((tests :accessor tests :initform (make-hash-table :test 'eql)
:documentation "The hash table mapping names to test
objects in this suite. The values in this hash table
- can be either test-cases or other test-suites."))
+ can be either test-cases or other test-suites.")
+ (fixture :accessor fixture :initform nil :initarg :fixture
+ :documentation "FIXTURE to use, by default, for tests in
+ this suite."))
(:documentation "A test suite is a collection of tests or test suites.
Test suites serve to organize tests into groups so that the
;;;; ** Creating Suits
-(defmacro def-suite (name &key description in)
+(defmacro def-suite (name &key description (in nil in-p) (fixture nil fixture-p))
"Define a new test-suite named NAME.
IN (a symbol), if provided, causes this suite te be nested in the
suite named by IN. NB: This macro is built on top of make-suite,
as such it, like make-suite, will overrwrite any existing suite
-named NAME."
+named NAME.
+DESCRIPTION is just a string.
+FIXTURE is the fixture argument (exactly like the :fixture argument to
+def-test) to pass to tests in this suite."
`(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(make-suite ',name
,@(when description `(:description ,description))
- ,@(when in `(:in ',in)))
+ ,@(when in-p `(:in ',in))
+ ,@(when fixture-p `(:fixture ',fixture)))
(defmacro def-suite* (name &rest def-suite-args)
(def-suite ,name ,@def-suite-args)
(in-suite ,name)))
-(defun make-suite (name &key description ((:in parent-suite)))
+(defun make-suite (name &key description ((:in parent-suite)) fixture)
"Create a new test suite object.
Overrides any existing suite named NAME."
- (let ((suite (make-instance 'test-suite :name name)))
+ (let ((suite (make-instance 'test-suite :name name :fixture fixture)))
(when description
(setf (description suite) description))
(loop for i in (ensure-list parent-suite)
(suite-form (if suite-p
`(get-test ',suite)
- (effective-body (if fixture
- (destructuring-bind (name &rest args)
- (ensure-list fixture)
- `((with-fixture ,name ,args ,@body-forms)))
- body-forms)))
+ (effective-body (let* ((test-fixture fixture)
+ (suite-fixture (if suite-p
+ (fixture (get-test suite))
+ (fixture *suite*)))
+ (effective-fixture (or test-fixture suite-fixture)))
+ (if effective-fixture
+ (destructuring-bind (name &rest args)
+ (ensure-list effective-fixture)
+ `((with-fixture ,name ,args ,@body-forms)))
+ body-forms))))
(register-test ',name ,description ',effective-body ,suite-form ',depends-on ,compile-at ,profile)
(when *run-test-when-defined*
(for-all (((a b) (dummy-mv-generator)))
(is (= 1 a))
(is (= 1 b))))
+(defvar *special-variable* nil)
+(def-fixture fixture-for-suite (value)
+ (progn
+ (setf *special-variable* value)
+ (&body)))
+(def-suite suite-with-fixture :fixture (fixture-for-suite 42) :in :it.bese.fiveam)
+(def-test test-with-suite-fixture (:suite suite-with-fixture)
+ (is (= 42 *special-variable*)))