(eq gf #'(setf slot-value-using-class))
(eq gf #'slot-boundp-using-class)))
+;;; this is the normal function for computing the discriminating
+;;; function of a standard-generic-function
(let (initial-print-object-cache)
- (defmethod compute-discriminating-function ((gf standard-generic-function))
+ (defun standard-compute-discriminating-function (gf)
(let ((dfun-state (slot-value gf 'dfun-state)))
- (when (special-case-for-compute-discriminating-function-p gf)
- ;; if we have a special case for
- ;; COMPUTE-DISCRIMINATING-FUNCTION, then (at least for the
- ;; special cases implemented as of 2006-05-09) any information
- ;; in the cache is misplaced.
- (aver (null dfun-state)))
- (typecase dfun-state
- (null
- (when (eq gf #'compute-applicable-methods)
- (update-all-c-a-m-gf-info gf))
- (cond
- ((eq gf #'slot-value-using-class)
- (update-slot-value-gf-info gf 'reader)
- #'slot-value-using-class-dfun)
- ((eq gf #'(setf slot-value-using-class))
- (update-slot-value-gf-info gf 'writer)
- #'setf-slot-value-using-class-dfun)
- ((eq gf #'slot-boundp-using-class)
- (update-slot-value-gf-info gf 'boundp)
- #'slot-boundp-using-class-dfun)
- ;; KLUDGE: PRINT-OBJECT is not a special-case in the sense
- ;; of having a desperately special discriminating function.
- ;; However, it is important that the machinery for printing
- ;; conditions for stack and heap exhaustion, and the
- ;; restarts offered by the debugger, work without consuming
- ;; many extra resources. This way (testing by name of GF
- ;; rather than by identity) was the only way I found to get
- ;; this to bootstrap, given that the PRINT-OBJECT generic
- ;; function is only set up later, in
- ;; SRC;PCL;PRINT-OBJECT.LISP. -- CSR, 2008-06-09
- ((eq (slot-value gf 'name) 'print-object)
- (let ((nkeys (nth-value 3 (get-generic-fun-info gf))))
- (cond ((/= nkeys 1)
- ;; KLUDGE: someone has defined a method
- ;; specialized on the second argument: punt.
- (setf initial-print-object-cache nil)
- (make-initial-dfun gf))
- (initial-print-object-cache
- (multiple-value-bind (dfun cache info)
- (make-caching-dfun gf (copy-cache initial-print-object-cache))
- (set-dfun gf dfun cache info)))
- ;; the relevant PRINT-OBJECT methods get defined
- ;; late, by delayed DEF!METHOD. We mustn't cache
- ;; the effective method for our classes earlier
- ;; than the relevant PRINT-OBJECT methods are
- ;; defined...
- ((boundp 'sb-impl::*delayed-def!method-args*)
- (make-initial-dfun gf))
- (t (multiple-value-bind (dfun cache info)
- (make-final-dfun-internal
- gf
- (mapcar (lambda (x) (list (find-class x)))
- '(sb-kernel::control-stack-exhausted
- sb-kernel::binding-stack-exhausted
- sb-kernel::alien-stack-exhausted
- sb-kernel::heap-exhausted-error
- restart)))
- (setq initial-print-object-cache cache)
- (set-dfun gf dfun (copy-cache cache) info))))))
- ((gf-precompute-dfun-and-emf-p (slot-value gf 'arg-info))
- (make-final-dfun gf))
- (t
- (make-initial-dfun gf))))
- (function dfun-state)
- (cons (car dfun-state))))))
+ (when (special-case-for-compute-discriminating-function-p gf)
+ ;; if we have a special case for
+ ;; COMPUTE-DISCRIMINATING-FUNCTION, then (at least for the
+ ;; special cases implemented as of 2006-05-09) any information
+ ;; in the cache is misplaced.
