+++ /dev/null
-;;;; This file represents the current state of on-going development on
-;;;; compiler hooks for an interpreter that takes the compiler's IR1 of
-;;;; a program.
-;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
-;;;; more information.
-;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
-;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
-;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
-;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
-;;;; files for more information.
-(in-package "SB!C")
-;;; FIXME: Doesn't this belong somewhere else, like early-c.lisp?
-(declaim (special *constants* *free-variables* *component-being-compiled*
- *code-vector* *next-location* *result-fixups*
- *free-functions* *source-paths* *failed-optimizations*
- *seen-blocks* *seen-functions* *list-conflicts-table*
- *continuation-number* *continuation-numbers*
- *number-continuations* *tn-id* *tn-ids* *id-tns*
- *label-ids* *label-id* *id-labels*
- *compiler-error-count* *compiler-warning-count*
- *compiler-style-warning-count* *compiler-note-count*
- *compiler-error-bailout*
- #!+sb-show *compiler-trace-output*
- *last-source-context* *last-original-source*
- *last-source-form* *last-format-string* *last-format-args*
- *last-message-count* *check-consistency*
- *all-components* *converting-for-interpreter*
- *source-info* *block-compile* *current-path*
- *current-component* *lexenv*))
-;;; Translate form into the compiler's IR1 and perform environment
-;;; analysis. This is sort of a combination of COMPILE-FILE,
-(defun compile-for-eval (form)
- (with-ir1-namespace
- (let* ((*block-compile* nil)
- (*lexenv* (make-null-lexenv))
- (*compiler-error-bailout*
- #'(lambda () (error "fatal error, aborting evaluation")))
- (*current-path* nil)
- (*last-source-context* nil)
- (*last-original-source* nil)
- (*last-source-form* nil)
- (*last-format-string* nil)
- (*last-format-args* nil)
- (*last-message-count* 0)
- ;; These are now bound by WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT. -- WHN 20000308
- #+nil (*compiler-error-count* 0)
- #+nil (*compiler-warning-count* 0)
- #+nil (*compiler-style-warning-count* 0)
- #+nil (*compiler-note-count* 0)
- (*source-info* (make-lisp-source-info form))
- (*converting-for-interpreter* t)
- (*gensym-counter* 0)
- (*warnings-p* nil)
- (*failure-p* nil))
- (clear-stuff nil)
- (find-source-paths form 0)
- ;; This LET comes from COMPILE-TOP-LEVEL.
- ;; The noted DOLIST is a splice from a call that COMPILE-TOP-LEVEL makes.
- (sb!xc:with-compilation-unit ()
- (let ((lambdas (list (ir1-top-level form
- '(original-source-start 0 0)
- t))))
- (declare (list lambdas))
- (dolist (lambda lambdas)
- (let* ((component
- (block-component (node-block (lambda-bind lambda))))
- (*all-components* (list component)))
- (local-call-analyze component)))
- (multiple-value-bind (components top-components)
- (find-initial-dfo lambdas)
- (let ((*all-components* (append components top-components)))
- (when *check-consistency*
- (check-ir1-consistency *all-components*))
- ;; This DOLIST body comes from the beginning of
- (dolist (component *all-components*)
- (ir1-finalize component)
- (let ((*component-being-compiled* component))
- (environment-analyze component))
- (annotate-component-for-eval component))
- (when *check-consistency*
- (check-ir1-consistency *all-components*))))
- (car lambdas))))))
-;;;; annotating IR1 for interpretation
-(defstruct (lambda-eval-info (:constructor make-lambda-eval-info
- (frame-size args-passed entries))
- (:copier nil))
- frame-size ; number of stack locations needed to hold locals
- args-passed ; number of referenced arguments passed to lambda
- entries ; a-list mapping entry nodes to stack locations
- (function nil)) ; a function object corresponding to this lambda
-(def!method print-object ((obj lambda-eval-info) str)
- (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t)))
-(defstruct (entry-node-info (:constructor make-entry-node-info
- (st-top nlx-tag))
- (:copier nil))
- st-top ; stack top when we encounter the entry node
- nlx-tag) ; tag to which to throw to get back entry node's context
-(def!method print-object ((obj entry-node-info) str)
- (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t)))
-;;; Some compiler funny functions have definitions, so the interpreter
-;;; can call them. These require special action to coordinate the
-;;; interpreter, system call stack, and the environment. The
-;;; annotation prepass marks the references to these as :UNUSED, so
-;;; the interpreter doesn't try to fetch functions through these
-;;; undefined symbols.
-(defconstant undefined-funny-funs
- '(%special-bind %special-unbind %more-arg-context %unknown-values %catch
- %unwind-protect %catch-breakup %unwind-protect-breakup
- %lexical-exit-breakup %continue-unwind %nlx-entry))
-;;; Some kinds of functions are only passed as arguments to funny
-;;; functions, and are never actually evaluated at run time.
-(defconstant non-closed-function-kinds '(:cleanup :escape))
-;;; This annotates continuations, lambda-vars, and lambdas. For each
-;;; continuation, we cache how its destination uses its value. This
-;;; only buys efficiency when the code executes more than once, but
-;;; the overhead of this part of the prepass for code executed only
-;;; once should be negligible.
-;;; As a special case to aid interpreting local function calls, we
-;;; sometimes note the continuation as :unused. This occurs when there
-;;; is a local call, and there is no actual function object to call;
-;;; we mark the continuation as :unused since there is nothing to push
-;;; on the interpreter's stack. Normally we would see a reference to a
-;;; function that we would push on the stack to later pop and apply to
-;;; the arguments on the stack. To determine when we have a local call
-;;; with no real function object, we look at the node to see whether
-;;; it is a reference with a destination that is a :local combination
-;;; whose function is the reference node's continuation.
-;;; After checking for virtual local calls, we check for funny
-;;; functions the compiler refers to for calling to note certain
-;;; operations. These functions are undefined, and if the interpreter
-;;; tried to reference the function cells of these symbols, it would
-;;; get an error. We mark the continuations delivering the values of
-;;; these references as :unused, so the reference never takes place.
-;;; For each lambda-var, including a LAMBDA's vars and its LET's vars,
-;;; we note the stack offset used to access and store that variable.
-;;; Then we note the lambda with the total number of variables, so we
-;;; know how big its stack frame is. Also in the lambda's info is the
-;;; number of its arguments that it actually references; the
-;;; interpreter never pushes or pops an unreferenced argument, so we
-;;; can't just use LENGTH on LAMBDA-VARS to know how many args the
-;;; caller passed.
-;;; For each entry node in a lambda, we associate in the
-;;; lambda-eval-info the entry node with a stack offset. Evaluation
-;;; code stores the frame pointer in this slot upon processing the
-;;; entry node to aid stack cleanup and correct frame manipulation
-;;; when processing exit nodes.
-(defun annotate-component-for-eval (component)
- (do-blocks (b component)
- (do-nodes (node cont b)
- (let* ((dest (continuation-dest cont))
- (refp (typep node 'ref))
- (leaf (if refp (ref-leaf node))))
- (setf (continuation-info cont)
- (cond ((and refp dest (typep dest 'basic-combination)
- (eq (basic-combination-kind dest) :local)
- (eq (basic-combination-fun dest) cont))
- :unused)
- ((and leaf (typep leaf 'global-var)
- (eq (global-var-kind leaf) :global-function)
- (member (sb!c::global-var-name leaf)
- undefined-funny-funs
- :test #'eq))
- :unused)
- ((and leaf (typep leaf 'clambda)
- (member (functional-kind leaf)
- non-closed-function-kinds))
- (aver (not (eq (functional-kind leaf) :escape)))
- :unused)
- (t
- (typecase dest
- ;; Change locations in eval.lisp that think
- ;; :RETURN could occur.
