(when errorp
(error "No DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION for ~S." name)))))
-(defun structure-slot-index (type slot-name &optional (errorp t))
- (let ((slotd (find slot-name
- (dd-slots (find-defstruct-description type))
- :key #'dsd-name)))
- (if slotd
- (dsd-index slotd)
- (when errorp
- (error "No slot named ~S in ~S." slot-name type)))))
-;;; Used internally, but it would be nice to provide something
-;;; like this for users as well.
-(defmacro define-structure-slot-compare-and-exchange
- (name &key structure slot)
- (let* ((dd (find-defstruct-description structure t))
- (slotd (when dd (find slot (dd-slots dd) :key #'dsd-name)))
- (type (when slotd (dsd-type slotd)))
- (index (when slotd (dsd-index slotd))))
- (unless index
- (error "Slot ~S not found in ~S." slot structure))
- `(progn
- (declaim (inline ,name))
- (defun ,name (instance old new)
- (declare (type ,structure instance)
- (type ,type new))
- (sb!vm::%instance-set-conditional instance ,index old new)))))
-;;; Ditto
-(defmacro define-structure-slot-addressor (name &key structure slot)
- (let* ((dd (find-defstruct-description structure t))
- (slotd (when dd (find slot (dd-slots dd) :key #'dsd-name)))
- (index (when slotd (dsd-index slotd))))
- (unless index
- (error "Slot ~S not found in ~S." slot structure))
- `(progn
- (declaim (inline ,name))
- (defun ,name (instance)
- (declare (type ,structure instance) (optimize speed))
- (sb!ext:truly-the
- sb!vm:word
- (+ (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address instance)
- (- (* ,(+ sb!vm:instance-slots-offset index) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)
- sb!vm:instance-pointer-lowtag)))))))
(/show0 "code/defstruct.lisp end of file")
(write-string (unprintable-object-string x) s))))
(:copier nil))
+;;; Used internally, but it would be nice to provide something
+;;; like this for users as well.
+(defmacro define-structure-slot-compare-and-exchange
+ (name &key structure slot)
+ (let* ((dd (find-defstruct-description structure t))
+ (slotd (when dd (find slot (dd-slots dd) :key #'dsd-name)))
+ (type (when slotd (dsd-type slotd)))
+ (index (when slotd (dsd-index slotd))))
+ (unless index
+ (error "Slot ~S not found in ~S." slot structure))
+ `(progn
+ (declaim (inline ,name))
+ (defun ,name (instance old new)
+ (declare (type ,structure instance)
+ (type ,type new))
+ (sb!vm::%instance-set-conditional instance ,index old new)))))
+;;; Ditto
+(defmacro define-structure-slot-addressor (name &key structure slot)
+ (let* ((dd (find-defstruct-description structure t))
+ (slotd (when dd (find slot (dd-slots dd) :key #'dsd-name)))
+ (index (when slotd (dsd-index slotd))))
+ (unless index
+ (error "Slot ~S not found in ~S." slot structure))
+ `(progn
+ (declaim (inline ,name))
+ (defun ,name (instance)
+ (declare (type ,structure instance) (optimize speed))
+ (sb!ext:truly-the
+ sb!vm:word
+ (+ (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address instance)
+ (- (* ,(+ sb!vm:instance-slots-offset index) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)
+ sb!vm:instance-pointer-lowtag)))))))