;;; Compilation of literals an object dumping
-(defun lisp-escape-string (string)
- (let ((output "")
- (index 0)
- (size (length string)))
- (while (< index size)
- (let ((ch (char string index)))
- (when (or (char= ch #\") (char= ch #\\))
- (setq output (concat output "\\")))
- (when (or (char= ch #\newline))
- (setq output (concat output "\\"))
- (setq ch #\n))
- (setq output (concat output (string ch))))
- (incf index))
- (concat "\"" output "\"")))
;;; BOOTSTRAP MAGIC: We record the macro definitions as lists during
;;; the bootstrap. Once everything is compiled, we want to dump the
;;; whole global environment to the output file to reproduce it in the
;;; Printer
+(defun lisp-escape-string (string)
+ (let ((output "")
+ (index 0)
+ (size (length string)))
+ (while (< index size)
+ (let ((ch (char string index)))
+ (when (or (char= ch #\") (char= ch #\\))
+ (setq output (concat output "\\")))
+ (when (or (char= ch #\newline))
+ (setq output (concat output "\\"))
+ (setq ch #\n))
+ (setq output (concat output (string ch))))
+ (incf index))
+ (concat "\"" output "\"")))
;;; Return T if the string S contains characters which need to be
;;; escaped to print the symbol name, NIL otherwise.
(defun escape-symbol-name-p (s)