,@(when (stringp docstring) `((oset ',name "vardoc" ,docstring)))
-(defmacro named-lambda (name args &rest body)
- (let ((x (gensym "FN")))
- `(let ((,x (lambda ,args ,@body)))
- (oset ,x "fname" ,name)
- ,x)))
(defmacro defun (name args &rest body)
- (fset ',name
- (named-lambda ,(symbol-name name) ,args
- ,@(if (and (stringp (car body)) (not (null (cdr body))))
- `(,(car body) (block ,name ,@(cdr body)))
- `((block ,name ,@body)))))
+ (fset ',name #'(named-lambda ,name ,args ,@body))
(defun null (x)
(ll-optional-arguments-canonical lambda-list))))
(remove nil (mapcar #'third args))))
-(defun lambda-docstring-wrapper (docstring &rest strs)
- (if docstring
+(defun lambda-name/docstring-wrapper (name docstring &rest strs)
+ (if (or name docstring)
"var func = " (join strs) ";" *newline*
- "func.docstring = '" docstring "';" *newline*
+ (when name
+ (code "func.fname = '" (escape-string name) "';" *newline*))
+ (when docstring
+ (code "func.docstring = '" (escape-string docstring) "';" *newline*))
"return func;" *newline*)
(apply #'code strs)))
"throw 'Unknown keyword argument ' + arguments[i].name;" *newline*))
"}" *newline*)))))
-(defun compile-lambda (ll body)
+;;; Compile a lambda function with lambda list LL and body BODY. If
+;;; NAME is given, it should be a constant string and it will become
+;;; the name of the function. If BLOCK is non-NIL, a named block is
+;;; created around the body. NOTE: No block (even anonymous) is
+;;; created if BLOCk is NIL.
+(defun compile-lambda (ll body &key name block)
(let ((required-arguments (ll-required-arguments ll))
(optional-arguments (ll-optional-arguments ll))
(keyword-arguments (ll-keyword-arguments ll))
(ll-svars ll)))))
- (lambda-docstring-wrapper
- documentation
+ (lambda-name/docstring-wrapper name documentation
"(function ("
(join (cons "values"
(mapcar #'translate-variable
(compile-lambda-rest ll)
(compile-lambda-parse-keywords ll)
(let ((*multiple-value-p* t))
- (ls-compile-block body t)))
+ (if block
+ (ls-compile-block `((block ,block ,@body)) t)
+ (ls-compile-block body t))))
((and (listp x) (eq (car x) 'lambda))
(compile-lambda (cadr x) (cddr x)))
+ ((and (listp x) (eq (car x) 'named-lambda))
+ ;; TODO: destructuring-bind now! Do error checking manually is
+ ;; very annoying.
+ (let ((name (cadr x))
+ (ll (caddr x))
+ (body (cdddr x)))
+ (compile-lambda ll body
+ :name (symbol-name name)
+ :block name)))
((symbolp x)
(let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv x *environment* 'function)))
(if b