;; (dotimes (i (length metatypes))
;; (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) lambda-list))
-;; used in the following six functions into common code that we can
+;; used in the following four functions into common code that we can
;; declare inline or something. --njf 2001-12-20
(defun make-dfun-lambda-list (metatypes applyp)
(let ((lambda-list nil))
(push '&rest lambda-list))
(nreverse lambda-list)))
-;; FIXME: The next four functions suffer from having a `.DFUN-REST-ARG.'
+;; FIXME: The next two functions suffer from having a `.DFUN-REST-ARG.'
;; in their lambda lists, but no corresponding `&REST' symbol. We assume
;; this should be the case by analogy with the previous two functions.
;; It works, and I don't know why. Check the calling functions and
,fn-variable ,applyp ,@required ,@(when applyp `(.dfun-rest-arg.)))))
-(defun make-dfun-call (metatypes applyp fn-variable)
- (let ((required
- (let ((required nil))
- (dotimes (i (length metatypes))
- (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) required))
- (nreverse required))))
- (if applyp
- `(function-apply ,fn-variable ,@required .dfun-rest-arg.)
- `(function-funcall ,fn-variable ,@required))))
-(defun make-dfun-arg-list (metatypes applyp)
- (let ((required (let ((reversed-required nil))
- (dotimes (i (length metatypes))
- (push (dfun-arg-symbol i) reversed-required))
- (nreverse reversed-required))))
- (if applyp
- `(list* ,@required .dfun-rest-arg.)
- `(list ,@required))))
(defun make-fast-method-call-lambda-list (metatypes applyp)
(let ((reversed-lambda-list nil))
(push '.pv-cell. reversed-lambda-list)
(push '.dfun-rest-arg. reversed-lambda-list))
(nreverse reversed-lambda-list)))
-;;;; a comment from some PCL implementor:
-;;;; Its too bad Common Lisp compilers freak out when you have a
-;;;; DEFUN with a lot of LABELS in it. If I could do that I could
-;;;; make this code much easier to read and work with.
-;;;; Ahh Scheme...
-;;;; In the absence of that, the following little macro makes the
-;;;; code that follows a little bit more reasonable. I would like to
-;;;; add that having to practically write my own compiler in order to
-;;;; get just this simple thing is something of a drag.
-;;;; KLUDGE: Maybe we could actually implement this as LABELS now,
-;;;; since AFAIK CMU CL doesn't freak out when you have a DEFUN with a
-;;;; lot of LABELS in it (and if it does we can fix it instead of
-;;;; working around it). -- WHN 19991204
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-(defvar *cache* nil)
-;;; FIXME: should be undefined after bootstrapping
-(defparameter *local-cache-functions*
- '((cache () .cache.)
- (nkeys () (cache-nkeys .cache.))
- (line-size () (cache-line-size .cache.))
- (vector () (cache-vector .cache.))
- (valuep () (cache-valuep .cache.))
- (nlines () (cache-nlines .cache.))
- (max-location () (cache-max-location .cache.))
- (limit-fn () (cache-limit-fn .cache.))
- (size () (cache-size .cache.))
- (mask () (cache-mask .cache.))
- (field () (cache-field .cache.))
- (overflow () (cache-overflow .cache.))
- ;; Return T IFF this cache location is reserved. The only time
- ;; this is true is for line number 0 of an nkeys=1 cache.
- (line-reserved-p (line)
- (declare (fixnum line))
- (and (= (nkeys) 1)
- (= line 0)))
- (location-reserved-p (location)
- (declare (fixnum location))
- (and (= (nkeys) 1)
- (= location 0)))
- ;; Given a line number, return the cache location. This is the
- ;; value that is the second argument to cache-vector-ref. Basically,
- ;; this deals with the offset of nkeys>1 caches and multiplies
- ;; by line size.
- (line-location (line)
- (declare (fixnum line))
- (when (line-reserved-p line)
- (error "Line is reserved."))
- (if (= (nkeys) 1)
- (the fixnum (* line (line-size)))
- (the fixnum (1+ (the fixnum (* line (line-size)))))))
- ;; Given a cache location, return the line. This is the inverse
- (location-line (location)
- (declare (fixnum location))
- (if (= (nkeys) 1)
- (floor location (line-size))
- (floor (the fixnum (1- location)) (line-size))))
- ;; Given a line number, return the wrappers stored at that line.
