+ ((= i max) nil)
+ (declare (fixnum i))
+ (when (char= char (schar string i)) (return i))))
+(defun delimited-string-to-list (string &optional (separator #\space))
+ (excl:delimited-string-to-list string))
+(defun delimited-string-to-list (string &optional (separator #\space)
+ skip-terminal)
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)
+ (compilation-speed 0))
+ (type string string)
+ (type character separator))
+ (do* ((len (length string))
+ (output '())
+ (pos 0)
+ (end (position-char separator string pos len)
+ (position-char separator string pos len)))
+ ((null end)
+ (if (< pos len)
+ (push (subseq string pos) output)
+ (when (or (not skip-terminal) (zerop len))
+ (push "" output)))
+ (nreverse output))
+ (declare (type fixnum pos len)
+ (type (or null fixnum) end))
+ (push (subseq string pos end) output)
+ (setq pos (1+ end))))
+(defmacro if* (&rest args)
+ (do ((xx (reverse args) (cdr xx))
+ (state :init)
+ (elseseen nil)
+ (totalcol nil)
+ (lookat nil nil)
+ (col nil))
+ ((null xx)
+ (cond ((eq state :compl)
+ `(cond ,@totalcol))
+ (t (error "if*: illegal form ~s" args))))
+ (cond ((and (symbolp (car xx))
+ (member (symbol-name (car xx))
+ if*-keyword-list
+ :test #'string-equal))
+ (setq lookat (symbol-name (car xx)))))
+ (cond ((eq state :init)
+ (cond (lookat (cond ((string-equal lookat "thenret")
+ (setq col nil
+ state :then))
+ (t (error
+ "if*: bad keyword ~a" lookat))))
+ (t (setq state :col
+ col nil)
+ (push (car xx) col))))
+ ((eq state :col)
+ (cond (lookat
+ (cond ((string-equal lookat "else")
+ (cond (elseseen
+ (error
+ "if*: multiples elses")))
+ (setq elseseen t)
+ (setq state :init)
+ (push `(t ,@col) totalcol))
+ ((string-equal lookat "then")
+ (setq state :then))
+ (t (error "if*: bad keyword ~s"
+ lookat))))
+ (t (push (car xx) col))))
+ ((eq state :then)
+ (cond (lookat
+ (error
+ "if*: keyword ~s at the wrong place " (car xx)))
+ (t (setq state :compl)
+ (push `(,(car xx) ,@col) totalcol))))
+ ((eq state :compl)
+ (cond ((not (string-equal lookat "elseif"))
+ (error "if*: missing elseif clause ")))
+ (setq state :init)))))
+(defclass uri ()
+ (
+;;;; external:
+ (scheme :initarg :scheme :initform nil :accessor uri-scheme)
+ (host :initarg :host :initform nil :accessor uri-host)
+ (port :initarg :port :initform nil :accessor uri-port)
+ (path :initarg :path :initform nil :accessor uri-path)
+ (query :initarg :query :initform nil :accessor uri-query)
+ (fragment :initarg :fragment :initform nil :accessor uri-fragment)
+ (plist :initarg :plist :initform nil :accessor uri-plist)
+;;;; internal:
+ (escaped
+ ;; used to prevent unnessary work, looking for chars to escape and
+ ;; unescape.
+ :initarg :escaped :initform nil :accessor uri-escaped)
+ (string
+ ;; the cached printable representation of the URI. It *might* be
+ ;; different than the original string, though, because the user might
+ ;; have escaped non-reserved chars--they won't be escaped when the URI
+ ;; is printed.
+ :initarg :string :initform nil :accessor uri-string)
+ (parsed-path
+ ;; the cached parsed representation of the URI path.
+ :initarg :parsed-path
+ :initform nil
+ :accessor .uri-parsed-path)
+ (hashcode
+ ;; cached sxhash, so we don't have to compute it more than once.
+ :initarg :hashcode :initform nil :accessor uri-hashcode)))
+(defclass urn (uri)
+ ((nid :initarg :nid :initform nil :accessor urn-nid)
+ (nss :initarg :nss :initform nil :accessor urn-nss)))
+(eval-when (compile eval)
+ (defmacro clear-caching-on-slot-change (name)
+ `(defmethod (setf ,name) :around (new-value (self uri))
+ (declare (ignore new-value))
+ (prog1 (call-next-method)
+ (setf (uri-string self) nil)
+ ,@(when (eq name 'uri-path) `((setf (.uri-parsed-path self) nil)))
+ (setf (uri-hashcode self) nil))))
+ )
+(clear-caching-on-slot-change uri-scheme)
+(clear-caching-on-slot-change uri-host)
+(clear-caching-on-slot-change uri-port)
+(clear-caching-on-slot-change uri-path)
+(clear-caching-on-slot-change uri-query)
+(clear-caching-on-slot-change uri-fragment)
+(defmethod make-load-form ((self uri) &optional env)
+ (declare (ignore env))
+ `(make-instance ',(class-name (class-of self))
+ :scheme ,(uri-scheme self)
+ :host ,(uri-host self)
+ :port ,(uri-port self)
+ :path ',(uri-path self)
+ :query ,(uri-query self)
+ :fragment ,(uri-fragment self)
+ :plist ',(uri-plist self)
+ :string ,(uri-string self)
+ :parsed-path ',(.uri-parsed-path self)))
+(defmethod uri-p ((thing uri)) t)
+(defmethod uri-p ((thing t)) nil)
+(defun copy-uri (uri
+ &key place
+ (scheme (when uri (uri-scheme uri)))
+ (host (when uri (uri-host uri)))
+ (port (when uri (uri-port uri)))
+ (path (when uri (uri-path uri)))
+ (parsed-path
+ (when uri (copy-list (.uri-parsed-path uri))))
+ (query (when uri (uri-query uri)))
+ (fragment (when uri (uri-fragment uri)))
+ (plist (when uri (copy-list (uri-plist uri))))
+ (class (when uri (class-of uri)))
+ &aux (escaped (when uri (uri-escaped uri))))
+ (if* place
+ then (setf (uri-scheme place) scheme)
+ (setf (uri-host place) host)
+ (setf (uri-port place) port)
+ (setf (uri-path place) path)
+ (setf (.uri-parsed-path place) parsed-path)
+ (setf (uri-query place) query)
+ (setf (uri-fragment place) fragment)
+ (setf (uri-plist place) plist)
+ (setf (uri-escaped place) escaped)
+ (setf (uri-string place) nil)
+ (setf (uri-hashcode place) nil)
+ place
+ elseif (eq 'uri class)
+ then ;; allow the compiler to optimize the call to make-instance:
+ (make-instance 'uri
+ :scheme scheme :host host :port port :path path
+ :parsed-path parsed-path
+ :query query :fragment fragment :plist plist
+ :escaped escaped :string nil :hashcode nil)
+ else (make-instance class
+ :scheme scheme :host host :port port :path path
+ :parsed-path parsed-path
+ :query query :fragment fragment :plist plist
+ :escaped escaped :string nil :hashcode nil)))
+(defmethod uri-parsed-path ((uri uri))
+ (when (uri-path uri)
+ (when (null (.uri-parsed-path uri))
+ (setf (.uri-parsed-path uri)
+ (parse-path (uri-path uri) (uri-escaped uri))))
+ (.uri-parsed-path uri)))
+(defmethod (setf uri-parsed-path) (path-list (uri uri))
+ (assert (and (consp path-list)
+ (or (member (car path-list) '(:absolute :relative)
+ :test #'eq))))
+ (setf (uri-path uri) (render-parsed-path path-list t))
+ (setf (.uri-parsed-path uri) path-list)
+ path-list)
+(defun uri-authority (uri)
+ (when (uri-host uri)
+ (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
+ (format nil "~a~@[:~a~]" (uri-host uri) (uri-port uri)))))
+(defun uri-nid (uri)
+ (if* (equalp "urn" (uri-scheme uri))
+ then (uri-host uri)
+ else (error "URI is not a URN: ~s." uri)))
+(defun uri-nss (uri)
+ (if* (equalp "urn" (uri-scheme uri))
+ then (uri-path uri)
+ else (error "URI is not a URN: ~s." uri)))
+;; Parsing
+(defparameter *excluded-characters*
+ '(;; `delims' (except #\%, because it's handled specially):
+ #\< #\> #\" #\space #\#
+ ;; `unwise':
+ #\{ #\} #\| #\\ #\^ #\[ #\] #\`))
+(defun reserved-char-vector (chars &key except)
+ (do* ((a (make-array 127 :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0))
+ (chars chars (cdr chars))
+ (c (car chars) (car chars)))
+ ((null chars) a)
+ (if* (and except (member c except :test #'char=))
+ thenret
+ else (setf (sbit a (char-int c)) 1))))
+(defparameter *reserved-characters*
+ (reserved-char-vector
+ (append *excluded-characters*
+ '(#\; #\/ #\? #\: #\@ #\& #\= #\+ #\$ #\, #\%))))
+(defparameter *reserved-authority-characters*
+ (reserved-char-vector
+ (append *excluded-characters* '(#\; #\/ #\? #\: #\@))))
+(defparameter *reserved-path-characters*
+ (reserved-char-vector
+ (append *excluded-characters*
+ '(#\;
+;;;;The rfc says this should be here, but it doesn't make sense.
