;;; FIXME: Do we really need both? If so, their names and implementations
;;; should probably be tweaked to be more parallel.
-;;; The DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION structure holds compile-time information about a
-;;; structure type.
+;;; The DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION structure holds compile-time information
+;;; about a structure type.
(def!struct (defstruct-description
(:conc-name dd-)
(:make-load-form-fun just-dump-it-normally)
(print-unreadable-object (x stream :type t)
(prin1 (dd-name x) stream)))
+;;; Is DD a structure with a class?
+(defun dd-class-p (defstruct)
+ (member (dd-type defstruct) '(structure funcallable-structure)))
+(defun dd-layout-or-lose (dd)
+ (compiler-layout-or-lose (dd-name dd)))
;;; A DEFSTRUCT-SLOT-DESCRIPTION holds compile-time information about
;;; a structure slot.
(def!struct (defstruct-slot-description
(print-unreadable-object (x stream :type t)
(prin1 (dsd-name x) stream)))
-;;; Is DEFSTRUCT a structure with a class?
-(defun dd-class-p (defstruct)
- (member (dd-type defstruct) '(structure funcallable-structure)))
;;; Return the name of a defstruct slot as a symbol. We store it as a
;;; string to avoid creating lots of worthless symbols at load time.
(defun dsd-name (dsd)
(list 'list)
(vector `(simple-array ,(dd-element-type defstruct) (*)))))
+;;;; checking structure types
+;;; Check that X is an instance of the named structure type.
+(defmacro %check-structure-type-from-name (x name)
+ `(%check-structure-type-from-layout ,x ,(compiler-layout-or-lose name)))
+;;; Check that X is a structure of the type described by DD.
+(defmacro %check-structure-type-from-dd (x dd)
+ (declare (type defstruct-description dd))
+ (let ((class-name (dd-name dd)))
+ (ecase (dd-type dd)
+ ((structure funcallable-instance)
+ `(%check-structure-type-from-layout
+ ,x
+ ,(compiler-layout-or-lose class-name)))
+ ((vector)
+ (let ((xx (gensym "X")))
+ `(let ((,xx ,x))
+ (declare (type vector ,xx))
+ ,@(when (dd-named dd)
+ `((unless (eql (aref ,xx 0) ',class-name)
+ (error
+ 'simple-type-error
+ :datum (aref ,xx 0)
+ :expected-type `(member ,class-name)
+ :format-control
+ "~@<missing name in instance of ~
+ VECTOR-typed structure ~S: ~2I~_S~:>"
+ :format-arguments (list ',class-name ,xx)))))))
+ (values))
+ ((list)
+ (let ((xx (gensym "X")))
+ `(let ((,xx ,x))
+ (declare (type list ,xx))
+ ,@(when (dd-named dd)
+ `((unless (eql (first ,xx) ',class-name)
+ (error
+ 'simple-type-error
+ :datum (aref ,xx 0)
+ :expected-type `(member ,class-name)
+ :format-control
+ "~@<missing name in instance of LIST-typed structure ~S: ~
+ ~2I~_S~:>"
+ :format-arguments (list ',class-name ,xx)))))
+ (values)))))))
+;;; Check that X is an instance of the structure class with layout LAYOUT.
+(defun %check-structure-type-from-layout (x layout)
+ (unless (typep-to-layout x layout)
+ (error 'simple-type-error
+ :datum x
+ :expected-type (sb!xc:class-name (layout-class layout))))
+ (values))
+;;;; shared machinery for inline and out-of-line slot accessor functions
+;;; an alist mapping from raw slot type to the operator used to access
+;;; the raw slot
+;;; FIXME: should be shared
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defvar *raw-type->rawref-fun-name*
+ '(;; The compiler thinks that the raw data vector is a vector of
+ ;; unsigned bytes, so if the slot we want to access actually *is*
+ ;; an unsigned byte, it'll access the slot for us even if we don't
+ ;; lie to it at all.
+ (unsigned-byte . aref)
+ ;; "A lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is
+ ;; putting on its shoes." -- Mark Twain
+ (single-float . %raw-ref-single)
+ (double-float . %raw-ref-double)
+ #!+long-float (long-float . %raw-ref-long)
+ (complex-single-float . %raw-ref-complex-single)
+ (complex-double-float . %raw-ref-complex-double)
+ #!+long-float (complex-long-float . %raw-ref-complex-long))))
+;;;; generating out-of-line slot accessor functions
+;;; code generators for cases of DEFUN SLOT-ACCESSOR-FUNS
+;;; (caution: These macros are sleazily specialized for use only in
+;;; DEFUN SLOT-ACCESSOR-FUNS, not anywhere near fully parameterized:
+;;; they grab symbols like INSTANCE and DSD-FOO automatically.
