;;; Load a text stream. (Note that load-as-fasl is in another file.)
(defun load-as-source (stream verbose print)
(maybe-announce-load stream verbose)
- (macrolet ((do-sexprs ((sexpr stream) &body body)
- (aver (symbolp sexpr))
- (with-unique-names (source-info)
- (once-only ((stream stream))
- `(if (handler-case (pathname stream)
- (error () nil))
- (let ((,source-info (sb!c::make-file-source-info
- (pathname ,stream)
- (stream-external-format ,stream))))
- (setf (sb!c::source-info-stream ,source-info) ,stream)
- (sb!c::do-forms-from-info ((,sexpr) ,source-info)
- ,@body))
- (do ((,sexpr (read ,stream nil *eof-object*)
- (read ,stream nil *eof-object*)))
- ((eq ,sexpr *eof-object*))
- ,@body))))))
- (do-sexprs (sexpr stream)
+ (macrolet
+ ((do-sexprs (((sexpr index) stream) &body body)
+ (aver (symbolp sexpr))
+ (with-unique-names (source-info)
+ (once-only ((stream stream))
+ `(if (handler-case (pathname stream)
+ (error () nil))
+ (let* ((,source-info (sb!c::make-file-source-info
+ (pathname ,stream)
+ (stream-external-format ,stream)))
+ (sb!c::*source-info* ,source-info)
+ (sb!c::*source-paths* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
+ (setf (sb!c::source-info-stream ,source-info) ,stream)
+ (sb!c::do-forms-from-info ((,sexpr current-index)
+ ,source-info)
+ (sb!c::find-source-paths ,sexpr current-index)
+ (let ((,index current-index))
+ ,@body)))
+ (let ((sb!c::*source-info* nil)
+ (,index nil))
+ (do ((,sexpr (read ,stream nil *eof-object*)
+ (read ,stream nil *eof-object*)))
+ ((eq ,sexpr *eof-object*))
+ ,@body)))))))
+ (do-sexprs ((sexpr tlf-index) stream)
(if print
- (let ((results (multiple-value-list (eval sexpr))))
+ (let ((results (multiple-value-list (eval-tlf sexpr tlf-index))))
(format t "~{~S~^, ~}~%" results))
- (eval sexpr)))
+ (eval-tlf sexpr tlf-index)))
;;;; LOAD itself
;;; Handle the nontrivial case of CL:COMPILE.
-(defun actually-compile (name definition *lexenv*)
- (with-compilation-values
- (sb!xc:with-compilation-unit ()
- ;; FIXME: These bindings were copied from SUB-COMPILE-FILE with
- ;; few changes. Once things are stable, the shared bindings
- ;; probably be merged back together into some shared utility
- ;; macro, or perhaps both merged into one of the existing utility
- (let* (;; FIXME: Do we need the *INFO-ENVIRONMENT* rebinding
- ;; here? It's a literal translation of the old CMU CL
- ;; rebinding to (OR *BACKEND-INFO-ENVIRONMENT*
- ;; *INFO-ENVIRONMENT*), and it's not obvious whether the
- ;; rebinding to itself is needed now that SBCL doesn't
- (*info-environment* *info-environment*)
- (form (get-lambda-to-compile definition))
- (*source-info* (make-lisp-source-info form :parent *source-info*))
- (*toplevel-lambdas* ())
- (*block-compile* nil)
- (*allow-instrumenting* nil)
- (*code-coverage-records* nil)
- (*code-coverage-blocks* nil)
- (*compiler-error-bailout*
- (lambda (&optional error)
- (declare (ignore error))
- (compiler-mumble
- "~2&fatal error, aborting compilation~%")
- (return-from actually-compile (values nil t nil))))
- (*current-path* nil)
- (*last-source-context* nil)
- (*last-original-source* nil)
- (*last-source-form* nil)
- (*last-format-string* nil)
- (*last-format-args* nil)
- (*last-message-count* 0)
- (*last-error-context* nil)
- (*gensym-counter* 0)
- ;; KLUDGE: This rebinding of policy is necessary so that
- ;; forms such as LOCALLY at the REPL actually extend the
- ;; compilation policy correctly. However, there is an
- ;; invariant that is potentially violated: future
- ;; refactoring must not allow this to be done in the file
- ;; compiler. At the moment we're clearly alright, as we
- ;; call %COMPILE with a core-object, not a fasl-stream,
- ;; but caveat future maintainers. -- CSR, 2002-10-27
- (*policy* (lexenv-policy *lexenv*))
- ;; see above
- (*handled-conditions* (lexenv-handled-conditions *lexenv*))
- ;; ditto
- (*disabled-package-locks* (lexenv-disabled-package-locks *lexenv*))
- ;; FIXME: ANSI doesn't say anything about CL:COMPILE
- ;; interacting with these variables, so we shouldn't. As
- ;; of SBCL 0.6.7, COMPILE-FILE controls its verbosity by
- ;; binding these variables, so as a quick hack we do so
- ;; too. But a proper implementation would have verbosity
- ;; controlled by function arguments and lexical variables.
