# DEFTEST in contrib self-tests and thing that's all that is. So...
echo The build seems to have finished successfully. If you would like
-echo run more extensive tests on the new SBCL, you can try run-tests.sh.
+echo run more extensive tests on the new SBCL, you can try
+echo " cd tests && sh ./run-tests.sh."
+echo "(but expect some failures on non-x86 platforms)."
(inst bne temp target)
(inst beq temp target))))
-(defun %test-lowtag-and-headers (value target not-p lowtag
- function-p headers &key temp)
- (let ((drop-through (gen-label)))
- (%test-lowtag value (if not-p drop-through target) nil lowtag :temp temp)
- (%test-headers value target not-p function-p headers
- :drop-through drop-through :temp temp)))
(defun %test-headers (value target not-p function-p headers
&key (drop-through (gen-label)) temp)
(let ((lowtag (if function-p fun-pointer-lowtag other-pointer-lowtag)))
(when (cdr lowtags)
(error "can't test multiple lowtags at the same time"))
- (if headers
- `(%test-lowtag-and-headers
- ,value ,target ,not-p ,(car lowtags)
- ,function-p ',(canonicalize-headers headers)
- ,@other-args)
- `(%test-lowtag ,value ,target ,not-p ,(car lowtags)
- ,@other-args)))
+ (when headers
+ (error "can't test non-fixnum lowtags and headers at the same time"))
+ `(%test-lowtag ,value ,target ,not-p ,(car lowtags) ,@other-args))
`(%test-headers ,value ,target ,not-p ,function-p
',(canonicalize-headers headers)
(inst extru value 31 3 temp))
(inst bci := not-p lowtag temp target)))
-(defun %test-lowtag-and-headers (value target not-p lowtag
- function-p headers &key temp)
- (let ((drop-through (gen-label)))
- (%test-lowtag value (if not-p drop-through target) nil lowtag
- :temp temp)
- (%test-headers value target not-p function-p headers
- :drop-through drop-through :temp temp :temp-loaded t)))
(defun %test-headers (value target not-p function-p headers
&key temp (drop-through (gen-label)) temp-loaded)
(let ((lowtag (if function-p fun-pointer-lowtag other-pointer-lowtag)))
(unless skip-nop
(inst nop))))
-(defun %test-lowtag-and-headers (value target not-p lowtag
- function-p headers &key temp)
- (let ((drop-through (gen-label)))
- (%test-lowtag value (if not-p drop-through target) nil lowtag
- :skip-nop t :temp temp)
- (%test-headers value target not-p function-p headers
- :drop-through drop-through :temp temp)))
(defun %test-headers (value target not-p function-p headers
&key (drop-through (gen-label)) temp)
(let ((lowtag (if function-p fun-pointer-lowtag other-pointer-lowtag)))
(inst cmpwi temp lowtag)
(inst b? (if not-p :ne :eq) target)))
-(defun %test-lowtag-and-headers (value target not-p lowtag function-p headers
- &key temp)
- (let ((drop-through (gen-label)))
- (%test-lowtag value (if not-p drop-through target) not-p lowtag
- :temp temp)
- (%test-headers value target not-p function-p headers
- :temp temp :drop-through drop-through)))
(defun %test-headers (value target not-p function-p headers
&key temp (drop-through (gen-label)))
(let ((lowtag (if function-p fun-pointer-lowtag other-pointer-lowtag)))
(unless skip-nop
(inst nop))))
-(defun %test-lowtag-and-headers (value target not-p lowtag function-p headers
- &key temp)
- (let ((drop-through (gen-label)))
- (%test-lowtag value (if not-p drop-through target) not-p lowtag
- :temp temp :skip-nop t)
- (%test-headers value target not-p function-p headers
- :temp temp :drop-through drop-through)))
(defun %test-headers (value target not-p function-p headers
&key temp (drop-through (gen-label)))
(let ((lowtag (if function-p fun-pointer-lowtag other-pointer-lowtag)))
(inst cmp al-tn lowtag)
(inst jmp (if not-p :ne :e) target))
-(defun %test-lowtag-and-headers (value target not-p lowtag function-p headers)
- (let ((drop-through (gen-label)))
- (%test-lowtag value (if not-p drop-through target) nil lowtag)
- (%test-headers value target not-p function-p headers drop-through t)))
(defun %test-headers (value target not-p function-p headers
&optional (drop-through (gen-label)) al-loaded)
(let ((lowtag (if function-p fun-pointer-lowtag other-pointer-lowtag)))
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)