;;;; Makoto Matsumoto and T. Nishimura, "Mersenne twister: A
;;;; 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number
;;;; generator.", ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation,
-;;;; 1997, to appear.
+;;;; Vol. 8, No. 1, January pp.3-30 (1998) DOI:10.1145/272991.272995
+;;;; http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/emt.html
;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
;;;; more information.
(in-package "SB!KERNEL")
+;;;; Constants
+(defconstant mt19937-n 624)
+(defconstant mt19937-m 397)
+(defconstant mt19937-upper-mask #x80000000)
+(defconstant mt19937-lower-mask #x7FFFFFFF)
+(defconstant mt19937-a #x9908B0DF)
+(defconstant mt19937-b #x9D2C5680)
+(defconstant mt19937-c #xEFC60000)
+;;; The state is stored in a (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (627))
+;;; wrapped in a random-state structure:
+;;; 0-1: Constant matrix A. [0, #x9908b0df]
+;;; 2: Index k.
+;;; 3-626: State.
+(deftype random-state-state () `(simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (,(+ 3 mt19937-n))))
(def!method make-load-form ((random-state random-state) &optional environment)
(make-load-form-saving-slots random-state :environment environment))
(format stream "#S(~S ~S #.~S)"
- `(make-array 627
+ `(make-array (,(+ 3 mt19937-n))
'(unsigned-byte 32)
',(coerce (random-state-state state) 'list)))))
-;;; The state is stored in a (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (627))
-;;; wrapped in a random-state structure:
-;;; 0-1: Constant matrix A. [0, #x9908b0df]
-;;; 2: Index k.
-;;; 3-626: State.
;;; Generate and initialize a new random-state array. Index is
;;; initialized to 1 and the states to 32bit integers excluding zero.
-;;; Seed - A 32bit number, not zero.
+;;; Seed - A 32bit number.
-;;; Apparently uses the generator Line 25 of Table 1 in
-;;; [KNUTH 1981, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2 (2nd Ed.), pp102]
-(defun init-random-state (&optional (seed 4357) state)
- (declare (type (integer 1 #xffffffff) seed))
+;;; See Knuth TAOCP Vol2. 3rd Ed. P.106 for multiplier.
+;;; In the previous versions, MSBs of the seed affect only MSBs of the array.
+(defun init-random-state (&optional (seed 5489) state)
+ (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) seed))
(let ((state (or state (make-array 627 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))))
- (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (627)) state))
- (setf (aref state 1) #x9908b0df)
- (setf (aref state 2) 1)
- (setf (aref state 3) seed)
- (do ((k 1 (1+ k)))
- ((>= k 624))
- (declare (type (mod 625) k))
- (setf (aref state (+ 3 k))
- (logand (* 69069 (aref state (+ 3 (1- k)))) #xffffffff)))
+ (check-type state random-state-state)
+ (setf (aref state 0) 0)
+ (setf (aref state 1) mt19937-a)
+ (setf (aref state 2) mt19937-n)
+ (loop for i below mt19937-n
+ for p from 3
+ for s = seed then
+ (logand #xFFFFFFFF
+ (+ (* 1812433253
+ (logxor s (ash s -30)))
+ i))
+ do (setf (aref state p) s))
(defvar *random-state*)
(defun make-random-state (&optional state)
- "Make a random state object. If STATE is not supplied, return a copy
- of the default random state. If STATE is a random state, then return a
- copy of it. If STATE is T then return a random state generated from
- the universal time."
+ "Make a random state object. The optional STATE argument specifies a seed
+ for deterministic pseudo-random number generation.
+ As per the Common Lisp standard,
+ - If STATE is NIL or not supplied or is NIL, return a copy of the default
+ - If STATE is a random state, return a copy of it.
+ - If STATE is T, return a randomly initialized state (using operating-system
+ provided randomness source where available, otherwise a poor substitute
+ based on internal time and pid)
+ As an SBCL extension (starting with SBCL 1.0.33), we also support receiving
+ as a seed an object of the following types:
+ While we support arguments of any size and will mix the provided bits into
+ the random state, it is probably overkill to provide more than 256 bits worth
+ of actual information.
+ This particular SBCL version also accepts an argument of the following type:
+ This particular SBCL version uses the popular MT19937 PRNG algorithm, and its
+ internal state only effectively contains about 19937 bits of information.
+ http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/emt.html
(/show0 "entering MAKE-RANDOM-STATE")
- (flet ((copy-random-state (state)
- (/show0 "entering COPY-RANDOM-STATE")
- (let ((state (random-state-state state))
- (new-state
- (make-array 627 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
- (/show0 "made NEW-STATE, about to DOTIMES")
- (dotimes (i 627)
- (setf (aref new-state i) (aref state i)))
- (/show0 "falling through to %MAKE-RANDOM-STATE")
- (%make-random-state :state new-state))))
- (/show0 "at head of ETYPECASE in MAKE-RANDOM-STATE")
- (etypecase state
- (null
- (/show0 "NULL case")
- (copy-random-state *random-state*))
- (random-state
- (/show0 "RANDOM-STATE-P clause")
- (copy-random-state state))
- ((member t)
- (/show0 "T clause")
- (%make-random-state :state (init-random-state
- (logand (get-universal-time)
- #xffffffff)))))))
+ (etypecase state
+ ;; Easy standard cases
+ (null
+ (/show0 "copying *RANDOM-STATE*")
+ (%make-random-state :state (copy-seq (random-state-state *random-state*))))
+ (random-state
+ (/show0 "copying the provided RANDOM-STATE")
+ (%make-random-state :state (copy-seq (random-state-state state))))
+ ;; Standard case, less easy: try to randomly initialize a state.
