program, even if you know or guess enough about the internals of
SBCL to wager that this (undefined in ANSI) operation would be safe.
+3: "type checking of structure slots"
ANSI specifies that a type mismatch in a structure slot
initialization value should not cause a warning.
an error may be signalled at read time and it would be good if
SBCL did it.
+ c: Reading of not initialized slot sometimes causes SEGV.
+ d:
+ (declaim (optimize (safety 3) (speed 1) (space 1)))
+ (defstruct foo
+ x y)
+ (defstruct (stringwise-foo (:include foo
+ (x "x" :type simple-string)
+ (y "y" :type simple-string))))
+ (defparameter *stringwise-foo*
+ (make-stringwise-foo))
+ (setf (foo-x *stringwise-foo*) 0)
+ (defun frob-stringwise-foo (sf)
+ (aref (stringwise-foo-x sf) 0))
+ (frob-stringwise-foo *stringwise-foo*)
bogus warnings about undefined functions for magic functions like
SB!C::%%DEFUN and SB!C::%DEFCONSTANT when cross-compiling files
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)