+;;; Logically they probably belong in a MACROLET inside the DEFUN, but
+;;; separating them like this makes it easier to experiment with them
+;;; in the interpreter and reduces indentation hell.)
+;;; FIXME: Ideally, the presence of the type checks in the functions
+;;; here would be conditional on the optimization policy at the point
+;;; of expansion of DEFSTRUCT. (For now we're just doing the simpler
+;;; thing, putting in the type checks unconditionally.)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
+ ;; code shared between funcallable instance case and the ordinary
+ ;; STRUCTURE-OBJECT case: Handle native structures with LAYOUTs and
+ ;; (possibly) raw slots.
+ (defmacro %native-slot-accessor-funs (dd-ref-fun-name)
+ (let ((instance-type-check-form '(%check-structure-type-from-layout
+ instance layout)))
+ `(let ((layout (dd-layout-or-lose dd))
+ (dsd-raw-type (dsd-raw-type dsd)))
+ ;; Map over all the possible RAW-TYPEs, compiling a different
+ ;; closure-function for each one, so that once the COND over
+ ;; RAW-TYPEs happens (at the time closure is allocated) there
+ ;; are no more decisions to be made and things execute
+ ;; reasonably efficiently.
+ (cond
+ ;; nonraw slot case
+ ((eql (dsd-raw-type dsd) t)
+ (%slotplace-accessor-funs (,dd-ref-fun-name instance dsd-index)
+ ,instance-type-check-form))
+ ;; raw slot cases
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (raw-type-and-rawref-fun-name)
+ (destructuring-bind (raw-type . rawref-fun-name)
+ raw-type-and-rawref-fun-name
+ `((equal dsd-raw-type ',raw-type)
+ (let ((raw-index (dd-raw-index dd)))
+ (%slotplace-accessor-funs
+ (,rawref-fun-name (,dd-ref-fun-name instance
+ raw-index)
+ dsd-index)
+ ,instance-type-check-form)))))
+ *raw-type->rawref-fun-name*)))))
+ ;; code shared between DEFSTRUCT :TYPE LIST and
+ ;; DEFSTRUCT :TYPE VECTOR cases: Handle the "typed structure" case,
+ ;; with no LAYOUTs and no raw slots.
+ (defmacro %colontyped-slot-accessor-funs () (error "stub"))
+ ;; the common structure of the raw-slot and not-raw-slot cases,
+ ;; defined in terms of the writable SLOTPLACE. All possible flavors
+ ;; of slot access should be able to pass through here.
+ (defmacro %slotplace-accessor-funs (slotplace instance-type-check-form)
+ (cl-user:/show slotplace instance-type-check-form)
+ `(values (lambda (instance)
+ ,instance-type-check-form
+ ,slotplace)
+ (let ((typecheckfun (typespec-typecheckfun dsd-type)))
+ (lambda (new-value instance)
+ ,instance-type-check-form
+ (funcall typecheckfun new-value)
+ (setf ,slotplace new-value))))))
+(defun slot-accessor-funs (dd dsd)
+ (let ((dsd-index (dsd-index dsd))
+ (dsd-type (dsd-type dsd)))
+ (ecase (dd-type dd)
+ ;; native structures
+ (structure (%native-slot-accessor-funs %instance-ref))
+ (funcallable-structure (%native-slot-accessor-funs
+ %funcallable-instance-info))
+ ;; structures with the :TYPE option
+ ;; FIXME: Worry about these later..
+ #|
+ ;; In :TYPE LIST and :TYPE VECTOR structures, ANSI specifies the
+ ;; layout completely, so that raw slots are impossible.