+ (aver (null dfun-state)))
+ (typecase dfun-state
+ (null
+ (when (eq gf #'compute-applicable-methods)
+ (update-all-c-a-m-gf-info gf))
+ (cond
+ ((eq gf #'slot-value-using-class)
+ (update-slot-value-gf-info gf 'reader)
+ #'slot-value-using-class-dfun)
+ ((eq gf #'(setf slot-value-using-class))
+ (update-slot-value-gf-info gf 'writer)
+ #'setf-slot-value-using-class-dfun)
+ ((eq gf #'slot-boundp-using-class)
+ (update-slot-value-gf-info gf 'boundp)
+ #'slot-boundp-using-class-dfun)
+ ;; KLUDGE: PRINT-OBJECT is not a special-case in the sense
+ ;; of having a desperately special discriminating function.
+ ;; However, it is important that the machinery for printing
+ ;; conditions for stack and heap exhaustion, and the
+ ;; restarts offered by the debugger, work without consuming
+ ;; many extra resources. This way (testing by name of GF
+ ;; rather than by identity) was the only way I found to get
+ ;; this to bootstrap, given that the PRINT-OBJECT generic
+ ;; function is only set up later, in
+ ;; SRC;PCL;PRINT-OBJECT.LISP. -- CSR, 2008-06-09
+ ((eq (slot-value gf 'name) 'print-object)
+ (let ((nkeys (nth-value 3 (get-generic-fun-info gf))))
+ (cond ((/= nkeys 1)
+ ;; KLUDGE: someone has defined a method
+ ;; specialized on the second argument: punt.
+ (setf initial-print-object-cache nil)
+ (make-initial-dfun gf))
+ (initial-print-object-cache
+ (multiple-value-bind (dfun cache info)
+ (make-caching-dfun gf (copy-cache initial-print-object-cache))
+ (set-dfun gf dfun cache info)))
+ ;; the relevant PRINT-OBJECT methods get defined
+ ;; late, by delayed DEF!METHOD. We mustn't cache
+ ;; the effective method for our classes earlier
+ ;; than the relevant PRINT-OBJECT methods are
+ ;; defined...
+ ((boundp 'sb-impl::*delayed-def!method-args*)
+ (make-initial-dfun gf))
+ (t (multiple-value-bind (dfun cache info)
+ (make-final-dfun-internal
+ gf
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (list (find-class x)))
+ '(sb-kernel::control-stack-exhausted
+ sb-kernel::binding-stack-exhausted
+ sb-kernel::alien-stack-exhausted
+ sb-kernel::heap-exhausted-error
+ restart)))
+ (setq initial-print-object-cache cache)
+ (set-dfun gf dfun (copy-cache cache) info))))))
+ ((gf-precompute-dfun-and-emf-p (slot-value gf 'arg-info))
+ (make-final-dfun gf))
+ (t
+ (make-initial-dfun gf))))
+ (function dfun-state)
+ (cons (car dfun-state))))))
+;;; in general we need to support SBCL's encapsulation for generic
+;;; functions: the default implementation of encapsulation changes the
+;;; identity of the function bound to a name, which breaks anything
+;;; class-based, so we implement the encapsulation ourselves in the
+;;; discriminating function.
+(defun sb-impl::encapsulate-generic-function (gf type body)
+ (push (cons type body) (generic-function-encapsulations gf))
+ (reinitialize-instance gf))
+(defun sb-impl::unencapsulate-generic-function (gf type)
+ (setf (generic-function-encapsulations gf)
+ (remove type (generic-function-encapsulations gf)
+ :key #'car :count 1))
+ (reinitialize-instance gf))
+(defun sb-impl::encapsulated-generic-function-p (gf type)
+ (position type (generic-function-encapsulations gf) :key #'car))
+(defun standard-compute-discriminating-function-with-encapsulations (gf encs)
+ (if (null encs)
+ (standard-compute-discriminating-function gf)
+ (let ((inner (standard-compute-discriminating-function-with-encapsulations
+ gf (cdr encs)))
+ (body (cdar encs)))
+ (lambda (&rest args)
+ (let ((sb-int:arg-list args)
+ (sb-int:basic-definition inner))
+ (declare (special sb-int:arg-list sb-int:basic-definition))
+ (eval body))))))
+(defmethod compute-discriminating-function ((gf standard-generic-function))
+ (standard-compute-discriminating-function-with-encapsulations
+ gf (generic-function-encapsulations gf)))
(defmethod (setf class-name) (new-value class)
(let ((classoid (wrapper-classoid (class-wrapper class))))