(defstruct (bar (:include foo)))
(sb-mop:class-direct-subclasses (find-class 'foo))
returns NIL, rather than a singleton list containing the BAR class.
+332: "fasl stack inconsistency in structure redefinition"
+ (reported by Tim Daly Jr sbcl-devel 2004-05-06)
+ Even though structure redefinition is undefined by the standard, the
+ following behaviour is suboptimal: running
+ (defun stimulate-sbcl ()
+ (let ((filename (format nil "/tmp/~A.lisp" (gensym))))
+ ;;create a file which redefines a structure incompatibly
+ (with-open-file (f filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+ (print '(defstruct astruct foo) f)
+ (print '(defstruct astruct foo bar) f))
+ ;;compile and load the file, then invoke the continue restart on
+ ;;the structure redefinition error
+ (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c) (continue c))))
+ (load (compile-file filename)))))
+ (stimulate-sbcl)
+ and choosing the CONTINUE restart yields the message
+ debugger invoked on a SB-INT:BUG in thread 27726:
+ fasl stack not empty when it should be
+ (reported by Tony Martinez sbcl-devel 2004-05-23)
+ When CHECK-TYPE signals a TYPE-ERROR, the TYPE-ERROR-DATUM holds the
+ lisp symbolic place in question rather than the place's value. This
+ seems wrong.
+334: "COMPUTE-SLOTS used to add slots to classes"
+ (reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel 2004-06-01)
+ a. Adding a local slot does not work:
+ (use-package "SB-PCL")
+ (defclass b (a) ())
+ (defmethod compute-slots ((class (eql (find-class 'b))))
+ (append (call-next-method)
+ (list (make-instance 'standard-effective-slot-definition
+ :name 'y
+ :allocation :instance))))
+ (defclass a () ((x :allocation :class)))
+ ;; A should now have a shared slot, X, and a local slot, Y.
+ (mapcar #'slot-definition-location (class-slots (find-class 'b)))
+ yields
+ There is no applicable method for the generic function
+ when called with arguments
+ (NIL).
+ b. Adding a class slot does not work:
+ (use-package "SB-PCL")
+ (defclass b (a) ())
+ (defmethod compute-slots ((class (eql (find-class 'b))))
+ (append (call-next-method)
+ (list (make-instance 'standard-effective-slot-definition
+ :name 'y
+ :allocation :class))))
+ (defclass a () ((x :allocation :class)))
+ ;; A should now have two shared slots, X and Y.
+ (mapcar #'slot-definition-location (class-slots (find-class 'b)))
+ yields
+ There is no applicable method for the generic function
+ when called with arguments
+ (NIL).
+335: "ATANH completely broken"
+ a. (reported by Peter Graves sbcl-devel 2004-06-01)
+ (atanh #c(1 2)), and more generally atanh of any complex with real
+ part 1, computes entirely the wrong answer.
+ b. (discovered by CSR when investigating a.)
+ (atanh most-positive-double-float), and more generally atanh of any
+ number with magnitude larger than
+ sqrt(most-positive-double-float), computes a number whose real
+ part is the imaginary part of the correct answer, and whose
+ imaginary part is the real part of the correct answer.
+ (fixes for both of these were sent CSR sbcl-devel 2004-06-02, to be merged
+ post-0.8.11)