- ((or mv-combination creturn exit) :multiple)
- (null :unused)
- (t :single))))))))
- (dolist (lambda (component-lambdas component))
- (let ((locals-count 0)
- (args-passed-count 0))
- (dolist (var (lambda-vars lambda))
- (setf (leaf-info var) locals-count)
- (incf locals-count)
- (when (leaf-refs var) (incf args-passed-count)))
- (dolist (let (lambda-lets lambda))
- (dolist (var (lambda-vars let))
- (setf (leaf-info var) locals-count)
- (incf locals-count)))
- (let ((entries nil))
- (dolist (e (lambda-entries lambda))
- (ecase (process-entry-node-p e)
- (:blow-it-off)
- (:local-lexical-exit
- (push (cons e (make-entry-node-info locals-count nil))
- entries)
- (incf locals-count))
- (:non-local-lexical-exit
- (push (cons e
- (make-entry-node-info locals-count
- (incf locals-count)))
- entries)
- (incf locals-count))))
- (setf (lambda-info lambda)
- (make-lambda-eval-info locals-count
- args-passed-count
- entries))))))
-(defun process-entry-node-p (entry)
- (let ((entry-cleanup (entry-cleanup entry)))
- (dolist (nlx (environment-nlx-info (node-environment entry))
- :local-lexical-exit)
- (let ((cleanup (nlx-info-cleanup nlx)))
- (when (eq entry-cleanup cleanup)
- (ecase (cleanup-kind cleanup)
- ((:block :tagbody)
- (return :non-local-lexical-exit))
- ((:catch :unwind-protect)
- (return :blow-it-off))))))))
-;;; Sometime consider annotations to exclude processing of exit nodes
-;;; when we want to do a tail-p thing.
-;;;; defining funny functions for interpreter
-%listify-rest-args %more-arg %verify-argument-count %argument-count-error
-%odd-key-arguments-error %unknown-key-argument-error
-(defun %verify-argument-count (supplied-args defined-args)
- (unless (= supplied-args defined-args)
- (error "Wrong argument count, wanted ~D and got ~D."
- defined-args supplied-args))
- (values))
-;;; Use (SETF SYMBOL-FUNCTION) instead of DEFUN so that the compiler
-;;; doesn't try to compile the hidden %THROW MV-CALL in the throw below as
-;;; a local recursive call.
-(setf (symbol-function '%throw)
- #'(lambda (tag &rest args)
- (throw tag (values-list args))))
-(defun %more-arg (args index)
- (nth index args))
-(defun %listify-rest-args (ptr count)
- (declare (ignore count))
- ptr)
-(defun %more-arg-values (args start count)
- (values-list (subseq args start count)))
-(defun %argument-count-error (args-passed-count)
- (error 'simple-program-error
- :format-control "wrong number of arguments passed: ~S"
- :format-arguments (list args-passed-count)))
-(defun %odd-key-arguments-error ()
- (error 'simple-program-error
- :format-control "function called with odd number of &KEY arguments"
- :format-arguments nil))
-(defun %unknown-key-argument-error (key-arg-name)
- (error 'simple-program-error
- :format-control "unknown &KEY argument: ~S"
- :format-arguments (list key-arg-name)))
-(defun %cleanup-point ())
-(defun value-cell-ref (x) (value-cell-ref x))
+++ /dev/null
-;;;; This file contains the IR1 interpreter. We first convert to the
-;;;; compiler's IR1, then interpret that.
-;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
-;;;; more information.
-;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
-;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
-;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
-;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
-;;;; files for more information.
-(in-package "SB!EVAL")
-;;;; interpreter stack
-(defvar *interpreted-function-cache-minimum-size* 25
- #!+sb-doc
- "If the interpreted function cache has more functions than this come GC time,
- then attempt to prune it according to
-(defvar *interpreted-function-cache-threshold* 3
- #!+sb-doc
- "If an interpreted function goes uncalled for more than this many GCs, then
- it is eligible for flushing from the cache.")
-(declaim (type (and fixnum unsigned-byte)
- *interpreted-function-cache-minimum-size*
- *interpreted-function-cache-threshold*))
-;;; The list of INTERPRETED-FUNCTIONs that have translated definitions.
-(defvar *interpreted-function-cache* nil)
-(declaim (type list *interpreted-function-cache*))
-;;;; eval stack stuff
-;;; Setting this causes the stack operations to dump a trace.
-(defvar *eval-stack-trace* nil)
-;;; Push value on *EVAL-STACK*, growing the stack if necessary. This
-;;; returns value. We save *EVAL-STACK-TOP* in a local and increment
-;;; the global before storing value on the stack to prevent a GC
-;;; timing problem. If we stored value on the stack using
-;;; *EVAL-STACK-TOP* as an index, and we GC'ed before incrementing
-;;; *EVAL-STACK-TOP*, then INTERPRETER-GC-HOOK would clear the
-;;; location.
-(defun eval-stack-push (value)
- (let ((len (length (the simple-vector *eval-stack*))))
- (when (= len *eval-stack-top*)
- #!+sb-show (when *eval-stack-trace*
- (format t "[PUSH: growing stack.]~%"))
- (let ((new-stack (make-array (ash len 1))))
- (replace new-stack *eval-stack* :end1 len :end2 len)
- (setf *eval-stack* new-stack))))
- (let ((top *eval-stack-top*))
- #!+sb-show (when *eval-stack-trace* (format t "pushing ~D.~%" top))
- (incf *eval-stack-top*)
- (setf (svref *eval-stack* top) value)))
-;;; Return the last value pushed on *EVAL-STACK* and decrement the top
-;;; pointer. We forego setting elements off the end of the stack to
-;;; nil for GC purposes because there is a *BEFORE-GC-HOOK* to take
-;;; care of this for us. However, because of the GC hook, we must be
-;;; careful to grab the value before decrementing *EVAL-STACK-TOP*
-;;; since we could GC between the decrement and the reference, and the
-;;; hook would clear the stack slot.
-(defun eval-stack-pop ()
- (when (zerop *eval-stack-top*)
- (error "attempt to pop empty eval stack"))
- (let* ((new-top (1- *eval-stack-top*))
- (value (svref *eval-stack* new-top)))
- #!+sb-show (when *eval-stack-trace*
- (format t "popping ~D --> ~S.~%" new-top value))
- (setf *eval-stack-top* new-top)
- value))
-;;; Allocate N locations on the stack, bumping the top pointer and
-;;; growing the stack if necessary. We set new slots to nil in case we
-;;; GC before having set them; we don't want to hold on to potential
-;;; garbage from old stack fluctuations.
-(defun eval-stack-extend (n)
- (let ((len (length (the simple-vector *eval-stack*))))
- (when (> (+ n *eval-stack-top*) len)
- #!+sb-show (when *eval-stack-trace*
- (format t "[EXTEND: growing stack.]~%"))
- (let ((new-stack (make-array (+ n (ash len 1)))))
- (replace new-stack *eval-stack* :end1 len :end2 len)
- (setf *eval-stack* new-stack))))
- (let ((new-top (+ *eval-stack-top* n)))
- #!+sb-show (when *eval-stack-trace*
- (format t "extending to ~D.~%" new-top))
- (do ((i *eval-stack-top* (1+ i)))
- ((= i new-top))
- (setf (svref *eval-stack* i) nil))
- (setf *eval-stack-top* new-top)))
-;;; the antithesis of EVAL-STACK-EXTEND
-(defun eval-stack-shrink (n)
- #!+sb-show (when *eval-stack-trace*
- (format t "shrinking to ~D.~%" (- *eval-stack-top* n)))
- (decf *eval-stack-top* n))
-;;; This is used to shrink the stack back to a previous frame pointer.
