+++ /dev/null
-(defpackage #:mock
- (:use :cl)
- (:export
- #:mock-labels
- #:call-mocked-function
- #:mock-call-args
- #:mock-call-return-values
- #:mocked-function-called-p
- #:mocked-function-calls))
-(in-package #:mock)
-(defstruct mock-state
- (calls (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
-(defstruct mock-call
- args return-values)
-(defvar *mock-state-chain* nil)
-(defun binding-name (binding)
- (etypecase binding
- (list (car binding))
- (symbol binding)))
-(defun make-mock-lambda (binding orig-definition state)
- (let* ((args (gensym "ARGS"))
- (results (gensym "RESULTS"))
- (name (binding-name binding))
- (body (etypecase binding
- (list `(apply (lambda ,(second binding) ,@(cddr binding))
- ,args))
- (symbol '(call-mocked-function)))))
- `(lambda (&rest ,args)
- (macrolet ((call-mocked-function (&rest changed-args)
- (if (null changed-args)
- `(apply ,',orig-definition ,',args)
- `(funcall ,',orig-definition ,@changed-args))))
- (let ((,results (multiple-value-list ,body)))
- (push (make-mock-call :args ,args :return-values ,results)
- (gethash ',name (mock-state-calls ,state)))
- (values-list ,results))))))
-(defmacro mock-labels (bindings &body body)
- (let ((temps (loop for b in bindings collect (gensym)))
- (state (gensym "MOCK-STATE")))
- `(let* ((,state (make-mock-state))
- (*mock-state-chain* (cons ,state *mock-state-chain*))
- ,@temps)
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- ,@(loop for binding in bindings
- for temp in temps
- for name = (binding-name binding)
- collect `(setf ,temp (fdefinition ',name))
- collect `(setf (fdefinition ',name)
- ,(make-mock-lambda binding temp state)))
- ,@body)
- ,@(loop for binding in bindings
- for temp in temps
- for name = (binding-name binding)
- collect `(setf (fdefinition ',name) ,temp))))))
-(defmacro call-mocked-function (&rest args)
- (declare (ignore args))
- (error "~A used outside of ~A definition"
- 'call-mocked-function 'mock-labels))
-(defun mocked-function-calls (name)
- (loop for s in *mock-state-chain*
- thereis (gethash name (mock-state-calls s))))
-(defun mocked-function-called-p (name)
- (not (null (mocked-function-calls name))))
-;; (defun foobar (x y)
-;; (+ x y))
-;; (defun mock-test-1 ()
-;; (mock-labels ((foobar (x y) (call-mocked-function x (1+ y))))
-;; (values (foobar 2 3)
-;; (foobar 1 1)
-;; (mocked-function-calls 'foobar))))
-;; (defun mock-test-2 ()
-;; (mock-labels (foobar)
-;; (values (foobar 2 3)
-;; (foobar 1 1)
-;; (mocked-function-calls 'foobar))))
+++ /dev/null
-(in-package #:cl-user)
-;;; dynamic rebinding of functions
-(defun maybe-fdefinition (name)
- "If NAME is FBOUNDP, return its FDEFINITION, else NIL."
- (and (fboundp name) (fdefinition name)))
-(defun set-fdefinition (name value)
- (setf (fdefinition name) value))
-(defun set-or-unbind-fdefinition (name value)
- "If VALUE is true, set the FDEFINITION of NAME to it, else FMAKUNBOUND
-it completely."
- (if value (set-fdefinition name value) (fmakunbound name)))
-(defun call-with-function-bindings (functions values function
- &optional (previous (mapcar #'maybe-fdefinition functions)))
- "Calls FUNCTION while temporarily binding all FUNCTIONS to VALUES.
-See PROGF and PROGV."
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (mapc #'set-fdefinition functions values)
- (funcall function))
- (mapc #'set-or-unbind-fdefinition functions previous)))
-(defmacro progf (functions values &body body)
- "Like PROGV, but for FUNCTIONS."
