internal error, failed AVER:
+ This examples better illustrates the problem:
+ (defun tst ()
+ (declare (optimize (speed 2) (debug 3)))
+ (flet ((m1 ()
+ (bar (if (foo) 1 2))
+ (let ((x (foo)))
+ (bar x (list x)))))
+ (if (catch nil)
+ (m1)
+ (m1))))
+ (X is allocated in the physical environment of M1; X is :WRITE in
+ the call of LET [convert-to-global]; IF makes sure that a block
+ exists in M1 before this call.)
+ Because X is :DEBUG-ENVIRONMENT, it is :LIVE by default in all
+ blocks in the environment, particularly it is :LIVE in the start of
+ M1 (where it is not yet :WRITE) [setup-environment-tn-conflicts].
+ Then :LIVE is propagated backwards, i.e. into the caller of M1
+ where X does not exist [lifetime-flow-analysis].
+ (CATCH NIL) causes all TNs to be saved; Python fails on saving
+ non-existent variable; if it is replaced with (FOO), the problem
+ appears when debugging TST: LIST-LOCALS says
+ debugger invoked on condition of type SB-DI:UNKNOWN-DEBUG-VAR:
+ (in those old versions, in which debugger worked :-().
When the compiler inline expands functions, it may be that different
kinds of return values are generated from different code branches.
;;; representing what the code does.
(defun print-nodes (block)
(setq block (block-or-lose block))
- (format t "~%block start c~D" (cont-num (block-start block)))
- (let ((last (block-last block)))
- (terpri)
- (do ((cont (block-start block) (node-cont (continuation-next cont))))
- (())
- (let ((node (continuation-next cont)))
- (format t "~3D: " (cont-num (node-cont node)))
- (etypecase node
- (ref (print-leaf (ref-leaf node)))
- (basic-combination
- (let ((kind (basic-combination-kind node)))
- (format t "~(~A ~A~) c~D"
- (if (fun-info-p kind) "known" kind)
- (type-of node)
- (cont-num (basic-combination-fun node)))
- (dolist (arg (basic-combination-args node))
- (if arg
- (print-continuation arg)
- (format t " <none>")))))
- (cset
- (write-string "set ")
- (print-leaf (set-var node))
- (print-continuation (set-value node)))
- (cif
- (format t "if c~D" (cont-num (if-test node)))
- (print-continuation (block-start (if-consequent node)))
- (print-continuation (block-start (if-alternative node))))
- (bind
- (write-string "bind ")
- (print-leaf (bind-lambda node)))
- (creturn
- (format t "return c~D " (cont-num (return-result node)))
- (print-leaf (return-lambda node)))
- (entry
- (format t "entry ~S" (entry-exits node)))
- (exit
- (let ((value (exit-value node)))
- (cond (value
- (format t "exit c~D" (cont-num value)))
- ((exit-entry node)
- (format t "exit <no value>"))
- (t
- (format t "exit <degenerate>"))))))
- (terpri)
- (when (eq node last) (return)))))
- (let ((succ (block-succ block)))
- (format t "successors~{ c~D~}~%"
- (mapcar (lambda (x) (cont-num (block-start x))) succ)))
+ (pprint-logical-block (nil nil)
+ (format t "~:@_IR1 block ~D start c~D"
+ (block-number block) (cont-num (block-start block)))
+ (let ((last (block-last block)))
+ (pprint-newline :mandatory)
+ (do ((cont (block-start block) (node-cont (continuation-next cont))))
+ ((not cont))
+ (let ((node (continuation-next cont)))
+ (format t "~3D: " (cont-num (node-cont node)))
+ (etypecase node
+ (ref (print-leaf (ref-leaf node)))
+ (basic-combination
+ (let ((kind (basic-combination-kind node)))
+ (format t "~(~A ~A~) c~D"
+ (if (fun-info-p kind) "known" kind)
+ (type-of node)
+ (cont-num (basic-combination-fun node)))
+ (dolist (arg (basic-combination-args node))
+ (if arg
+ (print-continuation arg)
+ (format t " <none>")))))
+ (cset
+ (write-string "set ")