-(defun eval-stack-reset-top (ptr)
- #!+sb-show (when *eval-stack-trace*
- (format t "setting top to ~D.~%" ptr))
- (setf *eval-stack-top* ptr))
-;;; Return a local variable from the current stack frame. This is used
-;;; for references the compiler represents as a lambda-var leaf. It is
-;;; a macro as a quick and dirty way of making it SETFable.
-;;; FIXME: used only in this file, needn't be in runtime
-(defmacro eval-stack-local (fp offset)
- `(svref *eval-stack* (+ ,fp ,offset)))
-;;;; interpreted functions
-;;; the list of INTERPRETED-FUNCTIONs that have translated definitions
-(defvar *interpreted-function-cache* nil)
-(declaim (type list *interpreted-function-cache*))
-;;; Return a function that will lazily convert LAMBDA when called, and
-;;; will cache translations.
-(defun make-interpreted-function (lambda)
- (let ((res (%make-interpreted-function :lambda lambda
- :arglist (second lambda))))
- (setf (funcallable-instance-function res)
- #'(instance-lambda (&rest args)
- (let ((fun (interpreted-function-definition res))
- (args (cons (length args) args)))
- (setf (interpreted-function-gcs res) 0)
- (internal-apply (or fun (convert-interpreted-fun res))
- args '#()))))
- res))
-;;; Eval a FUNCTION form, grab the definition and stick it in.
-(defun convert-interpreted-fun (fun)
- (declare (type interpreted-function fun))
- (let* ((new (interpreted-function-definition
- (internal-eval `#',(interpreted-function-lambda fun)))))
- (setf (interpreted-function-definition fun) new)
- (setf (interpreted-function-converted-once fun) t)
- (let ((name (interpreted-function-%name fun)))
- (setf (sb!c::leaf-name new) name)
- (setf (sb!c::leaf-name (sb!c::main-entry
- (sb!c::functional-entry-function new)))
- name))
- (push fun *interpreted-function-cache*)
- new))
-;;; Get the CLAMBDA for the XEP, then look at the inline expansion info in
-;;; the real function.
-(defun interpreted-function-lambda-expression (x)
- (let ((lambda (interpreted-function-lambda x)))
- (if lambda
- (values lambda nil (interpreted-function-%name x))
- (let ((fun (sb!c::functional-entry-function
- (interpreted-function-definition x))))
- (values (sb!c::functional-inline-expansion fun)
- (if (let ((env (sb!c::functional-lexenv fun)))
- (or (sb!c::lexenv-functions env)
- (sb!c::lexenv-variables env)
- (sb!c::lexenv-blocks env)
- (sb!c::lexenv-tags env)))
- t nil)
- (or (interpreted-function-%name x)
- (sb!c::component-name
- (sb!c::block-component
- (sb!c::node-block
- (sb!c::lambda-bind (sb!c::main-entry fun)))))))))))
-;;; Return a FUNCTION-TYPE describing an eval function. We just grab the
-;;; LEAF-TYPE of the definition, converting the definition if not currently
-;;; cached.
-(defvar *already-looking-for-type-of* nil)
-(defun interpreted-function-type (fun)
- (if (member fun *already-looking-for-type-of*)
- (specifier-type 'function)
- (let* ((*already-looking-for-type-of*
- (cons fun *already-looking-for-type-of*))
- (def (or (interpreted-function-definition fun)
- (sb!sys:without-gcing
- (convert-interpreted-fun fun)
- (interpreted-function-definition fun)))))
- (sb!c::leaf-type (sb!c::functional-entry-function def)))))
-(defun interpreted-function-name (x)
- (multiple-value-bind (ig1 ig2 res) (interpreted-function-lambda-expression x)
- (declare (ignore ig1 ig2))
- res))
-(defun (setf interpreted-function-name) (val x)
- (let ((def (interpreted-function-definition x)))
- (when def
- (setf (sb!c::leaf-name def) val)
- (setf (sb!c::leaf-name (sb!c::main-entry (sb!c::functional-entry-function
- def)))
- val))
- (setf (interpreted-function-%name x) val)))
-(defun interpreter-gc-hook ()
- ;; Clear the unused portion of the eval stack.
- (let ((len (length (the simple-vector *eval-stack*))))
- (do ((i *eval-stack-top* (1+ i)))
- ((= i len))
- (setf (svref *eval-stack* i) nil)))
- ;; KLUDGE: I'd like to get rid of this, since it adds complexity and causes
- ;; confusion. (It's not just academic that it causes confusion. When working
- ;; on the original cross-compiler, I ran across what looked
- ;; as though it might be a subtle writing-to-the-host-SBCL-compiler-data bug
- ;; in my cross-compiler code, which turned out to be just a case of compiler
- ;; warnings coming from recompilation of a flushed-from-the-cache interpreted
- ;; function. Since it took me a long while to realize how many things the
- ;; problem depended on (since it was tied up with magic numbers of GC cycles,
- ;; egads!) I blew over a day trying to isolate the problem in a small test
- ;; case.
- ;;
- ;; The cache-flushing seems to be motivated by efficiency concerns, which
- ;; seem misplaced when the user chooses to use the interpreter. However, it
- ;; also interacts with SAVE, and I veered off from deleting it wholesale when
- ;; I noticed that. After the whole system is working, though, I'd like to
- ;; revisit this decision. -- WHN 19990713
- (let ((num (- (length *interpreted-function-cache*)
- *interpreted-function-cache-minimum-size*)))
- (when (plusp num)
- (setq *interpreted-function-cache*
- (delete-if #'(lambda (x)
- (when (>= (interpreted-function-gcs x)
- *interpreted-function-cache-threshold*)
- (setf (interpreted-function-definition x) nil)
- t))
- *interpreted-function-cache*
- :count num))))
- (dolist (fun *interpreted-function-cache*)
- (incf (interpreted-function-gcs fun))))
-(pushnew 'interpreter-gc-hook sb!ext:*before-gc-hooks*)
-;;; Clear all entries in the eval function cache. This allows the internal
-;;; representation of the functions to be reclaimed, and also lazily forces
-;;; macroexpansions to be recomputed.
-(defun flush-interpreted-function-cache ()
- (dolist (fun *interpreted-function-cache*)
- (setf (interpreted-function-definition fun) nil))
- (setq *interpreted-function-cache* ()))
-;;;; These macros are intimately related to INTERNAL-APPLY-LOOP. They assume
-;;;; variables established by this function, and they assume they can return
-;;;; from a block by that name. This is sleazy, but we justify it as follows:
-;;;; They are so specialized in use, and their invocation became lengthy, that
-;;;; we allowed them to slime some access to things in their expanding
-;;;; environment. These macros don't really extend our Lisp syntax, but they do
-;;;; provide some template expansion service; it is these cleaner circumstance
-;;;; that require a more rigid programming style.
-;;;; Since these are macros expanded almost solely for COMBINATION nodes,
-;;;; they cascade from the end of this logical page to the beginning here.
-;;;; Therefore, it is best you start looking at them from the end of this
-;;;; section, backwards from normal scanning mode for Lisp code.
-;;; This runs a function on some arguments from the stack. If the combination
-;;; occurs in a tail recursive position, then we do the call such that we
-;;; return from tail-p-function with whatever values the call produces. With a
-;;; :local call, we have to restore the stack to its previous frame before
-;;; doing the call. The :full call mechanism does this for us. If it is NOT a
-;;; tail recursive call, and we're in a multiple value context, then then push
-;;; a list of the returned values. Do the same thing if we're in a :return
-;;; context. Push a single value, without listifying it, for a :single value
-;;; context. Otherwise, just call for side effect.
