;;; These can be affected by type definitions, so they're not FOLDABLE.
(defknown (upgraded-complex-part-type upgraded-array-element-type)
(type-specifier) type-specifier
- (flushable))
+ (unsafely-flushable))
;;;; from the "Predicates" chapter:
;;; this property should be protected by #-SB-XC-HOST? Perhaps we need
;;; 3-stage bootstrapping after all? (Ugh! It's *so* slow already!)
(defknown typep (t type-specifier) t
- (flushable
;; Unlike SUBTYPEP or UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE and friends, this
;; seems to be FOLDABLE. Like SUBTYPEP, it's affected by type
;; definitions, but unlike SUBTYPEP, there should be no way to make
;; behavior like SUBTYPEP in this respect, not like TYPEP.)
- foldable))
-(defknown subtypep (type-specifier type-specifier) (values boolean boolean)
+ (foldable))
+(defknown subtypep (type-specifier type-specifier) (values boolean boolean)
;; This is not FOLDABLE because its value is affected by type
;; definitions.
;; FIXME: Is it OK to fold this when the types have already been
;; defined? Does the code inherited from CMU CL already do this?
- (flushable))
+ (unsafely-flushable))
(defknown (null symbolp atom consp listp numberp integerp rationalp floatp
complexp characterp stringp bit-vector-p vectorp
(defknown (symbol-value symbol-function) (symbol) t ())
(defknown boundp (symbol) boolean (flushable))
-(defknown fboundp ((or symbol cons)) boolean (flushable explicit-check))
+(defknown fboundp ((or symbol cons)) boolean (unsafely-flushable explicit-check))
(defknown special-operator-p (symbol) t
;; The set of special operators never changes.
- (movable foldable flushable))
+ (movable foldable flushable))
(defknown set (symbol t) t (unsafe)
:derive-type #'result-type-last-arg)
(defknown fdefinition ((or symbol cons)) function (unsafe explicit-check))
;;; it into VALUES. VALUES is not foldable, since MV constants are
;;; represented by a call to VALUES.
(defknown values (&rest t) * (movable flushable unsafe))
-(defknown values-list (list) * (movable foldable flushable))
+(defknown values-list (list) * (movable foldable unsafely-flushable))
;;;; from the "Macros" chapter:
(defknown find-package (package-designator) (or sb!xc:package null)
(defknown package-name (package-designator) (or simple-string null)
- (flushable))
-(defknown package-nicknames (package-designator) list (flushable))
+ (unsafely-flushable))
+(defknown package-nicknames (package-designator) list (unsafely-flushable))
(defknown rename-package (package-designator package-designator &optional list)
-(defknown package-use-list (package-designator) list (flushable))
-(defknown package-used-by-list (package-designator) list (flushable))
-(defknown package-shadowing-symbols (package-designator) list (flushable))
+(defknown package-use-list (package-designator) list (unsafely-flushable))
+(defknown package-used-by-list (package-designator) list (unsafely-flushable))
+(defknown package-shadowing-symbols (package-designator) list (unsafely-flushable))
(defknown list-all-packages () list (flushable))
(defknown intern (string &optional package-designator)
(values symbol (member :internal :external :inherited nil))
(defknown atan
(number &optional real) irrational
- (movable foldable flushable explicit-check recursive)
+ (movable foldable unsafely-flushable explicit-check recursive)
:derive-type #'result-type-float-contagion)
(defknown (tan sinh cosh tanh asinh)
(defknown atan
(number &optional real) irrational
- (movable foldable flushable explicit-check recursive))
+ (movable foldable unsafely-flushable explicit-check recursive))
(defknown (tan sinh cosh tanh asinh)
(number) irrational (movable foldable flushable explicit-check recursive))
char-lessp char-greaterp char-not-greaterp char-not-lessp)
(character &rest character) boolean (movable foldable flushable))
-(defknown character (t) character (movable foldable flushable))
+(defknown character (t) character (movable foldable unsafely-flushable))
(defknown char-code (character) char-code (movable foldable flushable))
(defknown (char-upcase char-downcase) (character) character
(movable foldable flushable))
;;;; from the "Sequences" chapter:
-(defknown elt (sequence index) t (foldable flushable))
+(defknown elt (sequence index) t (foldable unsafely-flushable))
(defknown subseq (sequence index &optional sequence-end) consed-sequence
(:initial-element t))
- (movable flushable unsafe)
+ (movable unsafe)
:derive-type (result-type-specifier-nth-arg 1))
(defknown concatenate (type-specifier &rest sequence) consed-sequence
- (flushable)
+ ()
:derive-type (result-type-specifier-nth-arg 1))
(defknown (map %map) (type-specifier callable sequence &rest sequence)
- (flushable call)
+ (call)
; :DERIVE-TYPE 'TYPE-SPEC-ARG1 ? Nope... (MAP NIL ...) returns NULL, not NIL.
