--- /dev/null
+;;; compiler.lisp ---
+;; copyright (C) 2013 David Vazquez
+;; JSCL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; JSCL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with JSCL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(defpackage :jscl
+ (:use :cl))
+(in-package :jscl)
+;;;; Utils
+(defun singlep (x)
+ (and (consp x) (null (cdr x))))
+(defun unlist (x)
+ (assert (singlep x))
+ (first x))
+;;;; Intermediate representation
+;;;; This intermediate representation (IR) is a simplified version of
+;;;; first intermediate representation what you will find if you have
+;;;; a you have the source code of SBCL. Some terminology is also
+;;;; used, but other is changed, so be careful if you assume you know
+;;;; what it is because you know the name.
+;;; A leaf stands for leaf in the tree of computations. Lexical
+;;; variables, constants and literal functions are leafs. Leafs are
+;;; not nodes itself, a `ref' node will stands for putting a leaf into
+;;; a lvar, which can be used in computations.
+(defstruct leaf)
+;;; Reference a lexical variable. Special variables have not a
+;;; representation in IR. They are handled via the primitive functions
+;;; `%symbol-function' and `%symbol-value'.
+(defstruct (var (:include leaf))
+ ;; Name is the symbol used to identify this variable in the lexical
+ ;; environment.
+ name)
+;;; A constant value, mostly from a quoted form, but maybe introduced
+;;; in some pass of the compiler.
+(defstruct (constant (:include leaf))
+ value)
+;;; A literal function. Why do we use `functional' as name? Well,
+;;; function is taken, isn't it?
+(defstruct (functional (:include leaf))
+ ;; The symbol which names this function in the source code.
+ name
+ ;; A list of lvars which are bound to the argument values in a call
+ ;; to this function.
+ arguments
+ ;; LVAR which contains the return values of the function.
+ return-lvar
+ ;; The basic block which contain the code which be executed firstly
+ ;; when you call this function.
+ entry-point)
+;;; Used to transfer data between the computations in the intermediate
+;;; representation. Each node is valued into a LVar. And nodes which
+;;; use resulting values from other nodes use such LVar.
+(defstruct lvar
+ (id (gensym "$")))
+;;; A computation node. It represents a simple computation in the
+;;; intermediate representation. Nodes are grouped in basic blocks,
+;;; which are delimited by the special nodes `block-entry' and
+;;; `block-exit'. Resulting value of the node is stored in LVAR, which it
+;;; could be null if the value is discarded.
+(defstruct node
+ next
+ prev
+ lvar)
+;;; Sentinel nodes. No computation really, but they make easier to
+;;; manipulate the doubly linked-list.
+(defstruct (block-entry (:include node)))
+(defstruct (block-exit (:include node)))
+;;; A reference to a leaf.
+(defstruct (ref (:include node))
+ leaf)
+;;; An assignation of the LVAR VALUE into the var VARIABLE.
+(defstruct (assignment (:include node))
+ variable
+ value)
+;;; Call the lvar FUNCTION with a list of lvars as ARGUMENTS.
+(defstruct (call (:include node))
+ function
+ arguments)
+;;; A conditional branch. If the LVAR is not NIL, then we will jump to
+;;; the basic block CONSEQUENT, jumping to ALTERNATIVE otherwise. By
+;;; definition, a conditional must appear at the end of a basic block.
+(defstruct (conditional (:include node))
+ test
+ consequent
+ alternative)
+;;; BBlock stands for `basic block', which is a maximal sequence of
+;;; nodes with an entry point and an exit. Basic blocks are organized
+;;; as a control flow graph with some more information in omponents.
