;; is allocated at load time, so the same piece of memory is used each time
;; this form executes.
(/show "entering WITH-ALIEN" bindings)
- (let (bind-alien-stack)
- (with-auxiliary-alien-types env
- (dolist (binding (reverse bindings))
- (/show binding)
- (destructuring-bind
- (symbol type &optional (opt1 nil opt1p) (opt2 nil opt2p))
- binding
- (/show symbol type opt1 opt2)
- (let* ((alien-type (parse-alien-type type env))
- (datap (not (alien-fun-type-p alien-type))))
- (/show alien-type)
- (multiple-value-bind (allocation initial-value)
- (if opt2p
- (values opt1 opt2)
- (case opt1
- (:extern
- (values opt1 (guess-alien-name-from-lisp-name symbol)))
- (:static
- (values opt1 nil))
- (t
- (values :local opt1))))
- (/show allocation initial-value)
- (setf body
- (ecase allocation
- #+nil
- (:static
- (let ((sap
- (make-symbol (concatenate 'string "SAP-FOR-"
- (symbol-name symbol)))))
- `((let ((,sap (load-time-value (%make-alien ...))))
- (declare (type system-area-pointer ,sap))
- (symbol-macrolet
- ((,symbol (sap-alien ,sap ,type)))
- ,@(when initial-value
- `((setq ,symbol ,initial-value)))
- ,@body)))))
- (:extern
- (/show0 ":EXTERN case")
- (let ((info (make-heap-alien-info
- :type alien-type
- :sap-form `(foreign-symbol-sap ',initial-value
- ,datap))))
- `((symbol-macrolet
- ((,symbol (%heap-alien ',info)))
- ,@body))))
- (:local
- (/show0 ":LOCAL case")
- (let* ((var (gensym))
- (initval (if initial-value (gensym)))
- (info (make-local-alien-info :type alien-type))
- (inner-body
- `((note-local-alien-type ',info ,var)
- (symbol-macrolet ((,symbol (local-alien ',info ,var)))
- ,@(when initial-value
- `((setq ,symbol ,initval)))
- ,@body)))
- (body-forms
- (if initial-value
- `((let ((,initval ,initial-value))
- ,@inner-body))
- inner-body)))
- (/show var initval info)
- #!+(or x86 x86-64)
- (progn
- (setf bind-alien-stack t)
- `((let ((,var (make-local-alien ',info)))
- ,@body-forms)))
- ;; FIXME: This version is less efficient then it needs to be, since
- ;; it could just save and restore the number-stack pointer once,
- ;; instead of doing multiple decrements if there are multiple bindings.
- #!-(or x86 x86-64)
- `((let (,var)
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (setf ,var (make-local-alien ',info))
- (let ((,var ,var))
- ,body-form))
- (dispose-local-alien ',info ,var))))))))))))
- (/show "revised" body)
- (verify-local-auxiliaries-okay)
- (/show0 "back from VERIFY-LOCAL-AUXILIARIES-OK, returning")
- `(symbol-macrolet ((&auxiliary-type-definitions&
- ,(append *new-auxiliary-types*
- (auxiliary-type-definitions env))))
- ,@(if bind-alien-stack
- `((let ((sb!vm::*alien-stack* sb!vm::*alien-stack*))
- ,@body))
- body)))))
+ (with-auxiliary-alien-types env
+ (dolist (binding (reverse bindings))
+ (/show binding)
+ (destructuring-bind
+ (symbol type &optional (opt1 nil opt1p) (opt2 nil opt2p))
+ binding
+ (/show symbol type opt1 opt2)
+ (let* ((alien-type (parse-alien-type type env))
+ (datap (not (alien-fun-type-p alien-type))))
+ (/show alien-type)
+ (multiple-value-bind (allocation initial-value)
+ (if opt2p
+ (values opt1 opt2)
+ (case opt1
+ (:extern
+ (values opt1 (guess-alien-name-from-lisp-name symbol)))
+ (:static
+ (values opt1 nil))
+ (t
+ (values :local opt1))))
+ (/show allocation initial-value)
+ (setf body
+ (ecase allocation
+ #+nil
+ (:static
+ (let ((sap
+ (make-symbol (concatenate 'string "SAP-FOR-"
+ (symbol-name symbol)))))
+ `((let ((,sap (load-time-value (%make-alien ...))))
+ (declare (type system-area-pointer ,sap))
+ (symbol-macrolet
+ ((,symbol (sap-alien ,sap ,type)))
+ ,@(when initial-value
+ `((setq ,symbol ,initial-value)))
+ ,@body)))))
+ (:extern
+ (/show0 ":EXTERN case")
+ (let ((info (make-heap-alien-info
+ :type alien-type
+ :sap-form `(foreign-symbol-sap ',initial-value
+ ,datap))))
+ `((symbol-macrolet
+ ((,symbol (%heap-alien ',info)))
+ ,@body))))
+ (:local
+ (/show0 ":LOCAL case")
+ (let* ((var (gensym))
+ (initval (if initial-value (gensym)))
+ (info (make-local-alien-info :type alien-type))
+ (inner-body
+ `((note-local-alien-type ',info ,var)
+ (symbol-macrolet ((,symbol (local-alien ',info ,var)))
+ ,@(when initial-value
+ `((setq ,symbol ,initval)))
+ ,@body)))
+ (body-forms
+ (if initial-value
+ `((let ((,initval ,initial-value))
+ ,@inner-body))
+ inner-body)))
+ (/show var initval info)
+ #!+(or x86 x86-64)
+ `((let ((,var (make-local-alien ',info)))
+ ,@body-forms))
+ ;; FIXME: This version is less efficient then it needs to be, since
+ ;; it could just save and restore the number-stack pointer once,
+ ;; instead of doing multiple decrements if there are multiple bindings.
+ #!-(or x86 x86-64)
+ `((let (,var)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (setf ,var (make-local-alien ',info))
+ (let ((,var ,var))
+ ,@body-forms))
+ (dispose-local-alien ',info ,var))))))))))))
+ (/show "revised" body)
+ (verify-local-auxiliaries-okay)
+ (/show0 "back from VERIFY-LOCAL-AUXILIARIES-OK, returning")
+ `(symbol-macrolet ((&auxiliary-type-definitions&
+ ,(append *new-auxiliary-types*
+ (auxiliary-type-definitions env))))
+ #+(or x86 x86-64)
+ (let ((sb!vm::*alien-stack* sb!vm::*alien-stack*))
+ ,@body)
+ #-(or x86 x86-64)
+ ,@body)))
;;;; runtime C values that don't correspond directly to Lisp types