- (*compile-verbose* nil)
- (*compile-print* nil))
- (handler-bind (((satisfies handle-condition-p) #'handle-condition-handler))
- (clear-stuff)
- (find-source-paths form 0)
- (%compile form (make-core-object)
- :name name
- :path '(original-source-start 0 0)))))))
+(defun actually-compile (name definition *lexenv* source-info tlf)
+ (let ((source-paths (when source-info *source-paths*)))
+ (with-compilation-values
+ (sb!xc:with-compilation-unit ()
+ ;; FIXME: These bindings were copied from SUB-COMPILE-FILE with
+ ;; few changes. Once things are stable, the shared bindings
+ ;; probably be merged back together into some shared utility
+ ;; macro, or perhaps both merged into one of the existing utility
+ (let* ((tlf (or tlf 0))
+ ;; If we have a source-info from LOAD, we will
+ ;; also have a source-paths already set up -- so drop
+ ;; the ones from WITH-COMPILATION-VALUES.
+ (*source-paths* (or source-paths *source-paths*))
+ ;; FIXME: Do we need the *INFO-ENVIRONMENT* rebinding
+ ;; here? It's a literal translation of the old CMU CL
+ ;; rebinding to (OR *BACKEND-INFO-ENVIRONMENT*
+ ;; *INFO-ENVIRONMENT*), and it's not obvious whether the
+ ;; rebinding to itself is needed now that SBCL doesn't
+ (*info-environment* *info-environment*)
+ (form (get-lambda-to-compile definition))
+ (*source-info* (or source-info
+ (make-lisp-source-info
+ form :parent *source-info*)))
+ (*toplevel-lambdas* ())
+ (*block-compile* nil)
+ (*allow-instrumenting* nil)
+ (*code-coverage-records* nil)
+ (*code-coverage-blocks* nil)
+ (*compiler-error-bailout*
+ (lambda (&optional error)
+ (declare (ignore error))
+ (compiler-mumble
+ "~2&fatal error, aborting compilation~%")
+ (return-from actually-compile (values nil t nil))))
+ (*current-path* nil)
+ (*last-source-context* nil)
+ (*last-original-source* nil)
+ (*last-source-form* nil)
+ (*last-format-string* nil)
+ (*last-format-args* nil)
+ (*last-message-count* 0)
+ (*last-error-context* nil)
+ (*gensym-counter* 0)
+ ;; KLUDGE: This rebinding of policy is necessary so that
+ ;; forms such as LOCALLY at the REPL actually extend the
+ ;; compilation policy correctly. However, there is an
+ ;; invariant that is potentially violated: future
+ ;; refactoring must not allow this to be done in the file
+ ;; compiler. At the moment we're clearly alright, as we
+ ;; call %COMPILE with a core-object, not a fasl-stream,
+ ;; but caveat future maintainers. -- CSR, 2002-10-27
+ (*policy* (lexenv-policy *lexenv*))
+ ;; see above
+ (*handled-conditions* (lexenv-handled-conditions *lexenv*))
+ ;; ditto
+ (*disabled-package-locks* (lexenv-disabled-package-locks *lexenv*))
+ ;; FIXME: ANSI doesn't say anything about CL:COMPILE
+ ;; interacting with these variables, so we shouldn't. As
+ ;; of SBCL 0.6.7, COMPILE-FILE controls its verbosity by
+ ;; binding these variables, so as a quick hack we do so
+ ;; too. But a proper implementation would have verbosity
+ ;; controlled by function arguments and lexical variables.
+ (*compile-verbose* nil)
+ (*compile-print* nil))
+ (handler-bind (((satisfies handle-condition-p) #'handle-condition-handler))
+ (clear-stuff)
+ (unless source-paths
+ (find-source-paths form tlf))
+ (%compile form (make-core-object)
+ :name name
+ :path `(original-source-start 0 ,tlf))))))))
-(defun compile-in-lexenv (name definition lexenv)
+(defun compile-in-lexenv (name definition lexenv
+ &optional source-info tlf)
(multiple-value-bind (compiled-definition warnings-p failure-p)
((sb!eval:interpreted-function-p definition)
(multiple-value-bind (definition lexenv)
(sb!eval:prepare-for-compile definition)
- (actually-compile name definition lexenv)))
+ (actually-compile name definition lexenv source-info tlf)))
((compiled-function-p definition)
(values definition nil nil))
- (t (actually-compile name definition lexenv)))
+ (t
+ (actually-compile name definition lexenv source-info tlf)))
(cond (name
(if (and (symbolp name)
(macro-function name))