+(defstruct bblock
+ (id (gensym "L"))
+ succ
+ pred
+ entry
+ exit)
+(defstruct (component-entry (:include bblock)))
+(defstruct (component-exit (:include bblock)))
+(defun make-empty-bblock ()
+ (let ((entry (make-block-entry))
+ (exit (make-block-exit)))
+ (setf (node-next entry) exit
+ (node-prev exit) entry)
+ (make-bblock :entry entry :exit exit)))
+(defun empty-block-p (b)
+ (block-exit-p (node-next (bblock-entry b))))
+(defmacro do-nodes ((node block &optional result) &body body)
+ (check-type node symbol)
+ `(do ((,node (node-next (bblock-entry ,block)) (node-next ,node)))
+ ((block-exit-p ,node) ,result)
+ ,@body))
+;;; Link FROM and TO nodes together. FROM and TO must belong to the
+;;; same basic block and appear in such order. The nodes between FROM
+;;; and TO are discarded.
+(defun link-nodes (from to)
+ (setf (node-next from) to
+ (node-prev to) from)
+ (values))
+;;; Insert NODE before NEXT.
+(defun insert-node-before (next node)
+ (link-nodes (node-prev next) node)
+ (link-nodes node next))
+;;; Components are connected pieces of the control flow graph with
+;;; some additional information. Components have well-defined entry
+;;; and exit nodes. They also track what basic blocks we have and
+;;; other useful information. It is the toplevel organizational entity
+;;; in the compiler. The IR translation result is accumulated into
+;;; components incrementally.
+(defstruct (component
+ #-jscl (:print-object print-component))
+ entry
+ exit
+ blocks)
+;;; Create a new component, compromised of the sentinel nodes and a
+;;; empty basic block, ready to start conversion to IR. It returnes
+;;; the component and the basic block as multiple values.
+(defun make-empty-component ()
+ (let ((entry (make-component-entry))
+ (bblock (make-empty-bblock))
+ (exit (make-component-exit)))
+ (setf (bblock-succ entry) (list bblock)
+ (bblock-pred exit) (list bblock)
+ (bblock-succ bblock) (list exit)
+ (bblock-pred bblock) (list entry))
+ (values (make-component :entry entry :exit exit) bblock)))
+;;; Delete an empty block. It is the same as a jump to an
+;;; uncondiditonal jump.
+(defun delete-empty-block (block)
+ (when (or (component-entry-p block) (component-exit-p block))
+ (error "Cannot delete entry or exit basic blocks."))
+ (unless (empty-block-p block)
+ (error "Block `~S' is not empty!" (bblock-id block)))
+ (assert (singlep (bblock-succ block)))
+ (let ((successor (first (bblock-succ block))))
+ (dolist (pred (bblock-pred block))
+ (setf (bblock-succ pred)
+ (substitute successor block (bblock-succ pred)))
+ (pushnew pred (bblock-pred successor)))))
+(defun finish-component (&optional (component *component*))
+ (dolist (blk (bblock-pred (component-exit component)))
+ (when (empty-block-p blk)
+ (delete-empty-block blk))))
+;;; IR Translation
+;;; The current component. We accumulate the results of the IR
+;;; conversion in this component.
+(defvar *component*)
+;;; The current block in the current component. IR conversion usually
+;;; append nodes to this block. Branching instructions will modify
+;;; this variable.
+(defvar *bblock*)
+;;; Prepare a new component with a current empty content block ready
+;;; to start IR conversion. Then BODY is evaluated and the value of
+;;; the last form is returned.
+(defmacro with-component-compilation (&body body)
+ `(multiple-value-bind (*component* *bblock*)
+ (make-empty-component)
+ ,@body))
+;;; The Lexical environment is compromised of a list of bindings,
+;;; which associates information to symbols. It tracks lexical
+;;; variables, tags, local declarations and many other information in
+;;; order to guide the compiler.
+(defstruct binding
+ name type value declarations)
+(defstruct lexenv
+ bindings)
+;;; A alist of IR translator functions.
+(defvar *ir-translator* nil)
+;;; Define a IR translator for NAME.
