* SB-VM::TOUCH-OBJECT doesn't exist on non-x86oids, and the
package is locked. Disable reading of forms that refer to it
on non-x86oids.
(macrolet ((with-pinned-floats ((count type &rest names) &body body)
"Force COUNT float values to be kept live (and hopefully in registers),
fill a temporary register with noise, and execute BODY."
+ ;; KLUDGE: SB-VM is locked, and non-x86oids don't have
+ ;; SB-VM::TOUCH-OBJECT. Don't even READ this body on
+ ;; other platforms.
+ #-(or x86 x86-64)
+ (declare (ignore count type names body))
+ #+(or x86 x86-64)
(let ((dummy (loop repeat count
collect (or (pop names)
(gensym "TEMP")))))