--- /dev/null
+* Hacking JSCL
+** Newbie guide
+ - Load slime from the root directory.
+ - C-c C-l jscl.lisp to load the whole project
+ - =(bootstrap)= will generate jscl.js
+ - Add tests
+ - Open tests.html in your browser to see your failed tests
implementation, or even [[http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/ai-repository/ai/lang/lisp/oop/0.html][CLOS]] or non-CLOS OOP.
/Feel free to hack it yourself/
-** Hacking
-*** Newbie guide
- - load slime from the root directory.
- - c-c c-l jscl.lisp to load the whole project
- - (bootstrap) will generate jscl.js
- - add tests
- - open tests.html in your browser to see your failed tests