+ ;; #\=
+ #\/ #\?))))
+(defparameter *reserved-path-characters2*
+ ;; These are the same characters that are in
+ ;; *reserved-path-characters*, minus #\/. Why? Because the parsed
+ ;; representation of the path can contain the %2f converted into a /.
+ ;; That's the whole point of having the parsed representation, so that
+ ;; lisp programs can deal with the path element data in the most
+ ;; convenient form.
+ (reserved-char-vector
+ (append *excluded-characters*
+ '(#\;
+;;;;The rfc says this should be here, but it doesn't make sense.
+ ;; #\=
+ #\?))))
+(defparameter *reserved-fragment-characters*
+ (reserved-char-vector (remove #\# *excluded-characters*)))
+(eval-when (compile eval)
+(defun gen-char-range-list (start end)
+ (do* ((res '())
+ (endcode (1+ (char-int end)))
+ (chcode (char-int start)
+ (1+ chcode))
+ (hyphen nil))
+ ((= chcode endcode)
+ ;; - has to be first, otherwise it signifies a range!
+ (if* hyphen
+ then (setq res (nreverse res))
+ (push #\- res)
+ res
+ else (nreverse res)))
+ (if* (= #.(char-int #\-) chcode)
+ then (setq hyphen t)
+ else (push (code-char chcode) res))))
+(defparameter *valid-nid-characters*
+ (reserved-char-vector
+ '#.(nconc (gen-char-range-list #\a #\z)
+ (gen-char-range-list #\A #\Z)
+ (gen-char-range-list #\0 #\9)
+ '(#\- #\. #\+))))
+(defparameter *reserved-nss-characters*
+ (reserved-char-vector
+ (append *excluded-characters* '(#\& #\~ #\/ #\?))))
+(defparameter *illegal-characters*
+ (reserved-char-vector (remove #\# *excluded-characters*)))
+(defparameter *strict-illegal-query-characters*
+ (reserved-char-vector (append '(#\?) (remove #\# *excluded-characters*))))
+(defparameter *illegal-query-characters*
+ (reserved-char-vector
+ *excluded-characters* :except '(#\^ #\| #\#)))
+(defun parse-uri (thing &key (class 'uri) &aux escape)
+ (when (uri-p thing) (return-from parse-uri thing))
+ (setq escape (escape-p thing))
+ (multiple-value-bind (scheme host port path query fragment)
+ (parse-uri-string thing)
+ (when scheme
+ (setq scheme
+ (intern (funcall
+ (case *current-case-mode*
+ ((:case-insensitive-upper :case-sensitive-upper)
+ #'string-upcase)
+ ((:case-insensitive-lower :case-sensitive-lower)
+ #'string-downcase))
+ (decode-escaped-encoding scheme escape))
+ (find-package :keyword))))
+ (when (and scheme (eq :urn scheme))
+ (return-from parse-uri
+ (make-instance 'urn :scheme scheme :nid host :nss path)))
+ (when host (setq host (decode-escaped-encoding host escape)))
+ (when port
+ (setq port (read-from-string port))
+ (when (not (numberp port)) (error "port is not a number: ~s." port))
+ (when (not (plusp port))
+ (error "port is not a positive integer: ~d." port))
+ (when (eql port (case scheme
+ (:http 80)
+ (:https 443)
+ (:ftp 21)
+ (:telnet 23)))
+ (setq port nil)))
+ (when (or (string= "" path)
+ (and ;; we canonicalize away a reference to just /:
+ scheme
+ (member scheme '(:http :https :ftp) :test #'eq)
+ (string= "/" path)))
+ (setq path nil))
+ (when path
+ (setq path
+ (decode-escaped-encoding path escape *reserved-path-characters*)))
+ (when query (setq query (decode-escaped-encoding query escape)))
+ (when fragment
+ (setq fragment
+ (decode-escaped-encoding fragment escape
+ *reserved-fragment-characters*)))
+ (if* (eq 'uri class)
+ then ;; allow the compiler to optimize the make-instance call:
+ (make-instance 'uri
+ :scheme scheme
+ :host host
+ :port port
+ :path path
+ :query query
+ :fragment fragment
+ :escaped escape)
+ else ;; do it the slow way:
+ (make-instance class
+ :scheme scheme
+ :host host
+ :port port
+ :path path
+ :query query
+ :fragment fragment
+ :escaped escape))))
+(defmethod uri ((thing uri))
+ thing)
+(defmethod uri ((thing string))
+ (parse-uri thing))
+(defmethod uri ((thing t))
+ (error "Cannot coerce ~s to a uri." thing))
+(defvar *strict-parse* t)
+(defun parse-uri-string (string &aux (illegal-chars *illegal-characters*))
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ ;; Speed is important, so use a specialized state machine instead of
+ ;; regular expressions for parsing the URI string. The regexp we are
+ ;; simulating:
+ ;; ^(([^:/?#]+):)?
+ ;; (//([^/?#]*))?
+ ;; ([^?#]*)
+ ;; (\?([^#]*))?
+ ;; (#(.*))?
