,(funcall (nth-value 1 (slot-accessor-transforms dd dsd))
'(dummy new-value instance)))))
+;;; Blow away all the compiler info for the structure CLASS. Iterate
+;;; over this type, clearing the compiler structure type info, and
+;;; undefining all the associated functions. If SUBCLASSES-P, also do
+;;; the same for subclasses. FIXME: maybe rename UNDEFINE-FUN-NAME to
+(defun undeclare-structure (classoid subclasses-p)
+ (let ((info (layout-info (classoid-layout classoid))))
+ (when (defstruct-description-p info)
+ (let ((type (dd-name info)))
+ (remhash type *typecheckfuns*)
+ (setf (info :type :compiler-layout type) nil)
+ (undefine-fun-name (dd-copier-name info))
+ (undefine-fun-name (dd-predicate-name info))
+ (dolist (slot (dd-slots info))
+ (let ((fun (dsd-accessor-name slot)))
+ (unless (accessor-inherited-data fun info)
+ (undefine-fun-name fun)
+ (unless (dsd-read-only slot)
+ (undefine-fun-name `(setf ,fun)))))))
+ ;; Clear out the SPECIFIER-TYPE cache so that subsequent
+ ;; references are unknown types.
+ (values-specifier-type-cache-clear)))
+ (when subclasses-p
+ (let ((subclasses (classoid-subclasses classoid)))
+ (when subclasses
+ (collect ((subs))
+ (dohash ((classoid layout)
+ subclasses
+ :locked t)
+ (declare (ignore layout))
+ (undeclare-structure classoid nil)
+ (subs (classoid-proper-name classoid)))
+ ;; Is it really necessary to warn about
+ ;; undeclaring functions for subclasses?
+ (when (subs)
+ (warn "undeclaring functions for old subclasses ~
+ of ~S:~% ~S"
+ (classoid-name classoid)
+ (subs))))))))
;;; core compile-time setup of any class with a LAYOUT, used even by
(defun %compiler-set-up-layout (dd
"the most recently loaded"
:compiler-layout clayout))
(cond (old-layout
- (labels
- ;; Blow away all the compiler info for the structure
- ;; CLASS. Iterate over this type, clearing the compiler
- ;; structure type info, and undefining all the
- ;; associated functions. FIXME: maybe rename
- ((undeclare-structure (classoid subclasses-p)
- (let ((info (layout-info (classoid-layout classoid))))
- (when (defstruct-description-p info)
- (let ((type (dd-name info)))
- (remhash type *typecheckfuns*)
- (setf (info :type :compiler-layout type) nil)
- (undefine-fun-name (dd-copier-name info))
- (undefine-fun-name (dd-predicate-name info))
- (dolist (slot (dd-slots info))
- (let ((fun (dsd-accessor-name slot)))
- (unless (accessor-inherited-data fun info)
- (undefine-fun-name fun)
- (unless (dsd-read-only slot)
- (undefine-fun-name `(setf ,fun)))))))
- ;; Clear out the SPECIFIER-TYPE cache so that subsequent
- ;; references are unknown types.
- (values-specifier-type-cache-clear)))
- (when subclasses-p
- (collect ((subs))
- (dohash ((classoid layout)
- (classoid-subclasses classoid)
- :locked t)
- (declare (ignore layout))
- (undeclare-structure classoid nil)
- (subs (classoid-proper-name classoid)))
- ;; Is it really necessary to warn about
- ;; undeclaring functions for subclasses?
- (when (subs)
- (warn "undeclaring functions for old subclasses ~
- of ~S:~% ~S"
- (classoid-name classoid)
- (subs)))))))
- (undeclare-structure (layout-classoid old-layout)
- (and (classoid-subclasses classoid)
- (not (eq layout old-layout))))
- (setf (layout-invalid layout) nil)
- ;; FIXME: it might be polite to hold onto old-layout and
- ;; restore it at the end of the file. -- RMK 2008-09-19
- ;; (International Talk Like a Pirate Day).
- (warn "~@<Clobbering the compiler's idea of the layout of ~A.~:@>"
- classoid)))
+ (undeclare-structure (layout-classoid old-layout)
+ (and (classoid-subclasses classoid)
+ (not (eq layout old-layout))))
+ (setf (layout-invalid layout) nil)
+ ;; FIXME: it might be polite to hold onto old-layout and
+ ;; restore it at the end of the file. -- RMK 2008-09-19
+ ;; (International Talk Like a Pirate Day).
+ (warn "~@<Clobbering the compiler's idea of the layout of ~A.~:@>"
+ classoid))
(unless (eq (classoid-layout classoid) layout)
(register-layout layout :invalidate nil))