+ (list
+ (dd-type-slot-accessor-funs nth-but-with-sane-arg-order
+ `(%check-structure-type-from-dd
+ :maybe-raw-p nil))
+ (vector
+ (dd-type-slot-accessor-funs aref
+ :maybe-raw-p nil)))
+ |#
+ )))
+;;;; REMOVEME: baby steps for the new out-of-line slot accessor functions
+(in-package :sb-kernel)
+(defstruct foo
+ ;; vanilla slots
+ a
+ (b 5 :type package :read-only t)
+ ;; raw slots
+ (x 5 :type (unsigned-byte 32))
+ (y 5.0 :type single-float :read-only t))
+(load "/usr/stuff/sbcl/src/cold/chill")
+(cl-user:fasl "/usr/stuff/sbcl/src/code/typecheckfuns")
+(cl-user:fasl "/usr/stuff/outsacc")
+(let* ((foo-layout (compiler-layout-or-lose 'foo))
+ (foo-dd (layout-info foo-layout))
+ (foo-dsds (dd-slots foo-dd))
+ (foo-a-dsd (find "A" foo-dsds :test #'string= :key #'dsd-%name))
+ (foo-b-dsd (find "B" foo-dsds :test #'string= :key #'dsd-%name))
+ (foo-x-dsd (find "X" foo-dsds :test #'string= :key #'dsd-%name))
+ (foo-y-dsd (find "X" foo-dsds :test #'string= :key #'dsd-%name))
+ (foo (make-foo :a 'avalue
+ :b (find-package :cl)
+ :x 50)))
+ (declare (type layout foo-layout))
+ (declare (type defstruct-description foo-dd))
+ (declare (type defstruct-slot-description foo-a-dsd))
+ (cl-user:/show foo)
+ (multiple-value-bind (foo-a-reader foo-a-writer)
+ (slot-accessor-funs foo-dd foo-a-dsd)
+ ;; basic functionality
+ (cl-user:/show foo-a-reader)
+ (cl-user:/show (funcall foo-a-reader foo))
+ (aver (eql (funcall foo-a-reader foo) 'avalue))
+ (cl-user:/show foo-a-writer)
+ (cl-user:/show (funcall foo-a-writer 'replacedavalue foo))
+ (cl-user:/show "new" (funcall foo-a-reader foo))
+ (aver (eql (funcall foo-a-reader foo) 'replacedavalue))
+ ;; type checks on FOO-ness of instance argument
+ (cl-user:/show (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (funcall foo-a-reader 3))))
+ (aver (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (funcall foo-a-reader 3)))
+ 'type-error))
+ (aver (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (funcall foo-a-writer 3 4)))
+ 'type-error)))
+ ;; type checks on written slot value
+ (multiple-value-bind (foo-b-reader foo-b-writer)
+ (slot-accessor-funs foo-dd foo-b-dsd)
+ (cl-user:/show "old" (funcall foo-b-reader foo))
+ (aver (not (eql (funcall foo-b-reader foo) (find-package :cl-user))))
+ (funcall foo-b-writer (find-package :cl-user) foo)
+ (cl-user:/show "new" (funcall foo-b-reader foo))
+ (aver (eql (funcall foo-b-reader foo) (find-package :cl-user)))
+ (aver (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (funcall foo-b-writer 5 foo)))
+ 'type-error))
+ (aver (eql (funcall foo-b-reader foo) (find-package :cl-user))))
+ ;; raw slots
+ (cl-user:/describe foo-x-dsd)
+ (cl-user:/describe foo-y-dsd)
+ (multiple-value-bind (foo-x-reader foo-x-writer)
+ (slot-accessor-funs foo-dd foo-x-dsd)
+ (multiple-value-bind (foo-y-reader foo-y-writer)
+ (slot-accessor-funs foo-dd foo-y-dsd)
+ ;; basic functionality for (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32) slot
+ (cl-user:/show foo-x-reader)
+ (cl-user:/show (funcall foo-x-reader foo))
+ (aver (eql (funcall foo-x-reader foo) 50))
+ (cl-user:/show foo-x-writer)
+ (cl-user:/show (funcall foo-x-writer 14 foo))
+ (cl-user:/show "new" (funcall foo-x-reader foo))
+ (aver (eql (funcall foo-x-reader foo) 14)))
+ ;; type check for (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32) slot
+ (/show "to do: type check X")
+ ;; SINGLE-FLOAT slot
+ (/show "to do: Y")))
;;;; the legendary DEFSTRUCT macro itself (both CL:DEFSTRUCT and its
;;;; close personal friend SB!XC:DEFSTRUCT)
(vector super)))))
;;; Do miscellaneous (LOAD EVAL) time actions for the structure
-;;; described by INFO. Create the class & layout, checking for
+;;; described by DD. Create the class & LAYOUT, checking for
;;; incompatible redefinition. Define setters, accessors, copier,
-;;; predicate, documentation, instantiate definition in load-time env.
-;;; This is only called for default structures.
-(defun %defstruct (info inherits)
- (declare (type defstruct-description info))
+;;; predicate, documentation, instantiate definition in load-time
+;;; environment.