- `(call-with-function-bindings ,functions ,values (lambda () ,@body)))
-(defmacro dflet ((&rest definitions) &body body)
- "Like FLET, but dynamically sets the FDEFINITIONS during the duration of
-the BODY."
- `(progf
- ',(mapcar #'car definitions)
- (list
- ,.(mapcar (lambda (definition)
- `(lambda ,(cadr definition)
- ,@(cddr definition)))
- definitions))
- ,@body))
-(def-test dflet.calls-binding ()
- (dflet ((foo () 23))
- (is (eql 23 (foo)))))
-(def-test dflet.notinline.works ()
- (declare (notinline foo bar))
- (defun foo () 23)
- (dflet ((foo () 42))
- (is (eql 42 (foo)))))
-(def-test dflet.simple-mock ()
- (defun foo (&optional (string "Hello, World!"))
- (1+ (bar string)))
- (defun bar (string)
- (length string))
- (dflet ((bar (string)
- (cond
- ((equalp string "Hello, World!")
- 42))))
- (is (eql 43 (foo)))
- (is (eql 43 (foo "HELLO, WORLD!")))))
-(def-test dflet.package-locks ()
- "Either we can rebind LIST, or an error occurs and the binding is not
- (let ((list #'list))
- (handler-case (dflet ((list ()))
- (is (eql 42 (list))))
- (error ()
- (is (eq #'list list))))))
-(def-test dflet.package-locks.order.1 ()
- (defun foo ()
- 23)
- (let ((list #'list)
- (foo #'foo))
- (handler-case (dflet
- ((foo () 13)
- (list () 42))
- (is (eql 42 (list)))
- (is (eql 13 (foo))))
- (error ()
- (is (eq #'list list))
- (is (eq #'foo foo))))))
-(def-test dflet.package-locks.order.2 ()
- (defun foo ()
- 23)
- (let ((list #'list)
- (foo #'foo))
- (handler-case (dflet
- ((list () 42)
- (foo () 13))
- (is (eql 42 (list)))
- (is (eql 13 (foo))))
- (error ()
- (is (eq #'list list))
- (is (eq #'foo foo))))))
-;;; mocking of regular functions
-(defstruct mock-bindings
- mocks)
-(defvar *previous*)
-(defvar *arguments*)
-(defun call-previous (&rest args)
- (apply *previous* (or args *arguments*)))
-(defun find-and-invoke-mock (*previous* cases *arguments*)
- (dolist (case cases (values))
- (when (ignore-errors (apply (car case) *arguments*))
- (return (apply (cdr case) *arguments*)))))
-(defun call-with-mocks (mock-bindings function &key (recordp T))
- "Calls FUNCTION with the given MOCK-BINDINGS established and returns
-its first return value, if any. If RECORDP is set, all invocations will
-be recorded and returned as the second return value, else NIL."
- (let* ((mocks (mock-bindings-mocks mock-bindings))
- (functions (mapcar #'car mocks))
- (previous (mapcar #'maybe-fdefinition functions))
- invocations)
- (call-with-function-bindings
- functions
- (mapcar (lambda (binding previous &aux (name (car binding)) (cases (cdr binding)))
- (lambda (&rest args)
- (when recordp
- (push (cons name args) invocations))
- (find-and-invoke-mock previous cases args)))
- mocks previous)
- (lambda ()
- (values
- (funcall function)
- (nreverse invocations)))
- previous)))
-(defun register-mock (mock-bindings name)
- (let ((found (member name (mock-bindings-mocks mock-bindings) :key #'car :test #'eq)))
- (or (car found)
- (let ((binding (list name)))
- (push binding (mock-bindings-mocks mock-bindings))
- binding))))
-(defun if-called (mock-bindings name test function &key at-start)
- (let ((binding (register-mock mock-bindings name))
- (case (cons test function)))
- (if at-start
- (push case (cdr binding))
- (setf (cdr binding) (append (cdr binding) (list case))))))
-;;; syntactic sugar for defining the mock interactions
-(defun make-lambda-pattern (literal-pattern)
- (let (lambda-pattern values)
