(prog1 (progn ,form)
(setq ,end (get-internal-real-time))
(format t "Execution took ~a seconds.~%" (/ (- ,end ,start) 1000.0))))))
+;;;; TRACE
+;;; This trace implementation works on symbols, replacing the function
+;;; with a wrapper. So it will not trace calls to the function if they
+;;; got the function object before it was traced.
+;;; An alist of the form (NAME FUNCTION), where NAME is the name of a
+;;; function, and FUNCTION is the function traced.
+(defvar *traced-functions* nil)
+(defvar *trace-level* 0)
+(defun trace-report-call (name args)
+ (dotimes (i *trace-level*) (write-string " "))
+ (format t "~a: ~S~%" *trace-level* (cons name args)))
+(defun trace-report-return (name values)
+ (dotimes (i *trace-level*) (write-string " "))
+ (format t "~a: ~S returned " *trace-level* name)
+ (dolist (value values) (format t "~S " value))
+ (format t "~%"))
+(defun trace-functions (names)
+ (if (null names)
+ (mapcar #'car *traced-functions*)
+ (dolist (name names names)
+ (if (find name *traced-functions* :key #'car)
+ (format t "`~S' is already traced.~%" name)
+ (let ((func (fdefinition name)))
+ (fset name (lambda (&rest args)
+ (let (values)
+ (trace-report-call name args)
+ (let ((*trace-level* (+ *trace-level* 1)))
+ (setq values (multiple-value-list (apply func args))))
+ (trace-report-return name values)
+ (values-list values))))
+ (push (cons name func) *traced-functions*))))))
+(defun untrace-functions (names)
+ (when (null names)
+ (setq names (mapcar #'car *traced-functions*)))
+ (dolist (name names)
+ (let ((func (cdr (find name *traced-functions* :key #'car))))
+ (if func
+ (fset name func)
+ (format t "~S is not being traced.~%" name)))))
+(defmacro trace (&rest names)
+ `(trace-functions ',names))
+(defmacro untrace (&rest names)
+ `(untrace-functions ',names))
second set setf setq seventh sixth some string string-upcase string=
stringp sublis subseq subst symbol-function symbol-name symbol-package
symbol-plist symbol-value symbolp t tagbody tailp tenth third throw
- time tree-equal truncate unless unwind-protect values values-list variable
- vector-push-extend warn when write-line write-string zerop))
+ time trace tree-equal truncate unless untrace unwind-protect values
+ values-list variable vector-push-extend warn when write-line write-string
+ zerop))
(setq *package* *user-package*)