'((:size coordinate)
(:bb bounding-box)
(:page text)
+ (:dpi float)
(:ratio (:fill :compress :auto)) ;; Could actually be a float number too
(:margin float)
(:nodesep float)
'((:pos coordinate)
(:height float)
(:width float)
+ (:margin float)
(:fixed-size boolean)
(:label text)
(:shape (:record :plaintext :ellipse :circle :egg :triangle :box
(defmethod dot-attribute-value ((attr symbol) (thing dot-attributes-mixin))
(getf (dot-attributes thing) attr))
+(defmacro defpixel-inch-accessors (name attr type)
+ (bind ((actual-name (form-symbol name "-IN-PIXELS")))
+ `(progn
+ (export ',actual-name)
+ (defmethod ,actual-name ((thing ,type))
+ "Return the attribute in pixels assuming 72 dpi"
+ (awhen (dot-attribute-value ,attr thing)
+ (* 72 it)))
+ (defmethod (setf ,actual-name) (value (thing ,type))
+ "Set the attribute in pixels assuming 72 dpi"
+ (setf (dot-attribute-value ,attr thing) (coerce (/ value 72) 'double-float))))))
+(defpixel-inch-accessors width :width dot-vertex-mixin)
+(defpixel-inch-accessors height :height dot-vertex-mixin)
(defmethod graph->dot-properties ((graph dot-graph-mixin) (stream t))
(loop for (name value) on (dot-attributes graph) by #'cddr
((member text)
(textify value))
((member float)
- (coerce value 'single-float))
+ ;; graphviz does not support the 1.2e-3 format
+ (with-output-to-string (str)
+ (format str "~,f" (coerce value 'single-float))))
(unless (member value value-type :test 'equal)
(error "Invalid value for ~S: ~S is not one of ~S"