+(defun %defstruct (dd inherits)
+ (declare (type defstruct-description dd))
+ (remhash (dd-name dd) *typecheckfuns*)
(multiple-value-bind (class layout old-layout)
- (ensure-structure-class info inherits "current" "new")
+ (ensure-structure-class dd inherits "current" "new")
(cond ((not old-layout)
(unless (eq (class-layout class) layout)
(register-layout layout)))
- (let ((old-info (layout-info old-layout)))
- (when (defstruct-description-p old-info)
- (dolist (slot (dd-slots old-info))
+ (let ((old-dd (layout-dd old-layout)))
+ (when (defstruct-description-p old-dd)
+ (dolist (slot (dd-slots old-dd))
(fmakunbound (dsd-accessor-name slot))
(unless (dsd-read-only slot)
(fmakunbound `(setf ,(dsd-accessor-name slot)))))))
(%redefine-defstruct class old-layout layout)
(setq layout (class-layout class))))
- (setf (sb!xc:find-class (dd-name info)) class)
+ (setf (sb!xc:find-class (dd-name dd)) class)
;; Set FDEFINITIONs for structure accessors, setters, predicates,
;; and copiers.
- (unless (eq (dd-type info) 'funcallable-structure)
+ (unless (eq (dd-type dd) 'funcallable-structure)
- (dolist (slot (dd-slots info))
+ (dolist (slot (dd-slots dd))
(let ((dsd slot))
(when (and (dsd-accessor-name slot)
(eq (dsd-raw-type slot) t))
;; FIXME: Someday it'd probably be good to go back to using
;; closures for the out-of-line forms of structure accessors.
- (when (dd-predicate info)
- (protect-cl (dd-predicate info))
- (setf (symbol-function (dd-predicate info))
+ (when (dd-predicate dd)
+ (protect-cl (dd-predicate dd))
+ (setf (symbol-function (dd-predicate dd))
#'(lambda (object)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(typep-to-layout object layout))))
- (when (dd-copier-name info)
- (protect-cl (dd-copier-name info))
- (setf (symbol-function (dd-copier-name info))
+ (when (dd-copier-name dd)
+ (protect-cl (dd-copier-name dd))
+ (setf (symbol-function (dd-copier-name dd))
#'(lambda (structure)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(flet ((layout-test (structure)
(copy-structure structure))))))
- (when (dd-doc info)
- (setf (fdocumentation (dd-name info) 'type) (dd-doc info)))
+ (when (dd-doc dd)
+ (setf (fdocumentation (dd-name dd) 'type)
+ (dd-doc dd)))
;;; This function is called when we are incompatibly redefining a
-;;; structure Class to have the specified New-Layout. We signal an
+;;; structure CLASS to have the specified NEW-LAYOUT. We signal an
;;; error with some proceed options and return the layout that should
;;; be used.
(defun %redefine-defstruct (class old-layout new-layout)
;;;; Out-of-line structure slot accessor functions need to do type
;;;; tests. These accessor functions aren't called very often, so it's
;;;; unreasonable to implement them all as different compiled
-;;;; functions. But when they are called, it's not reasonable to just
-;;;; punt to interpreted TYPEP. The system implemented here is
-;;;; a solution to this problem.
+;;;; functions, because that's too much bloat. But when they are
+;;;; called, it's unreasonable to just punt to interpreted TYPEP,
+;;;; because that's unreasonably slow. The system implemented here
+;;;; tries to be a reasonable compromise solution to this problem.
;;;; Structure accessor functions are still implemented as closures,
;;;; but now one of the closed-over variables is a function which does
-;;;; the type test. When a type can be expanded fully into known
-;;;; types at compile time, we compile a LAMBDA which does TYPEP on it, and
-;;;; use that. If the function can't be expanded at compile time,
-;;;; then it can't be compiled efficiently anyway, so we just emit a note.
+;;;; the type test, i.e. a typecheckfun. When a type can be expanded
+;;;; fully into known types at compile time, we compile a LAMBDA which
+;;;; does TYPEP on it, and use that. If the function can't be expanded
+;;;; at compile time, then it can't be compiled efficiently anyway, so
+;;;; we just emit a note.
-;;;; As a further wrinkle on this, we reuse the type-test functions,
-;;;; so that the dozens of slot accessors which have e.g. :TYPE SYMBOL
-;;;; can all share the same code instead of having to keep dozens of
-;;;; copies of the same function floating around. We can also pull a few
-;;;; other tricks to reduce bloat, like implementing tests for structure
-;;;; classes as a closure over structure LAYOUTs.
