* x86 bug fix in control stack exhaustion checking: now shows backtrace
* bug fix in WITH-TIMEOUT: now the body can have more than one form.
(thanks to Stig Sandoe)
+ * bug fix in READ-SEQUENCE: READ-SEQUENCE following PEEK-CHAR or
+ UNREAD-CHAR now correctly includes the unread character in the
+ target sequence. (thanks to Gerd Moellmann)
* new optimization: inside a named function any reference to a
function with the same name is considered to be a self-reference;
this behaviour is controlled with SB-C::RECOGNIZE-SELF-CALLS
types form a lattice under type intersection.
** FFLOOR, FTRUNCATE, FCEILING and FROUND work with integers.
** ASSOC now ignores NIL elements in an alist.
+ ** CEILING now gives the right answer with MOST-NEGATIVE-FIXNUM
+ and (1+ MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM) answers.
planned incompatible changes in 0.8.x:
* (not done yet, but planned:) When the profiling interface settles
;;; Note that this blocks in UNIX-READ. It is generally used where
;;; there is a definite amount of reading to be done, so blocking
;;; isn't too problematical.
-(defun fd-stream-read-n-bytes (stream buffer start requested eof-error-p)
+(defun fd-stream-read-n-bytes (stream buffer start requested eof-error-p
+ &aux (total-copied 0))
(declare (type file-stream stream))
- (declare (type index start requested))
- (do ((total-copied 0))
+ (declare (type index start requested total-copied))
+ (let ((unread (fd-stream-unread stream)))
+ (when unread
+ ;; AVERs designed to fail when we have more complicated
+ ;; character representations.
+ (aver (typep unread 'base-char))
+ (aver (= (fd-stream-element-size stream) 1))
+ ;; KLUDGE: this is a slightly-unrolled-and-inlined version of
+ ;; %BYTE-BLT
+ (etypecase buffer
+ (system-area-pointer
+ (setf (sap-ref-8 buffer start) (char-code unread)))
+ ((simple-unboxed-array (*))
+ (setf (aref buffer start) unread)))
+ (setf (fd-stream-unread stream) nil)
+ (setf (fd-stream-listen stream) nil)
+ (incf total-copied)))
+ (do ()
- (declare (type index total-copied))
(let* ((remaining-request (- requested total-copied))
(head (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream))
(tail (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream))
(defgeneric inspected-parts (object))
(defmethod inspected-parts ((object symbol))
- (values (format nil "The object is a SYMBOL.~%" object)
+ (values (format nil "The object is a SYMBOL.~%")
(list (cons "Name" (symbol-name object))
(cons "Package" (symbol-package object))
(numerator divisor))))
(values q (- number (* q divisor)))))
((fixnum bignum)
- (values 0 number))
+ (bignum-truncate (make-small-bignum number) divisor))
((ratio (or float rational))
(let ((q (truncate (numerator number)
(* (denominator number) divisor))))
;;; ANSI says MIN and MAX should signal TYPE-ERROR if any argument
;;; isn't REAL. SBCL 0.7.7 didn't in the 1-arg case. (reported as a
;;; bug in CMU CL on #lisp IRC by lrasinen 2002-09-01)
-FIXME: These tests would be good to have. But although, in
-sbcl-, (NULL (IGNORE-ERRORS (MIN 1 #(1 2 3)))) returns T, the
-ASSERTion fails, probably in something related to bug #194.
(assert (null (ignore-errors (min '(1 2 3)))))
(assert (= (min -1) -1))
(assert (null (ignore-errors (min 1 #(1 2 3)))))
(assert (= (max -1 10.0) 10.0))
(assert (null (ignore-errors (max 3 #'max))))
(assert (= (max -3 0) 0))
;;; (CEILING x 2^k) was optimized incorrectly
(loop for divisor in '(-4 4)
(assert (= (+ (* q divisor) r) i))
(assert (<= exact-q q))
(assert (< q (1+ exact-q))))))
+;; CEILING had a corner case, spotted by Paul Dietz
+(assert (= (ceiling most-negative-fixnum (1+ most-positive-fixnum)) -1))
(expect #\z))
(expect nil))))) ; i.e. end of file
(delete-file *scratch-file-name*))
+(with-open-file (s *scratch-file-name* :direction :output)
+ (format s "1234~%"))
+ (string=
+ (with-open-file (s *scratch-file-name* :direction :input)
+ (let* ((b (make-string 10)))
+ (peek-char nil s)
+ (read-sequence b s)
+ b))
+ (format nil "1234")
+ :end1 4))
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)