c. the examples in CLHS (regarding generic function lambda
lists and &KEY arguments) do not signal errors when they should.
+192: "Python treats free type declarations as promises."
+ a. original report by Alexey Dejneka (on sbcl-devel 2002-08-26):
+ (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3)))
+ (defun f (x)
+ (declare (real x))
+ (+ x
+ (locally (declare (single-float x))
+ (sin x))))
+ Now (F NIL) correctly gives a type error, but (F 100) gives
+ a segmentation violation.
+ b. same fundamental problem in a different way, easy to stumble
+ across if you mistype and declare the wrong index in
+ (DOTIMES (I ...) (DOTIMES (J ...) (DECLARE ...) ...)):
+ (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3)))
+ (defun trust-assertion (i)
+ (dotimes (j i)
+ (declare (type (mod 4) i)) ; when commented out, behavior changes!
+ (unless (< i 5)
+ (print j))))
+ (trust-assertion 6) ; prints nothing unless DECLARE is commented out
+193: "unhelpful CLOS error reporting when the primary method is missing"
+ In sbcl-0.7.7, when
+ (defmethod foo :before ((x t)) (print x))
+ is the only method defined on FOO, the error reporting when e.g.
+ (foo 12)
+ is relatively unhelpful:
+ There is no primary method for the generic function
+ with the offending argument nowhere visible in the backtrace. This
+ continues even if there *are* primary methods, just not for the
+ specified arg type, e.g.
+ (defmethod foo ((x character)) (print x))
+ (defmethod foo ((x string)) (print x))
+ (defmethod foo ((x pathname)) ...)
+ In that case it could be very helpful to know what argument value is
+ falling through the cracks of the defined primary methods, but the
+ error message stays the same (even BACKTRACE doesn't tell you what the
+ bad argument value is).
These labels were used for bugs related to the old IR1 interpreter.