-;;; Node is the combination node, and cont is its continuation. Frame-ptr
-;;; is the current frame pointer, and closure is the current environment for
-;;; closure variables. Call-type is either :full or :local, and when it is
-;;; local, lambda is the IR1 lambda to apply.
-;;; This assumes the following variables are present: node, cont, frame-ptr,
-;;; and closure. It also assumes a block named internal-apply-loop.
-;;; FIXME: used only in this file, needn't be in runtime
-;;; FIXME: down with DO-FOO names for non-iteration constructs!
-(defmacro do-combination (call-type lambda mv-or-normal)
- (let* ((args (gensym))
- (calling-closure (gensym))
- (invoke-fun (ecase mv-or-normal
- (:mv-call 'mv-internal-invoke)
- (:normal 'internal-invoke)))
- (args-form (ecase mv-or-normal
- (:mv-call
- `(mv-eval-stack-args
- (length (sb!c::mv-combination-args node))))
- (:normal
- `(eval-stack-args (sb!c:lambda-eval-info-args-passed
- (sb!c::lambda-info ,lambda))))))
- (call-form (ecase call-type
- (:full `(,invoke-fun
- (length (sb!c::basic-combination-args node))))
- (:local `(internal-apply
- ,lambda ,args-form
- (compute-closure node ,lambda frame-ptr
- closure)
- nil))))
- (tailp-call-form
- (ecase call-type
- (:full `(return-from
- internal-apply-loop
- ;; INVOKE-FUN takes care of the stack itself.
- (,invoke-fun (length (sb!c::basic-combination-args node))
- frame-ptr)))
- (:local `(let ((,args ,args-form)
- (,calling-closure
- (compute-closure node ,lambda frame-ptr closure)))
- ;; No need to clean up stack slots for GC due to
- (eval-stack-reset-top frame-ptr)
- (return-from
- internal-apply-loop
- (internal-apply ,lambda ,args ,calling-closure
- nil)))))))
- `(cond ((sb!c::node-tail-p node)
- ,tailp-call-form)
- (t
- (ecase (sb!c::continuation-info cont)
- ((:multiple :return)
- (eval-stack-push (multiple-value-list ,call-form)))
- (:single
- (eval-stack-push ,call-form))
- (:unused ,call-form))))))
-;;; This sets the variable block in INTERNAL-APPLY-LOOP, and it announces this
-;;; by setting set-block-p for later loop iteration maintenance.
-;;; FIXME: used only in this file, needn't be in runtime
-(defmacro set-block (exp)
- `(progn
- (setf block ,exp)
- (setf set-block-p t)))
-;;; This sets all the iteration variables in INTERNAL-APPLY-LOOP to iterate
-;;; over a new block's nodes. Block-exp is optional because sometimes we have
-;;; already set block, and we only need to bring the others into agreement.
-;;; If we already set block, then clear the variable that announces this,
-;;; set-block-p.
-;;; FIXME: used only in this file, needn't be in runtime
-(defmacro change-blocks (&optional block-exp)
- `(progn
- ,(if block-exp
- `(setf block ,block-exp)
- `(setf set-block-p nil))
- (setf node (sb!c::continuation-next (sb!c::block-start block)))
- (setf last-cont (sb!c::node-cont (sb!c::block-last block)))))
-;;; This controls printing visited nodes in INTERNAL-APPLY-LOOP. We use it
-;;; here, and INTERNAL-INVOKE uses it to print function call looking output
-;;; to further describe sb!c::combination nodes.
-#!+sb-show (defvar *internal-apply-node-trace* nil)
-(defun maybe-trace-funny-fun (node name &rest args)
- (when *internal-apply-node-trace*
- (format t "(~S ~{ ~S~}) c~S~%"
- name args (sb!c::cont-num (sb!c::node-cont node)))))
-;;; This implements the intention of the virtual function name. This is a
-;;; macro because some of these actions must occur without a function call.
-;;; For example, calling a dispatch function to implement special binding would
-;;; be a no-op because returning from that function would cause the system to
-;;; undo any special bindings it established.
-;;; sb!c::undefined-funny-funs if you add or remove branches in this routine.
-;;; This assumes the following variables are present: node, cont, frame-ptr,
-;;; args, closure, block, and last-cont. It also assumes a block named
-;;; internal-apply-loop.
-;;; FIXME: used only in this file, needn't be in runtime
-;;; FIXME: down with DO-FOO names for non-iteration constructs!
-(defmacro do-funny-function (funny-fun-name)
- (let ((name (gensym)))
- `(let ((,name ,funny-fun-name))
- (ecase ,name
- (sb!c::%special-bind
- (let ((value (eval-stack-pop))
- (global-var (eval-stack-pop)))
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-funny-fun node ,name global-var value)
- (sb!sys:%primitive sb!c:bind
- value
- (sb!c::global-var-name global-var))))
- (sb!c::%special-unbind
- ;; Throw away arg telling me which special, and tell the dynamic
- ;; binding mechanism to unbind one variable.
- (eval-stack-pop)
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-funny-fun node ,name)
- (sb!sys:%primitive sb!c:unbind))
- (sb!c::%catch
- (let* ((tag (eval-stack-pop))
- (nlx-info (eval-stack-pop))
- (fell-through-p nil)
- ;; Ultimately THROW and CATCH will fix the interpreter's stack
- ;; since this is necessary for compiled CATCH's and those in
- ;; the initial top level function.
- (stack-top *eval-stack-top*)
- (values
- (multiple-value-list
- (catch tag
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-funny-fun node ,name tag)
- (multiple-value-setq (block node cont last-cont)
- (internal-apply-loop (sb!c::continuation-next cont)
- frame-ptr lambda args closure))
- (setf fell-through-p t)))))
- (cond (fell-through-p
- ;; We got here because we just saw the SB!C::%CATCH-BREAKUP
- ;; funny function inside the above recursive call to
- ;; INTERNAL-APPLY-LOOP. Therefore, we just received and
- ;; stored the current state of evaluation for falling
- ;; through.
- )
- (t
- ;; Fix up the interpreter's stack after having thrown here.
- ;; We won't need to do this in the final implementation.
- (eval-stack-reset-top stack-top)
- ;; Take the values received in the list bound above, and
- ;; massage them into the form expected by the continuation
- ;; of the non-local-exit info.
- (ecase (sb!c::continuation-info
- (sb!c::nlx-info-continuation nlx-info))
- (:single
- (eval-stack-push (car values)))
- ((:multiple :return)
- (eval-stack-push values))
- (:unused))
- ;; We want to continue with the code after the CATCH body.
- ;; The non-local-exit info tells us where this is, but we
- ;; know that block only contains a call to the funny
- ;; function SB!C::%NLX-ENTRY, which simply is a place holder
- ;; for the compiler IR1. We want to skip the target block
- ;; entirely, so we say it is the block we're in now and say
- ;; the current cont is the last-cont. This makes the COND
- ;; at the end of INTERNAL-APPLY-LOOP do the right thing.
- (setf block (sb!c::nlx-info-target nlx-info))
- (setf cont last-cont)))))
- (sb!c::%unwind-protect
- ;; Cleanup function not pushed due to special-case :UNUSED
- (let* ((nlx-info (eval-stack-pop))
- (fell-through-p nil)
- (stack-top *eval-stack-top*))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-funny-fun node ,name)
- (multiple-value-setq (block node cont last-cont)
- (internal-apply-loop (sb!c::continuation-next cont)
- frame-ptr lambda args closure))
- (setf fell-through-p t))
- (cond (fell-through-p
- ;; We got here because we just saw the
- ;; SB!C::%UNWIND-PROTECT-BREAKUP funny function inside the
- ;; above recursive call to INTERNAL-APPLY-LOOP.