+ ((eql t)
+ (/show0 "getting randomness from the operating system")
+ (make-random-state
+ (or
+ ;; On unices, we try to read from /dev/urandom and pass the results
+ ;; to our (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (*)) processor below.
+ ;; More than 256 bits would provide a false sense of security.
+ ;; If you need more bits than that, you probably also need
+ ;; a better algorithm too.
+ #!-win32
+ (ignore-errors
+ (with-open-file (r "/dev/urandom" :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)
+ :direction :input :if-does-not-exist :error)
+ (let ((a (make-array '(8) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
+ (assert (= 8 (read-sequence a r)))
+ a)))
+ ;; When /dev/urandom is not available, we make do with time and pid
+ ;; Thread ID and/or address of a CONS cell would be even better, but...
+ (progn
+ (/show0 "No /dev/urandom, using randomness from time and pid")
+ (+ (get-internal-real-time)
+ #!+unix (ash (sb!unix:unix-getpid) 32))))))
+ ;; For convenience to users, we accept (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))
+ ;; We just convert it to (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (*)) in a
+ ;; completely straightforward way.
+ ;; TODO: probably similarly accept other word sizes.
+ ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))
+ (/show0 "getting random seed from byte vector (converting to 32-bit-word vector)")
+ (let* ((l (length state))
+ (m (ceiling l 4))
+ (r (if (>= l 2496) 0 (mod l 4)))
+ (y (make-array (list m) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
+ (loop for i from 0 below (- m (if (zerop r) 0 1))
+ for j = (* i 4) do
+ (setf (aref y i)
+ (+ (aref state j)
+ (ash (aref state (+ j 1)) 8)
+ (ash (aref state (+ j 2)) 16)
+ (ash (aref state (+ j 3)) 24))))
+ (unless (zerop r) ;; The last word may require special treatment.
+ (let* ((p (1- m)) (q (* 4 p)))
+ (setf (aref y p)
+ (+ (aref state q)
+ (if (< 1 r) (ash (aref state (+ q 1)) 8) 0)
+ (if (= 3 r) (ash (aref state (+ q 2)) 16) 0)))))
+ (make-random-state y)))
+ ;; Also for convenience, we accept non-negative integers as seeds.
+ ;; Small ones get passed to init-random-state, as before.
+ ((unsigned-byte 32)
+ (/show0 "getting random seed from 32-bit word")
+ (%make-random-state :state (init-random-state state)))
+ ;; Larger ones ones get trivially chopped into an array of (unsigned-byte 32)
+ ((unsigned-byte)
+ (/show0 "getting random seed from bignum (converting to 32-bit-word vector)")
+ (loop with l = (ceiling (integer-length state) 32)
+ with s = (make-array (list l) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))
+ for i below l
+ for p from 0 by 32
+ do (setf (aref s i) (ldb (byte 32 p) state))
+ finally (return (make-random-state s))))
+ ;; Last but not least, when provided an array of 32-bit words, we truncate
+ ;; it to 19968 bits and mix these into an initial state. We reuse the same
+ ;; method as the authors of the original algorithm. See
+ ;; http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/MT2002/CODES/mt19937ar.c
+ ;; NB: their mt[i] is our (aref s (+ 3 i))
+ ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (*))
+ (/show0 "getting random seed from 32-bit-word vector")
+ (let ((s (init-random-state 19650218))
+ (i 1) (j 0) (l (length state)))
+ (loop for k downfrom (max mt19937-n l) above 0 do
+ (setf (aref s (+ i 3))
+ (logand #xFFFFFFFF
+ (+ (logxor (aref s (+ i 3))
+ (* 1664525
+ (logxor (aref s (+ i 2))
+ (ash (aref s (+ i 2)) -30))))
+ (aref state j) j))) ;; non-linear
+ (incf i) (when (>= i mt19937-n) (setf (aref s 3) (aref s (+ 2 mt19937-n)) i 1))
+ (incf j) (when (>= j l) (setf j 0)))
+ (loop for k downfrom (1- mt19937-n) above 0 do
+ (setf (aref s (+ i 3))
+ (logand #xFFFFFFFF
+ (- (logxor (aref s (+ i 3))
+ (* 1566083941
+ (logxor (aref s (+ i 2))
+ (ash (aref s (+ i 2)) -30))))
+ i))) ;; non-linear
+ (incf i) (when (>= i mt19937-n) (setf (aref s 3) (aref s (+ 2 mt19937-n)) i 1)))
+ (setf (aref s 3) #x80000000) ;; MSB is 1; assuring non-zero initial array
+ (%make-random-state :state s)))))
;;;; random entries
;;; inclusive.
#!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline random-chunk))
;;; portable implementation
-(defconstant mt19937-n 624)
-(defconstant mt19937-m 397)
-(defconstant mt19937-upper-mask #x80000000)
-(defconstant mt19937-lower-mask #x7fffffff)
-(defconstant mt19937-b #x9D2C5680)
-(defconstant mt19937-c #xEFC60000)
(defun random-mt19937-update (state)
- (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (627)) state)
+ (declare (type random-state-state state)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(let ((y 0))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) y))