* Merge the implementations in debug.lisp and target-disassembler.lisp.
* Get rid of most of the cacheing.
* Prefer the DEBUG-SOURCE-FORM if it exists: thanks to *SOURCE-NAMESTRING*
we can have misleading namestrings for functions generated by calls to
EVAL during LOAD, etc.
(nconc (subseq form 0 n)
(cons res (nthcdr (1+ n) form))))))))
(frob form path context))))
+;;; Given a code location, return the associated form-number
+;;; translations and the actual top level form.
+(defun get-toplevel-form (location)
+ (let ((d-source (code-location-debug-source location)))
+ (let* ((offset (code-location-toplevel-form-offset location))
+ (res
+ (cond ((debug-source-form d-source)
+ (debug-source-form d-source))
+ ((debug-source-namestring d-source)
+ (get-file-toplevel-form location))
+ (t (bug "Don't know how to use a DEBUG-SOURCE without ~
+ a namestring or a form.")))))
+ (values (form-number-translations res offset) res))))
+;;; To suppress the read-time evaluation #. macro during source read,
+;;; *READTABLE* is modified.
+;;; FIXME: This breaks #+#.(cl:if ...) Maybe we need a SAFE-READ-EVAL, which
+;;; this code can use for side- effect free #. calls?
+;;; FIXME: This also knows nothing of custom readtables. The assumption
+;;; is that the current readtable is a decent approximation for what
+;;; we want, but that's lossy.
+(defun safe-readtable ()
+ (let ((rt (copy-readtable)))
+ (set-dispatch-macro-character
+ #\# #\. (lambda (stream sub-char &rest rest)
+ (declare (ignore rest sub-char))
+ (let ((token (read stream t nil t)))
+ (format nil "#.~S" token)))
+ rt)
+ rt))
+;;; Locate the source file (if it still exists) and grab the top level
+;;; form. If the file is modified, we use the top level form offset
+;;; instead of the recorded character offset.
+(defun get-file-toplevel-form (location)
+ (let* ((d-source (code-location-debug-source location))
+ (tlf-offset (code-location-toplevel-form-offset location))
+ (local-tlf-offset (- tlf-offset
+ (debug-source-root-number d-source)))
+ (char-offset
+ (aref (or (sb!di:debug-source-start-positions d-source)
+ (error "no start positions map"))
+ local-tlf-offset))
+ (namestring (debug-source-namestring d-source)))
+ ;; FIXME: External format?
+ (with-open-file (f namestring :if-does-not-exist nil)
+ (unless f
+ (error "The source file no longer exists:~% ~A" namestring))
+ (format *debug-io* "~%; file: ~A~%" namestring)
+ (let ((*readtable* (safe-readtable)))
+ (cond ((eql (debug-source-created d-source) (file-write-date f))
+ (file-position f char-offset))
+ (t
+ (format *debug-io*
+ "~%; File has been modified since compilation:~%; ~A~@
+ ; Using form offset instead of character position.~%"
+ namestring)
+ (let ((*read-suppress* t))
+ (loop repeat local-tlf-offset
+ do (read f)))))
+ (read f)))))
;;;; source location printing
-;;; We cache a stream to the last valid file debug source so that we
-;;; won't have to repeatedly open the file.
-;;; KLUDGE: This sounds like a bug, not a feature. Opening files is fast
-;;; in the 1990s, so the benefit is negligible, less important than the
-;;; potential of extra confusion if someone changes the source during
-;;; a debug session and the change doesn't show up. And removing this
-;;; would simplify the system, which I like. -- WHN 19990903
-(defvar *cached-debug-source* nil)
-(declaim (type (or sb!di:debug-source null) *cached-debug-source*))
-(defvar *cached-source-stream* nil)
-(declaim (type (or stream null) *cached-source-stream*))
-;;; To suppress the read-time evaluation #. macro during source read,
-;;; *READTABLE* is modified. *READTABLE* is cached to avoid
-;;; copying it each time, and invalidated when the
-;;; *CACHED-DEBUG-SOURCE* has changed.
-(defvar *cached-readtable* nil)
-(declaim (type (or readtable null) *cached-readtable*))
;;; Stuff to clean up before saving a core
(defun debug-deinit ()
- (setf *cached-debug-source* nil
- *cached-source-stream* nil
- *cached-readtable* nil))
-;;; We also cache the last toplevel form that we printed a source for
-;;; so that we don't have to do repeated reads and calls to
-(defvar *cached-toplevel-form-offset* nil)
-(declaim (type (or index null) *cached-toplevel-form-offset*))
-(defvar *cached-toplevel-form*)
-(defvar *cached-form-number-translations*)
-;;; Given a code location, return the associated form-number
-;;; translations and the actual top level form. We check our cache ---
-;;; if there is a miss, we dispatch on the kind of the debug source.