- ;; As usual, if nkeys=1, this returns a single value. Only when
- ;; nkeys>1 does it return a list. An error is signalled if the
- ;; line is reserved.
- (line-wrappers (line)
- (declare (fixnum line))
- (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "Line is reserved."))
- (location-wrappers (line-location line)))
- (location-wrappers (location) ; avoid multiplies caused by line-location
- (declare (fixnum location))
- (if (= (nkeys) 1)
- (cache-vector-ref (vector) location)
- (let ((list (make-list (nkeys)))
- (vector (vector)))
- (declare (simple-vector vector))
- (dotimes-fixnum (i (nkeys) list)
- (setf (nth i list) (cache-vector-ref vector (+ location i)))))))
- ;; Given a line number, return true IFF the line's
- ;; wrappers are the same as wrappers.
- (line-matches-wrappers-p (line wrappers)
- (declare (fixnum line))
- (and (not (line-reserved-p line))
- (location-matches-wrappers-p (line-location line) wrappers)))
- (location-matches-wrappers-p (loc wrappers) ; must not be reserved
- (declare (fixnum loc))
- (let ((cache-vector (vector)))
- (declare (simple-vector cache-vector))
- (if (= (nkeys) 1)
- (eq wrappers (cache-vector-ref cache-vector loc))
- (dotimes-fixnum (i (nkeys) t)
- (unless (eq (pop wrappers)
- (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (+ loc i)))
- (return nil))))))
- ;; Given a line number, return the value stored at that line.
- ;; If valuep is NIL, this returns NIL. As with line-wrappers,
- ;; an error is signalled if the line is reserved.
- (line-value (line)
- (declare (fixnum line))
- (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "Line is reserved."))
- (location-value (line-location line)))
- (location-value (loc)
- (declare (fixnum loc))
- (and (valuep)
- (cache-vector-ref (vector) (+ loc (nkeys)))))
- ;; Given a line number, return true iff that line has data in
- ;; it. The state of the wrappers stored in the line is not
- ;; checked. An error is signalled if line is reserved.
- (line-full-p (line)
- (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "Line is reserved."))
- (not (null (cache-vector-ref (vector) (line-location line)))))
- ;; Given a line number, return true iff the line is full and
- ;; there are no invalid wrappers in the line, and the line's
- ;; wrappers are different from wrappers.
- ;; An error is signalled if the line is reserved.
- (line-valid-p (line wrappers)
- (declare (fixnum line))
- (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "Line is reserved."))
- (location-valid-p (line-location line) wrappers))
- (location-valid-p (loc wrappers)
- (declare (fixnum loc))
- (let ((cache-vector (vector))
- (wrappers-mismatch-p (null wrappers)))
- (declare (simple-vector cache-vector))
- (dotimes-fixnum (i (nkeys) wrappers-mismatch-p)
- (let ((wrapper (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (+ loc i))))
- (when (or (null wrapper)
- (invalid-wrapper-p wrapper))
- (return nil))
- (unless (and wrappers
- (eq wrapper
- (if (consp wrappers) (pop wrappers) wrappers)))
- (setq wrappers-mismatch-p t))))))
- ;; how many unreserved lines separate line-1 and line-2
- (line-separation (line-1 line-2)
- (declare (fixnum line-1 line-2))
- (let ((diff (the fixnum (- line-2 line-1))))
- (declare (fixnum diff))
- (when (minusp diff)
- (setq diff (+ diff (nlines)))
- (when (line-reserved-p 0)
- (setq diff (1- diff))))
- diff))
- ;; Given a cache line, get the next cache line. This will not
- ;; return a reserved line.
- (next-line (line)
- (declare (fixnum line))
- (if (= line (the fixnum (1- (nlines))))
- (if (line-reserved-p 0) 1 0)
- (the fixnum (1+ line))))
- (next-location (loc)
- (declare (fixnum loc))
- (if (= loc (max-location))
- (if (= (nkeys) 1)
- (line-size)
- 1)
- (the fixnum (+ loc (line-size)))))
- ;; Given a line which has a valid entry in it, this will return
- ;; the primary cache line of the wrappers in that line. We just
- ;; easier packaging up of the call to it.