- ;; Therefore, we just received and stored the current
- ;; state of evaluation for falling through.
- )
- (t
- ;; Fix up the interpreter's stack after having thrown
- ;; here. We won't need to do this in the final
- ;; implementation.
- (eval-stack-reset-top stack-top)
- ;; Push some bogus values for exit context to keep the
- ;; MV-BIND in the UNWIND-PROTECT translation happy.
- (eval-stack-push '(nil nil 0))
- (let ((node (sb!c::continuation-next
- (sb!c::block-start
- (car (sb!c::block-succ
- (sb!c::nlx-info-target nlx-info)))))))
- (internal-apply-loop node frame-ptr lambda args
- closure)))))))
- ((sb!c::%catch-breakup
- sb!c::%unwind-protect-breakup
- sb!c::%continue-unwind)
- ;; This shows up when we locally exit a CATCH body -- fell through.
- ;; Return the current state of evaluation to the previous invocation
- ;; of INTERNAL-APPLY-LOOP which happens to be running in the
- ;; SB!C::%CATCH branch of this code.
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-funny-fun node ,name)
- (return-from internal-apply-loop
- (values block node cont last-cont)))
- (sb!c::%nlx-entry
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-funny-fun node ,name)
- ;; This just marks a spot in the code for CATCH, UNWIND-PROTECT, and
- ;; non-local lexical exits (GO or RETURN-FROM).
- ;; Do nothing since sb!c::%catch does it all when it catches a THROW.
- ;; Do nothing since sb!c::%unwind-protect does it all when
- ;; it catches a THROW.
- )
- (sb!c::%more-arg-context
- (let* ((fixed-arg-count (1+ (eval-stack-pop)))
- ;; Add 1 to actual fixed count for extra arg expected by
- ;; external entry points (XEP) which some IR1 lambdas have.
- ;; The extra arg is the number of arguments for arg count
- ;; consistency checking. SB!C::%MORE-ARG-CONTEXT always runs
- ;; within an XEP, so the lambda has an extra arg.
- (more-args (nthcdr fixed-arg-count args)))
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-funny-fun node ,name fixed-arg-count)
- (aver (eq (sb!c::continuation-info cont) :multiple))
- (eval-stack-push (list more-args (length more-args)))))
- (sb!c::%unknown-values
- (error "SB!C::%UNKNOWN-VALUES should never be in interpreter's IR1."))
- (sb!c::%lexical-exit-breakup
- ;; We see this whenever we locally exit the extent of a lexical
- ;; target. That is, we are truly locally exiting an extent we could
- ;; have non-locally lexically exited. Return the :fell-through flag
- ;; and the current state of evaluation to the previous invocation
- ;; of INTERNAL-APPLY-LOOP which happens to be running in the
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-funny-fun node ,name)
- ;; Discard the NLX-INFO arg...
- (eval-stack-pop)
- (return-from internal-apply-loop
- (values :fell-through block node cont last-cont)))))))
-;;; This expands for the two types of combination nodes INTERNAL-APPLY-LOOP
-;;; sees. Type is either :mv-call or :normal. Node is the combination node,
-;;; and cont is its continuation. Frame-ptr is the current frame pointer, and
-;;; closure is the current environment for closure variables.
-;;; Most of the real work is done by DO-COMBINATION. This first determines if
-;;; the combination node describes a :full call which DO-COMBINATION directly
-;;; handles. If the call is :local, then we either invoke an IR1 lambda, or we
-;;; just bind some LET variables. If the call is :local, and type is :mv-call,
-;;; then we can only be binding multiple values. Otherwise, the combination
-;;; node describes a function known to the compiler, but this may be a funny
-;;; function that actually isn't ever defined. We either take some action for
-;;; the funny function or do a :full call on the known true function, but the
-;;; interpreter doesn't do optimizing stuff for functions known to the
-;;; compiler.
-;;; This assumes the following variables are present: node, cont, frame-ptr,
-;;; and closure. It also assumes a block named internal-apply-loop.
-;;; FIXME: used only in this file, needn't be in runtime
-(defmacro combination-node (type)
- (let* ((kind (gensym))
- (fun (gensym))
- (lambda (gensym))
- (letp (gensym))
- (letp-bind (ecase type
- (:mv-call nil)
- (:normal
- `((,letp (eq (sb!c::functional-kind ,lambda) :let))))))
- (local-branch
- (ecase type
- (:mv-call
- `(store-mv-let-vars ,lambda frame-ptr
- (length (sb!c::mv-combination-args node))))
- (:normal
- `(if ,letp
- (store-let-vars ,lambda frame-ptr)
- (do-combination :local ,lambda ,type))))))
- `(let ((,kind (sb!c::basic-combination-kind node))
- (,fun (sb!c::basic-combination-fun node)))
- (cond ((member ,kind '(:full :error))
- (do-combination :full nil ,type))
- ((eq ,kind :local)
- (let* ((,lambda (sb!c::ref-leaf (sb!c::continuation-use ,fun)))
- ,@letp-bind)
- ,local-branch))
- ((eq (sb!c::continuation-info ,fun) :unused)
- (aver (typep ,kind 'sb!c::function-info))
- (do-funny-function (sb!c::continuation-function-name ,fun)))
- (t
- (aver (typep ,kind 'sb!c::function-info))
- (do-combination :full nil ,type))))))
-;;; Evaluate an arbitary form. We convert the form, then call internal
-;;; APPLY on it. If *ALREADY-EVALED-THIS* is true, then we bind it to
-;;; NIL around the apply to limit the inhibition to the lexical scope
-;;; of the EVAL-WHEN.
-(defun sb!eval:internal-eval (form)
- (let ((res (sb!c:compile-for-eval form)))
- (if *already-evaled-this*
- (let ((*already-evaled-this* nil))
- (internal-apply res nil '#()))
- (internal-apply res nil '#()))))
-;;; This passes on a node's value appropriately, possibly returning from
-;;; function to do so. When we are tail-p, don't push the value, return it on
-;;; the system's actual call stack; when we blow out of function this way, we
-;;; must return the interpreter's stack to the its state before this call to
-;;; function. When we're in a multiple value context or heading for a return
-;;; node, we push a list of the value for easier handling later. Otherwise,
-;;; just push the value on the interpreter's stack.
-;;; FIXME: maybe used only in this file, if so, needn't be in runtime
-(defmacro value (node info value frame-ptr function)
- `(cond ((sb!c::node-tail-p ,node)
- (eval-stack-reset-top ,frame-ptr)
- (return-from ,function ,value))
- ((member ,info '(:multiple :return) :test #'eq)
- (eval-stack-push (list ,value)))
- (t (aver (eq ,info :single))
- (eval-stack-push ,value))))
-(defun maybe-trace-nodes (node)
- (when *internal-apply-node-trace*
- (format t "<~A-node> c~S~%"
- (type-of node)
- (sb!c::cont-num (sb!c::node-cont node)))))
-;;; Interpret LAMBDA, a compiler IR1 data structure representing a
-;;; function, applying it to ARGS. CLOSURE is the environment in which
-;;; to run LAMBDA, the variables and such closed over to form LAMBDA.
-;;; The call occurs on the interpreter's stack, so save the current
-;;; top and extend the stack for this lambda's call frame. Then store
-;;; the args into locals on the stack.