+ (let* ((state 0)
+ (start 0)
+ (end (length string))
+ (tokval nil)
+ (scheme nil)
+ (host nil)
+ (port nil)
+ (path-components '())
+ (query nil)
+ (fragment nil)
+ ;; namespace identifier, for urn parsing only:
+ (nid nil))
+ (declare (fixnum state start end))
+ (flet ((read-token (kind &optional legal-chars)
+ (setq tokval nil)
+ (if* (>= start end)
+ then :end
+ else (let ((sindex start)
+ (res nil)
+ c)
+ (declare (fixnum sindex))
+ (setq res
+ (loop
+ (when (>= start end) (return nil))
+ (setq c (schar string start))
+ (let ((ci (char-int c)))
+ (if* legal-chars
+ then (if* (and (eq :colon kind) (eq c #\:))
+ then (return :colon)
+ elseif (= 0 (sbit legal-chars ci))
+ then (.parse-error
+ "~
+URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
+ string c start))
+ elseif (and (< ci 128)
+ *strict-parse*
+ (= 1 (sbit illegal-chars ci)))
+ then (.parse-error "~
+URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
+ string c start)))
+ (case kind
+ (:path (case c
+ (#\? (return :question))
+ (#\# (return :hash))))
+ (:query (case c (#\# (return :hash))))
+ (:rest)
+ (t (case c
+ (#\: (return :colon))
+ (#\? (return :question))
+ (#\# (return :hash))
+ (#\/ (return :slash)))))
+ (incf start)))
+ (if* (> start sindex)
+ then ;; we found some chars
+ ;; before we stopped the parse
+ (setq tokval (subseq string sindex start))
+ :string
+ else ;; immediately stopped at a special char
+ (incf start)
+ res))))
+ (failure (&optional why)
+ (.parse-error "illegal URI: ~s [~d]~@[: ~a~]"
+ string state why))
+ (impossible ()
+ (.parse-error "impossible state: ~d [~s]" state string)))
+ (loop
+ (case state
+ (0 ;; starting to parse
+ (ecase (read-token t)
+ (:colon (failure))
+ (:question (setq state 7))
+ (:hash (setq state 8))
+ (:slash (setq state 3))
+ (:string (setq state 1))
+ (:end (setq state 9))))
+ (1 ;; seen <token><special char>
+ (let ((token tokval))
+ (ecase (read-token t)
+ (:colon (setq scheme token)
+ (if* (equalp "urn" scheme)
+ then (setq state 15)
+ else (setq state 2)))
+ (:question (push token path-components)
+ (setq state 7))
+ (:hash (push token path-components)
+ (setq state 8))
+ (:slash (push token path-components)
+ (push "/" path-components)
+ (setq state 6))
+ (:string (failure))
+ (:end (push token path-components)
+ (setq state 9)))))
+ (2 ;; seen <scheme>:
+ (ecase (read-token t)
+ (:colon (failure))
+ (:question (setq state 7))
+ (:hash (setq state 8))
+ (:slash (setq state 3))
+ (:string (setq state 10))
+ (:end (setq state 9))))
+ (10 ;; seen <scheme>:<token>
+ (let ((token tokval))
+ (ecase (read-token t)
+ (:colon (failure))
+ (:question (push token path-components)
+ (setq state 7))
+ (:hash (push token path-components)
+ (setq state 8))
+ (:slash (push token path-components)
+ (setq state 6))
+ (:string (failure))
+ (:end (push token path-components)
+ (setq state 9)))))
+ (3 ;; seen / or <scheme>:/
+ (ecase (read-token t)
+ (:colon (failure))
+ (:question (push "/" path-components)
+ (setq state 7))
+ (:hash (push "/" path-components)
+ (setq state 8))
+ (:slash (setq state 4))
+ (:string (push "/" path-components)
+ (push tokval path-components)
+ (setq state 6))
+ (:end (push "/" path-components)
+ (setq state 9))))
+ (4 ;; seen [<scheme>:]//
+ (ecase (read-token t)
+ (:colon (failure))
+ (:question (failure))
+ (:hash (failure))
+ (:slash (failure))
+ (:string (setq host tokval)
+ (setq state 11))
+ (:end (failure))))
+ (11 ;; seen [<scheme>:]//<host>
+ (ecase (read-token t)
+ (:colon (setq state 5))
+ (:question (setq state 7))
+ (:hash (setq state 8))
+ (:slash (push "/" path-components)
+ (setq state 6))
+ (:string (impossible))
+ (:end (setq state 9))))
+ (5 ;; seen [<scheme>:]//<host>:
+ (ecase (read-token t)
+ (:colon (failure))
+ (:question (failure))
+ (:hash (failure))
+ (:slash (push "/" path-components)
+ (setq state 6))
+ (:string (setq port tokval)
+ (setq state 12))
+ (:end (failure))))
+ (12 ;; seen [<scheme>:]//<host>:[<port>]
+ (ecase (read-token t)
+ (:colon (failure))
+ (:question (setq state 7))
+ (:hash (setq state 8))
+ (:slash (push "/" path-components)
+ (setq state 6))
+ (:string (impossible))
+ (:end (setq state 9))))
+ (6 ;; seen /
+ (ecase (read-token :path)
+ (:question (setq state 7))
+ (:hash (setq state 8))
+ (:string (push tokval path-components)
+ (setq state 13))
+ (:end (setq state 9))))
+ (13 ;; seen path
+ (ecase (read-token :path)
+ (:question (setq state 7))
+ (:hash (setq state 8))
+ (:string (impossible))
+ (:end (setq state 9))))
+ (7 ;; seen ?
+ (setq illegal-chars
+ (if* *strict-parse*
+ then *strict-illegal-query-characters*
+ else *illegal-query-characters*))
+ (ecase (prog1 (read-token :query)
+ (setq illegal-chars *illegal-characters*))
+ (:hash (setq state 8))
+ (:string (setq query tokval)
+ (setq state 14))
+ (:end (setq state 9))))
+ (14 ;; query
+ (ecase (read-token :query)
+ (:hash (setq state 8))
+ (:string (impossible))
+ (:end (setq state 9))))
+ (8 ;; seen #
+ (ecase (read-token :rest)
+ (:string (setq fragment tokval)
+ (setq state 9))
+ (:end (setq state 9))))
+ (9 ;; done
+ (return
+ (values
+ scheme host port
+ (apply #'concatenate 'simple-string (nreverse path-components))
+ query fragment)))
+ ;; URN parsing:
+ (15 ;; seen urn:, read nid now
+ (case (read-token :colon *valid-nid-characters*)
+ (:string (setq nid tokval)
+ (setq state 16))
+ (t (failure "missing namespace identifier"))))
+ (16 ;; seen urn:<nid>
+ (case (read-token t)
+ (:colon (setq state 17))
+ (t (failure "missing namespace specific string"))))
+ (17 ;; seen urn:<nid>:, rest is nss
+ (return (values scheme
+ nid
+ nil
+ (progn
+ (setq illegal-chars *reserved-nss-characters*)
+ (read-token :rest)
+ tokval))))
+ (t (.parse-error
+ "internal error in parse engine, wrong state: ~s." state)))))))
+(defun escape-p (string)
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (do* ((i 0 (1+ i))
+ (max (the fixnum (length string))))
+ ((= i max) nil)
+ (declare (fixnum i max))
+ (when (char= #\% (schar string i))
+ (return t))))
+(defun parse-path (path-string escape)
+ (do* ((xpath-list (delimited-string-to-list path-string #\/))
+ (path-list
+ (progn
+ (if* (string= "" (car xpath-list))
+ then (setf (car xpath-list) :absolute)
+ else (push :relative xpath-list))
+ xpath-list))
+ (pl (cdr path-list) (cdr pl))
+ segments)
+ ((null pl) path-list)
+ (if* (cdr (setq segments (delimited-string-to-list (car pl) #\;)))
+ then ;; there is a param
+;;; (setf (car pl) segments)
+ (setf (car pl)
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
+ (decode-escaped-encoding
+ s escape *reserved-path-characters2*))
+ segments))
+ else ;; no param
+;;; (setf (car pl) (car segments))
+ (setf (car pl)
+ (decode-escaped-encoding
+ (car segments) escape *reserved-path-characters2*)))))
+(defun decode-escaped-encoding (string escape
+ &optional (reserved-chars
+ *reserved-characters*))
+ ;; Return a string with the real characters.
