("compiler" :both)
("toplevel" :target)))
+(defmacro do-source (name type &body body)
+ (unless (member type '(:host :target))
+ (error "TYPE should be one of :HOST or :TARGET"))
+ (let ((file (gensym)))
+ `(dolist (,file *source*)
+ (when (member (cadr ,file) (list :both ,type))
+ (let ((,name (source-pathname (car ,file) :type "lisp")))
+ ,@body)))))
(defun source-pathname
(filename &key (directory '(:relative "src")) (type nil) (defaults filename))
(if type
;;; Compile jscl into the host
(with-compilation-unit ()
- (dolist (input *source*)
- (when (member (cadr input) '(:host :both))
- (let ((fname (source-pathname (car input))))
- (multiple-value-bind (fasl warn fail) (compile-file fname)
- (declare (ignore fasl warn))
- (when fail
- (error "Compilation of ~A failed." fname)))))))
+ (do-source input :host
+ (multiple-value-bind (fasl warn fail) (compile-file input)
+ (declare (ignore fasl warn))
+ (when fail
+ (error "Compilation of ~A failed." input)))))
;;; Load jscl into the host
-(dolist (input *source*)
- (when (member (cadr input) '(:host :both))
- (load (source-pathname (car input)))))
+(do-source input :host
+ (load input))
(defun read-whole-file (filename)
(with-open-file (in filename)
*literal-counter* 0)
(with-open-file (out "jscl.js" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(write-string (read-whole-file (source-pathname "prelude.js")) out)
- (dolist (input *source*)
- (when (member (cadr input) '(:target :both))
- (!compile-file (source-pathname (car input) :type "lisp") out)))
+ (do-source input :target
+ (!compile-file input out))
(dump-global-environment out))
;; Tests
(with-open-file (out "tests.js" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)