3: (SB-C::BOUND-FUNC ...)
+408: SUBTYPEP confusion re. OR of SATISFIES of not-yet-defined predicate
+ As reported by Levente M\'{e}sz\'{a}ros sbcl-devel 2006-02-20,
+ (aver (equal (multiple-value-list
+ (subtypep '(or (satisfies x) string)
+ '(or (satisfies x) integer)))
+ '(nil nil)))
+ fails. Also, beneath that failure lurks another failure,
+ (aver (equal (multiple-value-list
+ (subtypep 'string
+ '(or (satisfies x) integer)))
+ '(nil nil)))
+ Having looked at this for an hour or so in sbcl-1.0.2, and
+ specifically having looked at the output from
+ laptop$ sbcl
+ * (let ((x 'string)
+ (y '(or (satisfies x) integer)))
+ (trace sb-kernel::union-complex-subtypep-arg2
+ sb-kernel::invoke-complex-subtypep-arg1-method
+ sb-kernel::type-union
+ sb-kernel::type-intersection
+ sb-kernel::type=)
+ (subtypep x y))
+ my (WHN) impression is that the problem is that the semantics of TYPE=
+ are wrong for what the UNION-COMPLEX-SUBTYPEP-ARG2 code is trying
+ to use it for. The comments on the definition of TYPE= probably
+ date back to CMU CL and seem to define it as a confusing thing:
+ its primary value is something like "certainly equal," and its
+ secondary value is something like "certain about that certainty."
+ I'm left uncertain how to fix UNION-COMPLEX-SUBTYPEP-ARG2 without
+ reducing its generality by removing the TYPE= cleverness. Possibly
+ the tempting TYPE/= relative defined next to it might be a
+ suitable replacement for the purpose. Probably, though, it would
+ be best to start by reverse engineering exactly what TYPE= and
+ TYPE/= do, and writing an explanation which is so clear that one
+ can see immediately what it's supposed to mean in odd cases like
+ (TYPE= '(SATISFIES X) 'INTEGER) when X isn't defined yet.