+ (when (null escape) (return-from decode-escaped-encoding string))
+ (do* ((i 0 (1+ i))
+ (max (length string))
+ (new-string (copy-seq string))
+ (new-i 0 (1+ new-i))
+ ch ch2 chc chc2)
+ ((= i max)
+ #+allegro
+ (excl::.primcall 'sys::shrink-svector new-string new-i)
+ #+sbcl
+ (sb-kernel:shrink-vector new-string new-i)
+ #-(or allegro sbcl)
+ (subseq new-string 0 new-i)
+ new-string)
+ (if* (char= #\% (setq ch (schar string i)))
+ then (when (> (+ i 3) max)
+ (.parse-error
+ "Unsyntactic escaped encoding in ~s." string))
+ (setq ch (schar string (incf i)))
+ (setq ch2 (schar string (incf i)))
+ (when (not (and (setq chc (digit-char-p ch 16))
+ (setq chc2 (digit-char-p ch2 16))))
+ (.parse-error
+ "Non-hexidecimal digits after %: %c%c." ch ch2))
+ (let ((ci (+ (* 16 chc) chc2)))
+ (if* (or (null reserved-chars)
+ (= 0 (sbit reserved-chars ci)))
+ then ;; ok as is
+ (setf (schar new-string new-i)
+ (code-char ci))
+ else (setf (schar new-string new-i) #\%)
+ (setf (schar new-string (incf new-i)) ch)
+ (setf (schar new-string (incf new-i)) ch2)))
+ else (setf (schar new-string new-i) ch))))
+;;;; Printing
+(defun render-uri (uri stream
+ &aux (escape (uri-escaped uri))
+ (*print-pretty* nil))
+ (when (null (uri-string uri))
+ (setf (uri-string uri)
+ (let ((scheme (uri-scheme uri))
+ (host (uri-host uri))
+ (port (uri-port uri))
+ (path (uri-path uri))
+ (query (uri-query uri))
+ (fragment (uri-fragment uri)))
+ (concatenate 'simple-string
+ (when scheme
+ (encode-escaped-encoding
+ (string-downcase ;; for upper case lisps
+ (symbol-name scheme))
+ *reserved-characters* escape))
+ (when scheme ":")
+ (when host "//")
+ (when host
+ (encode-escaped-encoding
+ host *reserved-authority-characters* escape))
+ (when port ":")
+ (when port
+;;;; too slow until ACL 6.0:
+;;; (format nil "~d" port)
+;;; (princ-to-string port)
+ #-allegro (princ-to-string port)
+ #+allegro
+ (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (excl::maybe-print-fast s port))
+ )
+ (when path
+ (encode-escaped-encoding path
+ nil
+ ;;*reserved-path-characters*
+ escape))
+ (when query "?")
+ (when query (encode-escaped-encoding query nil escape))
+ (when fragment "#")
+ (when fragment (encode-escaped-encoding fragment nil escape))))))
+ (if* stream
+ then (format stream "~a" (uri-string uri))
+ else (uri-string uri)))
+(defun render-parsed-path (path-list escape)
+ (do* ((res '())
+ (first (car path-list))
+ (pl (cdr path-list) (cdr pl))
+ (pe (car pl) (car pl)))
+ ((null pl)
+ (when res (apply #'concatenate 'simple-string (nreverse res))))
+ (when (or (null first)
+ (prog1 (eq :absolute first)
+ (setq first nil)))
+ (push "/" res))
+ (if* (atom pe)
+ then (push
+ (encode-escaped-encoding pe *reserved-path-characters* escape)
+ res)
+ else ;; contains params
+ (push (encode-escaped-encoding
+ (car pe) *reserved-path-characters* escape)
+ res)
+ (dolist (item (cdr pe))
+ (push ";" res)
+ (push (encode-escaped-encoding
+ item *reserved-path-characters* escape)
+ res)))))
+(defun render-urn (urn stream
+ &aux (*print-pretty* nil))
+ (when (null (uri-string urn))
+ (setf (uri-string urn)
+ (let ((nid (urn-nid urn))
+ (nss (urn-nss urn)))
+ (concatenate 'simple-string "urn:" nid ":" nss))))
+ (if* stream
+ then (format stream "~a" (uri-string urn))
+ else (uri-string urn)))
+(defparameter *escaped-encoding*
+ (vector #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f))
+(defun encode-escaped-encoding (string reserved-chars escape)
+ (when (null escape) (return-from encode-escaped-encoding string))
+ ;; Make a string as big as it possibly needs to be (3 times the original
+ ;; size), and truncate it at the end.
+ (do* ((max (length string))
+ (new-max (* 3 max)) ;; worst case new size
+ (new-string (make-string new-max))
+ (i 0 (1+ i))
+ (new-i -1)
+ c ci)
+ ((= i max)
+ #+allegro
+ (excl::.primcall 'sys::shrink-svector new-string (incf new-i))
+ #+sbcl
+ (sb-kernel:shrink-vector new-string (incf new-i))
+ #-(or allegro sbcl)
+ (subseq new-string 0 (incf new-i))
+ new-string)
+ (setq ci (char-int (setq c (schar string i))))
+ (if* (or (null reserved-chars)
+ (> ci 127)
+ (= 0 (sbit reserved-chars ci)))
+ then ;; ok as is
+ (incf new-i)
+ (setf (schar new-string new-i) c)
+ else ;; need to escape it
+ (multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate ci 16)
+ (setf (schar new-string (incf new-i)) #\%)
+ (setf (schar new-string (incf new-i)) (elt *escaped-encoding* q))
+ (setf (schar new-string (incf new-i))
+ (elt *escaped-encoding* r))))))
+(defmethod print-object ((uri uri) stream)
+ (if* *print-escape*
+ then (format stream "#<~a ~a>" 'uri (render-uri uri nil))
+ else (render-uri uri stream)))
+(defmethod print-object ((urn urn) stream)
+ (if* *print-escape*
+ then (format stream "#<~a ~a>" 'uri (render-urn urn nil))
+ else (render-urn urn stream)))
+;; merging and unmerging
+(defmethod merge-uris ((uri string) (base string) &optional place)
+ (merge-uris (parse-uri uri) (parse-uri base) place))
+(defmethod merge-uris ((uri uri) (base string) &optional place)
+ (merge-uris uri (parse-uri base) place))
+(defmethod merge-uris ((uri string) (base uri) &optional place)
+ (merge-uris (parse-uri uri) base place))
+(defmethod merge-uris ((uri uri) (base uri) &optional place)
+ ;; The following is from
+ ;; http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc2396.txt
+ ;; and is algorithm we use to merge URIs.
+ ;;
+ ;; For more information, see section 5.2 of the RFC.
+ ;;
+ (tagbody
+;;;; step 2
+ (when (and (null (uri-parsed-path uri))
+ (null (uri-scheme uri))
+ (null (uri-host uri))
+ (null (uri-port uri))
+ (null (uri-query uri)))
+ (return-from merge-uris
+ (let ((new (copy-uri base :place place)))
+ (when (uri-query uri)
+ (setf (uri-query new) (uri-query uri)))
+ (when (uri-fragment uri)
+ (setf (uri-fragment new) (uri-fragment uri)))
+ new)))
+ (setq uri (copy-uri uri :place place))
+;;;; step 3
+ (when (uri-scheme uri)
+ (return-from merge-uris uri))
+ (setf (uri-scheme uri) (uri-scheme base))
+;;;; step 4
+ (when (uri-host uri) (go :done))
+ (setf (uri-host uri) (uri-host base))
+ (setf (uri-port uri) (uri-port base))
+;;;; step 5
+ (let ((p (uri-parsed-path uri)))
+ (when (and p (eq :absolute (car p)))
+ (when (equal '(:absolute "") p)
+ ;; Canonicalize the way parsing does:
+ (setf (uri-path uri) nil))
+ (go :done)))
+;;;; step 6
+ (let* ((base-path
+ (or (uri-parsed-path base)
+ ;; needed because we canonicalize away a path of just `/':
+ '(:absolute "")))
+ (path (uri-parsed-path uri))
+ new-path-list)
+ (when (not (eq :absolute (car base-path)))
+ (error "Cannot merge ~a and ~a, since latter is not absolute."