-;;; ARGS is the list of arguments to apply to. If IGNORE-UNUSED is
-;;; true, then values for un-read variables are present in the
-;;; argument list, and must be discarded (always true except in a
-;;; local call.) ARGS may run out of values before VARS runs out of
-;;; variables (in the case of an XEP with optionals); we just do CAR
-;;; of NIL and store NIL. This is not the proper defaulting (which is
-;;; done by explicit code in the XEP.)
-(defun internal-apply (lambda args closure &optional (ignore-unused t))
- (let ((frame-ptr *eval-stack-top*))
- (eval-stack-extend (sb!c:lambda-eval-info-frame-size (sb!c::lambda-info lambda)))
- (do ((vars (sb!c::lambda-vars lambda) (cdr vars))
- (args args))
- ((null vars))
- (let ((var (car vars)))
- (cond ((sb!c::leaf-refs var)
- (setf (eval-stack-local frame-ptr (sb!c::lambda-var-info var))
- (if (sb!c::lambda-var-indirect var)
- (sb!c::make-value-cell (pop args))
- (pop args))))
- (ignore-unused (pop args)))))
- (internal-apply-loop (sb!c::lambda-bind lambda) frame-ptr lambda args
- closure)))
-;;; This does the work of INTERNAL-APPLY. This also calls itself
-;;; recursively for certain language features, such as CATCH. First is
-;;; the node at which to start interpreting. FRAME-PTR is the current
-;;; frame pointer for accessing local variables. LAMBDA is the IR1
-;;; lambda from which comes the nodes a given call to this function
-;;; processes, and CLOSURE is the environment for interpreting LAMBDA.
-;;; ARGS is the argument list for the lambda given to INTERNAL-APPLY,
-;;; and we have to carry it around with us in case of &more-arg or
-;;; &rest-arg processing which is represented explicitly in the
-;;; compiler's IR1.
-;;; KLUDGE: Due to having a truly tail recursive interpreter, some of
-;;; the branches handling a given node need to RETURN-FROM this
-;;; routine. Also, some calls this makes to do work for it must occur
-;;; in tail recursive positions. Because of this required access to
-;;; this function lexical environment and calling positions, we often
-;;; are unable to break off logical chunks of code into functions. We
-;;; have written macros intended solely for use in this routine, and
-;;; due to all the local stuff they need to access and length complex
-;;; calls, we have written them to sleazily access locals from this
-;;; routine. In addition to assuming a block named internal-apply-loop
-;;; exists, they set and reference the following variables: NODE,
-;;; FIXME: Perhaps this kludge could go away if we convert to a
-;;; compiler-only implementation?
-(defun internal-apply-loop (first frame-ptr lambda args closure)
- ;; FIXME: This will cause source code location information to be compiled
- ;; into the executable, which will probably cause problems for users running
- ;; without the sources and/or without the build-the-system readtable.
- (declare (optimize (debug 2)))
- (let* ((block (sb!c::node-block first))
- (last-cont (sb!c::node-cont (sb!c::block-last block)))
- (node first)
- (set-block-p nil))
- (loop
- (let ((cont (sb!c::node-cont node)))
- (etypecase node
- (sb!c::ref
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-nodes node)
- (let ((info (sb!c::continuation-info cont)))
- (unless (eq info :unused)
- (value node info (leaf-value node frame-ptr closure)
- frame-ptr internal-apply-loop))))
- (sb!c::combination
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-nodes node)
- (combination-node :normal))
- (sb!c::cif
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-nodes node)
- ;; IF nodes always occur at the end of a block, so pick another.
- (set-block (if (eval-stack-pop)
- (sb!c::if-consequent node)
- (sb!c::if-alternative node))))
- (sb!c::bind
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-nodes node)
- ;; Ignore bind nodes since INTERNAL-APPLY extends the
- ;; stack for all of a lambda's locals, and the
- ;; SB!C::COMBINATION branch handles LET binds (moving
- ;; values off stack top into locals).
- )
- (sb!c::cset
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-nodes node)
- (let ((info (sb!c::continuation-info cont))
- (res (set-leaf-value node frame-ptr closure
- (eval-stack-pop))))
- (unless (eq info :unused)
- (value node info res frame-ptr internal-apply-loop))))
- (sb!c::entry
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-nodes node)
- (let ((info (cdr (assoc node (sb!c:lambda-eval-info-entries
- (sb!c::lambda-info lambda))))))
- ;; No info means no-op entry for CATCH or UNWIND-PROTECT.
- (when info
- ;; Store stack top for restoration in local exit
- ;; situation in SB!C::EXIT branch.
- (setf (eval-stack-local frame-ptr
- (sb!c:entry-node-info-st-top info))
- *eval-stack-top*)
- (let ((tag (sb!c:entry-node-info-nlx-tag info)))
- (when tag
- ;; Non-local lexical exit (someone closed over a
- ;; GO tag or BLOCK name).
- (let ((unique-tag (cons nil nil))
- values)
- (setf (eval-stack-local frame-ptr tag) unique-tag)
- (if (eq cont last-cont)
- (change-blocks (car (sb!c::block-succ block)))
- (setf node (sb!c::continuation-next cont)))
- (loop
- (multiple-value-setq (values block node cont last-cont)
- (catch unique-tag
- (internal-apply-loop node frame-ptr
- lambda args closure)))
- (when (eq values :fell-through)
- ;; Interpreting state is set with MV-SETQ above.
- ;; Just get out of this branch and go on.
- (return))
- (unless (eq values :non-local-go)
- ;; We know we're non-locally exiting from a
- ;; BLOCK with values (saw a RETURN-FROM).
- (ecase (sb!c::continuation-info cont)
- (:single
- (eval-stack-push (car values)))
- ((:multiple :return)
- (eval-stack-push values))
- (:unused)))
- ;; Start interpreting again at the target, skipping
- ;; the %NLX-ENTRY block.
- (setf node
- (sb!c::continuation-next
- (sb!c::block-start
- (car (sb!c::block-succ block))))))))))))
- (sb!c::exit
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-nodes node)
- (let* ((incoming-values (sb!c::exit-value node))
- (values (if incoming-values (eval-stack-pop))))
- (cond
- ((eq (sb!c::lambda-environment lambda)
- (sb!c::block-environment
- (sb!c::node-block (sb!c::exit-entry node))))
- ;; Local exit.
- ;; Fixup stack top and massage values for destination.
- (eval-stack-reset-top
- (eval-stack-local frame-ptr
- (sb!c:entry-node-info-st-top
- (cdr (assoc (sb!c::exit-entry node)
- (sb!c:lambda-eval-info-entries
- (sb!c::lambda-info lambda)))))))
- (ecase (sb!c::continuation-info cont)
- (:single
- (aver incoming-values)
- (eval-stack-push (car values)))
- ((:multiple :return)
- (aver incoming-values)
- (eval-stack-push values))
- (:unused)))
- (t
- (let ((info (sb!c::find-nlx-info (sb!c::exit-entry node)
- cont)))
- (throw
- (svref closure
- (position info
- (sb!c::environment-closure
- (sb!c::node-environment node))
- :test #'eq))
- (if incoming-values
- (values values (sb!c::nlx-info-target info) nil cont)
- (values :non-local-go (sb!c::nlx-info-target info)))))))))
- (sb!c::creturn
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-nodes node)
- (let ((values (eval-stack-pop)))
- (eval-stack-reset-top frame-ptr)
- (return-from internal-apply-loop (values-list values))))
- (sb!c::mv-combination
- #!+sb-show (maybe-trace-nodes node)
- (combination-node :mv-call)))
- ;; See function doc below.