+(defmacro define-ir-translator (name (next result) lambda-list &body body)
+ (let ((fname (intern (format nil "IR-CONVERT-~a" (string name))))
+ (form (gensym)))
+ (check-type name symbol)
+ (check-type next symbol)
+ `(progn
+ (defun ,fname (,form ,next ,result)
+ (destructuring-bind ,lambda-list ,form
+ ,@body))
+ (push (cons ',name #',fname) *ir-translator*))))
+(defun ir-convert-constant (form next result)
+ (let* ((leaf (make-constant :value form))
+ (ref (make-ref :leaf leaf :lvar result)))
+ (insert-node-before next ref)))
+(define-ir-translator quote (next result) (form)
+ (ir-convert-constant form next result))
+(define-ir-translator setq (next result) (variable value)
+ (let ((var (make-var :name variable))
+ (value-lvar (make-lvar)))
+ (ir-convert value next value-lvar)
+ (let ((assign (make-assignment :variable var :value value-lvar :lvar result)))
+ (insert-node-before next assign))))
+;;; Split BLOCK in two basic blocks. BLOCK ends just before BLOCK. A
+;;; new block is created starting at NODE until the exit of the
+;;; original block. The successors of BLOCK become the successors of
+;;; the new block.
+(defun split-basic-block-before (node block)
+ (let ((exit (node-prev (bblock-exit block)))
+ (newexit (make-block-exit))
+ (newentry (make-block-entry))
+ newblock)
+ (insert-node-before node newentry)
+ (insert-node-before newentry newexit)
+ (setf (node-next newexit) nil)
+ (setf (node-prev newentry) nil)
+ (setf (bblock-exit block) newexit)
+ (setq newblock (make-bblock :entry newentry :exit exit))
+ (rotatef (bblock-succ block) (bblock-succ newblock))
+ newblock))
+(define-ir-translator if (next result) (test then &optional else)
+ (let ((test-lvar (make-lvar))
+ (then-block (make-empty-bblock))
+ (else-block (make-empty-bblock))
+ (join-block (make-empty-bblock)))
+ ;; Convert the test into the current basic block.
+ (ir-convert test next test-lvar)
+ (let ((cond (make-conditional :test test-lvar :consequent then-block :alternative else-block)))
+ (insert-node-before next cond))
+ ;; If we are not at the end of the content block, split it.
+ (unless (block-exit-p next)
+ (setq join-block (split-basic-block-before next *bblock*)))
+ (dolist (succ (bblock-succ *bblock*))
+ (setf (bblock-pred succ) (substitute join-block *bblock* (bblock-pred succ))))
+ (psetf (bblock-succ *bblock*) (list then-block else-block)
+ (bblock-pred else-block) (list *bblock*)
+ (bblock-pred then-block) (list *bblock*)
+ (bblock-succ then-block) (list join-block)
+ (bblock-succ else-block) (list join-block)
+ (bblock-pred join-block) (list then-block else-block)
+ (bblock-succ join-block) (bblock-succ *bblock*))
+ (let ((*bblock* then-block))
+ (ir-convert then (bblock-exit then-block) result))
+ (let ((*bblock* else-block))
+ (ir-convert else (bblock-exit else-block) result))
+ (setq *bblock* join-block)))
+(defun ir-convert-var (form next result)
+ (let* ((leaf (make-var :name form))
+ (ref (make-ref :leaf leaf :lvar result)))
+ (insert-node-before next ref)))
+(defun ir-convert-call (form next result)
+ (destructuring-bind (function &rest args) form
+ (let ((func-lvar (make-lvar))
+ (args-lvars nil))
+ (when (symbolp function)
+ (ir-convert `(%symbol-function ,function) next func-lvar))
+ (dolist (arg args)
+ (push (make-lvar) args-lvars)
+ (ir-convert arg next (first args-lvars)))
+ (setq args-lvars (reverse args-lvars))
+ (let ((call (make-call :function func-lvar :arguments args-lvars :lvar result)))
+ (insert-node-before next call)))))
+;;; Convert the Lisp expression FORM into IR before the NEXT node, it
+;;; may create new basic blocks into the current component. During the
+;;; initial IR conversion, The NEXT node is the EXIT node of the
+;;; current basic block, but optimizations could call it to insert IR
+;;; code somewhere.
+(defun ir-convert (form next result)
+ (when (block-entry-p next)
+ (error "Can't insert IR before the entry node."))