+ uri base))
+ ;; steps 6a and 6b:
+ (setq new-path-list
+ (append (butlast base-path)
+ (if* path then (cdr path) else '(""))))
+ ;; steps 6c and 6d:
+ (let ((last (last new-path-list)))
+ (if* (atom (car last))
+ then (when (string= "." (car last))
+ (setf (car last) ""))
+ else (when (string= "." (caar last))
+ (setf (caar last) ""))))
+ (setq new-path-list
+ (delete "." new-path-list :test #'(lambda (a b)
+ (if* (atom b)
+ then (string= a b)
+ else nil))))
+ ;; steps 6e and 6f:
+ (let ((npl (cdr new-path-list))
+ index tmp fix-tail)
+ (setq fix-tail
+ (string= ".." (let ((l (car (last npl))))
+ (if* (atom l)
+ then l
+ else (car l)))))
+ (loop
+ (setq index
+ (position ".." npl
+ :test #'(lambda (a b)
+ (string= a
+ (if* (atom b)
+ then b
+ else (car b))))))
+ (when (null index) (return))
+ (when (= 0 index)
+ ;; The RFC says, in 6g, "that the implementation may handle
+ ;; this error by retaining these components in the resolved
+ ;; path, by removing them from the resolved path, or by
+ ;; avoiding traversal of the reference." The examples in C.2
+ ;; imply that we should do the first thing (retain them), so
+ ;; that's what we'll do.
+ (return))
+ (if* (= 1 index)
+ then (setq npl (cddr npl))
+ else (setq tmp npl)
+ (dotimes (x (- index 2)) (setq tmp (cdr tmp)))
+ (setf (cdr tmp) (cdddr tmp))))
+ (setf (cdr new-path-list) npl)
+ (when fix-tail (setq new-path-list (nconc new-path-list '("")))))
+ ;; step 6g:
+ ;; don't complain if new-path-list starts with `..'. See comment
+ ;; above about this step.
+ ;; step 6h:
+ (when (or (equal '(:absolute "") new-path-list)
+ (equal '(:absolute) new-path-list))
+ (setq new-path-list nil))
+ (setf (uri-path uri)
+ (render-parsed-path new-path-list
+ ;; don't know, so have to assume:
+ t)))
+;;;; step 7
+ :done
+ (return-from merge-uris uri)))
+(defmethod enough-uri ((uri string) (base string) &optional place)
+ (enough-uri (parse-uri uri) (parse-uri base) place))
+(defmethod enough-uri ((uri uri) (base string) &optional place)
+ (enough-uri uri (parse-uri base) place))
+(defmethod enough-uri ((uri string) (base uri) &optional place)
+ (enough-uri (parse-uri uri) base place))
+(defmethod enough-uri ((uri uri) (base uri) &optional place)
+ (let ((new-scheme nil)
+ (new-host nil)
+ (new-port nil)
+ (new-parsed-path nil))
+ (when (or (and (uri-scheme uri)
+ (not (equalp (uri-scheme uri) (uri-scheme base))))
+ (and (uri-host uri)
+ (not (equalp (uri-host uri) (uri-host base))))
+ (not (equalp (uri-port uri) (uri-port base))))
+ (return-from enough-uri uri))
+ (when (null (uri-host uri))
+ (setq new-host (uri-host base)))
+ (when (null (uri-port uri))
+ (setq new-port (uri-port base)))
+ (when (null (uri-scheme uri))
+ (setq new-scheme (uri-scheme base)))
+ ;; Now, for the hard one, path.
+ ;; We essentially do here what enough-namestring does.
+ (do* ((base-path (uri-parsed-path base))
+ (path (uri-parsed-path uri))
+ (bp base-path (cdr bp))
+ (p path (cdr p)))
+ ((or (null bp) (null p))
+ ;; If p is nil, that means we have something like
+ ;; (enough-uri "/foo/bar" "/foo/bar/baz.htm"), so
+ ;; new-parsed-path will be nil.
+ (when (null bp)
+ (setq new-parsed-path (copy-list p))
+ (when (not (symbolp (car new-parsed-path)))
+ (push :relative new-parsed-path))))
+ (if* (equal (car bp) (car p))
+ thenret ;; skip it
+ else (setq new-parsed-path (copy-list p))
+ (when (not (symbolp (car new-parsed-path)))
+ (push :relative new-parsed-path))
+ (return)))
+ (let ((new-path
+ (when new-parsed-path
+ (render-parsed-path new-parsed-path
+ ;; don't know, so have to assume:
+ t)))
+ (new-query (uri-query uri))
+ (new-fragment (uri-fragment uri))
+ (new-plist (copy-list (uri-plist uri))))
+ (if* (and (null new-scheme)
+ (null new-host)
+ (null new-port)
+ (null new-path)
+ (null new-parsed-path)
+ (null new-query)
+ (null new-fragment))
+ then ;; can't have a completely empty uri!
+ (copy-uri nil
+ :class (class-of uri)
+ :place place
+ :path "/"
+ :plist new-plist)
+ else (copy-uri nil
+ :class (class-of uri)
+ :place place
+ :scheme new-scheme
+ :host new-host
+ :port new-port
+ :path new-path
+ :parsed-path new-parsed-path
+ :query new-query
+ :fragment new-fragment
+ :plist new-plist)))))
+;; support for interning URIs
+(defun make-uri-space (&rest keys &key (size 777) &allow-other-keys)
+ #+allegro
+ (apply #'make-hash-table :size size
+ :hash-function 'uri-hash
+ :test 'uri= :values nil keys)
+ #-allegro
+ (apply #'make-hash-table :size size keys))
+(defun gethash-uri (uri table)
+ #+allegro (gethash uri table)
+ #-allegro
+ (let* ((hash (uri-hash uri))
+ (existing (gethash hash table)))
+ (dolist (u existing)
+ (when (uri= u uri)
+ (return-from gethash-uri (values u t))))
+ (values nil nil)))
+(defun puthash-uri (uri table)
+ #+allegro (excl:puthash-key uri table)
+ #-allegro
+ (let ((existing (gethash (uri-hash uri) table)))
+ (dolist (u existing)
+ (when (uri= u uri)
+ (return-from puthash-uri u)))
+ (setf (gethash (uri-hash uri) table)
+ (cons uri existing))
+ uri))
+(defun uri-hash (uri)
+ (if* (uri-hashcode uri)
+ thenret
+ else (setf (uri-hashcode uri)
+ (sxhash
+ #+allegro
+ (render-uri uri nil)
+ #-allegro
+ (string-downcase
+ (render-uri uri nil))))))
+(defvar *uris* (make-uri-space))
+(defun uri-space () *uris*)
+(defun (setf uri-space) (new-val)
+ (setq *uris* new-val))
+;; bootstrapping (uri= changed from function to method):
+(when (fboundp 'uri=) (fmakunbound 'uri=))
+(defmethod uri= ((uri1 uri) (uri2 uri))
+ (when (not (eq (uri-scheme uri1) (uri-scheme uri2)))
+ (return-from uri= nil))
+ ;; RFC2396 says: a URL with an explicit ":port", where the port is
+ ;; the default for the scheme, is the equivalent to one where the
+ ;; port is elided. Hmmmm. This means that this function has to be
+ ;; scheme dependent. Grrrr.
+ (let ((default-port (case (uri-scheme uri1)
+ (:http 80)
+ (:https 443)
+ (:ftp 21)
+ (:telnet 23))))
+ (and (equalp (uri-host uri1) (uri-host uri2))
+ (eql (or (uri-port uri1) default-port)
+ (or (uri-port uri2) default-port))
+ (string= (uri-path uri1) (uri-path uri2))
+ (string= (uri-query uri1) (uri-query uri2))
+ (string= (uri-fragment uri1) (uri-fragment uri2)))))
+(defmethod uri= ((urn1 urn) (urn2 urn))
+ (when (not (eq (uri-scheme urn1) (uri-scheme urn2)))
+ (return-from uri= nil))
+ (and (equalp (urn-nid urn1) (urn-nid urn2))
+ (urn-nss-equal (urn-nss urn1) (urn-nss urn2))))
+(defun urn-nss-equal (nss1 nss2 &aux len)
+ ;; Return t iff the nss values are the same.