- (reference-this-var-to-keep-it-alive node)
- (reference-this-var-to-keep-it-alive frame-ptr)
- (reference-this-var-to-keep-it-alive closure)
- (cond ((not (eq cont last-cont))
- (setf node (sb!c::continuation-next cont)))
- ;; Currently only the last node in a block causes this loop to
- ;; change blocks, so we never just go to the next node when
- ;; the current node's branch tried to change blocks.
- (set-block-p
- (change-blocks))
- (t
- ;; CIF nodes set the block for us, but other last
- ;; nodes do not.
- (change-blocks (car (sb!c::block-succ block)))))))))
-;;; This function allows a reference to a variable that the compiler cannot
-;;; easily eliminate as unnecessary. We use this at the end of the node
-;;; dispatch in INTERNAL-APPLY-LOOP to make sure the node variable has a
-;;; valid value. Each node branch tends to reference it at the beginning,
-;;; and then there is no reference but a set at the end; the compiler then
-;;; kills the variable between the reference in the dispatch branch and when
-;;; we set it at the end. The problem is that most error will occur in the
-;;; interpreter within one of these node dispatch branches.
-(defun reference-this-var-to-keep-it-alive (node)
- node)
-;;; This sets a SB!C::CSET node's var to value, returning value. When
-;;; var is local, we have to compare its home environment to the
-;;; current one, node's environment. If they're the same, we check to
-;;; see whether the var is indirect, and store the value on the stack
-;;; or in the value cell as appropriate. Otherwise, var is a closure
-;;; variable, and since we're setting it, we know its location
-;;; contains an indirect value object.
-(defun set-leaf-value (node frame-ptr closure value)
- (let ((var (sb!c::set-var node)))
- (etypecase var
- (sb!c::lambda-var
- (set-leaf-value-lambda-var node var frame-ptr closure value))
- (sb!c::global-var
- (setf (symbol-value (sb!c::global-var-name var)) value)))))
-;;; This does SET-LEAF-VALUE for a LAMBDA-VAR leaf. The debugger tools'
-;;; internals use this also to set interpreted local variables.
-(defun set-leaf-value-lambda-var (node var frame-ptr closure value)
- ;; Note: We avoid trying to set a lexical variable with no refs
- ;; because the compiler deletes such variables.
- (when (sb!c::leaf-refs var)
- (let ((env (sb!c::node-environment node)))
- (cond ((not (eq (sb!c::lambda-environment (sb!c::lambda-var-home var))
- env))
- (sb!c::value-cell-set
- (svref closure
- (position var (sb!c::environment-closure env)
- :test #'eq))
- value))
- ((sb!c::lambda-var-indirect var)
- (sb!c::value-cell-set
- (eval-stack-local frame-ptr (sb!c::lambda-var-info var))
- value))
- (t
- (setf (eval-stack-local frame-ptr (sb!c::lambda-var-info var))
- value))))))
-;;; This figures out how to return a value for a ref node. LEAF is the
-;;; ref's structure that tells us about the value, and it is one of
-;;; the following types:
-;;; constant -- It knows its own value.
-;;; global-var -- It's either a value or function reference. Get it right.
-;;; local-var -- This may on the stack or in the current closure, the
-;;; environment for the lambda INTERNAL-APPLY is currently
-;;; executing. If the leaf's home environment is the same
-;;; as the node's home environment, then the value is on the
-;;; stack, else it's in the closure since it came from another
-;;; environment. Whether the var comes from the stack or the
-;;; closure, it could have come from a closure, and it could
-;;; have been closed over for setting. When this happens, the
-;;; actual value is stored in an indirection object, so
-;;; indirect. See COMPUTE-CLOSURE for the description of
-;;; the structure of the closure argument to this function.
-;;; functional -- This is a reference to an interpreted function that may
-;;; be passed or called anywhere. We return a real function
-;;; that calls INTERNAL-APPLY, closing over the leaf. We also
-;;; have to compute a closure, running environment, for the
-;;; lambda in case it references stuff in the current
-;;; environment. If the closure is empty and there is no
-;;; functional environment, then we use
-;;; MAKE-INTERPRETED-FUNCTION to make a cached translation.
-;;; Since it is too late to lazily convert, we set up the
-;;; INTERPRETED-FUNCTION to be already converted.
-(defun leaf-value (node frame-ptr closure)
- (let ((leaf (sb!c::ref-leaf node)))
- (etypecase leaf
- (sb!c::constant
- (sb!c::constant-value leaf))
- (sb!c::global-var
- (locally (declare (optimize (safety 1)))
- (if (eq (sb!c::global-var-kind leaf) :global-function)
- (let ((name (sb!c::global-var-name leaf)))
- (if (symbolp name)
- (symbol-function name)
- (fdefinition name)))
- (symbol-value (sb!c::global-var-name leaf)))))
- (sb!c::lambda-var
- (leaf-value-lambda-var node leaf frame-ptr closure))
- (sb!c::functional
- (let* ((calling-closure (compute-closure node leaf frame-ptr closure))
- (real-fun (sb!c::functional-entry-function leaf))
- (arg-doc (sb!c::functional-arg-documentation real-fun)))
- (cond ((sb!c:lambda-eval-info-function (sb!c::leaf-info leaf)))
- ((and (zerop (length calling-closure))
- (null (sb!c::lexenv-functions
- (sb!c::functional-lexenv real-fun))))
- (let ((res (make-interpreted-function
- (sb!c::functional-inline-expansion real-fun))))
- (push res *interpreted-function-cache*)
- (setf (interpreted-function-definition res) leaf)
- (setf (interpreted-function-converted-once res) t)
- (setf (interpreted-function-arglist res) arg-doc)
- (setf (interpreted-function-%name res)
- (sb!c::leaf-name real-fun))
- (setf (sb!c:lambda-eval-info-function
- (sb!c::leaf-info leaf)) res)
- res))
- (t
- (let ((res (%make-interpreted-function
- :definition leaf
- :%name (sb!c::leaf-name real-fun)
- :arglist arg-doc
- :closure calling-closure)))
- (setf (funcallable-instance-function res)
- #'(instance-lambda (&rest args)
- (declare (list args))
- (internal-apply
- (interpreted-function-definition res)
- (cons (length args) args)
- (interpreted-function-closure res))))
- res))))))))
-;;; This does LEAF-VALUE for a lambda-var leaf. The debugger tools' internals
-;;; uses this also to reference interpreted local variables.
-(defun leaf-value-lambda-var (node leaf frame-ptr closure)
- (let* ((env (sb!c::node-environment node))
- (temp
- (if (eq (sb!c::lambda-environment (sb!c::lambda-var-home leaf))
- env)
- (eval-stack-local frame-ptr (sb!c::lambda-var-info leaf))
- (svref closure
- (position leaf (sb!c::environment-closure env)
- :test #'eq)))))
- (if (sb!c::lambda-var-indirect leaf)
- (sb!c::value-cell-ref temp)
- temp)))
-;;; Compute a closure for a local call and for returned call'able
-;;; closure objects. Sometimes the closure is a SIMPLE-VECTOR of no
-;;; elements. NODE is either a reference node or a combination node.
-;;; LEAF is either the leaf of the reference node or the lambda to
-;;; internally apply for the combination node. FRAME-PTR is the
-;;; current frame pointer for fetching current values to store in the
-;;; closure. CLOSURE is the current closure, the closed-over
-;;; environment of the currently interpreting LAMBDA.
-;;; A computed closure is a vector corresponding to the list of
-;;; closure variables described in an environment. The position of a
-;;; lambda-var in this closure list is the index into the closure
-;;; vector of values.
-(defun compute-closure (node leaf frame-ptr closure)
- (let* ((current-env (sb!c::node-environment node))
- (current-closure-vars (sb!c::environment-closure current-env))
- ;; FUNCTIONAL-ENV is the environment description for leaf,
- ;; the lambda for which we're computing a closure. This
- ;; environment describes which of lambda's vars we find in
- ;; lambda's closure when it's running, versus finding them on
- ;; the stack.