-(defun get-toplevel-form (location)
- (let ((d-source (sb!di:code-location-debug-source location)))
- (if (and (eq d-source *cached-debug-source*)
- (eql (sb!di:code-location-toplevel-form-offset location)
- *cached-toplevel-form-offset*))
- (values *cached-form-number-translations* *cached-toplevel-form*)
- (let* ((offset (sb!di:code-location-toplevel-form-offset location))
- (res
- (cond ((sb!di:debug-source-namestring d-source)
- (get-file-toplevel-form location))
- ((sb!di:debug-source-form d-source)
- (sb!di:debug-source-form d-source))
- (t (bug "Don't know how to use a DEBUG-SOURCE without ~
- a namestring or a form.")))))
- (setq *cached-toplevel-form-offset* offset)
- (values (setq *cached-form-number-translations*
- (sb!di:form-number-translations res offset))
- (setq *cached-toplevel-form* res))))))
-;;; Locate the source file (if it still exists) and grab the top level
-;;; form. If the file is modified, we use the top level form offset
-;;; instead of the recorded character offset.
-(defun get-file-toplevel-form (location)
- (let* ((d-source (sb!di:code-location-debug-source location))
- (tlf-offset (sb!di:code-location-toplevel-form-offset location))
- (local-tlf-offset (- tlf-offset
- (sb!di:debug-source-root-number d-source)))
- (char-offset
- (aref (or (sb!di:debug-source-start-positions d-source)
- (error "no start positions map"))
- local-tlf-offset))
- (name (sb!di:debug-source-namestring d-source)))
- (unless (eq d-source *cached-debug-source*)
- (unless (and *cached-source-stream*
- (equal (pathname *cached-source-stream*)
- (pathname name)))
- (setq *cached-readtable* nil)
- (when *cached-source-stream* (close *cached-source-stream*))
- (setq *cached-source-stream* (open name :if-does-not-exist nil))
- (unless *cached-source-stream*
- (error "The source file no longer exists:~% ~A" (namestring name)))
- (format *debug-io* "~%; file: ~A~%" (namestring name)))
- (setq *cached-debug-source*
- (if (= (sb!di:debug-source-created d-source)
- (file-write-date name))
- d-source nil)))
- (cond
- ((eq *cached-debug-source* d-source)
- (file-position *cached-source-stream* char-offset))
- (t
- (format *debug-io*
- "~%; File has been modified since compilation:~%; ~A~@
- ; Using form offset instead of character position.~%"
- (namestring name))
- (file-position *cached-source-stream* 0)
- (let ((*read-suppress* t))
- (dotimes (i local-tlf-offset)
- (read *cached-source-stream*)))))
- (unless *cached-readtable*
- (setq *cached-readtable* (copy-readtable))
- (set-dispatch-macro-character
- #\# #\.
- (lambda (stream sub-char &rest rest)
- (declare (ignore rest sub-char))
- (let ((token (read stream t nil t)))
- (format nil "#.~S" token)))
- *cached-readtable*))
- (let ((*readtable* *cached-readtable*))
- (read *cached-source-stream*))))
-(defun code-location-source-form (location context)
- (let* ((location (maybe-block-start-location location))
- (form-num (sb!di:code-location-form-number location)))
- (multiple-value-bind (translations form) (get-toplevel-form location)
- (unless (< form-num (length translations))
- (error "The source path no longer exists."))
- (sb!di:source-path-context form
- (svref translations form-num)
- context))))
+ ;; Nothing to do right now. Once there was, maybe once there
+ ;; will be again.
+ )
+(defun code-location-source-form (location context &optional (errorp t))
+ (let* ((start-location (maybe-block-start-location location))
+ (form-num (sb!di:code-location-form-number start-location)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (translations form)
+ (sb!di:get-toplevel-form start-location)
+ (cond ((< form-num (length translations))
+ (sb!di:source-path-context form
+ (svref translations form-num)
+ context))
+ (t
+ (funcall (if errorp #'error #'warn)
+ "~@<Bogus form-number: the source file has ~
+ probably changed too much to cope with.~:@>"))))))
;;; start single-stepping
(:copier nil))
(debug-source nil :type (or null sb!di:debug-source))
(toplevel-form-index -1 :type fixnum)
- (toplevel-form nil :type list)
- (form-number-mapping-table nil :type (or null (vector list)))
(last-location-retrieved nil :type (or null sb!di:code-location))
(last-form-retrieved -1 :type fixnum))
-;;; OAOO note: this shares a lot of implementation with
-;;; SB-DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOPLEVEL-FORM. Perhaps these should be merged
-;;; somehow.