+ ;; %2c and %2C are equivalent.
+ (when (or (null nss1) (null nss2)
+ (not (= (setq len (length nss1))
+ (length nss2))))
+ (return-from urn-nss-equal nil))
+ (do* ((i 0 (1+ i))
+ (state :char)
+ c1 c2)
+ ((= i len) t)
+ (setq c1 (schar nss1 i))
+ (setq c2 (schar nss2 i))
+ (ecase state
+ (:char
+ (if* (and (char= #\% c1) (char= #\% c2))
+ then (setq state :percent+1)
+ elseif (char/= c1 c2)
+ then (return nil)))
+ (:percent+1
+ (when (char-not-equal c1 c2) (return nil))
+ (setq state :percent+2))
+ (:percent+2
+ (when (char-not-equal c1 c2) (return nil))
+ (setq state :char)))))
+(defmethod intern-uri ((xuri uri) &optional (uri-space *uris*))
+ (let ((uri (gethash-uri xuri uri-space)))
+ (if* uri
+ thenret
+ else (puthash-uri xuri uri-space))))
+(defmethod intern-uri ((uri string) &optional (uri-space *uris*))
+ (intern-uri (parse-uri uri) uri-space))
+(defun unintern-uri (uri &optional (uri-space *uris*))
+ (if* (eq t uri)
+ then (clrhash uri-space)
+ elseif (uri-p uri)
+ then (remhash uri uri-space)
+ else (error "bad uri: ~s." uri)))
+(defmacro do-all-uris ((var &optional uri-space result-form)
+ &rest forms
+ &environment env)
+ "do-all-uris (var [[uri-space] result-form])
+ {declaration}* {tag | statement}*
+Executes the forms once for each uri with var bound to the current uri"
+ (let ((f (gensym))
+ (g-ignore (gensym))
+ (g-uri-space (gensym))
+ (body #+allegro (third (excl::parse-body forms env))
+ #-allegro forms))
+ `(let ((,g-uri-space (or ,uri-space *uris*)))
+ (prog nil
+ (flet ((,f (,var &optional ,g-ignore)
+ (declare (ignore-if-unused ,var ,g-ignore))
+ (tagbody ,@body)))
+ (maphash #',f ,g-uri-space))
+ (return ,result-form)))))
+(defun sharp-u (stream chr arg)
+ (declare (ignore chr arg))
+ (let ((arg (read stream nil nil t)))
+ (if *read-suppress*
+ nil
+ (if* (stringp arg)
+ then (parse-uri arg)
+ else
+ (internal-reader-error
+ stream
+ "#u takes a string or list argument: ~s" arg)))))
+(locally (declare (special std-lisp-readtable))
+ (let ((*readtable* std-lisp-readtable))
+ (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\u #'net.uri::sharp-u)))
+(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\u #'net.uri::sharp-u)
+(provide :uri)
+;; timings
+;; (don't run under emacs with M-x fi:common-lisp)
+(defun time-uri-module ()
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
+ (let ((uri "http://www.franz.com/a/b;x;y;z/c/foo?bar=baz&xxx#foo")
+ (uri2 "http://www.franz.com/a/b;x;y;z/c/%2ffoo?bar=baz&xxx#foo"))
+ (gc t) (gc :tenure) (gc :tenure) (gc :tenure)
+ (format t "~&;;; starting timing testing 1...~%")
+ (time (dotimes (i 100000) (parse-uri uri)))
+ (gc t) (gc :tenure) (gc :tenure) (gc :tenure)
+ (format t "~&;;; starting timing testing 2...~%")
+ (let ((uri (parse-uri uri)))
+ (time (dotimes (i 100000)
+ ;; forces no caching of the printed representation:
+ (setf (uri-string uri) nil)
+ (format nil "~a" uri))))
+ (gc t) (gc :tenure) (gc :tenure) (gc :tenure)
+ (format t "~&;;; starting timing testing 3...~%")
+ (time
+ (progn
+ (dotimes (i 100000) (parse-uri uri2))
+ (let ((uri (parse-uri uri)))
+ (dotimes (i 100000)
+ ;; forces no caching of the printed representation:
+ (setf (uri-string uri) nil)
+ (format nil "~a" uri)))))))
+;;******** reference output (ultra, modified 5.0.1):
+;;; starting timing testing 1...
+; cpu time (non-gc) 13,710 msec user, 0 msec system
+; cpu time (gc) 600 msec user, 10 msec system
+; cpu time (total) 14,310 msec user, 10 msec system
+; real time 14,465 msec
+; space allocation:
+; 1,804,261 cons cells, 7 symbols, 41,628,832 other bytes, 0 static bytes
+;;; starting timing testing 2...
+; cpu time (non-gc) 27,500 msec user, 0 msec system
+; cpu time (gc) 280 msec user, 20 msec system
+; cpu time (total) 27,780 msec user, 20 msec system
+; real time 27,897 msec
+; space allocation:
+; 1,900,463 cons cells, 0 symbols, 17,693,712 other bytes, 0 static bytes
+;;; starting timing testing 3...
+; cpu time (non-gc) 52,290 msec user, 10 msec system
+; cpu time (gc) 1,290 msec user, 30 msec system
+; cpu time (total) 53,580 msec user, 40 msec system
+; real time 54,062 msec
+; space allocation:
+; 7,800,205 cons cells, 0 symbols, 81,697,496 other bytes, 0 static bytes
+;;; after improving decode-escaped-encoding/encode-escaped-encoding:
+;;; starting timing testing 1...
+; cpu time (non-gc) 14,520 msec user, 0 msec system
+; cpu time (gc) 400 msec user, 0 msec system
+; cpu time (total) 14,920 msec user, 0 msec system
+; real time 15,082 msec
+; space allocation:
+; 1,800,270 cons cells, 0 symbols, 41,600,160 other bytes, 0 static bytes
+;;; starting timing testing 2...
+; cpu time (non-gc) 27,490 msec user, 10 msec system
+; cpu time (gc) 300 msec user, 0 msec system
+; cpu time (total) 27,790 msec user, 10 msec system
+; real time 28,025 msec
+; space allocation:
+; 1,900,436 cons cells, 0 symbols, 17,693,712 other bytes, 0 static bytes
+;;; starting timing testing 3...
+; cpu time (non-gc) 47,900 msec user, 20 msec system
+; cpu time (gc) 920 msec user, 10 msec system
+; cpu time (total) 48,820 msec user, 30 msec system
+; real time 49,188 msec
+; space allocation:
+; 3,700,215 cons cells, 0 symbols, 81,707,144 other bytes, 0 static bytes
--- /dev/null
+;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
+;; copyright (c) 1999-2001 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA - All rights reserved.
+;; copyright (c) 2003 Kevin Rosenberg (significant fixes for using
+;; tester package)
+;; The software, data and information contained herein are proprietary
+;; to, and comprise valuable trade secrets of, Franz, Inc. They are
+;; given in confidence by Franz, Inc. pursuant to a written license
+;; agreement, and may be stored and used only in accordance with the terms
+;; of such license.
+;; Restricted Rights Legend
+;; ------------------------
+;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
+;; contained herein by any agency, department or entity of the U.S.
+;; Government are subject to restrictions of Restricted Rights for
+;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in
+;; DOD FAR Supplement 52.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as applicable.
