(when fasl
(ignore-errors (delete-file fasl))))))
+(defvar *pack*)
+(with-test (:name :load-simd-pack-int)
+ (with-open-file (s *tmp-filename*
+ :direction :output
+ :if-exists :supersede
+ :if-does-not-exist :create)
+ (print '(setq *pack* (sb-kernel:%make-simd-pack-ub64 2 4)) s))
+ (let (tmp-fasl)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (setq tmp-fasl (compile-file *tmp-filename*))
+ (let ((*pack* nil))
+ (load tmp-fasl)
+ (assert (typep *pack* '(sb-kernel:simd-pack integer)))
+ (assert (= 2 (sb-kernel:%simd-pack-low *pack*)))
+ (assert (= 4 (sb-kernel:%simd-pack-high *pack*)))))
+ (when tmp-fasl (delete-file tmp-fasl))
+ (delete-file *tmp-filename*))))
+(with-test (:name :load-simd-pack-single)
+ (with-open-file (s *tmp-filename*
+ :direction :output
+ :if-exists :supersede
+ :if-does-not-exist :create)
+ (print '(setq *pack* (sb-kernel:%make-simd-pack-single 1f0 2f0 3f0 4f0)) s))
+ (let (tmp-fasl)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (setq tmp-fasl (compile-file *tmp-filename*))
+ (let ((*pack* nil))
+ (load tmp-fasl)
+ (assert (typep *pack* '(sb-kernel:simd-pack single-float)))
+ (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (sb-kernel:%simd-pack-singles *pack*))
+ '(1f0 2f0 3f0 4f0)))))
+ (when tmp-fasl (delete-file tmp-fasl))
+ (delete-file *tmp-filename*))))
+(with-test (:name :load-simd-pack-double)
+ (with-open-file (s *tmp-filename*
+ :direction :output
+ :if-exists :supersede
+ :if-does-not-exist :create)
+ (print '(setq *pack* (sb-kernel:%make-simd-pack-double 1d0 2d0)) s))
+ (let (tmp-fasl)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (setq tmp-fasl (compile-file *tmp-filename*))
+ (let ((*pack* nil))
+ (load tmp-fasl)
+ (assert (typep *pack* '(sb-kernel:simd-pack double-float)))
+ (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (sb-kernel:%simd-pack-doubles *pack*))
+ '(1d0 2d0)))))
+ (when tmp-fasl (delete-file tmp-fasl))
+ (delete-file *tmp-filename*))))
--- /dev/null
+;;;; Potentially side-effectful tests of the simd-pack infrastructure.
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
+;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
+;;;; from CMU CL.
+;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
+;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
+;;;; more information.
+(defun make-constant-packs ()
+ (values (sb-kernel:%make-simd-pack-ub64 1 2)
+ (sb-kernel:%make-simd-pack-ub32 0 0 0 0)
+ (sb-kernel:%make-simd-pack-ub64 (ldb (byte 64 0) -1)
+ (ldb (byte 64 0) -1))
+ (sb-kernel:%make-simd-pack-single 1f0 2f0 3f0 4f0)
+ (sb-kernel:%make-simd-pack-single 0f0 0f0 0f0 0f0)
+ (sb-kernel:%make-simd-pack-single (sb-kernel:make-single-float -1)
+ (sb-kernel:make-single-float -1)
+ (sb-kernel:make-single-float -1)
+ (sb-kernel:make-single-float -1))
+ (sb-kernel:%make-simd-pack-double 1d0 2d0)
+ (sb-kernel:%make-simd-pack-double 0d0 0d0)
+ (sb-kernel:%make-simd-pack-double (sb-kernel:make-double-float
+ -1 (ldb (byte 32 0) -1))
+ (sb-kernel:make-double-float
+ -1 (ldb (byte 32 0) -1)))))
+(with-test (:name :compile-simd-pack)
+ (multiple-value-bind (i i0 i-1
+ f f0 f-1
+ d d0 d-1)
+ (make-constant-packs)
+ (loop for (lo hi) in (list '(1 2) '(0 0)
+ (list (ldb (byte 64 0) -1)
+ (ldb (byte 64 0) -1)))
+ for pack in (list i i0 i-1)
+ do (assert (eql lo (sb-kernel:%simd-pack-low pack)))
+ (assert (eql hi (sb-kernel:%simd-pack-high pack))))
+ (loop for expected in (list '(1f0 2f0 3f0 4f0)
+ '(0f0 0f0 0f0 0f0)
+ (make-list
+ 4 :initial-element (sb-kernel:make-single-float -1)))
+ for pack in (list f f0 f-1)
+ do (assert (every #'eql expected
+ (multiple-value-list (sb-kernel:%simd-pack-singles pack)))))
+ (loop for expected in (list '(1d0 2d0)
+ '(0d0 0d0)
+ (make-list
+ 2 :initial-element (sb-kernel:make-double-float
+ -1 (ldb (byte 32 0) -1))))
+ for pack in (list d d0 d-1)
+ do (assert (every #'eql expected
+ (multiple-value-list (sb-kernel:%simd-pack-doubles pack)))))))
+(with-test (:name :print-simd-pack-smoke-test)
+ (let ((packs (multiple-value-list (make-constant-packs))))
+ (format t "Standard~%~{~A~%~}" packs)
+ (let ((*print-readably* t)
+ (*read-eval* t))
+ (format t "Readably~%~{~A~%~}" packs))
+ (let ((*print-readably* t)
+ (*read-eval* nil))
+ (format t "Readably, no read-eval~%~{~A~%~}" packs))))