- (loop
- for (car . cdr) = literal-pattern
- while car
- do (let ((sym (gensym)))
- (setf lambda-pattern (append lambda-pattern (list sym)))
- (push `(,sym . ,(if (or (symbolp car) (listp car)) `(quote ,car) car)) values)
- (pop literal-pattern)))
- (values lambda-pattern values)))
-(defun make-test-pattern (values)
- `(and ,.(mapcar (lambda (value)
- `(equal ,(car value) ,(cdr value)))
- values)))
-(defmacro when-called (mock-bindings call &body forms)
- (let ((name (if (listp call) (car call) call))
- (sym (gensym)))
- `(if-called
- ,mock-bindings
- ',name
- ,(if (listp call)
- (multiple-value-bind (lambda-pattern values)
- (make-lambda-pattern (cdr call))
- `(lambda (&rest args)
- (destructuring-bind ,lambda-pattern args
- ,(make-test-pattern values))))
- '(constantly T))
- (let ((,sym (fdefinition ',name)))
- (declare (ignorable ,sym))
- ,(if (cdr forms)
- `(let ((times 0))
- (lambda (&rest args)
- (declare (ignorable args))
- (case (prog1 times (incf times))
- ,.(loop
- for i from 0
- for (form . rest) on forms
- collect `(,(if rest i T) ,form)))))
- `(lambda (&rest args)
- (declare (ignorable args))
- ,@forms))))))
-(defun invocation-count (name invocations)
- (count name invocations :key #'car :test #'eq))
-(defun was-called-p (name invocations)
- (member name invocations :key #'car :test #'eq))
-(def-test call-with-mocks.empty ()
- (is (eq T (call-with-mocks
- (make-mock-bindings)
- (constantly T)))))
-(def-test call-with-mocks.discards-values ()
- (is (equal
- '(1 NIL)
- (multiple-value-list
- (call-with-mocks
- (make-mock-bindings)
- (lambda ()
- (values 1 2 3)))))))
-(def-test call-with-mocks.simple ()
- (declare (notinline foo))
- (defun foo ()
- (fail "original function binding ~A was called" 'foo))
- (let ((mock-bindings (make-mock-bindings)))
- (register-mock mock-bindings 'foo)
- (call-with-mocks
- mock-bindings
- (lambda ()
- (foo)
- (pass)))))
-(def-test call-with-mocks.default-values ()
- (declare (notinline foo))
- (defun foo () 'foo)
- (let ((mock-bindings (make-mock-bindings)))
- (register-mock mock-bindings 'foo)
- (call-with-mocks
- mock-bindings
- (lambda ()
- (is (null (multiple-value-list (foo))))))))
-(def-test if-called.simple ()
- (declare (notinline foo))
- (defun foo () 'foo)
- (let ((mock-bindings (make-mock-bindings)))
- (if-called mock-bindings 'foo (constantly T) (constantly 42))
- (call-with-mocks
- mock-bindings
- (lambda ()
- (is (eql 42 (foo)))))))
-(def-test call-with-mocks.invocations ()
- (declare (notinline foo))
- (defun foo () 'foo)
- (let ((mock-bindings (make-mock-bindings)))
- (register-mock mock-bindings 'foo)
- (is (equal
- '(NIL ((foo 1) (foo 2) (foo 3)))
- (multiple-value-list
- (call-with-mocks
- mock-bindings
- (lambda ()
- (foo 1)
- (foo 2)
- (foo 3))))))))
-(def-test when-called.simple ()
- (declare (notinline foo))
- (defun foo () 'foo)
- (let ((mock-bindings (make-mock-bindings)))
- (when-called mock-bindings foo 42)
- (when-called mock-bindings foo 23)
- (call-with-mocks
- mock-bindings
- (lambda ()
- (is (eql 42 (foo)))))))
-(def-test when-called.literal ()
- (declare (notinline foo))
- (defun foo () 'foo)
- (let ((mock-bindings (make-mock-bindings)))
- (when-called mock-bindings (foo 1) 2)
- (when-called mock-bindings (foo 2) 3)
- (when-called mock-bindings foo 42)
- (call-with-mocks
- mock-bindings
- (lambda ()
- (is (eql 2 (foo 1)))
- (is (eql 2 (foo 1)))
- (is (eql 3 (foo 2)))
- (is (eql 3 (foo 2)))