+;; Original version from ACL 6.1:
+;; t-uri.cl,v 2001/08/09 17:42:43 layer
+;; $Id: tests.lisp,v 1.1 2003/07/18 20:34:23 kevin Exp $
+(defpackage #:puri-tests (:use #:puri #:cl #:util.test))
+(in-package #:puri-tests)
+(unintern-uri t)
+(defparameter *tests*
+ (let ((res '())
+ (base-uri "http://a/b/c/d;p?q"))
+ (dolist (x `(;; (relative-uri result base-uri compare-function)
+;;;; RFC Appendix C.1 (normal examples)
+ ("g:h" "g:h" ,base-uri)
+ ("g" "http://a/b/c/g" ,base-uri)
+ ("./g" "http://a/b/c/g" ,base-uri)
+ ("g/" "http://a/b/c/g/" ,base-uri)
+ ("/g" "http://a/g" ,base-uri)
+ ("//g" "http://g" ,base-uri)
+ ("?y" "http://a/b/c/?y" ,base-uri)
+ ("g?y" "http://a/b/c/g?y" ,base-uri)
+ ("#s" "http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s" ,base-uri)
+ ("g#s" "http://a/b/c/g#s" ,base-uri)
+ ("g?y#s" "http://a/b/c/g?y#s" ,base-uri)
+ (";x" "http://a/b/c/;x" ,base-uri)
+ ("g;x" "http://a/b/c/g;x" ,base-uri)
+ ("g;x?y#s" "http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s" ,base-uri)
+ ("." "http://a/b/c/" ,base-uri)
+ ("./" "http://a/b/c/" ,base-uri)
+ (".." "http://a/b/" ,base-uri)
+ ("../" "http://a/b/" ,base-uri)
+ ("../g" "http://a/b/g" ,base-uri)
+ ("../.." "http://a/" ,base-uri)
+ ("../../" "http://a/" ,base-uri)
+ ("../../g" "http://a/g" ,base-uri)
+;;;; RFC Appendix C.2 (abnormal examples)
+ ("" "http://a/b/c/d;p?q" ,base-uri)
+ ("../../../g" "http://a/../g" ,base-uri)
+ ("../../../../g" "http://a/../../g" ,base-uri)
+ ("/./g" "http://a/./g" ,base-uri)
+ ("/../g" "http://a/../g" ,base-uri)
+ ("g." "http://a/b/c/g." ,base-uri)
+ (".g" "http://a/b/c/.g" ,base-uri)
+ ("g.." "http://a/b/c/g.." ,base-uri)
+ ("..g" "http://a/b/c/..g" ,base-uri)
+ ("./../g" "http://a/b/g" ,base-uri)
+ ("./g/." "http://a/b/c/g/" ,base-uri)
+ ("g/./h" "http://a/b/c/g/h" ,base-uri)
+ ("g/../h" "http://a/b/c/h" ,base-uri)
+ ("g;x=1/./y" "http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y" ,base-uri)
+ ("g;x=1/../y" "http://a/b/c/y" ,base-uri)
+ ("g?y/./x" "http://a/b/c/g?y/./x" ,base-uri)
+ ("g?y/../x" "http://a/b/c/g?y/../x" ,base-uri)
+ ("g#s/./x" "http://a/b/c/g#s/./x" ,base-uri)
+ ("g#s/../x" "http://a/b/c/g#s/../x" ,base-uri)
+ ("http:g" "http:g" ,base-uri)
+ ("foo/bar/baz.htm#foo"
+ "http://a/b/foo/bar/baz.htm#foo"
+ "http://a/b/c.htm")
+ ("foo/bar/baz.htm#foo"
+ "http://a/b/foo/bar/baz.htm#foo"
+ "http://a/b/")
+ ("foo/bar/baz.htm#foo"
+ "http://a/foo/bar/baz.htm#foo"
+ "http://a/b")
+ ("foo/bar;x;y/bam.htm"
+ "http://a/b/c/foo/bar;x;y/bam.htm"
+ "http://a/b/c/")))
+ (push `(util.test:test (intern-uri ,(second x))
+ (intern-uri (merge-uris (intern-uri ,(first x))
+ (intern-uri ,(third x))))
+ :test 'uri=)
+ res))
+;;;; intern tests
+ (dolist (x '(;; default port and specifying the default port are
+ ;; supposed to compare the same:
+ ("http://www.franz.com:80" "http://www.franz.com")
+ ("http://www.franz.com:80" "http://www.franz.com" eq)
+ ;; make sure they're `eq':
+ ("http://www.franz.com:80" "http://www.franz.com" eq)
+ ("http://www.franz.com" "http://www.franz.com" eq)
+ ("http://www.franz.com/foo" "http://www.franz.com/foo" eq)
+ ("http://www.franz.com/foo?bar"
+ "http://www.franz.com/foo?bar" eq)
+ ("http://www.franz.com/foo?bar#baz"
+ "http://www.franz.com/foo?bar#baz" eq)
+ ("http://WWW.FRANZ.COM" "http://www.franz.com" eq)
+ ("http://www.FRANZ.com" "http://www.franz.com" eq)
+ ("http://www.franz.com" "http://www.franz.com/" eq)
+ (;; %72 is "r", %2f is "/", %3b is ";"
+ "http://www.franz.com/ba%72%2f%3b;x;y;z/baz/"
+ "http://www.franz.com/bar%2f%3b;x;y;z/baz/" eq)))
+ (push `(util.test:test (intern-uri ,(second x))
+ (intern-uri ,(first x))
+ :test ',(if (third x)
+ (third x)
+ 'uri=))
+ res))
+;;;; parsing and equivalence tests
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ (parse-uri "http://foo+bar?baz=b%26lob+bof")
+ (parse-uri (parse-uri "http://foo+bar?baz=b%26lob+bof"))
+ :test 'uri=)
+ res)
+ (push '(util.test:test
+ (parse-uri "http://www.foo.com")
+ (parse-uri (parse-uri "http://www.foo.com?")) ; allow ? at end
+ :test 'uri=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ "baz=b%26lob+bof"
+ (uri-query (parse-uri "http://foo+bar?baz=b%26lob+bof"))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ "baz=b%26lob+bof%3d"
+ (uri-query (parse-uri "http://foo+bar?baz=b%26lob+bof%3d"))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push
+ `(util.test:test (parse-uri "xxx?%41") (parse-uri "xxx?A") :test 'uri=)
+ res)
+ (push
+ `(util.test:test "A" (uri-query (parse-uri "xxx?%41")) :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri " ")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "foo ")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri " foo ")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "<foo")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "foo>")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "<foo>")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "%")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "foo%xyr")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "\"foo\"")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test "%20" (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "%20"))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test "&" (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "%26"))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push
+ `(util.test:test "foo%23bar" (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "foo%23bar"))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push
+ `(util.test:test "foo%23bar#foobar"
+ (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "foo%23bar#foobar"))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push
+ `(util.test:test "foo%23bar#foobar#baz"
+ (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "foo%23bar#foobar#baz"))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push
+ `(util.test:test "foo%23bar#foobar#baz"
+ (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "foo%23bar#foobar%23baz"))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push
+ `(util.test:test "foo%23bar#foobar/baz"
+ (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "foo%23bar#foobar%2fbaz"))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "foobar??")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "foobar?foo?")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test "foobar?%3f"
+ (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "foobar?%3f"))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ "http://foo/bAr;3/baz?baf=3"
+ (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "http://foo/b%41r;3/baz?baf=3"))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ '(:absolute ("/bAr" "3") "baz")
