type required for an array reference of this type is (INTEGER 0 (0))
which is canonicalized to NIL.
+ (let* ((s (gensym))
+ (t1 (specifier-type s)))
+ (eval `(defstruct ,s))
+ (type= t1 (specifier-type s)))
+ => NIL, NIL
+ It causes WARNING when defining a structure, a slot of which
+ contains an instance of the same structure.
+ * (let () (list (the (values &optional fixnum) (eval '(values)))))
+ debugger invoked on condition of type TYPE-ERROR:
+ The value NIL is not of type FIXNUM.
+262: "yet another bug in inline expansion of local functions"
+ Compiler fails on
+ (defun foo (x y)
+ (declare (integer x y))
+ (+ (block nil
+ (flet ((xyz (u)
+ (declare (integer u))
+ (if (> (1+ (the unsigned-byte u)) 0)
+ (+ 1 u)
+ (return (+ 38 (cos (/ u 78)))))))
+ (declare (inline xyz))
+ (return-from foo
+ (* (funcall (eval #'xyz) x)
+ (if (> x 30)
+ (funcall (if (> x 5) #'xyz #'identity)
+ (+ x 13))
+ 38)))))
+ (sin (* x y))))
+ Urgh... It's time to write IR1-copier.
These labels were used for bugs related to the old IR1 interpreter.
against a constant character. (reported by Gilbert Baumann)
* bug fix: (SETF AREF) on byte-sized-element arrays with constant index
argument now works properly on the MIPS platform.
+ * fixed compiler failure on (TYPEP x '(NOT (MEMBER 0d0))).
* fixed some bugs revealed by Paul Dietz' test suite:
** LAST and [N]BUTLAST should accept a bignum.
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)