+;;;; As a further wrinkle on this, we reuse the typecheckfuns, so that
+;;;; the dozens of slot accessors which have e.g. :TYPE SYMBOL can all
+;;;; share the same typecheckfun instead of having to keep dozens of
+;;;; equivalent typecheckfun copies floating around. We can also pull
+;;;; a few other tricks to reduce bloat, like implementing all
+;;;; typecheckfuns for structure classes as a closure over structure
+;;;; LAYOUTs.
;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
;;;; more information.
;;;; files for more information.
(in-package "SB!KERNEL")
+;;;; setting up to precompile code for common types once and for all
-;;; setting up to precompile code for common types once and for all
-(declaim (type simple-vector *typecheckfun-standard-typespecs*))
-(declaim (type simple-vector *typecheckfun-standard-typespecs*))
+;;; initialization value for *COMMON-TYPESPECS*
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
- ;; When we generate collections of standard specialized array types,
- ;; what should their element types be?
- (defvar *typecheckfun-standard-element-typespecs*
- ;; Note: This table is pretty arbitrary, just things I use a lot
- ;; or see used a lot. If someone has ideas for better values,
- ;; lemme know. -- WHN 2001-10-15
- #(t
- character
- bit fixnum (unsigned-byte 32) (signed-byte 32)
- single-float double-float))
- ;; What are the standard testable types? (If a slot accessor looks
- ;; up one of these types, it doesn't need to supply a compiled TYPEP
- ;; function to initialize the possibly-empty entry: instead it's
- ;; guaranteed that the entry is there. This should save some compile
- ;; time and object file bloat.)
- (defvar *typecheckfun-standard-typespecs*
- (coerce (remove-duplicates
- (mapcar (lambda (typespec)
- (type-specifier (specifier-type typespec)))
- ;; Note: This collection of input values is
- ;; pretty arbitrary, just inspired by things I
- ;; use a lot or see being used a lot in the
- ;; system. If someone has ideas for better
- ;; values, lemme know. -- WHN 2001-10-15
- (concatenate
- 'list
- ;; non-array types
- '(bit
- boolean
- character
- cons
- double-float
- fixnum
- hash-table
- index
- integer
- list
- package
- signed-byte
- (signed-byte 8)
- single-float
- structure-object
- symbol
- unsigned-byte
- (unsigned-byte 8)
- (unsigned-byte 32))
- ;; systematic names for array types
- (map 'list
- (lambda (element-type)
- `(simple-array ,element-type 1))
- *typecheckfun-standard-element-typespecs*)
- (map 'list
- (lambda (element-type)
- `(vector ,element-type))
- *typecheckfun-standard-element-typespecs*)
- ;; idiosyncratic names for array types
- '(simple-vector
- bit-vector simple-bit-vector
- string simple-string)))
- :test #'equal)
- 'simple-vector)))
+ (defvar *compile-time-common-typespecs*
+ (let (;; When we generate collections of common specialized
+ ;; array types, what should their element types be?
+ (common-element-typespecs
+ ;; Note: This table is pretty arbitrary, just things I use a lot
+ ;; or see used a lot. If someone has ideas for better values,
+ ;; lemme know. -- WHN 2001-10-15
+ #(t
+ character
+ bit fixnum (unsigned-byte 32) (signed-byte 32)
+ single-float double-float)))
+ (coerce (remove-duplicates
+ (mapcar (lambda (typespec)
+ (type-specifier (specifier-type typespec)))
+ ;; Note: This collection of input values is
+ ;; pretty arbitrary, just inspired by things I
+ ;; use a lot or see being used a lot in the
+ ;; system. If someone has ideas for better
+ ;; values, lemme know. -- WHN 2001-10-15
+ (concatenate
+ 'list
+ ;; non-array types
+ '(bit
+ boolean
+ character
+ cons
+ double-float
+ fixnum
+ hash-table
+ index
+ integer
+ list
+ package
+ signed-byte
+ (signed-byte 8)
+ single-float
+ structure-object
+ symbol
+ unsigned-byte
+ (unsigned-byte 8)
+ (unsigned-byte 32))
+ ;; systematic names for array types
+ (map 'list
+ (lambda (element-type)
+ `(simple-array ,element-type 1))
+ common-element-typespecs)
+ (map 'list
+ (lambda (element-type)
+ `(vector ,element-type))
+ common-element-typespecs)
+ ;; idiosyncratic names for array types
+ '(simple-vector
+ bit-vector simple-bit-vector
+ string simple-string)))
+ :test #'equal)
+ 'simple-vector))))
-(defun ctype-is-standard-typecheckfun-type-p (ctype)
- (position (type-specifier ctype) *typecheckfun-standard-typespecs*
+;;; What are the common testable types? (If a slot accessor looks up
+;;; one of these types, it doesn't need to supply a compiled TYPEP
+;;; function to initialize the possibly-empty entry: instead it's
+;;; guaranteed that the entry is there. Hopefully this will reduce
+;;; compile time and object file bloat.)