(defknown %map-to-list-arity-1 (callable sequence) list (flushable call))
;;; returns the result from the predicate...
(defknown some (callable sequence &rest sequence) t
- (foldable flushable call))
+ (foldable unsafely-flushable call))
(defknown (every notany notevery) (callable sequence &rest sequence) boolean
- (foldable flushable call))
+ (foldable unsafely-flushable call))
;;; unsafe for :INITIAL-VALUE...
(defknown reduce (callable
(sequence &key (:test callable) (:test-not callable) (:start index)
(:from-end t) (:end sequence-end) (:key callable))
- (flushable call)
+ (unsafely-flushable call)
:derive-type (sequence-result-nth-arg 1))
(defknown delete-duplicates
(sequence &key (:test callable) (:test-not callable) (:start index)
(:from-end t) (:end sequence-end) (:key callable))
- (flushable call)
+ (unsafely-flushable call)
:derive-type (sequence-result-nth-arg 1))
(defknown find (t sequence &key (:test callable) (:test-not callable)
(defknown merge (type-specifier sequence sequence callable
&key (:key callable))
- (flushable call)
+ (call)
:derive-type (result-type-specifier-nth-arg 1))
;;; not FLUSHABLE, despite what CMU CL's DEFKNOWN said..
:derive-type (sequence-result-nth-arg 1))
;;;; from the "Manipulating List Structure" chapter:
-(defknown (car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr
- caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
- caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
- cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr
- first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth
- rest)
+(defknown (car cdr first rest)
(foldable flushable))
+(defknown (caar cadr cdar cddr
+ caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
+ caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
+ cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr
+ second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth)
+ (list)
+ t
+ (foldable unsafely-flushable))
(defknown cons (t t) cons (movable flushable unsafe))
(defknown tree-equal (t t &key (:test callable) (:test-not callable)) boolean
(foldable flushable call))
-(defknown endp (t) boolean (foldable flushable movable))
-(defknown list-length (list) (or index null) (foldable flushable))
-(defknown (nth nthcdr) (index list) t (foldable flushable))
+(defknown endp (t) boolean (foldable unsafely-flushable movable))
+(defknown list-length (list) (or index null) (foldable unsafely-flushable))
+(defknown nth (index list) t (foldable flushable))
+(defknown nthcdr (index list) t (foldable unsafely-flushable))
(defknown last (list &optional index) list (foldable flushable))
(defknown list (&rest t) list (movable flushable unsafe))
(defknown list* (t &rest t) t (movable flushable unsafe))
(defknown array-has-fill-pointer-p (array) boolean
(movable foldable flushable))
-(defknown fill-pointer (vector) index (foldable flushable))
+(defknown fill-pointer (vector) index (foldable unsafely-flushable))
(defknown vector-push (t vector) (or index null) ())
(defknown vector-push-extend (t vector &optional index) index ())
(defknown vector-pop (vector) t ())
;;;; from the "Streams" chapter:
(defknown make-synonym-stream (symbol) stream (flushable))
-(defknown make-broadcast-stream (&rest stream) stream (flushable))
-(defknown make-concatenated-stream (&rest stream) stream (flushable))
-(defknown make-two-way-stream (stream stream) stream (flushable))
+(defknown make-broadcast-stream (&rest stream) stream (unsafely-flushable))
+(defknown make-concatenated-stream (&rest stream) stream (unsafely-flushable))
+(defknown make-two-way-stream (stream stream) stream (unsafely-flushable))
(defknown make-echo-stream (stream stream) stream (flushable))
(defknown make-string-input-stream (string &optional index index) stream
(flushable unsafe))
(defknown load-logical-pathname-translations (string) t ())
(defknown logical-pathname-translations (logical-host-designator) list ())
-(defknown pathname (pathname-designator) pathname ())
+(defknown pathname (pathname-designator) pathname (unsafely-flushable))
(defknown truename (pathname-designator) pathname ())
(defknown parse-namestring
(defknown merge-pathnames
(pathname-designator &optional pathname-designator pathname-version)
- ())
+ (unsafely-flushable))
(defknown make-pathname
(&key (:defaults pathname-designator)
(:name (or pathname-name string (member :wild)))