- (line-primary (line)
- (declare (fixnum line))
- (location-line (line-primary-location line)))
- (line-primary-location (line)
- (declare (fixnum line))
- (compute-primary-cache-location-from-location
- (cache) (line-location line)))))
(defmacro with-local-cache-functions ((cache) &body body)
`(let ((.cache. ,cache))
(declare (type cache .cache.))
- (macrolet ,(mapcar (lambda (fn)
- `(,(car fn) ,(cadr fn)
- `(let (,,@(mapcar (lambda (var)
- ``(,',var ,,var))
- (cadr fn)))
- ,@',(cddr fn))))
- *local-cache-functions*)
+ (labels ((cache () .cache.)
+ (nkeys () (cache-nkeys .cache.))
+ (line-size () (cache-line-size .cache.))
+ (vector () (cache-vector .cache.))
+ (valuep () (cache-valuep .cache.))
+ (nlines () (cache-nlines .cache.))
+ (max-location () (cache-max-location .cache.))
+ (limit-fn () (cache-limit-fn .cache.))
+ (size () (cache-size .cache.))
+ (mask () (cache-mask .cache.))
+ (field () (cache-field .cache.))
+ (overflow () (cache-overflow .cache.))
+ ;;
+ ;; Return T IFF this cache location is reserved. The
+ ;; only time this is true is for line number 0 of an
+ ;; nkeys=1 cache.
+ ;;
+ (line-reserved-p (line)
+ (declare (fixnum line))
+ (and (= (nkeys) 1)
+ (= line 0)))
+ ;;
+ (location-reserved-p (location)
+ (declare (fixnum location))
+ (and (= (nkeys) 1)
+ (= location 0)))
+ ;;
+ ;; Given a line number, return the cache location.
+ ;; This is the value that is the second argument to
+ ;; cache-vector-ref. Basically, this deals with the
+ ;; offset of nkeys>1 caches and multiplies by line
+ ;; size.
+ ;;
+ (line-location (line)
+ (declare (fixnum line))
+ (when (line-reserved-p line)
+ (error "line is reserved"))
+ (if (= (nkeys) 1)
+ (the fixnum (* line (line-size)))
+ (the fixnum (1+ (the fixnum (* line (line-size)))))))
+ ;;
+ ;; Given a cache location, return the line. This is
+ ;; the inverse of LINE-LOCATION.
+ ;;
+ (location-line (location)
+ (declare (fixnum location))
+ (if (= (nkeys) 1)
+ (floor location (line-size))
+ (floor (the fixnum (1- location)) (line-size))))
+ ;;
+ ;; Given a line number, return the wrappers stored at
+ ;; that line. As usual, if nkeys=1, this returns a
+ ;; single value. Only when nkeys>1 does it return a
+ ;; list. An error is signalled if the line is
+ ;; reserved.
+ ;;
+ (line-wrappers (line)
+ (declare (fixnum line))
+ (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "Line is reserved."))
+ (location-wrappers (line-location line)))
+ ;;
+ (location-wrappers (location) ; avoid multiplies caused by line-location
+ (declare (fixnum location))
+ (if (= (nkeys) 1)
+ (cache-vector-ref (vector) location)
+ (let ((list (make-list (nkeys)))
+ (vector (vector)))
+ (declare (simple-vector vector))
+ (dotimes (i (nkeys) list)
+ (declare (fixnum i))
+ (setf (nth i list)
+ (cache-vector-ref vector (+ location i)))))))
+ ;;
+ ;; Given a line number, return true IFF the line's
+ ;; wrappers are the same as wrappers.
+ ;;
+ (line-matches-wrappers-p (line wrappers)
+ (declare (fixnum line))
+ (and (not (line-reserved-p line))
+ (location-matches-wrappers-p (line-location line)
+ wrappers)))
+ ;;
+ (location-matches-wrappers-p (loc wrappers) ; must not be reserved
+ (declare (fixnum loc))
+ (let ((cache-vector (vector)))
+ (declare (simple-vector cache-vector))
+ (if (= (nkeys) 1)
+ (eq wrappers (cache-vector-ref cache-vector loc))
+ (dotimes (i (nkeys) t)
+ (declare (fixnum i))
+ (unless (eq (pop wrappers)
+ (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (+ loc i)))
+ (return nil))))))
+ ;;
+ ;; Given a line number, return the value stored at that line.