+(declaim (type simple-vector *common-typespecs*))
+(defvar *common-typespecs*)
+#-sb-xc (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (setf *common-typespecs*
+ #.*compile-time-common-typespecs*))
+;; (#+SB-XC initialization is handled elsewhere, at cold init time.)
+(defun ctype-is-common-typecheckfun-type-p (ctype)
+ (position (type-specifier ctype) *common-typespecs*
:test #'equal))
(defun typecheck-failure (arg typespec)
;;; memoization cache for typecheckfuns: a map from fully-expanded type
;;; specifiers to functions which test the type of their argument
(defvar *typecheckfuns*
- (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ #-sb-xc (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+ ;; (#+SB-XC initialization is handled elsewhere, at cold init time.)
+ )
;;; Memoize the FORM which returns a typecheckfun for TYPESPEC.
(defmacro memoized-typecheckfun-form (form typespec)
(setf (gethash ,n-typespec *typecheckfuns*)
-;;; Initialize the memoization cache with typecheckfuns for
-(macrolet ((macro ()
- `(progn
- ,@(map 'list
- (lambda (typespec)
- `(setf (gethash ',typespec *typecheckfuns*)
- (lambda (arg)
- (unless (typep arg ',typespec)
- (typecheck-failure arg ',typespec))
- (values))))
- *typecheckfun-standard-typespecs*))))
- (macro))
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (warn "FIXME: Init *TYPECHECKFUN-STANDARD-TYPESPECS* at cold init time?")
- (warn "FIXME: Don't forget to clear the cache when a structure type is undefined."))
+(defun !typecheckfuns-cold-init ()
+ (setf *typecheckfuns* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ ;; Initialize the table of common typespecs.
+ (setf *common-typespecs* #.*compile-time-common-typespecs*)
+ ;; Initialize *TYPECHECKFUNS* with typecheckfuns for common typespecs.
+ (macrolet ((macro ()
+ `(progn
+ ,@(map 'list
+ (lambda (typespec)
+ `(setf (gethash ',typespec *typecheckfuns*)
+ (lambda (arg)
+ (unless (typep arg ',typespec)
+ (typecheck-failure arg ',typespec))
+ (values))))
+ *common-typespecs*))))
+ (macro))
+ (values))
;;; Return a trivial best-you-can-expect-when-you-don't-predefine-the-type
;;; implementation of a function which checks the type of its argument.
;; Until then this toy version should be good enough for some testing.
(warn "FIXME: This is just a toy stub CTYPE-NEEDS-TO-BE-INTERPRETED-P.")
(not (or (position (type-specifier ctype)
- *typecheckfun-standard-typespecs*
+ *common-typespecs*
:test #'equal)
(member-type-p ctype)
(numeric-type-p ctype)
;;; The name is slightly misleading, since some cases are memoized, so
;;; we might reuse a value which was made earlier instead of creating
;;; a new one from scratch.
-(declaim (ftype (function (t) function) make-typecheckfun))
-(defun make-typecheckfun (typespec)
+(declaim (ftype (function (t) function) typespec-typecheckfun))
+(defun typespec-typecheckfun (typespec)
;; a general-purpose default case, hopefully overridden by the
;; DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO implementation
(interpreted-typecheckfun typespec))
;;; If we know the value of the typespec at compile time, we might
;;; well be able to avoid interpreting it at runtime.
-(define-compiler-macro make-typecheckfun (&whole whole typespec-form)
+(define-compiler-macro typespec-typecheckfun (&whole whole typespec-form)
(if (and (consp typespec-form)
(eql (first typespec-form) 'quote))
(let* ((typespec (second typespec-form))
;; Unless we know that the function is already in the
;; memoization cache
- ,@(unless (ctype-is-standard-typecheckfun-type-p ctype)
+ ,@(unless (ctype-is-common-typecheckfun-type-p ctype)
;; Note that we're arranging for the
;; UNMEMOIZED-TYPECHECKFUN argument value to be
;; constructed at compile time. This means the