(defun read-cmd (input-stream)
;; Reads a command from the user and returns a user-cmd object
+ (let ((next-char (peek-char-non-whitespace input-stream)))
+ (cond
+ ((eql *command-char* next-char)
+ (dispatch-command-line input-stream))
+ ((eql #\newline next-char)
+ (read-char input-stream)
+ *null-cmd*)
+ ((eql :eof next-char)
+ *eof-cmd*)
+ (t
+ (let* ((eof (cons nil *eof-marker*))
+ (form (read input-stream nil eof)))
+ (if (eq form eof)
+ *eof-cmd*
+ (make-user-cmd :input form :func nil :hnum *cmd-number*)))))))
+(defun dispatch-command-line (input-stream)
+ "Processes an input line that starts with *command-char*"
+ (let* ((line (string-trim-whitespace (read-line input-stream)))
+ (first-space-pos (position #\space line))
+ (cmd-string (subseq line 1 first-space-pos))
+ (cmd-args-string
+ (if first-space-pos
+ (string-trim-whitespace (subseq line first-space-pos))
+ "")))
+ (declare (simple-string line))
+ (cond
+ ((or (zerop (length cmd-string))
+ (whitespace-char-p (char cmd-string 0)))
+ *null-cmd*)
+ ((or (numberp (read-from-string cmd-string))
+ (char= (char cmd-string 0) #\+)
+ (char= (char cmd-string 0) #\-))
+ (process-cmd-numeric cmd-string cmd-args-string))
+ ((char= (char cmd-string 0) *command-char*)
+ (process-history-search (subseq cmd-string 1) cmd-args-string))
+ (t
+ (process-cmd-text cmd-string line cmd-args-string)))))
+(defun process-cmd-numeric (cmd-string cmd-args-string)
+ "Process a numeric cmd, such as ':123'"
+ (let* ((first-char (char cmd-string 0))
+ (number-string (if (digit-char-p first-char)
+ cmd-string
+ (subseq cmd-string 1)))
+ (is-minus (char= first-char #\-))
+ (raw-number (read-from-string number-string))
+ (number (if is-minus
+ (- *cmd-number* raw-number)
+ raw-number))
+ (cmd (get-history number)))
+ (when (eq cmd *null-cmd*)
+ (return-from process-cmd-numeric
+ (make-user-cmd :func :history-error :input (read-from-string
+ cmd-string))))
+ (maybe-return-history-cmd cmd cmd-args-string)))
+(defun maybe-return-history-cmd (cmd cmd-args-string)
+ (format *output* "~&~A" (user-cmd-input cmd))
+ (let ((dont-redo
+ (when (and (stringp cmd-args-string)
+ (plusp (length cmd-args-string))
+ (char= #\? (char cmd-args-string 0)))
+ (do ((line nil (read-line *input*)))
+ ((and line (or (zerop (length line))
+ (string-equal line "Y")
+ (string-equal line "N")))
+ (when (string-equal line "N")
+ t))
+ (when line
+ (format *output* "~&Type \"y\" for yes or \"n\" for no."))
+ (format *output* "~&redo? [y] ")
+ (force-output *output*)))))
+ (if dont-redo
+ *null-cmd*
+ (make-user-cmd :func (user-cmd-func cmd)
+ :input (user-cmd-input cmd)
+ :args (user-cmd-args cmd)
+ :hnum *cmd-number*))))
+(defun find-history-matching-pattern (cmd-string)
+ "Return history item matching cmd-string or NIL if not found"
+ (dolist (his *history* nil)
+ (let* ((input (user-cmd-input his))
+ (string-input (if (stringp input)
+ input
+ (write-to-string input))))
+ (when (search cmd-string string-input :test #'string-equal)
+ (return-from find-history-matching-pattern his)))))
+(defun process-history-search (pattern cmd-args-string)
+ (let ((cmd (find-history-matching-pattern pattern)))
+ (unless cmd
+ (format *output* "No match on history list with pattern ~S" pattern)
+ (return-from process-history-search *null-cmd*))
+ (maybe-return-history-cmd cmd cmd-args-string)))
+(defun process-cmd-text (cmd-string line cmd-args-string)
+ "Process a text cmd, such as ':ld a b c'"
(flet ((parse-args (parsing args-string)
(case parsing
(loop as arg = (read string-stream nil eof)
until (eq arg eof)
collect arg))))))
- (let ((next-char (peek-char-non-whitespace input-stream)))
- (cond
- ((eql next-char *command-char*)
- (let* ((line (string-trim-whitespace (read-line input-stream)))
- (first-space-pos (position #\space line))
- (cmd-string (subseq line 1 first-space-pos))
- (cmd-args-string
- (if first-space-pos
- (string-trim-whitespace (subseq line first-space-pos))
- "")))
- (declare (string line))
- (cond
- ((numberp (read-from-string cmd-string))
- (let ((cmd (get-history (read-from-string cmd-string))))
- (if (eq cmd *null-cmd*)
- (make-user-cmd :func :history-error
- :input (read-from-string cmd-string))
- (make-user-cmd :func (user-cmd-func cmd)
- :input (user-cmd-input cmd)
- :args (user-cmd-args cmd)
- :hnum *cmd-number*))))
- ((or (zerop (length cmd-string))
- (whitespace-char-p (char cmd-string 0)))
- *null-cmd*)
- (t
- (let ((cmd-entry (find-cmd cmd-string)))
- (if cmd-entry
- (make-user-cmd :func (cmd-table-entry-func cmd-entry)
- :input line
- :args (parse-args
- (cmd-table-entry-parsing cmd-entry)
- cmd-args-string)
- :hnum *cmd-number*)
- (make-user-cmd :func :cmd-error
- :input cmd-string)))))))
- ((eql next-char #\newline)
- (read-char input-stream)
- *null-cmd*)
- ((eql next-char :eof)
- *eof-cmd*)
- (t
- (let* ((eof (cons nil *eof-marker*))
- (form (read input-stream nil eof)))
- (if (eq form eof)
- *eof-cmd*
- (make-user-cmd :input form :func nil :hnum *cmd-number*))))))))
+ (let ((cmd-entry (find-cmd cmd-string)))
+ (unless cmd-entry
+ (return-from process-cmd-text
+ (make-user-cmd :func :cmd-error :input cmd-string)))
+ (make-user-cmd :func (cmd-table-entry-func cmd-entry)
+ :input line
+ :args (parse-args (cmd-table-entry-parsing cmd-entry)
+ cmd-args-string)
+ :hnum *cmd-number*))))
(defun make-cte (name-param func desc parsing group abbr-len)
(let ((name (etypecase name-param