(:type (or pathname-type string (member :wild)))
(:version pathname-version) (:case (member :local :common)))
- pathname ())
+ pathname (unsafely-flushable))
(defknown pathnamep (t) boolean (movable flushable))
(defknown pathname-host (pathname-designator
&key (:case (member :local :common)))
- pathname-host ())
+ pathname-host (flushable))
(defknown pathname-device (pathname-designator
&key (:case (member :local :common)))
- pathname-device ())
+ pathname-device (flushable))
(defknown pathname-directory (pathname-designator
&key (:case (member :local :common)))
- pathname-directory ())
+ pathname-directory (flushable))
(defknown pathname-name (pathname-designator
&key (:case (member :local :common)))
- pathname-name ())
+ pathname-name (flushable))
(defknown pathname-type (pathname-designator
&key (:case (member :local :common)))
- pathname-type ())
+ pathname-type (flushable))
(defknown pathname-version (pathname-designator)
- pathname-version ())
+ pathname-version (flushable))
(defknown (namestring file-namestring directory-namestring host-namestring)
(pathname-designator) simple-string
- ())
+ (unsafely-flushable))
(defknown enough-namestring (pathname-designator &optional pathname-designator)
- ())
+ (unsafely-flushable))
(defknown user-homedir-pathname (&optional t) pathname (flushable))
(defknown file-position (stream &optional
(or unsigned-byte (member :start :end)))
(or unsigned-byte (member t nil)))
-(defknown file-length (stream) (or unsigned-byte null) (flushable))
+(defknown file-length (stream) (or unsigned-byte null) (unsafely-flushable))
(defknown load
((or filename stream)
;;; Declare the function NAME to be a known function. We construct a
;;; type specifier for the function by wrapping (FUNCTION ...) around
;;; the ARG-TYPES and RESULT-TYPE. ATTRIBUTES is an unevaluated list
-;;; of boolean attributes of the function. These attributes are
-;;; meaningful here:
-;;; CALL
-;;; May call functions that are passed as arguments. In order
-;;; to determine what other effects are present, we must find
-;;; the effects of all arguments that may be functions.
-;;; May incorporate arguments in the result or somehow pass
-;;; them upward.
-;;; May fail to return during correct execution. Errors
-;;; are O.K.
-;;; ANY
-;;; The (default) worst case. Includes all the other bad
-;;; things, plus any other possible bad thing.
-;;; May be constant-folded. The function has no side effects,
-;;; but may be affected by side effects on the arguments. E.g.
-;;; May be eliminated if value is unused. The function has
-;;; no side effects except possibly CONS. If a function is
-;;; defined to signal errors, then it is not flushable even
-;;; if it is movable or foldable.
-;;; May be moved with impunity. Has no side effects except
-;;; possibly CONS, and is affected only by its arguments.
-;;; A true predicate likely to be open-coded. This is a
-;;; hint to IR1 conversion that it should ensure calls always
-;;; appear as an IF test. Not usually specified to DEFKNOWN,
-;;; since this is implementation dependent, and is usually
-;;; automatically set by the DEFINE-VOP :CONDITIONAL option.
-;;; NAME may also be a list of names, in which case the same
-;;; information is given to all the names. The keywords specify the
-;;; initial values for various optimizers that the function might
-;;; have.
+;;; of boolean attributes of the function. See their description in
+;;; (DEF-BOOLEAN-ATTRIBUTE IR1). NAME may also be a list of names, in
+;;; which case the same information is given to all the names. The
+;;; keywords specify the initial values for various optimizers that
+;;; the function might have.
(defmacro defknown (name arg-types result-type &optional (attributes '(any))
&rest keys)
(when (and (intersection attributes '(any call unwind))
(intersection attributes '(movable)))
(error "function cannot have both good and bad attributes: ~S" attributes))
+ (when (member 'any attributes)
+ (setf attributes (union '(call unsafe unwind) attributes)))
+ (when (member 'flushable attributes)
+ (pushnew 'unsafely-flushable attributes))
`(%defknown ',(if (and (consp name)
(not (eq (car name) 'setf)))
(list name))
'(function ,arg-types ,result-type)
- (ir1-attributes ,@(if (member 'any attributes)
- (union '(call unsafe unwind) attributes)
- attributes))
+ (ir1-attributes ,@attributes)
;;; Create a function which parses combination args according to WHAT