+ (uri-parsed-path (parse-uri "http://foo/%2fb%41r;3/baz?baf=3"))
+ :test 'equal)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ "/%2fbAr;3/baz"
+ (let ((u (parse-uri "http://foo/%2fb%41r;3/baz?baf=3")))
+ (setf (uri-parsed-path u) '(:absolute ("/bAr" "3") "baz"))
+ (uri-path u))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ "http://www.verada.com:8010/kapow?name=foo%3Dbar%25"
+ (format nil "~a"
+ (parse-uri
+ "http://www.verada.com:8010/kapow?name=foo%3Dbar%25"))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ "ftp://parcftp.xerox.com/pub/pcl/mop/"
+ (format nil "~a"
+ (parse-uri "ftp://parcftp.xerox.com:/pub/pcl/mop/"))
+ :test 'string=)
+ res)
+;;;; enough-uri tests
+ (dolist (x `(("http://www.franz.com/foo/bar/baz.htm"
+ "http://www.franz.com/foo/bar/"
+ "baz.htm")
+ ("http://www.franz.com/foo/bar/baz.htm"
+ "http://www.franz.com/foo/bar"
+ "baz.htm")
+ ("http://www.franz.com:80/foo/bar/baz.htm"
+ "http://www.franz.com:80/foo/bar"
+ "baz.htm")
+ ("http:/foo/bar/baz.htm" "http:/foo/bar" "baz.htm")
+ ("http:/foo/bar/baz.htm" "http:/foo/bar/" "baz.htm")
+ ("/foo/bar/baz.htm" "/foo/bar" "baz.htm")
+ ("/foo/bar/baz.htm" "/foo/bar/" "baz.htm")
+ ("/foo/bar/baz.htm#foo" "/foo/bar/" "baz.htm#foo")
+ ("/foo/bar/baz.htm?bar#foo" "/foo/bar/" "baz.htm?bar#foo")
+ ("http://www.dnai.com/~layer/foo.htm"
+ "http://www.known.net"
+ "http://www.dnai.com/~layer/foo.htm")
+ ("http://www.dnai.com/~layer/foo.htm"
+ "http://www.dnai.com:8000/~layer/"
+ "http://www.dnai.com/~layer/foo.htm")
+ ("http://www.dnai.com:8000/~layer/foo.htm"
+ "http://www.dnai.com/~layer/"
+ "http://www.dnai.com:8000/~layer/foo.htm")
+ ("http://www.franz.com"
+ "http://www.franz.com"
+ "/")))
+ (push `(util.test:test (parse-uri ,(third x))
+ (enough-uri (parse-uri ,(first x))
+ (parse-uri ,(second x)))
+ :test 'uri=)
+ res))
+;;;; urn tests, ideas of which are from rfc2141
+ (let ((urn "urn:com:foo-the-bar"))
+ (push `(util.test:test "com" (urn-nid (parse-uri ,urn))
+ :test #'string=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test "foo-the-bar" (urn-nss (parse-uri ,urn))
+ :test #'string=)
+ res))
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "urn:")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "urn:foo")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "urn:foo$")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "urn:foo_")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test-error (parse-uri "urn:foo:foo&bar")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test (parse-uri "URN:foo:a123,456")
+ (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")
+ :test #'uri=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test (parse-uri "URN:foo:a123,456")
+ (parse-uri "urn:FOO:a123,456")
+ :test #'uri=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")
+ (parse-uri "urn:FOO:a123,456")
+ :test #'uri=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test (parse-uri "URN:FOO:a123%2c456")
+ (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123%2C456")
+ :test #'uri=)
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ nil
+ (uri= (parse-uri "urn:foo:A123,456")
+ (parse-uri "urn:FOO:a123,456")))
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ nil
+ (uri= (parse-uri "urn:foo:A123,456")
+ (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")))
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ nil
+ (uri= (parse-uri "urn:foo:A123,456")
+ (parse-uri "URN:foo:a123,456")))
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ nil
+ (uri= (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123%2C456")
+ (parse-uri "urn:FOO:a123,456")))
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ nil
+ (uri= (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123%2C456")
+ (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")))
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ nil
+ (uri= (parse-uri "URN:FOO:a123%2c456")
+ (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")))
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ nil
+ (uri= (parse-uri "urn:FOO:a123%2c456")
+ (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")))
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test
+ nil
+ (uri= (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123%2c456")
+ (parse-uri "urn:foo:a123,456")))
+ res)
+ (push `(util.test:test t
+ (uri= (parse-uri "foo") (parse-uri "foo#")))
+ res)
+ (push
+ '(let ((net.uri::*strict-parse* nil))
+ (util.test:test-no-error
+ (net.uri:parse-uri
+ "http://foo.com/bar?a=zip|zop")))
+ res)
+ (push
+ '(util.test:test-error
+ (net.uri:parse-uri "http://foo.com/bar?a=zip|zop")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push
+ '(let ((net.uri::*strict-parse* nil))
+ (util.test:test-no-error
+ (net.uri:parse-uri
+ "http://arc3.msn.com/ADSAdClient31.dll?GetAd?PG=NBCSBU?SC=D2?AN=1.0586041")))
+ res)
+ (push
+ '(util.test:test-error
+ (net.uri:parse-uri
+ "http://arc3.msn.com/ADSAdClient31.dll?GetAd?PG=NBCSBU?SC=D2?AN=1.0586041")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ (push
+ '(let ((net.uri::*strict-parse* nil))
+ (util.test:test-no-error
+ (net.uri:parse-uri
+ "http://scbc.booksonline.com/cgi-bin/ndCGI.exe/Develop/pagClubHome.hrfTIOLI_onWebEvent(hrfTIOLI)?selGetClubOffer.TB_OFFER_ID_OFFER=344879%2e0&selGetClubOffer.TB_OFFER_ID_ITEM=34487%2e0&selGetClubOffer.TB_OFFER_ID_OFFER=344879%2e0&^CSpCommand.currRowNumber=5&hrfTIOLI=The+Visual+Basic+6+Programmer%27s+Toolkit&SPIDERSESSION=%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%5f%3f%3f%3f%40%5b%3f%3f%3f%3fBOs%5cH%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3fMMpXO%5f%40JG%7d%40%5c%5f%3f%3f%3fECK%5dt%3fLDT%3fTBD%3fDDTxPEToBS%40%5f%5dBDgXVoKBSDs%7cDT%3fK%3fd%3fTIb%7ceHbkeMfh%60LRpO%5cact%5eUC%7bMu%5fyWUGzLUhP%5ebpdWRka%5dFO%3f%5dBopW%3f%40HMrxbMRd%60LOpuMVga%3fv%3fTS%3fpODT%40O&%5euniqueValue=977933764843")))
+ res)
+ (push
+ '(util.test:test-error
+ (net.uri:parse-uri
+ "http://scbc.booksonline.com/cgi-bin/ndCGI.exe/Develop/pagClubHome.hrfTIOLI_onWebEvent(hrfTIOLI)?selGetClubOffer.TB_OFFER_ID_OFFER=344879%2e0&selGetClubOffer.TB_OFFER_ID_ITEM=34487%2e0&selGetClubOffer.TB_OFFER_ID_OFFER=344879%2e0&^CSpCommand.currRowNumber=5&hrfTIOLI=The+Visual+Basic+6+Programmer%27s+Toolkit&SPIDERSESSION=%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%5f%3f%3f%3f%40%5b%3f%3f%3f%3fBOs%5cH%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3f%3fMMpXO%5f%40JG%7d%40%5c%5f%3f%3f%3fECK%5dt%3fLDT%3fTBD%3fDDTxPEToBS%40%5f%5dBDgXVoKBSDs%7cDT%3fK%3fd%3fTIb%7ceHbkeMfh%60LRpO%5cact%5eUC%7bMu%5fyWUGzLUhP%5ebpdWRka%5dFO%3f%5dBopW%3f%40HMrxbMRd%60LOpuMVga%3fv%3fTS%3fpODT%40O&%5euniqueValue=977933764843")
+ :condition-type 'parse-error)
+ res)
+ `(progn ,@(nreverse res)))
+ )
+ `(with-tests (:name "puri")
+ ,@*tests*))