- (is (eql 42 (foo)))
- (is (eql 42 (foo 'foo)))))))
-(def-test when-called.times ()
- (declare (notinline foo))
- (defun foo () 'foo)
- (let ((mock-bindings (make-mock-bindings)))
- (when-called mock-bindings foo 1 2 3)
- (call-with-mocks
- mock-bindings
- (lambda ()
- (is (eql 1 (foo)))
- (is (eql 2 (foo)))
- (is (eql 3 (foo)))
- (is (eql 3 (foo)))))))
-(def-test when-called.call-previous ()
- (declare (notinline foo))
- (defun foo () 'foo)
- (let ((mock-bindings (make-mock-bindings)))
- (when-called mock-bindings foo 3 (call-previous))
- (call-with-mocks
- mock-bindings
- (lambda ()
- (is (eql 3 (foo)))
- (is (eq 'foo (foo)))))))
-;;; mocking of generic methods and objects
-(defun find-methods (methods)
- (mapcar (lambda (method)
- (destructuring-bind (generic-function qualifiers specializers) method
- (cons
- generic-function
- (find-method generic-function qualifiers specializers NIL))))
- methods))
-;; TODO: because we use ENSURE-METHOD, each value is a FORM rather than a
-;; FUNCTION, so not quite the same as PROGF; judging by the implementation-
-;; specific code in CLOSER-MOP, we also can just create method objects
-;; ourselves reliably, so either we duplicate the cases or just use SBCL
-(defun call-with-method-bindings* (methods values function
- &optional (previous (find-methods methods)))
- (mapc (lambda (previous)
- (destructuring-bind (generic-function . method) previous
- (when method
- (remove-method generic-function method))))
- previous)
- (let ((new-methods
- (mapcar (lambda (method previous value)
- (destructuring-bind (generic-function qualifiers specializers) method
- (destructuring-bind (generic-function . method) previous
- (cons
- generic-function
- (if method
- (ensure-method generic-function value
- :method-class (class-of method)
- :qualifiers (method-qualifiers method)
- :lambda-list (method-lambda-list method)
- :specializers (method-specializers method))
- (ensure-method generic-function value
- :qualifiers qualifiers
- :specializers specializers))))))
- methods previous values)))
- (unwind-protect (funcall function)
- (mapc (lambda (new-method)
- (destructuring-bind (generic-function . method) new-method
- (remove-method generic-function method)))
- new-methods)
- (mapc (lambda (previous)
- (destructuring-bind (generic-function . method) previous
- (when method
- (add-method generic-function method))))
- previous))))
-(defmacro progm* (methods values &body body)
- `(call-with-method-bindings* ,methods ,values (lambda () ,@body)))
-(defun call-with-method-bindings (methods values function
- &optional previous)
- (let ((methods
- (mapcar (lambda (method)
- (destructuring-bind (generic-function qualifiers specializers) method
- (list
- (if (functionp generic-function)
- generic-function
- (fdefinition generic-function))
- qualifiers
- (mapcar (lambda (specializer)
- (if (classp specializer)
- specializer
- (find-class specializer)))
- specializers))))
- methods)))
- (call-with-method-bindings* methods values function (or previous (find-methods methods)))))
-(defmacro progm (methods values &body body)
- `(call-with-method-bindings ,methods ,values (lambda () ,@body)))
-(defclass foo ()
- ())
-(defgeneric bar (foo)
- (:method ((foo foo))
- 42))
-(def-test gf.simple ()
- (progm
- '((bar NIL (list)))
- '((lambda (list) list))
- (is (equal '(1 2 3) (bar '(1 2 3))))
- (signals error (equal T (bar T)))
- (is (equal 42 (bar (make-instance 'foo))))))