+ ;; If valuep is NIL, this returns NIL. As with line-wrappers,
+ ;; an error is signalled if the line is reserved.
+ ;;
+ (line-value (line)
+ (declare (fixnum line))
+ (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "Line is reserved."))
+ (location-value (line-location line)))
+ ;;
+ (location-value (loc)
+ (declare (fixnum loc))
+ (and (valuep)
+ (cache-vector-ref (vector) (+ loc (nkeys)))))
+ ;;
+ ;; Given a line number, return true IFF that line has data in
+ ;; it. The state of the wrappers stored in the line is not
+ ;; checked. An error is signalled if line is reserved.
+ (line-full-p (line)
+ (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "Line is reserved."))
+ (not (null (cache-vector-ref (vector) (line-location line)))))
+ ;;
+ ;; Given a line number, return true IFF the line is full and
+ ;; there are no invalid wrappers in the line, and the line's
+ ;; wrappers are different from wrappers.
+ ;; An error is signalled if the line is reserved.
+ ;;
+ (line-valid-p (line wrappers)
+ (declare (fixnum line))
+ (when (line-reserved-p line) (error "Line is reserved."))
+ (location-valid-p (line-location line) wrappers))
+ ;;
+ (location-valid-p (loc wrappers)
+ (declare (fixnum loc))
+ (let ((cache-vector (vector))
+ (wrappers-mismatch-p (null wrappers)))
+ (declare (simple-vector cache-vector))
+ (dotimes (i (nkeys) wrappers-mismatch-p)
+ (declare (fixnum i))
+ (let ((wrapper (cache-vector-ref cache-vector (+ loc i))))
+ (when (or (null wrapper)
+ (invalid-wrapper-p wrapper))
+ (return nil))
+ (unless (and wrappers
+ (eq wrapper
+ (if (consp wrappers)
+ (pop wrappers)
+ wrappers)))
+ (setq wrappers-mismatch-p t))))))
+ ;;
+ ;; How many unreserved lines separate line-1 and line-2.
+ ;;
+ (line-separation (line-1 line-2)
+ (declare (fixnum line-1 line-2))
+ (let ((diff (the fixnum (- line-2 line-1))))
+ (declare (fixnum diff))
+ (when (minusp diff)
+ (setq diff (+ diff (nlines)))
+ (when (line-reserved-p 0)
+ (setq diff (1- diff))))
+ diff))
+ ;;
+ ;; Given a cache line, get the next cache line. This will not
+ ;; return a reserved line.
+ ;;
+ (next-line (line)
+ (declare (fixnum line))
+ (if (= line (the fixnum (1- (nlines))))
+ (if (line-reserved-p 0) 1 0)
+ (the fixnum (1+ line))))
+ ;;
+ (next-location (loc)
+ (declare (fixnum loc))
+ (if (= loc (max-location))
+ (if (= (nkeys) 1)
+ (line-size)
+ 1)
+ (the fixnum (+ loc (line-size)))))
+ ;;
+ ;; Given a line which has a valid entry in it, this
+ ;; will return the primary cache line of the wrappers
+ ;; in that line. We just call
+ ;; is an easier packaging up of the call to it.
+ ;;
+ (line-primary (line)
+ (declare (fixnum line))
+ (location-line (line-primary-location line)))
+ ;;
+ (line-primary-location (line)
+ (declare (fixnum line))
+ (compute-primary-cache-location-from-location
+ (cache) (line-location line))))
+ (declare (ignorable #'cache #'nkeys #'line-size #'vector #'valuep
+ #'nlines #'max-location #'limit-fn #'size
+ #'mask #'field #'overflow #'line-reserved-p
+ #'location-reserved-p #'line-location
+ #'location-line #'line-wrappers #'location-wrappers
+ #'line-matches-wrappers-p
+ #'location-matches-wrappers-p
+ #'line-value #'location-value #'line-full-p
+ #'line-valid-p #'location-valid-p
+ #'line-separation #'next-line #'next-location
+ #'line-primary #'line-primary-location))
;;; Here is where we actually fill, recache and expand caches.