+ (cond
+ ((atom form)
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp form)
+ (ir-convert-var form next result))
+ (t
+ (ir-convert-constant form next result))))
+ (t
+ (destructuring-bind (op &rest args) form
+ (let ((translator (cdr (assoc op *ir-translator*))))
+ (if translator
+ (funcall translator args next result)
+ (ir-convert-call form next result))))))
+ (values))
+(defun compute-dfo (component)
+ (or (component-blocks component)
+ (let ((output nil))
+ (labels ((compute-dfo-from (block)
+ (unless (or (component-exit-p block) (find block output))
+ (dolist (successor (bblock-succ block))
+ (unless (component-exit-p block)
+ (compute-dfo-from successor)))
+ (push block output))))
+ (compute-dfo-from (unlist (bblock-succ (component-entry component))))
+ (setf (component-blocks component) output)))))
+(defmacro do-blocks ((bblock component &optional result) &body body)
+ `(dolist (,bblock (compute-dfo ,component) ,result)
+ ,@body))
+;;; IR Debugging
+(defun print-node (node)
+ (when (node-lvar node)
+ (format t "~a = " (lvar-id (node-lvar node))))
+ (cond
+ ((ref-p node)
+ (let ((leaf (ref-leaf node)))
+ (cond
+ ((var-p leaf)
+ (format t "~a" (var-name leaf)))
+ ((constant-p leaf)
+ (format t "'~a" (constant-value leaf)))
+ ((functional-p leaf)
+ (format t "#<function ~a at ~a>"
+ (functional-name leaf)
+ (functional-entry-point leaf))))))
+ ((assignment-p node)
+ (format t "set ~a ~a"
+ (var-name (assignment-variable node))
+ (lvar-id (assignment-value node))))
+ ((call-p node)
+ (format t "call ~a" (lvar-id (call-function node)))
+ (dolist (arg (call-arguments node))
+ (format t " ~a" (lvar-id arg))))
+ ((conditional-p node)
+ (format t "if ~a ~a ~a"
+ (lvar-id (conditional-test node))
+ (bblock-id (conditional-consequent node))
+ (bblock-id (conditional-alternative node))))
+ (t
+ (error "`print-node' does not support printing ~S as a node." node)))
+ (terpri))
+(defun print-bblock (block)
+ (flet ((bblock-name (block)
+ (cond
+ ((and (singlep (bblock-pred block))
+ (component-entry-p (bblock-pred block)))
+ "ENTRY")
+ ((component-exit-p block)
+ "EXIT")
+ (t (string (bblock-id block))))))
+ (format t "BLOCK ~a:~%" (bblock-name block))
+ (do-nodes (node block)
+ (print-node node))
+ (when (singlep (bblock-succ block))
+ (format t "GO ~a~%" (bblock-name (first (bblock-succ block)))))
+ (terpri)))
+(defun print-component (component &optional (stream *standard-output*))
+ (let ((*standard-output* stream))
+ (do-blocks (block component)
+ (print-bblock block))))
+(defun check-ir-consistency (&optional (component *component*))
+ (with-simple-restart (continue "Continue execution")
+ (do-blocks (block component)
+ (dolist (succ (bblock-succ block))
+ (unless (find block (bblock-pred succ))
+ (error "The block `~S' does not belong to the predecessors list of the its successor `~S'"
+ (bblock-id block)
+ (bblock-id succ))))
+ (dolist (pred (bblock-pred block))
+ (unless (find block (bblock-succ pred))
+ (error "The block `~S' does not belong to the successors' list of its predecessor `~S'"
+ (bblock-id block)
+ (bblock-id pred)))))))
+;;; Translate FORM into IR and print a textual repreresentation of the
+;;; component.
+(defun describe-ir (form)
+ (with-component-compilation
+ (ir-convert form (bblock-exit *bblock*) (make-lvar :id "$out"))
+ (finish-component)
+ (check-ir-consistency)
+ (print-component *component*)))
+;;; compiler.lisp ends here