types manually, allowing the special case (VALUES) but still excluding
all more-complex VALUES types.
+ (reported by Alexey Dejneka sbcl-devel 2001-12-07)
+ (let ((s '((1 2 3))))
+ (eval (eval ``(vector ,@',@s))))
+ should return #(1 2 3), instead of this it causes a reader error.
+ Interior call of BACKQUOTIFY erroneously optimizes ,@': it immediately
+ splices the temporal representation of ,@S.
(Now that the IR1 interpreter has gone away, these should be
(let ((res (find-initial-dfo-aux bind-block component)))
(declare (type component res))
;; Scavenge related lambdas.
- (flet (;; Scavenge call relationship.
- (scavenge-call (call)
- (let ((call-home (lambda-home call)))
- (setf res (dfo-scavenge-dependency-graph call-home res))))
- ;; Scavenge closure-over relationship: if FUN refers to a
- ;; variable whose home lambda is not FUN, then the home lambda
- ;; should be in the same component as FUN. (sbcl-0.6.13, and
- ;; CMU CL, didn't do this, leading to the occasional failure
- ;; when physenv analysis, which is local to each component,
- ;; would bogusly conclude that a closed-over variable was
- ;; unused and thus delete it. See e.g. cmucl-imp 2001-11-29.)
- (scavenge-closure-var (var)
- (unless (null (lambda-var-refs var)) ; i.e. unless deleted
- (let ((var-home-home (lambda-home (lambda-var-home var))))
- (unless (eql (lambda-kind var-home-home) :deleted)
- (setf res
- (dfo-scavenge-dependency-graph var-home-home
- res)))))))
+ (labels ((scavenge-lambda (clambda)
+ (setf res
+ (dfo-scavenge-dependency-graph (lambda-home clambda)
+ res)))
+ (scavenge-possibly-deleted-lambda (clambda)
+ (unless (eql (lambda-kind clambda) :deleted)
+ (scavenge-lambda clambda)))
+ ;; Scavenge call relationship.
+ (scavenge-call (called-lambda)
+ (scavenge-lambda called-lambda))
+ ;; Scavenge closure over a variable: if CLAMBDA
+ ;; refers to a variable whose home lambda is not
+ ;; CLAMBDA, then the home lambda should be in the
+ ;; same component as CLAMBDA. (sbcl-0.6.13, and CMU
+ ;; CL, didn't do this, leading to the occasional
+ ;; failure when physenv analysis, which is local to
+ ;; each component, would bogusly conclude that a
+ ;; closed-over variable was unused and thus delete
+ ;; it. See e.g. cmucl-imp 2001-11-29.)
+ (scavenge-closure-var (var)
+ (unless (null (lambda-var-refs var)) ; unless var deleted
+ (let ((var-home-home (lambda-home (lambda-var-home var))))
+ (scavenge-possibly-deleted-lambda var-home-home))))
+ ;; Scavenge closure over an entry for nonlocal exit.
+ ;; This is basically parallel to closure over a
+ ;; variable above.
+ (scavenge-entry (entry)
+ (declare (type entry entry))
+ (let ((entry-home (node-home-lambda entry)))
+ (scavenge-possibly-deleted-lambda entry-home))))
(dolist (cc (lambda-calls-or-closes clambda))
(etypecase cc
(clambda (scavenge-call cc))
- (lambda-var (scavenge-closure-var cc))))
+ (lambda-var (scavenge-closure-var cc))
+ (entry (scavenge-entry cc))))
(when (eq (lambda-kind clambda) :external)
(mapc #'scavenge-call (find-reference-funs clambda))))
;; Voila.
(ir1-convert-progn-body dummy cont forms))))
-(def-ir1-translator return-from ((name &optional value)
- start cont)
+(def-ir1-translator return-from ((name &optional value) start cont)
"Return-From Block-Name Value-Form
Evaluate the Value-Form, returning its values from the lexically enclosing
(setf (continuation-dest value-cont) exit)
(ir1-convert start value-cont value)
(prev-link exit value-cont)
+ (let ((home-lambda (continuation-home-lambda-or-null start)))
+ (when home-lambda
+ (push entry (lambda-calls-or-closes home-lambda))))
(use-continuation exit (second found))))
;;; Return a list of the segments of a TAGBODY. Each segment looks
is constrained to be used only within the dynamic extent of the TAGBODY."
(continuation-starts-block cont)
(let* ((found (or (lexenv-find tag tags :test #'eql)
- (compiler-error "Go to nonexistent tag: ~S." tag)))
+ (compiler-error "attempt to GO to nonexistent tag: ~S"
+ tag)))
(entry (first found))
(exit (make-exit :entry entry)))
(push exit (entry-exits entry))
(prev-link exit start)
+ (let ((home-lambda (continuation-home-lambda-or-null start)))
+ (when home-lambda
+ (push entry (lambda-calls-or-closes home-lambda))))
(use-continuation exit (second found))))
;;;; translators for compiler-magic special forms
;;; original exit continuation is the exit node's CONT.
(defstruct (exit (:include node)
(:copier nil))
- ;; The Entry node that this is an exit for. If null, this is a
+ ;; the ENTRY node that this is an exit for. If null, this is a
;; degenerate exit. A degenerate exit is used to "fill" an empty
;; block (which isn't allowed in IR1.) In a degenerate exit, Value
;; is always also null.
(entry nil :type (or entry null))
- ;; The continuation yeilding the value we are to exit with. If NIL,
+ ;; the continuation yielding the value we are to exit with. If NIL,
;; then no value is desired (as in GO).
(value nil :type (or continuation null)))
(defprinter (exit :identity t)
;; the type constraint as a Lisp function type.
;; If RESULT-TYPES is :CONDITIONAL, then this is an IF-FOO style
- ;; conditional that yeilds its result as a control transfer. The
+ ;; conditional that yields its result as a control transfer. The
;; emit function takes two info arguments: the target label and a
;; boolean flag indicating whether to negate the sense of the test.
(arg-types nil :type list)
;;; for internal versions, especially for internal versions off the
;;; main CVS branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)