(push (if rpos
(with-output-to-string (out)
(loop for ch across decoded-string
- for i from curpos by 3
+ for i from curpos by 3
do (let ((octet (char-code ch)))
(if (or (null reserved-chars)
(> octet 127)
then (format stream "~a" (uri-string urn))
else (uri-string urn)))
-(defparameter *escaped-encoding*
- (vector #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f))
(defun encode-escaped-encoding (string reserved-chars escape)
(when (null escape) (return-from encode-escaped-encoding string))
- ;; Make a string as big as it possibly needs to be (3 times the original
- ;; size), and truncate it at the end.
- (do* ((max (length string))
- (new-max (* 3 max)) ;; worst case new size
- (new-string (make-string new-max))
- (i 0 (1+ i))
- (new-i -1)
- c ci)
- ((= i max)
- (shrink-vector new-string (incf new-i)))
- (setq ci (char-int (setq c (char string i))))
- (if* (or (null reserved-chars)
- (> ci 127)
- (= 0 (sbit reserved-chars ci)))
- then ;; ok as is
- (incf new-i)
- (setf (char new-string new-i) c)
- else ;; need to escape it
- (multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate ci 16)
- (setf (char new-string (incf new-i)) #\%)
- (setf (char new-string (incf new-i)) (elt *escaped-encoding* q))
- (setf (char new-string (incf new-i))
- (elt *escaped-encoding* r))))))
+ (with-output-to-string (out)
+ (loop for ch across string
+ do (let ((code (char-code ch)))
+ (if (and (< code 128)
+ (or (null reserved-chars)
+ (= 0 (sbit reserved-chars code))))
+ (write-char ch out)
+ (loop for octet across (babel:string-to-octets (string ch) :encoding :utf-8)
+ do (format out "%~(~2,'0x~)" octet)))))))
(defmethod print-object ((uri uri) stream)
(if* *print-escape*