- (functional-env (sb!c::lambda-environment leaf))
- (functional-closure-vars (sb!c::environment-closure functional-env))
- (functional-closure (make-array (length functional-closure-vars))))
- ;; For each lambda-var VAR in the functional environment's closure
- ;; list, if the VAR's home environment is the current environment,
- ;; then get a value off the stack and store it in the closure
- ;; we're computing. Otherwise VAR's value comes from somewhere
- ;; else, but we have it in our current closure, the environment
- ;; we're running in as we compute this new closure. Find this
- ;; value the same way we do in LEAF-VALUE, by finding VAR's
- ;; position in the current environment's description of the
- ;; current closure.
- (do ((vars functional-closure-vars (cdr vars))
- (i 0 (1+ i)))
- ((null vars))
- (let ((ele (car vars)))
- (setf (svref functional-closure i)
- (etypecase ele
- (sb!c::lambda-var
- (if (eq (sb!c::lambda-environment (sb!c::lambda-var-home ele))
- current-env)
- (eval-stack-local frame-ptr (sb!c::lambda-var-info ele))
- (svref closure
- (position ele current-closure-vars
- :test #'eq))))
- (sb!c::nlx-info
- (if (eq (sb!c::block-environment (sb!c::nlx-info-target ele))
- current-env)
- (eval-stack-local
- frame-ptr
- (sb!c:entry-node-info-nlx-tag
- (cdr (assoc ;; entry node for non-local extent
- (sb!c::cleanup-mess-up
- (sb!c::nlx-info-cleanup ele))
- (sb!c::lambda-eval-info-entries
- (sb!c::lambda-info
- ;; the lambda INTERNAL-APPLY-LOOP tosses around
- (sb!c::environment-function
- (sb!c::node-environment node))))))))
- (svref closure
- (position ele current-closure-vars
- :test #'eq))))))))
- functional-closure))
-;;; INTERNAL-APPLY uses this to invoke a function from the
-;;; interpreter's stack on some arguments also taken from the stack.
-;;; When tail-p is non-nil, control does not return to INTERNAL-APPLY
-;;; to further interpret the current IR1 lambda, so INTERNAL-INVOKE
-;;; must clean up the current interpreter's stack frame.
-(defun internal-invoke (arg-count &optional tailp)
- (let ((args (eval-stack-args arg-count)) ;LET says this init form runs first.
- (fun (eval-stack-pop)))
- (when tailp (eval-stack-reset-top tailp))
- #!+sb-show (when *internal-apply-node-trace*
- (format t "(~S~{ ~S~})~%" fun args))
- (apply fun args)))
-;;; This is almost just like INTERNAL-INVOKE. We call
-;;; MV-EVAL-STACK-ARGS, and our function is in a list on the stack
-;;; instead of simply on the stack.
-(defun mv-internal-invoke (arg-count &optional tailp)
- (let ((args (mv-eval-stack-args arg-count)) ; LET runs this init form first.
- (fun (car (eval-stack-pop))))
- (when tailp (eval-stack-reset-top tailp))
- #!+sb-show (when *internal-apply-node-trace*
- (format t "(~S~{ ~S~})~%" fun args))
- (apply fun args)))
-;;; Return a list of the top arg-count elements on the interpreter's
-;;; stack. This removes them from the stack.
-(defun eval-stack-args (arg-count)
- (let ((args nil))
- (dotimes (i arg-count args)
- (push (eval-stack-pop) args))))
-;;; This assumes the top count elements on interpreter's stack are
-;;; lists. This returns a single list with all the elements from these
-;;; lists.
-(defun mv-eval-stack-args (count)
- (if (= count 1)
- (eval-stack-pop)
- (let ((last (eval-stack-pop)))
- (dotimes (i (1- count))
- (let ((next (eval-stack-pop)))
- (setf last
- (if next (nconc next last) last))))
- last)))
-;;; This stores lambda's vars, stack locals, from values popped off the stack.
-;;; When a var has no references, the compiler computes IR1 such that the
-;;; continuation delivering the value for the unreference var appears unused.
-;;; Because of this, the interpreter drops the value on the floor instead of
-;;; saving it on the stack for binding, so we only pop a value when the var has
-;;; some reference. INTERNAL-APPLY uses this for sb!c::combination nodes
-;;; representing LET's.
-;;; When storing the local, if it is indirect, then someone closes over it for
-;;; setting instead of just for referencing. We then store an indirection cell
-;;; with the value, and the referencing code for locals knows how to get the
-;;; actual value.
-(defun store-let-vars (lambda frame-ptr)
- (let* ((vars (sb!c::lambda-vars lambda))
- (args (eval-stack-args (count-if #'sb!c::leaf-refs vars))))
- (declare (list vars args))
- (dolist (v vars)
- (when (sb!c::leaf-refs v)
- (setf (eval-stack-local frame-ptr (sb!c::lambda-var-info v))
- (if (sb!c::lambda-var-indirect v)
- (sb!c::make-value-cell (pop args))
- (pop args)))))))
-;;; This is similar to STORE-LET-VARS, but the values for the locals
-;;; appear on the stack in a list due to forms that delivered multiple
-;;; values to this lambda/let. Unlike STORE-LET-VARS, there is no
-;;; control over the delivery of a value for an unreferenced var, so
-;;; we drop the corresponding value on the floor when no one
-;;; references it. INTERNAL-APPLY uses this for sb!c::mv-combination
-;;; nodes representing LET's.
-(defun store-mv-let-vars (lambda frame-ptr count)
- (aver (= count 1))
- (let ((args (eval-stack-pop)))
- (dolist (v (sb!c::lambda-vars lambda))
- (if (sb!c::leaf-refs v)
- (setf (eval-stack-local frame-ptr (sb!c::lambda-var-info v))
- (if (sb!c::lambda-var-indirect v)
- (sb!c::make-value-cell (pop args))
- (pop args)))
- (pop args)))))
-;;; This stores lambda's vars, stack locals, from multiple values stored on the
-;;; top of the stack in a list. Since these values arrived multiply, there is
-;;; no control over the delivery of each value for an unreferenced var, so
-;;; unlike STORE-LET-VARS, we have values for variables never used. We drop
-;;; the value corresponding to an unreferenced var on the floor.
-;;; INTERNAL-APPLY uses this for sb!c::mv-combination nodes representing LET's.
-;;; IR1 represents variables bound from multiple values in a list in the
-;;; opposite order of the values list. We use STORE-MV-LET-VARS-AUX to recurse
-;;; down the vars list until we bottom out, storing values on the way back up
-;;; the recursion. You must do this instead of NREVERSE'ing the args list, so
-;;; when we run out of values, we store nil's in the correct lambda-vars.
-(defun store-mv-let-vars (lambda frame-ptr count)
- (aver (= count 1))
- (print (sb!c::lambda-vars lambda))
- (store-mv-let-vars-aux frame-ptr (sb!c::lambda-vars lambda) (eval-stack-pop)))
-(defun store-mv-let-vars-aux (frame-ptr vars args)
- (if vars
- (let ((remaining-args (store-mv-let-vars-aux frame-ptr (cdr vars) args))
- (v (car vars)))
- (when (sb!c::leaf-refs v)
- (setf (eval-stack-local frame-ptr (sb!c::lambda-var-info v))
- (if (sb!c::lambda-var-indirect v)
- (sb!c::make-value-cell (car remaining-args))
- (car remaining-args))))
- (cdr remaining-args))
- args))