+ (print-leaf (set-var node))
+ (print-continuation (set-value node)))
+ (cif
+ (format t "if c~D" (cont-num (if-test node)))
+ (print-continuation (block-start (if-consequent node)))
+ (print-continuation (block-start (if-alternative node))))
+ (bind
+ (write-string "bind ")
+ (print-leaf (bind-lambda node)))
+ (creturn
+ (format t "return c~D " (cont-num (return-result node)))
+ (print-leaf (return-lambda node)))
+ (entry
+ (format t "entry ~S" (entry-exits node)))
+ (exit
+ (let ((value (exit-value node)))
+ (cond (value
+ (format t "exit c~D" (cont-num value)))
+ ((exit-entry node)
+ (format t "exit <no value>"))
+ (t
+ (format t "exit <degenerate>"))))))
+ (pprint-newline :mandatory)
+ (when (eq node last) (return)))))
+ (let ((succ (block-succ block)))
+ (format t "successors~{ c~D~}~%"
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (cont-num (block-start x))) succ))))
;;; Print the guts of a TN. (logic shared between PRINT-OBJECT (TN T)
(when (vop-results vop)
(princ "=> ")
(print-operands (vop-results vop))))
- (terpri))
+ (pprint-newline :mandatory))
;;; Print the VOPs in the specified IR2 block.
(defun print-ir2-block (block)
(declare (type ir2-block block))
- (cond
- ((eq (block-info (ir2-block-block block)) block)
- (format t "~%IR2 block start c~D~%"
- (cont-num (block-start (ir2-block-block block))))
- (let ((label (ir2-block-%label block)))
- (when label
- (format t "L~D:~%" (label-id label)))))
- (t
- (format t "<overflow>~%")))
- (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block)
- (vop-next vop))
- (number 0 (1+ number)))
- ((null vop))
- (format t "~W: " number)
- (print-vop vop)))
+ (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil)
+ (cond
+ ((eq (block-info (ir2-block-block block)) block)
+ (format t "~:@_IR2 block ~D start c~D~:@_"
+ (ir2-block-number block)
+ (cont-num (block-start (ir2-block-block block))))
+ (let ((label (ir2-block-%label block)))
+ (when label
+ (format t "L~D:~:@_" (label-id label)))))
+ (t
+ (format t "<overflow>~:@_")))
+ (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block)
+ (vop-next vop))
+ (number 0 (1+ number)))
+ ((null vop))
+ (format t "~W: " number)
+ (print-vop vop))))
;;; This is like PRINT-NODES, but dumps the IR2 representation of the
;;; code in BLOCK.
;;; Scan the IR2 blocks in emission order.
-(defun print-ir2-blocks (thing)
- (do-ir2-blocks (block (block-component (block-or-lose thing)))
- (print-ir2-block block))
+(defun print-ir2-blocks (thing &optional full)
+ (let* ((block (component-head (block-component (block-or-lose thing))))
+ (2block (block-info block)))
+ (pprint-logical-block (nil nil)
+ (loop while 2block
+ do (setq block (ir2-block-block 2block))
+ do (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil)
+ (if full
+ (print-nodes block)
+ (format t "IR1 block ~D start c~D"
+ (block-number block)
+ (cont-num (block-start block))))
+ (pprint-indent :block 4)
+ (pprint-newline :mandatory)
+ (loop while (and 2block (eq (ir2-block-block 2block) block))
+ do (print-ir2-block 2block)
+ do (setq 2block (ir2-block-next 2block))))
+ do (pprint-newline :mandatory))))
;;; Do a PRINT-NODES on BLOCK and all blocks reachable from it by
(clrhash *list-conflicts-table*)
(do ((conf confs (global-conflicts-next-tnwise conf)))
((null conf))
+ (format t "~&#<block ~D kind ~S>~%"
+ (block-number (ir2-block-block (global-conflicts-block conf)))
+ (global-conflicts-kind conf))
(let ((block (global-conflicts-block conf)))
(add-always-live-tns block tn)
(if (eq (global-conflicts-kind conf) :live)