-(defun get-toplevel-form (debug-source tlf-index)
- (cond
- ((sb!di:debug-source-namestring debug-source)
- (let ((namestring (sb!di:debug-source-namestring debug-source)))
- (cond ((not (probe-file namestring))
- (warn "The source file ~S no longer seems to exist." namestring)
- nil)
- (t
- (let ((start-positions
- (sb!di:debug-source-start-positions debug-source)))
- (cond ((null start-positions)
- (warn "There is no start positions map.")
- nil)
- (t
- (let* ((local-tlf-index
- (- tlf-index
- (sb!di:debug-source-root-number
- debug-source)))
- (char-offset
- (aref start-positions local-tlf-index)))
- (with-open-file (f namestring)
- (cond ((= (sb!di:debug-source-created debug-source)
- (file-write-date namestring))
- (file-position f char-offset))
- (t
- (warn "Source file ~S has been modified; ~@
- using form offset instead of ~
- file index."
- namestring)
- (let ((*read-suppress* t))
- (dotimes (i local-tlf-index) (read f)))))
- (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
- (set-dispatch-macro-character
- #\# #\.
- (lambda (stream sub-char &rest rest)
- (declare (ignore rest sub-char))
- (let ((token (read stream t nil t)))
- (format nil "#.~S" token))))
- (read f)))))))))))
- ((sb!di:debug-source-form debug-source)
- (sb!di:debug-source-form debug-source))
- (t (bug "Don't know how to use a DEBUG-SOURCE without ~
- a namestring or a form."))))
-(defun cache-valid (loc cache)
- (and cache
- (and (eq (sb!di:code-location-debug-source loc)
- (sfcache-debug-source cache))
- (eq (sb!di:code-location-toplevel-form-offset loc)
- (sfcache-toplevel-form-index cache)))))
-(defun get-source-form (loc context &optional cache)
- (let* ((cache-valid (cache-valid loc cache))
- (tlf-index (sb!di:code-location-toplevel-form-offset loc))
- (form-number (sb!di:code-location-form-number loc))
- (toplevel-form
- (if cache-valid
- (sfcache-toplevel-form cache)
- (get-toplevel-form (sb!di:code-location-debug-source loc)
- tlf-index)))
- (mapping-table
- (if cache-valid
- (sfcache-form-number-mapping-table cache)
- (sb!di:form-number-translations toplevel-form tlf-index))))
- (when (and (not cache-valid) cache)
- (setf (sfcache-debug-source cache) (sb!di:code-location-debug-source loc)
- (sfcache-toplevel-form-index cache) tlf-index
- (sfcache-toplevel-form cache) toplevel-form
- (sfcache-form-number-mapping-table cache) mapping-table))
- (cond ((null toplevel-form)
- nil)
- ((>= form-number (length mapping-table))
- (warn "bogus form-number in form! The source file has probably ~@
- been changed too much to cope with.")
- (when cache
- ;; Disable future warnings.
- (setf (sfcache-toplevel-form cache) nil))
- nil)
- (t
- (when cache
- (setf (sfcache-last-location-retrieved cache) loc)
- (setf (sfcache-last-form-retrieved cache) form-number))
- (sb!di:source-path-context toplevel-form
- (aref mapping-table form-number)
- context)))))
(defun get-different-source-form (loc context &optional cache)
- (if (and (cache-valid loc cache)
- (or (= (sb!di:code-location-form-number loc)
- (sfcache-last-form-retrieved cache))
- (and (sfcache-last-location-retrieved cache)
- (sb!di:code-location=
- loc
- (sfcache-last-location-retrieved cache)))))
+ (if (and cache
+ (eq (sb!di:code-location-debug-source loc)
+ (sfcache-debug-source cache))
+ (eq (sb!di:code-location-toplevel-form-offset loc)
+ (sfcache-toplevel-form-index cache))
+ (or (eql (sb!di:code-location-form-number loc)
+ (sfcache-last-form-retrieved cache))
+ (awhen (sfcache-last-location-retrieved cache)
+ (sb!di:code-location= loc it))))
(values nil nil)
- (values (get-source-form loc context cache) t)))
+ (let ((form (sb!debug::code-location-source-form loc context nil)))
+ (when cache
+ (setf (sfcache-debug-source cache)
+ (sb!di:code-location-debug-source loc))
+ (setf (sfcache-toplevel-form-index cache)
+ (sb!di:code-location-toplevel-form-offset loc))
+ (setf (sfcache-last-form-retrieved cache)
+ (sb!di:code-location-form-number loc))
+ (setf (sfcache-last-location-retrieved cache)))
+ (values form t))))
;;;; stuff to use debugging info to augment the disassembly